intended parents new year resolution suggestions

Resolutions for 2021 Intended Parents

As the beginning of a much-anticipated new year rolls around, people will be making their New Year’s resolutions. After all, 2020 wasn’t great for many, and 2021 is a new year and full of new opportunities.

If you are considering surrogacy to help build, extend or create your family, take this new year as an opportunity to focus on the positive parts of a journey that await you. During this time, it may be a good idea to contact Shared Conception to speak with us about how we can help.

Here are some suggestions to start:

  1. Learn more about the surrogacy process

Even if you have already begun researching your surrogacy journey, it’s never too late to learn more about this process. Education is the key to a successful family-building process and if you feel stuck in your own journey, it may help you understand where to go from here.

  1. Revisit your personal surrogacy goals.

Couples or individuals who have been struggling with infertility, may consider reevaluating their own family goals and preferences. While you should always be comfortable with your process, revisiting your plan may bring up new preferences as you learn more about surrogacy. Shared Conception will always help you, if you want to make a change or revise something.

  1. Understand and manage your finances.

Every intended parent knows that fertility treatments are expensive. If you are considering starting a journey in 2021, concentrate on budgeting and saving. This is also a good life habit for everyone to have. Looking into financing for surrogacy? Shared Conception can send you information on how to obtain financing.

  1. Find an additional support system.

Shared Conception can lead you to the many intended parent support groups where you can talk with people who have been in the same situation and develop valuable friendships that will help you through this journey. Also, it is important to share your decisions with those closest to you. A support system of close friends and family is extremely important for you during a journey.

A new year represents a new beginning and Shared Conception wants you to reach your parenthood dreams this year. Give us a call today and we will help you get one step closer to the child you’ve always wanted. You can also visit for more information.



other things to consider about surrogacy

Other things to consider when becoming a surrogate

At Shared conception, we want our surrogates to be informed about the choices they have when becoming a surrogate. It’s not just about meeting the initial surrogacy requirements. You have control over many other considerations. Here are some things that you may not have thought about, as you approach your journey.


Sometimes a surrogate is matched with intended parents who happen to be in her area or just a short car ride away. However, there are times when the intended parents live in another state, or even a different country. Even though these days it is easier to communicate with platforms like Facebook, Zoom and Skype, the geographic location of the intended parents might be important to you. Shared Conception is happy to discuss this if you are not sure how you feel, or if you prefer one way or the other. Just keep in mind, that any travel arrangements are something we will always assist with and of course they are paid for by the intended parents.

International Intended Parents

Some of our intended parent come to Shared Conception from countries outside of the United States. In this case, the intended parents will travel to the U.S. for the IVF transfer, and most are able to be there for the delivery. Many surrogates and their families find the experience of working with intended parents from other countries a wonderful learning experience.

What kind of relationship do you want?

While there are many legalities and contracts involved in a journey, it is also a personal one. We find that many of our intended parents and surrogates become very close, and sometimes lifelong friends, or even “like family,” staying in touch months or years after the birth. Others prefer to keep it a professional relationship. This is all a matter of personal preference. Relationships happen naturally, but it is easier to match you with likeminded intended parents in the beginning of the process.

Religion and surrogacy

At Shared Conception, our intended parents and surrogates are from all cultures and faiths, and we respect all traditions. We always want to be made aware if personal beliefs will impact our matching process. Remember, this is a very personal journey and we want to ensure that we are taking every consideration into account.

Same-sex couples and surrogacy

As we all know, families come in all shapes and sizes. Shared Conception does assist same-sex couples in extending their families. We find this experience especially rewarding.

We have only scratched the surface here with a few topics that come up in the matching process. Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support you throughout the journey. Why not take the next step and give us a call today or visit to fill out an information request form! We would love to hear from you!

holiday pregnancy attire

Latest and Greatest, Pregnancy Attire

Getting dressed and out of the house when you are pregnant can be hard. Lounging on the couch with Christmas movies and your choice of food and beverage this holiday season, may sound more enticing. When it comes to the idea of dressing up vs. sweatpants, sweatpants usually prevail. But there are those times when we have to dress up.  The good news is that due to the changes we are facing this year, not many holiday parties are likely in our 2020 holiday schedule. But maybe you want just one holiday outfit to this year…or not.

This might mean we may be able to pull of sweatpants on Christmas day! But we now can purchase those cute holiday sweatpants since we don’t have to worry about affording a fancy party outfit. Whichever route you choose, Shared Conception would like to provide some trendy, budget friendly sites for holiday attire. You can also include some chic and comfy clothes on your Christmas list. Comfort is probably what you want the most for Christmas after all!

Let’s get shopping from the comfort of your own home! Here are our top favorite maternity clothing web sites.

For inexpensive and trendy apparel, check out Shein or Asos. These sites provide modern maternity wear that won’t break the bank.

H&M has anything from jeans to dresses at affordable prices and will help expand your wardrobe with top styles and trends.

Macy’s has so many brands, styles and price ranges along with great deals – especially if you have a Macy’s card. Don’t forget about this big retail store. It has so much to choose from, that it is sure to please anyone.

If you need any “basics” check out Old Navy . This site can be a one stop shop or at least a good beginning to maternity clothes shopping. There is even an option to shop by trimester.

There are tons of sites out there. To some, the idea of getting pregnant and having the task of acquiring a brand-new wardrobe may seem daunting. To other, it may be the best thing ever. But lucky for us, we live in the modern world where maternity clothes have drastically evolved.




Why Thanksgiving is great when pregnant

Why Thanksgiving is GREAT Pregnant

It’s already November, and although many want 2020 to be a year of the past, let’s not rush past Thanksgiving. This amazing “eating holiday” can be the best day of a pregnancy! Think about it; it’s like an endless buffet with delicious and sometimes endless leftovers!

Why Thanksgiving is great when pregnant

Eat like a queen (and don’t cook or clean). You are pregnant. You are tired. Especially after a fabulous meal. Maybe….and this is just a suggestion, you should nap. Although a nice walk in the cool autumn weather can be good for your digestion and make room for dessert!

Have seconds, thirds…..It’s nice to overeat on this holiday, some eat in abundance no matter a pregnancy during T-day dinner. But when you’re pregnant, it’s perfectly acceptable to have thirds of stuffing.

Take home those leftovers! Not only will you be stocked for a few days and not have to worry about cooking, you can also savor this wonderful and delicious holiday for a few more days.

Comfy and cozy. Maternity clothes were designed for this holiday. Especially after that second slice of pie. While everyone else is undoing belts and buttons, you can be thankful for those elastic waist pants or leggings.

Some pregnancy tips for Turkey day:

Stay hydrated. In order to prevent eating so much you feel like you are going to burst, drink plenty of water before your meal. This can help you feel fuller so you are less likely to overdo it.

Pumpkin pie actually is good for pregnant women. Well, at least the pumpkin part. Pumpkin helps regulate blood sugar. Making a pumpkin sauce or soup is less of a sugary path for pumpkin. It may help reduce selling and cramps in your legs. It’s rich in calcium and zinc which is good for your baby.

Stay away from salt. Sodium affects water retention and blood pressure. To minimize puffy legs and swollen ankles, don’t add extra salt to your plate.

Don’t eat the stuffing from inside the turkey. To avoid salmonella and E.coli, cook the stuffing (or request to have some) cooked outside of the bird to be on the safe side.

Most importantly, have a great time with your friends and family. Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give us a call today. We want you to be informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing you can contribute to the world in a unique and precious way.  Also, you can visit to find out more information!



Why Halloween Pregnancy is the Best

Holidays can stress out a pregnant woman, which is the last thing you need when you’re already tired, swollen, and emotional due to all the hormones battling it out inside of you. But Halloween is really the only holiday with zero stress, which is why it’s the best time of year to be hosting a baby bump. You don’t have to plan, buy, or cook a big elaborate meal. This holiday only involves fun costumes and sugar — and really, aren’t those the best part of any holiday?

Here are our top 3 reasons why Halloween rocks for our surrogates!

  1. You Can Wear Whatever You Want

Sure, those maternity jeans were a good idea in theory. But the minute your belly started growing, anything tight makes you feel less like a maternal goddess and more like a stuffed sausage. Lucky for you, a laid-back look is totally on trend during Halloween season. Not only will no one care if you rock sweats and socks with soccer sandals to work — they’ll compliment you on your clever PJ costume.

  1. One Word: Candy

Women who crave sweets when pregnant and are lucky to have a bun in the oven when Halloween rolls around. It’s like you received the Golden Ticket to Willy Wonka’s factory. Grocery stores become abundant with every candy you could possibly dream of. Does the baby prefer nougat or peanut butter? Let’s find out.

  1. Perfect Excuse to Stay in on Halloween

If squeezing into a costume and walking the neighborhood with your children (or someone else’s) sounds like zero fun, blame the bump and stay in. You can pass out candy to all the neighborhood cuties, or sit and enjoy the thrillers that are only on TV around this time each year.

Be careful not to overdose on the sweets! Too much candy for anyone is not good, especially if you are pregnant. If you have any questions relating to your pregnancy health, consult your doctor.

Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you!



Becoming a Gestational Carrier

If you are a woman who wants to be a gestational carrier (or surrogate), you absolutely need to be willing to do the research to consider what you are getting yourself into.

Surrogacy is a life changing venture. It sounds great in theory, but in practice, it really is a huge undertaking. Women who feel compelled to help couples and individuals, sometimes find themselves compromising themselves out of the goodness of their hearts. Below are some common mistakes to avoid. It’s so important to be true to yourself…that is one of the best gifts you can give to your yourself and the Intended Parent(s)!


It’s important to become well-educated about surrogacy before throwing yourself into the surrogacy process. A lot of your time and emotions will be involved. You will also need to consider the impact a journey will have on your family, health, job and overall lifestyle.

Emotional impact

You will want to consider the emotional impact a surrogate may endure. You cannot forget that you are pregnant, but you have to also understand that your intended parents have faced many hardships from pregnancy and fertility. Their emotions can affect you throughout the pregnancy and you do have to deal with their feelings as well.

Pregnancy is not always easy

Many who choose surrogacy decide on it because they like being pregnant. So, naturally you expect your all your pregnancies to go as well as your previous ones. But, that is not a guarantee. Every pregnancy is different. That is why it is so important to have a support system in place; just in case.

Don’t forget to ask questions! That is the beauty of having an agency such as Shared Conception as part of your support system. Never hesitate to ask! We will make sure you are comfortable every step of the way.

Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support you throughout the pregnancy. We want you to be informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you!


The transfer

Embryo Transfer Day!

This day is very exciting for intended parents and surrogates alike. It is the start of a journey. You may feel excited, nervous, elated or hopeful. But, how do you get here?

 The embryo transfer procedure is usually one of the first questions intended parents and surrogates ask about when beginning their surrogacy journey with us.

After the eggs are taken from the intended mother or egg donor, they are examined and mixed with the intended father or donor sperm. They are then incubated for 5 days to allow fertilization to occur. After that, most intended parents choose to have them tested for genetic abnormalities. That process takes about 10 to 15 days.

The gestational carrier (or surrogate), intended parents and the reproductive doctor then consult to determine the number of embryos to transfer. Based on American Society for Reproductive Medicine and Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology, only single embryo transfers are suggested. This is because multiple gestations lead to an increased risk of complications in both the fetuses and the birth mother.

The embryo transfer to the surrogate, takes place in a fertility clinic or nearby hospital. The process does not cause discomfort and requires no medication or anesthesia. The transfer is performed through the vagina using a catheter inserted in the cervix, so the embryos could be inserted into the uterus. The process usually takes approximately 10-15 minutes and then surrogates are required to remain at the clinic for at about 1-2 hours to rest. Surrogates are also asked to restrict their activities, or even be on bedrest for 1-3 days following the transfer procedure. Each fertility clinic has their own protocol regarding this.

Shared Conception suggests that surrogates have someone from their support circle accompany them to the embryo transfer procedure and stay with them until the clinic staff releases them. This helps calm any nerves, and it’s nice to have a member of your support system by your side.

We hope this breakdown of the embryo transfer procedure takes away some of the “mystery” associated with embryo transfers. Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give us a call today or visit and let’s talk!


after the birth of a surrogate baby

After the birth…The (usually) untold story

Many have wondered (and this is one of our frequently asked questions) … What happens to a surrogate mother after she delivers the baby? Honestly, she has most likely jumped back into the routine of her life with her own spouse or partner and children, and possibly experiencing post-partum mood swings. It’s totally normal. Our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception, has received many calls and emails about successful surrogate birth stories. However, some of these women share a common yet realistic topic: it is not all happy all the time. All of these women are uplifting and inspirational, but can still get depressed immediately after giving birth.


Think about it. When you immerse yourself 24/7 into the chosen role of a surrogate for 12 months or longer, it encompasses you. Then, after the wonderful shining moment of birth passes, it’s over; just like that! The time, preparation and execution involved in the process are achieved and over in an instant (much like a graduation or wedding)!  It’s nearly the same with every surrogacy arrangement; a surrogate dedicates approximately one year to helping the intended mother experience something she can never personally experience by  herself. And that is more than a full time job! However, what happens after that?


Some surrogate mothers have shared their emotions with us and have mentioned feeling completely elated one minute and devastated the next, because their participation in this amazing experience has concluded. And in most cases, it is not the baby they miss. They miss the journey and the miss the close relationship with the intended parents.


These emotions and reactions are completely normal, it’s just not usually openly discussed. Any potential surrogate should be aware that she isn’t the only surrogate mother who has ever cried when the baby left the hospital with his or her new parents, or when she says goodbye to her intended parents.


Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support you throughout the pregnancy. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you!


designer surrogacy

Surrogacy by Design

There is a good side and a not so good side to everything in this world. Even with surrogacy. Luckily, surrogacy is growing and has some kind of positive presence in main stream media. Unfortunately, some women have used surrogacy for more reasons than just infertility. This has grown to become labeled “designer surrogacy.” Some women are afraid of pregnancy. For reasons such as gaining weight, fear of what it can do to their body or can’t fit a pregnancy into their lives.

Woman who choose surrogacy for purposes other than infertility, may indeed, be judged. Many believe pregnancy should not be treated as an inconvenience. Many celebrities have been criticized for using a surrogate to prevent stretch marks or interrupting film schedules.

The first United States surrogacy contract was written in 1976, and caused speculation that we would become a divided nation of breeders and then the wealthy who exploit them. Kind of like the popular series, Handmaids Tale. There are some states that allow it, while others ban it altogether. And only in 2012, have there been guidelines issued by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), stating that surrogacy should only be used “when a true medical condition precludes the intended parent from carrying a pregnancy or would pose a significant risk of death or harm to the woman or the fetus. The indication must be clearly documented in the patient’s medical records.” In Texas, there has to be a medical necessity for someone to do surrogacy.

But what is the definition of “medical need?” Surrogacy is appropriate when doctors offer the option to patients who suffer from a medical condition, severe anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder. This also includes when a mother would be at high risk for postpartum depression, or has had a difficult previous pregnancy.

As for Shared Conception (a Texas-based surrogacy agency), we have never agreed to work with clients interested in designer surrogacy. We have, however, seen cases where there is a physical or mental reason. Even in cases where the intended mother has to be on certain medications or where the intended mother had a high-risk pregnancy the first time and has been advised not to proceed with another pregnancy. These scenarios do exist and Shared Conception understands and is happy to assist.

Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give us a call today or visit and let’s talk!


Surrogacy without an Agency?

If you are contemplating becoming a surrogate, or a repeat surrogate, you may consider doing this without the support of a surrogate agency. You will still need an attorney and fertility clinic to embark on a journey – but, when learning about the matching process, you may wonder whether becoming a surrogate without an agency is possible. While it’s possible to become a surrogate without an agency, it is not the right decision for most people.

It’s always smart to research such a life changing experience, such as surrogacy. In your research between using an agency or becoming an independent surrogate, you find that it may include less costs for the intended parents, more direct involvement on the part of the surrogate, and more control over your process. It’s important to understand that while that may look like a benefit initially, could end up as a disadvantage.

There will be extra roles that you have to play as an independent surrogate. It begins with finding intended parents, coordinating between your attorney, fertility specialist, medical professionals and surrogacy partner to make sure all the necessary steps and precautions are taken care of. This is a lot for anyone to handle, especially when your main focus should be bringing a little one into the world! All of this added stress is handled by an agency so you can proceed through your journey taking care of yourself and that bundle of joy!

Surrogacy is complicated, even for those who have been on a journey previously. Working with an agency, such as Shared Conception can help guarantee a worry free and successful journey. With Shared Conception, our experienced and professional team helps create the best plan for your journey. Without the help of an agency, your own journey will be harder and at times, much more stressful. That is why many of our intended parents choose an agency and come back for subsequent sibling journeys. Shared Conception takes the pressure off the intended parents and the surrogate, to ensure a positive experience.

Shared Conception wants everyone involved to have a positive experience. That is why we encourage all prospective surrogates and intended parents to contact Shared Conception to learn more about our processes. Give us a call or visit to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you!