what health history means to surrogacy

What your health history means to your surrogacy application

When applying to become a surrogate, you will quickly learn that there is a long list of requirements that you must meet to embark on a journey. It involves many things; your finances, age, family support, and health history. Not only do you need to be in good, overall health, but some conditions can affect your ability to safely carry a child for another family. On the other hand, there could be issues you may have, that would not disqualify you from your dream of becoming a surrogate.

These requirements are put into place and reviewed by our team and medical professionals for your protection and the protection of the unborn child.


This disorder affects the tissue that lines the inside wall of your uterus. It can affect fertility. This diagnosis can range from moderate to severe. The severity of this condition can affect your ability to carry via in-vitro fertilization. Talk to us at Shared Conception and consult your doctor before deciding whether this could affect a surrogacy journey.


This does not automatically disqualify you either, but if there is an occurrence or outbreak around delivery time, a C-section may be necessary.


This condition will not disqualify you from surrogacy, but your pap does need to be normal before you can be a surrogate.


Having a miscarriage in your health history doesn’t necessarily disqualify you from being a surrogate. It depends on many factors including how many you had, the reason, and when they happened. Please be upfront and share your medical history when speaking with Shared Conception regarding this and any other medical condition.

Postpartum Depression

Although we tend to focus on physical health, mental health is very important as well. If you have been successfully treated for depression, you can still be considered. This will be discussed with you in greater detail during the interview process and again during the psychological screening.


This is a serious condition and can prevent you from pursuing gestational surrogacy. You run the risk of miscarriage and other life-threatening complications. Although, mild preeclampsia will not necessarily impede a journey.

Sickle Cell

This disease can increase the risk of miscarriage, preterm labor, and low birth weight. In this case, it is considered unsafe for a woman with this disease to become a surrogate.

Tubal Ligation

Many women choose to have their “tubes tied” after they are finished creating their families. This only prevents you from ovulating and is not connected with an ability to carry for another, so you can still be a surrogate.


There are no specific weight requirements but your BMI (body mass index) should be equal to or lower than 32. Some clinics require lower BMIs and some are fine with a little higher.

Shared Conception does not wish to put anyone at risk to become a surrogate. That is why we have these requirements. And remember, the requirements differ depending on the IVF clinic. If you have a question about your health history, let us know. Your journey can begin by filling out an application request form. Visit www.deliveradream.com for more information. Or, call us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more information.

what to do with all that breast milk

Got Milk?

Surrogates are women warriors. They help build and create families for those that have faced fertility challenges or are unable to conceive. After birth, the giving does not have to stop. Many surrogates give their breast milk to their surrogate babies or prefer to pump in order to aid in the healing process after birth. Some find themselves with an abundant supply of breast milk and there is so much that they can do with it.

Before formula was introduced, a mom unable to breastfeed, called upon a wet nurse. In this case, so very long ago, it was the only option. Little was known about the benefits of breastfeeding for a newborn – and then the practice was completely eliminated with the introduction of formula. Today, there is so much research dedicated to the benefits and healing powers of breastmilk. If you have an extra supply, there are many babies in need of this “liquid gold.”

Your breastmilk can help save lives. The topic may seem taboo but the safety guidelines and screening process for donor milk can put new parents at ease.

How can I donate my breastmilk to another baby?

Contact the suggested milk banks provided in this blog or look for a reputable bank in your area. Most banks require a phone interview to review your health history, a release form from your doctor, blood work to rule out infectious diseases, and other eliminating factors. Some banks require the surrogacy agency to sign a form stating that you were a surrogate with them.

Most donation banks have milk deposit locations or provide overnight shipping at no cost to you. Many milk banks work regionally and even nationally.

Where can I donate?

You can contact either of the milk banks below in Texas to get started. When you contact the milk bank, the staff will guide you through the screening process. Mothers Milk Bank also serves nationally. The link here will provide their other national banks.

Prolacta Milk Bank (National milk bank)


Mothers Milk Bank of North Texas


Mothers Milk Bank at Austin


Take precaution

The demand from parents for breastmilk is high. Many parents who cannot breastfeed for a variety of reasons search high and low for this precious food source. The FDA issued a warning to parents recommending they do not buy breastmilk from the internet. There are many reliable milk banks that put the donated milk through an intense testing and screening process ensuring that the milk received is safe for your baby.

Shared Conception can help you get in touch with the proper contacts if you are interested in donating. Contact us, or visit www.deliveradream.com for more information!

Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give Shared Conception a call today. We can’t wait to talk to you!





why a previous pregnancy to become a surrogate

Why a Previous Pregnancy?

When you become a gestational surrogate, someone puts their hope into your hands. This hope is becoming a biological parent with your help. A lot of time, money and emotions is invested into this journey. This is why it’s important to give this task your best.

There are many health requirements to make sure you are suitable to carry a child as a surrogate. One of the requirements for becoming a surrogate is a previous “successful term pregnancy.” What this means is that to be a surrogate, you need to have had given birth before. Many women may not want children of their own but are willing to put their perfectly healthy uterus to work for someone else. Unfortunately, gestational surrogacy doesn’t work that way. And, there are many reasons why.

Becoming a surrogate with no previous pregnancy experience is risky. Even if an intended parent(s) is willing to accept the risks of working with a surrogate who has never had her own pregnancy, the fertility clinic, or surrogacy agency will become a road block. In most cases, and for their own protection, a clinic or agency will not work with a woman who has never given birth.

While wanting to become a surrogate is selfless, without prior pregnancy experience, you most likely haven’t experienced (or survived) the joys of being a parent yourself. This makes it more difficult to understand what parenthood really means; especially to someone who desperately wants it.

Intended parents come to Shared Conception because they want to build their family. They often have gone through a lot before they choose surrogacy. Deciding on the path of surrogacy is many times the result of infertility. We also work with single individuals and same-sex couples who are in need of assisted reproduction to help build their family. The intended parents want to be matched with a surrogate who gives them the best chances of success, and that is someone with a previous and successful pregnancy.

If a surrogate has never been pregnant or carried a child to term, she may have limited knowledge of her own fertility. This information is important to intended parents who are ready to emotionally and financially invest in a surrogacy journey.

Even with all the professionals involved in a journey, surrogacy can be complicated and risky. That is why pregnancy history is one of the key factors in evaluating a potential surrogate for both our surrogacy agency and intended parents. Shared Conception does all we can do to mitigate risks and create a positive experience for everyone. This guideline is set by the ASRM, and we believe that it is necessary since it offers valuable information in determining if a woman qualifies to be a surrogate. Shared Conception is ready to help you embark on this journey. Give us a call today!

how to be a surrogate mother

Become a Surrogate!

A lot of us are lucky enough to be able to think, discuss and waiver on having another little one added to our family. These days are chaotic, unpredictable and ever-changing. We can feel overwhelmed at times and the thought of another baby is bittersweet. Yet, there are many couples that cannot even think about having a baby, and simply because they can’t. We are not all blessed with fertility.

Infertility is on the rise. It’s more common than most people think. Today, about 1 in 6 couples wishing to conceive and sadly experience infertility. This then, leads many to the long road of fertility treatments. The use of assisted reproductive techniques is also increasing due to a greater need. Unfortunately, these treatments don’t work for everybody. And, more times than not, a woman does not get answers as to why she cannot conceive. This does not leave out the increasing numbers of male infertility issues either. There are so many people struggling to achieve a family – and that’s where we come in.

“We” are Shared Conception. A highly-rated surrogacy agency looking for strong, courageous and just plain wonderful women looking to help create a family. It takes a special woman to become a surrogate mother. Now, there are the physical, medical and emotional requirements. But, it requires someone with a big heart. Surrogate mothers are selfless, loving and overall amazing! They help others in times of need, love being pregnant and want to share one of the most precious moments of people’s lives.

Shared Conception works hard to simplify the surrogate process for all of our potential surrogates, from start to finish (and even after). We will walk you through what may seem like a complicated process and are with you every step of the way! If you are interested in making someone’s dreams come true, contact Shared Conception today! Or, visit our website and fill out a contact form and see if you prequalify. Visit www.deliveradream.com for more information.

Women Female support system for surrogacy

Building Your Surrogacy Support System

A Successful surrogacy is a group effort. It includes cooperation from the surrogate, egg donor, intended parents, nurses, doctors, social workers, attorneys and coordinators. With a similar goal, a successful team is committed to openness, honesty and clear communication.

There is one part of the team that does not get all the attention they deserve. That is your support system. This system is vital and includes spouses, partners, family members and friends who encourage you throughout your journey. So how do you become that exceptional part of a surrogacy support system?

  1. Be aware of surrogacy. Great surrogate candidates have spent a large amount of time researching he process. A great support person has a clear understanding of what the process means and why it is so selfless and life changing.
  2. Open conversations. To be a great supporter, it’s important to communicate with the surrogate about any sensitive subject matter, be a shoulder to cry on in any hormonal or emotional period, or just be someone to talk to.
  3. Intended parents often attend medical appointments with their surrogate and if they live close to each other, they occasionally have lunch or a get together with them. This is also required from a person in the surrogate’s support bubble. If the intended parents cannot make it to the appointments, offering to take your surrogate friend or family member to her appointments can mean a lot to them.
  4. Help out! There are so many ways to do so and it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to clean and endure housework! You can help with any emotional issue, childcare, errands, picking up prescriptions, cooking a meal, or you can get creative and do something like leaving a colorful and supportive message in chalk on her driveway!

These are just some examples of what makes a good support system a GREAT supports system. Feel lucky you were chosen! This is an honor and a wonderful journey to be a part of. You are helping to create a family and helping to give someone a priceless gift. Our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception thanks everyone that has been or will be a part of a support system. We always let our surrogates know that we are a part of that system too and are also honored to be a part of their journey.

Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support our surrogates throughout the pregnancy. Our client coordinators will expertly act as a liaison between you and the intended parents. We will ensure that any sensitive or difficult subject matters are tactfully brought up and handled. We want you to be informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit www.deliveradream.com to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you



why a previous pregnancy to become a surrogate

Now is a great time to apply

Some of us have had a hard couple of weeks. It’s been scary. Worrying about getting sick, who is around us and our families, having enough food and supplies, is stressing us out. Not to mention not knowing whether or not we will have jobs depending on the industry. Money is going to be tight for all of us, and we would like to offer you a solution.

Shared Conception is a surrogacy agency that helps create families. And we can’t do this without you; our wonderful potential surrogates. The most important quality in a surrogate is her love for being pregnant. All of our surrogates share this similar quality. Many love being pregnant and the joy of surrogacy so much, that they have been a gestational carrier with Shared Conception two, three or even four times!

And yes! You get paid! Now is a great time for that much needed extra income. You and your family will benefit from this selfless act of kindness. You can earn up to $40,000 by helping create a family. It’s a win-win!

You can learn more about How to become a Surrogate in our blogs. Here are some frequently asked questions, answers and links with more information:

  1. How long does it take to become a surrogate with Shared Conception? Read more here. It will walk you through the beginning processes of surrogacy from the preliminary application (which you can fill out here), to the matching process and other required screenings.
  2. What other processes do I have to go through? A medical and psychological evaluation along with a background check is required as well. You can read more about it Don’t be concerned about small infractions such as speeding tickets. This won’t disqualify you from being a surrogate.
  3. What is the IVF medical process like? Read this blog to learn about the IVF transfer, and the protocols for pregnancy and delivery.

Shared Conception pledges wholeheartedly to support you throughout the entire pregnancy, and we will still be there afterwards! Our client coordinators will expertly act as a liaison between you and the intended parents. We will ensure that any sensitive or difficult subject matters are tactfully brought up and handled. We want you to be informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing that you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit www.deliveradream.com to fill out an information request form. We would love to hear from you.



pineapple and ivf relationship

Pineapples and IVF

Have you noticed the abundance of pineapples when researching IVF or Surrogacy? This fruit has become adopted as a symbol of infertility and IVF. There really is no scientific evidence proving that pineapples improve implantation when undergoing IVF, but many believe that they do. Why?


Bromelain is an enzyme naturally found in pineapple juice and core. This is found only in fresh pineapple, not canned. It’s used to reduce inflammation in the uterus and can possibly help with embryo implantation. It’s also believed to be a mild blood thinner, which some believe can aid in implantation too.

You will find those who swear by it, believing it has helped with their IVF – and you will find others that could take it or leave it. Bromelain has a long history of medicinal use. If you would like to give this a try before your IVF procedure, as always, talk to your doctor and remember, include the core. The juice by itself is not believed to contain enough.

Bottom line, if you enjoy eating pineapples, keep on eating them. They can be part of a healthy diet for a woman undergoing IVF. As with anything, eat in moderation. Large amounts of bromelain can cause your uterus to contract and this is not a good environment for an embryo looking to implant itself.

Regardless of its powers (or not), the pineapple remains a symbol of the fertility community for many of our journeys. If not an aid in IVF; it is a symbol of strength for those who need a boost of confidence, hope and strength or just a snack!

Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support you throughout the pregnancy. Our coordinators will expertly act as a liaison between you and the intended parents. We will ensure that any sensitive or difficult subject matters are tactfully brought up and handled. We want you to be informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing that you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit www.deliveradream.com to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you today!


Acupuncture and Surrogacy

*This blog serves as an informative article. Consult your doctor before trying any new procedure.

Originally a Chinese practice, acupuncture has been around for thousands of years. It has been used to balance energy in your own body for preventing and treating sickness and disease and also for general health. Very tiny needles are put into specific places on the body to alleviate certain conditions. These treatments have been said to have benefits advantageous for fertility and some surrogates swear by it!

Acupuncture has been shown to increase blood flow throughout the body, including the uterus. Eastern medicine doctors believe that this can reduce inflammation that could prevent the egg from implanting into the uterus and growing. This can increase the lining thickness in the uterus prior to embryo transfer. Treatments can also increase beta-endorphins which are said to decrease pain in labor.

Additionally, treatments are believed to decrease stress levels. This is important for two reasons. It can help balance progesterone in your system and lower stress which translates to a better quality of life and a better environment for the baby to thrive.

It doesn’t hurt. Yet, surrogates more than likely spend their first trimester injecting progesterone into their backside, so the idea of more needles can be off-putting. The needles used in acupuncture are hair-thin. Just as there are risks with any kind of treatment, there are minimal risks associated with acupuncture therapy.

From time to time, intended parents ask surrogates to consider acupuncture as part of their transfer process. Although this is not always the case, acupuncture is believed to possibly help the IVF cycle be more successful. With all the time, money and emotional investment in a transfer process, it is not hard to imagine some intended parents asking their surrogate to consider this procedure. But really, it’s your choice. Intended parents can only ask you to agree to acupuncture.

If acupuncture is an avenue you want to consider, talk with your doctor and intended parents first. A lot of topics similar to this are discussed and considered before the legal phase. But along the way, an extra treatment such as this can be discussed between both parties. Shared Conception pledges wholeheartedly to support you throughout your journey. We will ensure that any sensitive or difficult subject matters are comfortably handled. We want to you be informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing you contributed to the world in this unique way. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit https://sharedconception.com/deliver-a-dream/ to fill out an application request form. We would love to hear from you!



surrogate mothers real stories of women who gifted parents through a surrogacy journey vanessa2 thumbnail

Surrogate Mothers – Real Stories of Women Who Gifted Parents Through A Surrogacy Journey [ Vanessa ]

Remember to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel. TIA!

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Shared Conception is a full-service, custom-matching surrogacy agency that expertly and compassionately assists you through the process of surrogacy. We deftly offer personalized, efficient service that results in couples bringing their dreams of a having a family into reality.

Shiva Landry founded Shared Conception, LLC in 2011 and it is one if the most reputable and results-oriented surrogacy agencies in Houston, Texas and across the nation. No stranger to pregnancy-related difficulties, Shiva Landry has battled with her own infertility issues and so personally understands much of the related emotions. Paired with her experience in the medical field along with her extensive business experience that her Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and successful business career brings her, she and her staff knowledgeably and compassionately guide intended parents and surrogates through the process.

Shared Conception understands how overwhelming the process can be for first time surrogates. Thus, the agency’s support and experience is invaluable to the surrogates they will be supporting. Our staff is consistently available throughout the process – from the initial inquiry about the program to the time she delivers that bouncing baby.

Shiva Landry is a member of ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine) and SEEDS (Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy) and professionally adheres to all established ethics and guidelines.

With Shiva Landry’s personal desire to help build and complete families plus her business experience, Shared Conception is committed to providing our clients with exceptional and individualized personal attention, education, support and confidential third party services.

☎️ For more information on Surrogacy and how you can apply, visit our website at http://
www.DeliverADream.com” >www.DeliverADream.com
and fill out the brief inquiry form.


PS: Remember to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel.

CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SubscribeSharedConception

———————- BEGIN TRANSCRIPTION ————————-
Hi, my name is Vanessa and I’ve completed three surrogacy journeys. I decided to become a surrogate to watch other people grow their families. When I first told my husband that I wanted to be a gestational carrier, he was, basically waiting for me to tell him that I was ready to go. We had talked about it several times before, and it just was not the right time for our family. He’s very passionate about surrogacy as well. We struggled through infertility ourselves and overcame it. So through that process, he really understood what becoming a parent really was and how it can really tug at your heart.

My family and friends, we’re not surprised at all with me becoming a gestational carrier. They know that I’m a very giving person and that pregnancy and growing families, it’s really important to me. They have all jumped on board and supported me through the process. For them it’s just very normal for me to carry a baby for somebody else.

Involving, my family and my children in that process started from day one. Um, my family has been to doctor’s appointments with me to the Labor and delivery room with me and have met the families that I have carried for during their visits into my home as well.

One day my sister in law and I were actually doing a play date with our young children and we brought up the topic of carrying babies for other people. And from there it just blossomed. We both decided to become gestational carriers. The financial piece, it’s really helped my family by being able to put a down payment on a home, which is our dream home and where my family is currently living. Um, as well as to set herself up for success for our three children when they go to college.

I chose Share Conception to work with Shiva. She has amazing supportive in all around a really fantastic lady. I felt supported by share conceptions during my journey by constant communication and encouragement. The favorite part of my journey is really difficult to decide each phase watching the intended parents go through them is fantastic. I would definitely have to say that my favorite is the moment that the baby is delivered.

Watching the joy and the happiness of everything that they wished for come true in the delivery room when the intended parents, how their baby for the first time. There was not a dry eye in the house. From my ob Gyn to my husband to the intended parents. It was an amazing experience for everyone. If someone’s interested in becoming a gestational carrier or learning more about the process, definitely reach out to Shiva at Shared Conception. For those that are interested in becoming a gestational carrier, I would tell them, just do it. Take the first step, make the call, send the email, learn more information.

surrogate mothers stories of women who gifted parents through a surrogacy journey stephanie2 thumbnail

Surrogate Mothers – Stories of Women Who Gifted Parents Through A Surrogacy Journey [ STEPHANIE ]

Remember to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel. TIA!
CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SubscribeSharedConception

Shared Conception is a full-service, custom-matching surrogacy agency that expertly and compassionately assists you through the process of surrogacy. We deftly offer personalized, efficient service that results in couples bringing their dreams of a having a family into reality.

Shiva Landry founded Shared Conception, LLC in 2011 and it is one if the most reputable and results-oriented surrogacy agencies in Houston, Texas and across the nation. No stranger to pregnancy-related difficulties, Shiva Landry has battled with her own infertility issues and so personally understands much of the related emotions. Paired with her experience in the medical field along with her extensive business experience that her Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and successful business career brings her, she and her staff knowledgeably and compassionately guide intended parents and surrogates through the process.

Shared Conception understands how overwhelming the process can be for first time surrogates. Thus, the agency’s support and experience is invaluable to the surrogates they will be supporting. Our staff is consistently available throughout the process – from the initial inquiry about the program to the time she delivers that bouncing baby.

Shiva Landry is a member of ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine) and SEEDS (Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy) and professionally adheres to all established ethics and guidelines.

With Shiva Landry’s personal desire to help build and complete families plus her business experience, Shared Conception is committed to providing our clients with exceptional and individualized personal attention, education, support and confidential third party services.

☎️ For more information on Surrogacy and how you can apply, visit our website at http://
www.DeliverADream.com” >www.DeliverADream.com
and fill out the brief inquiry form.


PS: Remember to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel.

CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SubscribeSharedConception

———————- BEGIN TRANSCRIPTION ————————-
My name is Stephanie. I’ve completed one journey and I decided to become a surrogate after I had my daughter, my second child. I knew that the joy that my children brought to my life and I want it to be able to help someone else have that if they weren’t able to or needed a little bit of help starting a family. Surrogacy for me being single, I had a ton of support from my friends, my family and especially my church members. My friends and family were supportive of my journey. They were at, some were excited, some needed a little bit of help understanding and once they did, everyone was great and supportive.

My children, were really excited about the thought of me becoming a surrogate. I used the book, the Kangaroo Pouch to approach surrogacy with them and once we all sat down and read the book together, I explained to them that that was something that mommy wanted to do and they thought that it was a great idea.

I did a lot of research online and then I also have a coworker who is a surrogate again and she explained the process a little bit more to me. Things that you don’t find online and having the joy and the experience of talking to her, it’s sold it for me. I knew then it was something that I wanted to do. The compensation has helped my family by me being able to do things with my children that I normally would have to save up a little bit longer to do or put off for a little bit longer. We’ve been able to just be able to do things and enjoy things without, having to put them off any longer than we normally would.

I chose shared conception because I have a friend who was a surrogate with shared conception. She had nothing but wonderful things to say about shared conception. When I first spoke with Shiva, she was just amazing and took the time to answer all of my questions. I felt like out of all women that they could possibly be speaking with on a daily basis that my concerns were heard and my questions were answered and I felt completely comfortable in surrogacy. It is not your biological child. It is the biological child of the intended parents.

I have felt completely supported by shared conception. I’m so happy that I found this agency and I can’t imagine doing a journey anywhere else. My most favorite part of my journey has been delivery day. Seeing the joy on my intended parents face when they saw their child for the first time and when I saw my intended mother holding her child and do skin to skin with this baby that she’s so longed for and I’ve been wanting and praying for all this time is it has to be my most favorite moment. If someone is interested in learning more about surrogacy at definitely suggest contacting Shared Conception. Asking them questions, no matter what the question is. Ask.