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Your Belly and the Sun

In Texas, we get a short Spring season that allows us to hit the beach and poolside as early as April. If you are pregnant, you have to consider protecting your precious cargo from the sun. We all know that overexposure to the sun’s UV rays can be damaging to anyone. Due to hormonal changes, your skin is more sensitive while you’re pregnant. You are prone to hives and heat rash. The shade can be your best defense aside from lathering on SPF over 30. Bring a beach umbrella, wear a wide-brimmed hat, and keep cool by staying hydrated.


The sun also causes concern beyond UV damage. Be careful not to overheat. This also involves staying hydrated. Avoid overheating by keeping water close by at all times and prevent heatstroke by staying indoors at the height of the day’s temperature.


Although vitamin D is necessary for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby, the best source can be found in lots of different foods and supplements. If you prefer to get your vitamin D in the great outdoors, remember, a little sun will go a long way. ALWAYS talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have when it comes to your journey.




References: https://americanpregnancy.org/pregnancy-health/tanning-during-pregnancy/


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Happy Easter from Shared Conception

Many of our surrogates have promised themselves to eat as healthy as possible when they find out that they are pregnant. But when holidays such as the upcoming Easter Holiday come around, we are constantly surrounded by candy and sweet treats. It’s everywhere this time of year. The chocolate covered treats in the stores’ seasonal section, is on display in every store. The children’s Easter Baskets or the large selection of baked goods we often see at Easter Brunches are hard to resist. Being pregnant is not a free pass to consume every chocolate egg in sight! Be aware of too much sugar.

Gobbling down Cadbury Eggs, Jelly Beans (and other candy) will cause your blood sugar level to spike, but unless you are pre-disposed to gestational diabetes, you do not need to completely avoid sugary goods. It is okay to have sweet treats while pregnant as long as it’s in moderation. You don’t want to replace nutrient-dense foods or take in too many calories. Candy is nothing but empty calories and can cause excessive weight gain or lead to gestational diabetes.

Many things can trigger cravings for sweets. Hormonal status and a growing baby are all factors that can contribute; depending on which trimester of pregnancy you are in.  Believe it or not, fatigue is a very common cause of these cravings. This is why it is important to reduce your load of responsibilities. Take the help offered to you, ask for help and nap. That pile of laundry can be folded later, the dishes in the sink can sit for a little longer and you can call someone in your support system to help so you can rest.

So, before you reach for that hollow chocolate bunny, fill up on those nutrient-dense foods. Shared Conception wishes you and your family a Happy Easter! If you are interested in becoming a surrogate, give us a call today or check out our website for more information at www.SharedConception.com! We would love to hear from you!






Why Do Some Women Choose to Become Surrogate Mothers?

The purpose of surrogate mothers is to carry a baby, as in pregnancy, for nine months for a parent or parents who cannot have children on their own. The mechanics and the legality of it can be clearly written down on paper for all to see. However, surrogate mothers are giving one of the most precious gifts that anyone can give to an infertile couple – a biological child of their own. The rigors of physical exams, pregnancy and finally giving up the child after birth can only be endured by a sincere willingness of surrogate mothers to do this. So why do they do it?

Surrogate Mothers Enjoy Being Pregnant

Pregnancy is a wonderful experience. It lasts nine months, but can sometimes feel like a very long time. For other moms, pregnancy is a very short time to create a totally independent human being. They love being pregnant and enjoy every minute of it. They feel some of the discomforts of pregnancy, but can manage them well. Each pregnancy is different, but surrogate mothers relish pregnancy because they take the best of the emotional and physiological changes and use them to become a better person.

Surrogate Mothers Empathize With Women Unable To Have Children

Once a couple finds out that they are infertile (or one of them is), it can be devastating. Others have difficulty conceiving, but still can conceive with fertility drugs. Then comes the agonizing month after month of no results or worse – miscarriage. Couples can put their lives on hold while at the same time withdrawing from friends and family, even each other. Some surrogate mothers understand how this can rip a person inside. They may have experienced it for themselves. They may have seen it tear apart marriages or plague women with depression.

The reasons that surrogate mothers choose to carry for someone else are as varied as the women themselves. One thing is for sure – surrogate mothers do a very unselfish act for another. Is there any way to repay them? Yes – raise that miracle baby to be the best person they can be.