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5 Fall Vegetables to add to your diet

Fall is full of beautiful foliage, colors, smells – and food! This season introduces some delicious, nutritious and colorful vegetables to get excited about. Read on to learn how to take advantage of the seasonal fare and some recipes to go along with it!

  1. Spaghetti Squash: This bright yellow and bulbous vegetable adds calcium and fiber to your diet. It’s also a great substitute for pasta and found in most grocery stores and farmers’ markets. Click here for our favorite recipe for Parmesan Spaghetti Squash.
  2. Beets: Come in a variety of colors. Red, yellow, white and even multicolored. Whichever color you choose, it is a good source of iron and Vitamin C. Beets pop up on menus in the fall and can be prepared in many different ways. Here is a simple Roasted Beet Salad with Feta Cheese and Lemon Vinaigrette recipe that is delicious!
  3. Brussel Sprouts: This veggie is sometimes an acquired taste, but when prepared right, even children fall in love with them. They are full of fiber, vitamin C, iron and vitamin B6. Here is a recipe for Roasted Brussel Sprouts with Garlic that is sure to please!
  4. Pumpkin: …..and not just pumpkin spice! It’s part of the squash family and full of Vitamin C, iron and fiber. Also, the seeds can be roasted and are a good source of omega-3, and great for a snack on the go. Check out this receipt for Pumpkin soup; a wonderful and hearty soup.
  5. Sweet Potatoes: This versatile fall staple can be found in desserts and side dishes. It’s also a good source of vitamin C and B6. It can be baked, mashed, roasted or turned into fries. If you have an air fryer and a craving for french fries, sweet potato fries are a healthy alternative.

Shared Conception is a full-service surrogacy agency and proudly served hundreds of exceptional surrogates and intended parents alike. If you are interested in surrogacy, give us a call today. We would love to hear from you!

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Pregnancy Falls

Pregnancy definitely changes your body, but it also changes the way you move, get around and walk. Your center of gravity has to adjust, which can cause difficulty with every day movements.  

Knowing this, it’s no wonder that many pregnant women have experienced a fall during their journey, even though your body has several defenses to protect you and the baby against injury. This includes amniotic fluid that provides cushioning, and strong, protective muscles in the uterus.

Falls can create possible complications for both you and the baby. Your uterus probably won’t suffer any permanent damage or trauma from losing your balance and tripping over your own (sometimes unrecognizable) feet. However, if the fall is a rough one or hits at a certain angle, it’s possible you could experience complications such as a placental abruption or sprains that need to be checked out by your doctor.

Most of the time, a minor fall won’t be enough to cause a problem, but there are some symptoms that can indicate a need to seek medical attention. These include:

  • A fall with direct contact to your stomach
  • Leaking amniotic fluid or vaginal bleeding
  • Severe pain in your pelvis, stomach, or uterus
  • Any type of contractions
  • Lack of movement for the baby

If you experience these or other symptoms, immediately call your doctor or take a trip to the ER.

Shared Conception wants our surrogates to have a wonderful, safe and successful journey. If you are interested in becoming a surrogate, give us a call today. We would love to hear from you!


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Pregnancy Pillows

When you are far enough along in your pregnancy, you may discover some aches and pains. It comes with the territory. There are so many support and full body pregnancy pillows on the market. When you are shopping for one, where do you begin? Good news is that you have options and Amazon!

PharMeDoc Pregnancy Pillow – C-shaped style offers unparalleled support to relieve achy joints helping you to get a good night’s sleep. If you prefer a flat pillow at night, this pillow has been known to have a fluffiness that you may not need. You may want to refer to the Lavish Home pillow listed below.

Lavish home– At a very reasonable price, this full body support pillow offers comfort and support and has a 100% cotton cover that can be removed and washed. It is also not as stuffed as similar competitors if you prefer a flatter pillow.

Boppy– you may have one of these from your bio babes way back in the closet somewhere. Since this is a smaller pillow, it takes up less space so your partner doesn’t feel that there is another person in your bed at night. Because of its small size, you can use this to target your most needed areas for support.

Leachco– This is not a full body support pillow but is smaller and supports the belly and legs. Many prefer this pillow, because you can use your own head pillow with the Leacho.

Queen Rose– This is considered the crème de la crème of pregnancy pillows. It is large and takes up a lot of space but the support for the whole body is unparalleled. This pillow is also great for post-partum sleep while your body is re-adjusting to post pregnancy life.

Shared Conception wants nothing but the most comfortable and smooth journey for our surrogates. Give us a call today if you are interested in becoming a surrogate. We would love to hear from you!



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The Taboo Subject: Compensation

Money is rarely the driving reason behind becoming a surrogate. All of our surrogates love the idea of helping a family, enjoy being pregnant and feel that this journey is more of a calling. But that doesn’t mean compensation is not deserved for the intense labor (no pun intended) that is involved. Surrogacy is a full-time, 24/7 job. Between the matching process, medical appointments, pre-transfer preparation and transfer, this process can take 12-18 months! So yes, you do deserve compensation for the service that you provide.

With that said, how is compensation disbursed? Our clients at Shared Conception, use a surrogacy escrow agency. This agency, along with your contract, is your direct line to all your financial questions. And, most importantly, it prevents any awkward conversations about finances between you and your Intended Parents.

With the help of a surrogacy escrow agency, here are the top 3 most common versions of compensation schedules. It varies by attorney, so these are just examples:

  1. Compensation begins on the 1stor 15thof the month following a heartbeat confirmation, and on the same date each month after, usually 8 or 9 installments.


  1. Compensation starts with confirmation of a heartbeat and the same day of the month thereafter. Dividing the agreed upon compensation “salary” into 8-10 installments. This version will end with a large payment at the end if it’s 10 installments.


  1. Compensation starts with heartbeat confirmation, and every 4 weeks thereafter. This one is usually divided into 10 installments.

Prorated compensation usually doesn’t come into play unless there is a premature delivery, and this varies greatly by contract. For example, if they deliver prior to the week listed (say 32 for a singleton), contracts usually pay a prorated daily amount thru delivery. If compensation is received the 1st, delivered the 12th, then a daily rate is disbursed for those 11 days.

If you are interested in becoming a surrogate, give us a call for a no pressure, informative chat! We would love to hear from you!


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Surrogacy Agency – Learning More About Why You Should Choose A Surrogate Agency

CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SubscribeSharedConception

Shared Conception is a full-service, custom-matching surrogacy agency that expertly and compassionately assists you through the process of surrogacy. We deftly offer personalized, efficient service that results in couples bringing their dreams of a having a family into reality.

Shiva Landry founded Shared Conception, LLC in 2011 and it is one of the most reputable and results-oriented surrogacy agencies in Houston, Texas and across the nation. No stranger to pregnancy-related difficulties, Shiva Landry has battled with her own infertility issues and so personally understands much of the related emotions. Paired with her experience in the medical field along with her extensive business experience that her Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and successful business career brings her, she and her staff knowledgeably and compassionately guide intended parents and surrogates through the process.

Shared Conception understands how overwhelming the process can be for first time surrogates. Thus, the agency’s support and experience is invaluable to the surrogates they will be supporting. Our staff is consistently available throughout the process – from the initial inquiry about the program to the time she delivers that bouncing baby.

Shiva Landry is a member of ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine) and SEEDS (Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy) and professionally adheres to all established ethics and guidelines.

With Shiva Landry’s personal desire to help build and complete families plus her business experience, Shared Conception is committed to providing our clients with exceptional and individualized personal attention, education, support and confidential third party services.

☎️ For more information on Surrogacy and how you can apply http://DeliverADream.com

—————————————- BEGIN TRANSCRIPT —————————————-
Hi, I’m Shiva Landry, owner of Shared Conception. I’m so excited that you’re interested in learning more about the surrogacy process. There are so many women out there who love being pregnant, have had healthy pregnancies and have watched a friend or family member struggle with infertility and thought, what can I do to help? At Shared Conception, we guide you through the process of fulfilling a dream and helping create a family.

I do have a full time job, but I’m also a full time student and it has helped me go into school debt free. Now I’m on my second semester of nursing school with out any debt. It’s incredible. The compensation has helped my family by me being able to do things with my children than I normally would have to save up a little bit longer to do or put off for a little bit longer. The financial piece, it’s really helped my family by being able to put a down payment on a home, which is our dream home and where my family is currently living. As well as to set ourself up for success for our three children when they go to college. And I mean, it’s allowed us to go on family vacations. It’s helped us pay off some of our debt that we’ve had. And actually most recently, on this third journey, we’re looking at doing an add on project to our house.

The look on my IP faces when they became parents, I’ll never forget that. Just watching someone who may not have been able to have kids otherwise, it seeing them all their baby when I saw my intended mother holding her child and do skin to skin with this baby that she’s so long for and I’ve been wanting and praying for all this time, it has to be my most favorite moment in the delivery room when the intended parents held their baby for the first time, there was not a dry eye in the house from my ob Gyn to my husband, to the intended parents. It was an amazing experience for everyone. And it was such a thing. Special, incredible moment. And, and I can replay that in my head so many times and know that at that moment that that set of, um, you know, that set of husband and wife became instead a family,

if you’re interested in learning more about surrogacy, pick up the phone and call Shared Conception. Ask about the process, bring all of your questions and your concerns and let them, let them talk you through the process. It’s the most amazing gift that you can give. And if you’re considering it in the call, definitely reach out to Shiva at Share Conception. Just do it. Take the first step, make the call, send the email, learn more information. I have personally struggled with infertility and through those hard times that I found my life’s mission, and that’s to help amazing women like you connect with people or aching to have their own child. If you’re interested in learning more about surrogacy, just fill out the brief form on this page and one of our coordinators will contact you and answer any questions that you have. There’s no obligation whatsoever. We can’t wait to hear from you.