Cleaning when a surrogate

Spring Cleaning While Pregnant

Spring is in the air! We have had a cold and tough winter, and now we are starting to see the light at the end of the dark and cold winter tunnel. You may get the urge to enjoy some outdoor activity or get the house organized and cleaned. Just keep in mind, you are pregnant and you need to take it slow.

It would be awesome if chores disappeared when you discovered you were pregnant, but that is never the case. And, now that you are carrying, you have to be careful about what products you use, and how you use them. Here are a few things to keep in mind when spring cleaning.

  1. Avoid Fumes – chemicals are harmful to pregnancy. Look at homeopathic cleansers, and don’t be afraid of looking into the magic concoction of vinegar, baking soda, and lemons.
  2. Stay away from Kitty Litter – This may be a great time to show your child how to care for their pets, especially if you have a cat. Cat feces can have a negative impact on your pregnancy so stay away from Fluffy’s toilet.
  3. Avoid muscle strain – as your belly blossoms, your center of gravity changes. In this case, lifting and carrying becomes more difficult and more complicated. Try to maintain a good posture to prevent backaches and all other kinds of aches.
  4. Take a break! Remember, you are pregnant. Your body is working twice as hard so give it a rest! And stay hydrated!
  5. Mind the belly. Try rounded laundry baskets. The rounded sides make carrying the baskets much easier. And yes, you can try doing this before you buy, no shame….


Even surrogates get those nesting instincts, and you can use this to your advantage. Reorganizing a closet will relieve any natural drive to prepare, clean, and organize. On top of becoming systematized, you are actually preparing for an easy transition following your return from the hospital.


Keeping a clean house isn’t always easy when you are pregnant. Consider reaching out to your support group for help. And check your contract. Sometimes cleaning services are included at a point of gestation. Typically, between 32 and 36 weeks.


If you are interested in this selfless act of kindness, give Shared Conception a call today. Call us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more information. Your journey can begin by filling out an application request form. Visit for more information.



other things to consider about surrogacy

Other things to consider when becoming a surrogate

At Shared conception, we want our surrogates to be informed about the choices they have when becoming a surrogate. It’s not just about meeting the initial surrogacy requirements. You have control over many other considerations. Here are some things that you may not have thought about, as you approach your journey.


Sometimes a surrogate is matched with intended parents who happen to be in her area or just a short car ride away. However, there are times when the intended parents live in another state, or even a different country. Even though these days it is easier to communicate with platforms like Facebook, Zoom and Skype, the geographic location of the intended parents might be important to you. Shared Conception is happy to discuss this if you are not sure how you feel, or if you prefer one way or the other. Just keep in mind, that any travel arrangements are something we will always assist with and of course they are paid for by the intended parents.

International Intended Parents

Some of our intended parent come to Shared Conception from countries outside of the United States. In this case, the intended parents will travel to the U.S. for the IVF transfer, and most are able to be there for the delivery. Many surrogates and their families find the experience of working with intended parents from other countries a wonderful learning experience.

What kind of relationship do you want?

While there are many legalities and contracts involved in a journey, it is also a personal one. We find that many of our intended parents and surrogates become very close, and sometimes lifelong friends, or even “like family,” staying in touch months or years after the birth. Others prefer to keep it a professional relationship. This is all a matter of personal preference. Relationships happen naturally, but it is easier to match you with likeminded intended parents in the beginning of the process.

Religion and surrogacy

At Shared Conception, our intended parents and surrogates are from all cultures and faiths, and we respect all traditions. We always want to be made aware if personal beliefs will impact our matching process. Remember, this is a very personal journey and we want to ensure that we are taking every consideration into account.

Same-sex couples and surrogacy

As we all know, families come in all shapes and sizes. Shared Conception does assist same-sex couples in extending their families. We find this experience especially rewarding.

We have only scratched the surface here with a few topics that come up in the matching process. Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support you throughout the journey. Why not take the next step and give us a call today or visit to fill out an information request form! We would love to hear from you!

holiday pregnancy attire

Latest and Greatest, Pregnancy Attire

Getting dressed and out of the house when you are pregnant can be hard. Lounging on the couch with Christmas movies and your choice of food and beverage this holiday season, may sound more enticing. When it comes to the idea of dressing up vs. sweatpants, sweatpants usually prevail. But there are those times when we have to dress up.  The good news is that due to the changes we are facing this year, not many holiday parties are likely in our 2020 holiday schedule. But maybe you want just one holiday outfit to this year…or not.

This might mean we may be able to pull of sweatpants on Christmas day! But we now can purchase those cute holiday sweatpants since we don’t have to worry about affording a fancy party outfit. Whichever route you choose, Shared Conception would like to provide some trendy, budget friendly sites for holiday attire. You can also include some chic and comfy clothes on your Christmas list. Comfort is probably what you want the most for Christmas after all!

Let’s get shopping from the comfort of your own home! Here are our top favorite maternity clothing web sites.

For inexpensive and trendy apparel, check out Shein or Asos. These sites provide modern maternity wear that won’t break the bank.

H&M has anything from jeans to dresses at affordable prices and will help expand your wardrobe with top styles and trends.

Macy’s has so many brands, styles and price ranges along with great deals – especially if you have a Macy’s card. Don’t forget about this big retail store. It has so much to choose from, that it is sure to please anyone.

If you need any “basics” check out Old Navy . This site can be a one stop shop or at least a good beginning to maternity clothes shopping. There is even an option to shop by trimester.

There are tons of sites out there. To some, the idea of getting pregnant and having the task of acquiring a brand-new wardrobe may seem daunting. To other, it may be the best thing ever. But lucky for us, we live in the modern world where maternity clothes have drastically evolved.




Selective Reduction

Selective Reduction and Termination

If you are considering surrogacy with Shared Conception, questions about selective reduction and termination may not be something you have given thought to. There is no right or wrong answer to these questions; its more about how you feel. Although it can be uncomfortable to think about, it’s important for Shared Conception to be able to match you with like-minded intended parents. That is why you need to be very honest with your answers.

An ideal journey does not involve these emotional medical procedures and hard decisions. They are simply “what if” scenarios. Even though the need to do these procedures is rare, these sensitive topics need to be discussed because they are included in your contract. This is why you should fully understand what they both are.


A termination is different than selective reduction. This is when a medical condition exists that could cause the unborn child physical or psychological difficulties and can affect the quality of life in the baby or surrogate.

Selective Reduction

Under some circumstances, intended parents may consider having their surrogate undertake selective reduction. This is done because sometimes a reduction is sometimes necessary to protect the health and wellness of the other fetus.  This is most common when carrying 3 fetuses or more. Since transferring more than one embryo is highly advised against and rare these days, selective reduction is not a common procedure anymore.

Both these scenarios are laid out clearly in your contract and are not decisions that should be taken lightly.

Knowing the difference between the two is vital when applying to become a surrogate. As mentioned before, Shared Conception will match you with intended parents based on your beliefs and feelings about the two topics. Our goal is connecting surrogates with the right intended parents.

Surrogacy can be a complicated process. Selective reduction and termination are just a few of the topics that need to be included in your surrogacy contract. That is why it is important that all surrogates who apply, fully comprehend which procedures she might experience. Shared Conception is always available to answer any questions about medical requirements of a surrogate.

Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support you throughout the pregnancy. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you!

why a previous pregnancy to become a surrogate

Now is a great time to apply

Some of us have had a hard couple of weeks. It’s been scary. Worrying about getting sick, who is around us and our families, having enough food and supplies, is stressing us out. Not to mention not knowing whether or not we will have jobs depending on the industry. Money is going to be tight for all of us, and we would like to offer you a solution.

Shared Conception is a surrogacy agency that helps create families. And we can’t do this without you; our wonderful potential surrogates. The most important quality in a surrogate is her love for being pregnant. All of our surrogates share this similar quality. Many love being pregnant and the joy of surrogacy so much, that they have been a gestational carrier with Shared Conception two, three or even four times!

And yes! You get paid! Now is a great time for that much needed extra income. You and your family will benefit from this selfless act of kindness. You can earn up to $40,000 by helping create a family. It’s a win-win!

You can learn more about How to become a Surrogate in our blogs. Here are some frequently asked questions, answers and links with more information:

  1. How long does it take to become a surrogate with Shared Conception? Read more here. It will walk you through the beginning processes of surrogacy from the preliminary application (which you can fill out here), to the matching process and other required screenings.
  2. What other processes do I have to go through? A medical and psychological evaluation along with a background check is required as well. You can read more about it Don’t be concerned about small infractions such as speeding tickets. This won’t disqualify you from being a surrogate.
  3. What is the IVF medical process like? Read this blog to learn about the IVF transfer, and the protocols for pregnancy and delivery.

Shared Conception pledges wholeheartedly to support you throughout the entire pregnancy, and we will still be there afterwards! Our client coordinators will expertly act as a liaison between you and the intended parents. We will ensure that any sensitive or difficult subject matters are tactfully brought up and handled. We want you to be informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing that you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an information request form. We would love to hear from you.



pregnancy and sun exposure

Belly, Baby and the Sun

In Texas, we get a short Spring season, a long spring break and tend to hit the beach and poolside as early as April. If you are pregnant, you have to consider protecting that precious cargo from the sun. We all know that overexposure to the sun’s UV rays can be damaging to anyone. And yes, it is different when you are pregnant.

Due to hormonal changes, your skin is more sensitive while you’re pregnant. You are prone to hives and heat rash. Also, with the increased amount of melanin in the skin, this often results in a condition known as melasma, also called “the mask of pregnancy.” As a result, caution and shade is one way to defend your precious pouch. Bring a beach umbrella, wear a wide-brimmed hat, and keep cool by staying hydrated.

Another additional worry while being in the sun and pregnant is the ingredients in sunscreen. Sunscreen is a must! But what is in it? A common chemical found in sunscreen, oxybenzone, has been linked to low birth weight. It is wise to avoid sunscreens containing this ingredient and find one that contains zinc oxide and titanium dioxide that are considered better options for those that are pregnant. Seek advice from your doctor for the safest types of sunscreens to use during pregnancy.

The sun also causes concern beyond UV damage. Be careful not to overheat. This also involves staying hydrated. Avoid overheating by keeping water close by at all times and prevent heatstroke by staying indoors at the height of the day’s temperature. When you are pregnant, your body temperature is higher and busy pumping extra blood to meet the needs of the baby. Therefore, it is easier to overheat.

Although vitamin D is necessary for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby, the best source can be found in lots of different foods and supplements. If you prefer to get your vitamin D in the great outdoors, remember, a little sun will go a long way. ALWAYS talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have when it comes to your journey.

Shared Conception pledges to support you throughout your journey and beyond! We ensure that any questions, sensitive or difficult subject matters can be easily handled by Shared Conception. We want our surrogates to be healthy, informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing they contributed to the world in a unique way. Interested in surrogacy? Give us a call today for a no pressure conversation, or visit to fill out an application request form. We would love to hear from you.




Airplane Germs and how to disinfect

How to Disinfect Your Airplane Seat

In recent light of the Coronavirus and all the media attention it is receiving, airplane travel while pregnant can cause a bit of a hesitation. Sometimes, air travel is a necessity. Since you’re pregnant and on high alert about your health, we can’t help but draw attention to this concerning and potential health hazard.  Studies have shown how germ-filled airplane seats, seat pockets, seat belts, tray tables and arm rests are. But those who are concerned, can take action with these small steps to make their assigned seats a little less contaminated.

With a few purchases at your local drugstore or through Amazon and a little bit of time to plan ahead, you can have the cleanest seat on the plane.

Disinfecting wipes and how to use them

As soon as you board, take out these wipes! By creating only a minor spectacle, you can wipe down all the hard, nonporous surfaces thoroughly. Remember, the surface has to stay visibly wet and saturated for a short amount of time to receive all of their benefits. There are directions on the package that will tell you the correct amount of time. This is when the wipes do their best germ-killing job. And, don’t forget about that seat belt buckle and arm rests!

Disinfecting the fabric seats

As for the upholstery, the wipes will not work. If you are concerned about that exposure to germs from the seat fabric, there are seat and table tray covers available on Amazon. Or, you can purchase covers for the head rest only. Most planes now have pleather seats, and those can be wiped down with the disinfecting wipe.

Hand Sanitizer

Clean running water and soap is not always readily available, or you just can’t access it because of that darn seat belt light. Having hand sanitizer in your travel bag is always a good idea. You can use it before you eat, after you use the bathroom, or any other time you come in contact with areas you suspect have germs. It will not work on hard surfaces like the tray table, that’s what the disinfecting wipes are for.

Seat pockets

The seat pockets have the highest concentration of germs alive. It’s also where we tend to stash our water bottles and snacks. We haven’t been able to find a disposable liner available for the pocket, so it’s best not to use them. Keep a leak proof water bottle (that you can fill up on the plane or before you board) in your bag for germ-free hydration.

Stay hydrated

An airplane’s cabin can dehydrate you. Depending on how long flight time is, you can easily get dehydrated. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids before your flight, during a long flight and post flight.

Flying isn’t always easy when pregnant. Always make sure to contact your doctor before embarking on any travel plans. Shared Conception pledges to support you throughout your journey and beyond! We ensure that any questions, sensitive or difficult subject matters can be easily handled by Shared Conception. We want our surrogates to be healthy, informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing they contributed to the world in a unique way. Interested in surrogacy? Give us a call today for a no pressure conversation, or visit www.deliver-a-dream.comto fill out an application request form. We would love to hear from you.





pineapple and ivf relationship

Pineapples and IVF

Have you noticed the abundance of pineapples when researching IVF or Surrogacy? This fruit has become adopted as a symbol of infertility and IVF. There really is no scientific evidence proving that pineapples improve implantation when undergoing IVF, but many believe that they do. Why?


Bromelain is an enzyme naturally found in pineapple juice and core. This is found only in fresh pineapple, not canned. It’s used to reduce inflammation in the uterus and can possibly help with embryo implantation. It’s also believed to be a mild blood thinner, which some believe can aid in implantation too.

You will find those who swear by it, believing it has helped with their IVF – and you will find others that could take it or leave it. Bromelain has a long history of medicinal use. If you would like to give this a try before your IVF procedure, as always, talk to your doctor and remember, include the core. The juice by itself is not believed to contain enough.

Bottom line, if you enjoy eating pineapples, keep on eating them. They can be part of a healthy diet for a woman undergoing IVF. As with anything, eat in moderation. Large amounts of bromelain can cause your uterus to contract and this is not a good environment for an embryo looking to implant itself.

Regardless of its powers (or not), the pineapple remains a symbol of the fertility community for many of our journeys. If not an aid in IVF; it is a symbol of strength for those who need a boost of confidence, hope and strength or just a snack!

Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support you throughout the pregnancy. Our coordinators will expertly act as a liaison between you and the intended parents. We will ensure that any sensitive or difficult subject matters are tactfully brought up and handled. We want you to be informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing that you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you today!


Acupuncture and Surrogacy

*This blog serves as an informative article. Consult your doctor before trying any new procedure.

Originally a Chinese practice, acupuncture has been around for thousands of years. It has been used to balance energy in your own body for preventing and treating sickness and disease and also for general health. Very tiny needles are put into specific places on the body to alleviate certain conditions. These treatments have been said to have benefits advantageous for fertility and some surrogates swear by it!

Acupuncture has been shown to increase blood flow throughout the body, including the uterus. Eastern medicine doctors believe that this can reduce inflammation that could prevent the egg from implanting into the uterus and growing. This can increase the lining thickness in the uterus prior to embryo transfer. Treatments can also increase beta-endorphins which are said to decrease pain in labor.

Additionally, treatments are believed to decrease stress levels. This is important for two reasons. It can help balance progesterone in your system and lower stress which translates to a better quality of life and a better environment for the baby to thrive.

It doesn’t hurt. Yet, surrogates more than likely spend their first trimester injecting progesterone into their backside, so the idea of more needles can be off-putting. The needles used in acupuncture are hair-thin. Just as there are risks with any kind of treatment, there are minimal risks associated with acupuncture therapy.

From time to time, intended parents ask surrogates to consider acupuncture as part of their transfer process. Although this is not always the case, acupuncture is believed to possibly help the IVF cycle be more successful. With all the time, money and emotional investment in a transfer process, it is not hard to imagine some intended parents asking their surrogate to consider this procedure. But really, it’s your choice. Intended parents can only ask you to agree to acupuncture.

If acupuncture is an avenue you want to consider, talk with your doctor and intended parents first. A lot of topics similar to this are discussed and considered before the legal phase. But along the way, an extra treatment such as this can be discussed between both parties. Shared Conception pledges wholeheartedly to support you throughout your journey. We will ensure that any sensitive or difficult subject matters are comfortably handled. We want to you be informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing you contributed to the world in this unique way. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form. We would love to hear from you!



picking the right practice as a surrogate

Practice Picking

It’s common for a surrogate to receive medical care by her chosen obstetrician once she is released by the fertility center.  This is typically after the first trimester. In most cases, the surrogate returns to the same doctor used when she carried her own children. This is really nice for a surrogate because she already knows and trusts this practice. And again, in most cases, the intended parents want the surrogate mother to be comfortable in her prenatal care.

But there are some cases when surrogates cannot use the practice previously used. Perhaps it is because of a recent move to a different state or area, or maybe their OB has retired. If this happens, how do you decide which doctor to see?

At the start of my second surrogacy, my husband lost his job which meant that we did not have health insurance. I was 28 weeks pregnant and I could not return to the OB practice I had used for my first surrogacy. While my gestational agreement covered new insurance, I had to choose another plan separate from my family, and this complicated things. While searching for the best plan for my family, I had to look and see what plans would cover myself, the baby, while being able to remain at my current practice; which ended up being impossible.

Luckily, it all worked out. The second practice was fine. Unfortunately, I found out that I had to deliver at a different hospital. I was not thrilled about this new change because I had been looking forward to delivering at this new, state-of-the-art hospital. My husband, an ever-positive ray of sunshine, kept telling me he would find a job and we would be covered and able to go back to my previous OB in time for my delivery. I thought that was a far stretch. Strangely enough, it ended up working out that way, which was great for my husband. Of course, but I was doing somersaults (in my head), to be back with my previous OB and delivering at the swanky new hospital!

Since I still had to go through the process of finding a new doctor, mid-journey, I have some tips for you to think about when you are looking for a new or different practice as a surrogate:

  • Experience with gestational carriers
  • Compliance to include the intended parents in the prenatal visits and delivery
  • How the doctor handles c-sections, as I had to have one and our previous doctor was known for how well she handled them
  • Location! I wanted to deliver near my house. Since I knew I was going to be in the hospital for at least 3 days, I wanted my two young sons to be able to visit their mommy!
  • I didn’t want to have to go to different places for ultrasounds or bloodwork. It’s nice to have everything was done in the same building.

I was lucky. Everything ended up working out and my “in between” practice turned out to be just fine. My intended parents let me choose where I was most comfortable and Shared Conceptions helped me with the ever-confusing insurance process. If you are interested in becoming a surrogate, give Shared Conception a call today! We would love to hear from you!