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Pregnant? Beat the heat this summer!

Believe it or not, there are some advantages to being pregnant in the summer. You don’t have to worry about squeezing your swollen feet into shoes when you have the option to wear sandals, and those stylish flowy dresses are very comfortable and chic.

But, with temperatures in Texas already climbing and becoming more muggy, it can get unbearable. Summer can also pose some of its own risks to those that are pregnant. Overheating is very common and scary.

Here are some ways to remain cool and comfy this summer:

  1. Drink water. You need an extra 2-4 glasses of water a day when you are carrying. Stay hydrated. Carry a water bottle with you everywhere you go. The sudden urge of thirst can sneak up on you at any time. Make it tasty by adding a slice of lemon, cucumber or lime for a hint of flavor.
  2. Seek shade. Over exposure to the sun, puts you at risk even more while pregnant. Not only can it cause you to overheat, but if your skin is prone to melasma (dark patches that appear on your skin) the shade can help prevent it.
  3. Changes in body temperature can be risky. It’s hot outside and cool inside. Your body is in overdrive when it has to continually adjust to temperature. If you find yourself outside for long periods of time, wear light, breathable clothing, a wide-brimmed hat and have your water handy.
  4. Putting your feet up is part of your job! When it is hot, our feet, ankles and legs swell up faster. Even if you are working, put a stool underneath your desk for an invisible relief!
  5. Take a cool shower. This will not only cool down your body but help minimize swelling. This will also help you relax before bed. And remember, there is no limit to cool showers! Some of our Shared Conception surrogates have told us that they take multiple showers a day!

Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give us a call today or visit and let’s talk!




proper way to wash hands

Corona Virus and Pregnancy

This pandemic has thrown us for quite a loop. Have your prenatal appointments changed to telemedical appointments? With the ever-changing news, uncertainties and restrictions imposed in our lives, what does this mean for those of us who are pregnant? What is known however, is mostly positive. Pregnant women don’t seem to be particularly susceptible to the virus. This does not mean that they are immune to it either!

Currently, our understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on reproduction and pregnancy is limited. There are reports of women who have tested positive for COVID-19, who have delivered babies who do not have disease. Additionally, there is limited information from published scientific reports about the susceptibility of pregnant women to COVID-19 and the severity of infection. Available data are reassuring, but are limited to small case series.

As of late, hospitals are taking extra precautions to help people give birth during this pandemic. This includes limited amount of support allowed in the labor and delivery room. This does not include virtual supporters. Check with your doctor about their preferences and guidelines, as it changes daily.

If you are delivering, it is said that hospitals are making plans to ensure that healthy pregnant women are separate from the infected ones. Also, hospitals are following CDC guidelines to evaluate pregnant women for Covid-19 symptoms. Anyone who exhibits symptoms is given a mask and delivers in a separate area.

Currently there is no evidence that a pregnant person can transmit the virus to the fetus during pregnancy or birth. There is also no evidence that the virus passes through breastmilk but as always, it’s best to check with you OB if you’re planning on pumping.

It’s important to note that coronaviruses are unrelated to the ZIKA virus, which has very clear implications for pregnancy and fetal development. Miscarriage and still birth are more common with influenza infection in pregnancy, and therefore could be a risk of COVID delaying pregnancy until risk of infection is low would be prudent to minimize the above risks.

Unfortunately, this has become our new reality. Stay informed and wash your hands! Pregnant women should continue to practice social distancing, diligent hygiene and seek information from your doctor! Shared Conception is there for our surrogates at any time.


Back Breaking Cookie Baking

The holidays bring many joyous tasks. One of them is cookie baking. Maybe not just cookies, but elaborate meals, other desserts, heavy appetizers and traditional dishes. Whatever you choose to make, it can be tasking on your body when you are pregnant. Shared Conception would like to share our remedies for a more comfortable and enjoyable kitchen experience.

Anti-fatigue mats. These mats are a game changer! They are not just for the workplace. Pregnant or not, it is worth the investment. These mats reduce stress on your joints and muscles allowing blood to circulate more evenly throughout your feet and legs. You can find them on Amazon, in Costco and other price club stores for a great price. Make sure they are sturdy, at least ¾” thick so you can enjoy the benefits. Standing on hard surfaces such as wood and tile can be aggravating to your joints. Anti-fatigue mats will reduce the risk of a loss in circulation and provide comfort while cooking and baking.

A good pair of shoes.Good shoes are worth the investment. Designate these shoes as “house shoes” so you don’t bring in the dirt from outside into your house. It also helps minimize joint and muscle discomfort. Best of all, they don’t have to be pretty. Just make sure your shoes are comfortable and have thick bottoms, provide arch support and are preferably rubber-soled for added comfort. Slip-ons omit the need to bend over or worry about tying your shoes. Again, anything to avoid bending over and possibly losing your balance! You may even want to purchase shoes in a larger size, as many women find their feet grow and swell with pregnancy.

Posture. Good news; this tip is free! It just requires some awareness. Imagine a straight line running from your ears to your shoulders, and to your hips and knees. Keep your chin tucked in and raise your head and shoulders to help you stand tall. Also, keep that pelvis tucked in. Have your feet slightly apart and avoid locking your knees. Don’t forget to take a break! It may take you longer to complete a task, but this is necessary. While pregnant, it is always best to avoid standing for too long.

Interested in the surrogacy process? Give Shared Conception a call today for a quick, informative and no pressure conversation. We would love to chat! Happy Holidays!

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Pregnant During the Holidays?

Ok, you’re pregnant and it’s the Holiday Season. You may not always feel merry and bright, but there are a ton of reasons why being pregnant this season rocks!

  1. Getting out of Obligations

That wonderful baby bump is now your best reason for dipping out early on your boss’s holiday party. Kick off those heals and slip into something cozy! Sleep is essential to your baby making body; in all stages of pregnancy. When your body says sleep, you must grant that wish – so rest up!

  1. Comfort is Key

There is something about a pregnant belly that steals the spotlight. You could have the same outfit on for three holiday events and still receive the same number of compliments at event three as event one. Or, as we suggested on the top of our list, you can ditch the party heels for cozy socks and virgin eggnog.

  1. The Food

Take that second helping at dinner, indulge in two desserts – or take that last piece of pie! Although calories still count when pregnant and you should eat as healthy as possible, don’t feel guilty to indulge once in a while. Since that nice glass of wine with dinner or mixed signature cocktail is off limits, an extra slice of pie can make up for it!

  1. Be Holly Jolly

You are doing a selfless and wonderful thing for a family. They appreciate you, so you need to appreciate you. This is a magical time of year and you should revel in the holiday spirit. We all tend to have a heightened sense of the warm and fuzzies during this season, so enjoy it!

  1. Off the “hosting” hook

You are creating a human…no one is expecting you to host. Enjoy going to parties, leaving when you want and don’t put pressure on yourself by throwing any kind of extravaganza, big or small.

  1. The Warmth

When you are pregnant, your internal body temperature increases. Not something to look forward to when you are pregnant in the warmer months, but during the winter months, you will stay nice and toasty, even with a chill in the air.

Shared Conception wishes you the most wonderful Holiday Season. If you are interested in becoming a surrogate, please contact us for a no pressure, informative phone consultation. We can answer any of your questions and inform you of the process to see if surrogacy is right for you! Give us a call today.

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5 Fall Vegetables to add to your diet

Fall is full of beautiful foliage, colors, smells – and food! This season introduces some delicious, nutritious and colorful vegetables to get excited about. Read on to learn how to take advantage of the seasonal fare and some recipes to go along with it!

  1. Spaghetti Squash: This bright yellow and bulbous vegetable adds calcium and fiber to your diet. It’s also a great substitute for pasta and found in most grocery stores and farmers’ markets. Click here for our favorite recipe for Parmesan Spaghetti Squash.
  2. Beets: Come in a variety of colors. Red, yellow, white and even multicolored. Whichever color you choose, it is a good source of iron and Vitamin C. Beets pop up on menus in the fall and can be prepared in many different ways. Here is a simple Roasted Beet Salad with Feta Cheese and Lemon Vinaigrette recipe that is delicious!
  3. Brussel Sprouts: This veggie is sometimes an acquired taste, but when prepared right, even children fall in love with them. They are full of fiber, vitamin C, iron and vitamin B6. Here is a recipe for Roasted Brussel Sprouts with Garlic that is sure to please!
  4. Pumpkin: …..and not just pumpkin spice! It’s part of the squash family and full of Vitamin C, iron and fiber. Also, the seeds can be roasted and are a good source of omega-3, and great for a snack on the go. Check out this receipt for Pumpkin soup; a wonderful and hearty soup.
  5. Sweet Potatoes: This versatile fall staple can be found in desserts and side dishes. It’s also a good source of vitamin C and B6. It can be baked, mashed, roasted or turned into fries. If you have an air fryer and a craving for french fries, sweet potato fries are a healthy alternative.

Shared Conception is a full-service surrogacy agency and proudly served hundreds of exceptional surrogates and intended parents alike. If you are interested in surrogacy, give us a call today. We would love to hear from you!

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Pregnancy Falls

Pregnancy definitely changes your body, but it also changes the way you move, get around and walk. Your center of gravity has to adjust, which can cause difficulty with every day movements.  

Knowing this, it’s no wonder that many pregnant women have experienced a fall during their journey, even though your body has several defenses to protect you and the baby against injury. This includes amniotic fluid that provides cushioning, and strong, protective muscles in the uterus.

Falls can create possible complications for both you and the baby. Your uterus probably won’t suffer any permanent damage or trauma from losing your balance and tripping over your own (sometimes unrecognizable) feet. However, if the fall is a rough one or hits at a certain angle, it’s possible you could experience complications such as a placental abruption or sprains that need to be checked out by your doctor.

Most of the time, a minor fall won’t be enough to cause a problem, but there are some symptoms that can indicate a need to seek medical attention. These include:

  • A fall with direct contact to your stomach
  • Leaking amniotic fluid or vaginal bleeding
  • Severe pain in your pelvis, stomach, or uterus
  • Any type of contractions
  • Lack of movement for the baby

If you experience these or other symptoms, immediately call your doctor or take a trip to the ER.

Shared Conception wants our surrogates to have a wonderful, safe and successful journey. If you are interested in becoming a surrogate, give us a call today. We would love to hear from you!



The Truth Behind Pickles and Ice Cream

Not many pregnancy conversations leave out the topic of cravings and how crazy they can become. Needless to say, when you are pregnant, you learn the truth behind pickles and ice cream.

Your regular, everyday cravings will stick with you throughout pregnancy. They may even intensify. Then, there are the bizarre cravings that you may not even think of with a non-pregnancy brain. Cravings begin in the first trimester and tend to peak in the second. They are unpredictable and may not ever be able to be explained.

Hormone shifts are a large part of the explanation for cravings. Since everything in your body is changing, your taste buds will too. A heightened sense of smell and taste can open your mind to a whole new world of cravings or aversions. So even odors can become more enticing or more unpleasant. There are many theories about what causes cravings in pregnancy, but we still don’t know for sure.

Make sure your cravings do not replace nutrient dense foods. Even if broccoli, dark leafy greens, blueberries or oranges are not on your “must have” list, make sure you incorporate them and other nutrient dense foods into your diet because you and the baby really need it. You don’t want to gain more weight than necessary or develop other problems such as gestational diabetes.

Simple substitutions with healthy alternatives can satisfy a pregnancy craving.  It is important to understand where your cravings are stemming from. Be sure to talk to your doctor about your strong cravings so they can suggest healthy alternatives.

Shared Conception is with you every step of the way through your surrogacy journey. Give us a call today, we would love to chat with you!

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Your Belly and the Sun

In Texas, we get a short Spring season that allows us to hit the beach and poolside as early as April. If you are pregnant, you have to consider protecting your precious cargo from the sun. We all know that overexposure to the sun’s UV rays can be damaging to anyone. Due to hormonal changes, your skin is more sensitive while you’re pregnant. You are prone to hives and heat rash. The shade can be your best defense aside from lathering on SPF over 30. Bring a beach umbrella, wear a wide-brimmed hat, and keep cool by staying hydrated.


The sun also causes concern beyond UV damage. Be careful not to overheat. This also involves staying hydrated. Avoid overheating by keeping water close by at all times and prevent heatstroke by staying indoors at the height of the day’s temperature.


Although vitamin D is necessary for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby, the best source can be found in lots of different foods and supplements. If you prefer to get your vitamin D in the great outdoors, remember, a little sun will go a long way. ALWAYS talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have when it comes to your journey.







Tips for a Cool Summer

Texas, and many other places around the country, can be brutal during the summer with the high temperatures and humidity. It is awfully uncomfortable and being pregnant can make the heat more intense. You may think “I will never feel cool again” – but don’t worry! Shared Conception has you covered with these tips on how to stay cool and enjoy yourself this summer.

  • Do outdoor tasks in the early morning or evening – when it is not as hot.
  • If it is over 90 degrees, stay in the shade, indoors or wherever there is air conditioning!
  • Wear loose fitting, light colored clothing.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  • Can someone say “mocktail” – sip a delightful concoction to treat yourself.
  • Sunscreen! And don’t forget to reapply!
  • Take a quick cool shower (or two) to cool down throughout the day.
  • If it doesn’t need to be done now – REST!
  • And always ask for help from your support system!

Now, you may notice your skin changes too. When you are pregnant, your body can respond to all the hormonal changes and produce high amounts of melanin. This can cause dark spots and patches. Staying out of excessive sunlight will protect your skin and as mentioned above, find a sunscreen that will not irritate your skin to apply frequently. The heat can make your skin dry and itchy too. Lotions and moisturizing washes can soothe the itch, but most importantly, staying hydrated will work from the inside out.

Shared Conception is dedicated to keeping our surrogates happy and healthy. If you are looking into becoming a surrogate and giving the precious gift of life, give us a call today. You can also visit us online at www.SharedConception.comfor more information or to fill out our online questionnaire to see if surrogacy is the right path for you.


Pregnancy and Posture

Pregnancy and Posture

Proper posture during pregnancy is an easy way to prevent back pain while adding extra pregnancy pounds during those blissful 9 months. Training your body to properly stand, sit move and even lie down puts less strain on your back. Proper alignment can decrease low back and neck pain. It even helps fight against fatigue. Although your blossoming belly makes you feel like you can topple over with a simple shift, there are several tips listed below that can help you maintain good posture.

  • Keep your chin tucked in so your ears are in a straight line with your shoulders.
  • Avoid standing in the same position for long amounts of time.
  • Choose the flat comfy and supportive shoes! Not high heels! For your back’s sake!
  • Consider a maternity support belt. It may not be the most fashionable item you own, but it is the most relieving.
  • When seated, sit in a chair that supports the length of your thighs and knees are level with your hips.
  • When lying on your side (because what other choice do you really have?) place a pillow under your belly and between your knees. This supports the weight of your uterus and top leg.

Remember, correct posture requires practice AND it makes such a difference.

If you are interested in becoming a surrogate and would like more information, you can visit our website: www.sharedconception.comor give us a call for an informative, no pressure conversation at 713.622.1144.