Embryo Transfer Process for Surrogates

There are several different aspects to the embryo transfer process. Many times, surrogates will take oral contraceptives in order to sync the timing of her menstruation cycle to the same time as the intended mother’s cycle. This aids in making the transfer of eggs and embryos more uniform and easy.

During the actual transfer, a catheter is inserted into the surrogate’s vagina then uterus. The embryos will be placed through the catheter and into the uterus for implantation.

The surrogate will be asked to stay on bed rest for two to three days after the transfer.

Ten to fourteen days after the embryo transfer process, the surrogate will take a pregnancy test at the clinic. During the first 12 weeks, the surrogate will take several blood tests and ultrasounds to keep track of the progress. Both the intended parents and the surrogate will be involved and kept up-to-date on the progress of the pregnancy.

Although each IVF clinic is different, many of these steps remain the same. Have specific questions about the process? Ask us at Shared Conception. We can help!