how to be a surrogate mother

Surrogacy Process for IP’s

Shared Conception is eager to find the right surrogate for you! We look forward to going through the surrogacy process with you. It is our wish to be at your side during this unique surrogate pregnancy process and are just as excited for you to finally hold your baby in your arms!

Intended parents will efficiently navigate through the following stages.

  • Initial consultation – this one-hour consultation is to connect and answer any questions you may have about surrogacy. Many of our intended parents like to discuss timing, expenses, contracts, and other concerns involving their family. If you choose to go forward with us after the consultation, you will be asked to fill out our application form. Read more about the initial consultation process here, on our website.
  • Matching process – After the initial meeting and completed application, we begin the process of finding the ideal surrogate for you. For more information on the matching process, visit our website or click here.
  • Psychological screening and evaluation – these evaluations are vital to ensure that all parties are suitable for the surrogacy process. All evaluations are conducted by a licensed mental health professional. For more information, click here.
  • Medical screening – With the help of Shared Conception, we coordinate surrogates to participate in a medical evaluation. Each IVF center has different requirements so a Shared Conception representative coordinates with the clinic for you.
  • Legal surrogacy process – We provide a referral list of family attorneys that specialize in the surrogacy process and Reproductive Law. Contracts are required prior to beginning the embryo transfer cycle. Also, an escrow account is established at this time to cover costs for medications, co-pays, and other costs outlined in your contract.
  • Embryo transfer – The moment you have been waiting for! This is when the embryo is placed for implantation and monitored for a viable pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy – We will remain a part of your support system throughout the pregnancy (and after) and will be available to help you navigate through this wonderful time. Our goal is to have your experience be as joyful as possible.
  • Preparing for the birth – There are necessary documents that will be prepared by your attorney. Shared Conception will help verify that all the paperwork is in order for peace of mind allowing you to focus on the wonderful gift you are about to receive.
  • Birth – This is the end to the entire process and a family is created!


If you are interested in having a surrogate, let Shared Conceptions make your dreams of a family a reality. Contact us today and we will help you get one step closer to the child you have always wanted. Call us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more information. Visit for more information.

reasons to use a surrogacy agency

5 Ways an Agency Helps Intended Parents

If you decide to use a surrogate to expand your family, you must consider whether or not you would like to work with a surrogacy agency or independently. The independent route may be slightly more cost-effective, but it also can be more stressful and uncertain. Many details are involved in a surrogacy arrangement and working with an agency such as Shared Conception can make this process less stressful and confusing.

  1. We are the experts 

Embarking on a surrogacy journey is very complicated. Like a chess game, many moving pieces need to be managed, and often at the same time. A lot of legalities, planning, and coordinating go into a journey. Shared Conception has a professional team full of experts who make dreams come true every day, allowing you to focus on enjoying the experience and preparing for your new baby.

  1. Put the pressure on us

Not everything is perfect, even a surrogacy journey, and there are a lot of bumps in the road and other scenarios that can happen. The beauty of using an agency is that we can prevent many problems from arising or take care of any problems if they do occur. We will be by your side every step of the way.

  1. Legal mumbo jumbo

Unless you have a law degree, this part will be difficult. There is a legal side to a surrogacy arrangement with contracts and documents that can be overwhelming. Shared Conception will refer you to a list of highly respected and competent lawyers you can choose to work with. Having a lawyer helps your journey stay on track, and you don’t have to worry about acquiring legal representation.

  1. We are there for you from beginning to end (and beyond)!

Managing a journey is very time-consuming on both the surrogate and intended parent sides. Our services help surrogates and intended parents come together with a lot less stress, pressure, and inconveniences an independent surrogacy can create.

  1. Monetary Benefits

There are a lot of fees and payments that go to different sources during the entire process. We use an escrow company utterly independent of our agency. Your money is deposited into an attorney-controlled interest-bearing escrow account. This way, you or your surrogate will have to worry about bills being paid on time, giving you extra peace of mind.

If you are interested in having a surrogate, let Shared Conceptions make your dreams of a family a reality. Give us a call today, and we will help you get one step closer to the child you have always wanted. Visit for more information.



how faith is involved in surrogacy

3 Ways Faith is Found in the Surrogacy Process

Religion connects people in many different ways. And, it can play a role in your surrogacy journey. Here are just a few to start a conversation.

1.     Surrogacy alone is a leap of faith: Surrogacy is an unbelievable option for those who cannot have children on their own.  But, it is not a process that is quick or easy. When you decide to start this journey, there are many people involved that make this process as smooth as possible. This can be especially true when you’re an intended parent, as you’ll be spending a lot of time waiting and putting your faith in your surrogate. When so many factors are out of your control, being patient and holding onto faith is one of the best things you can do.

2.     Your faith can connect you to other families: It might seem like you don’t have anyone to reach out to, but there are plenty of families in your position who have either thought about starting their surrogacy journey or are getting started just like you. Additionally, you’ve probably considering looking for a match with a gestational surrogate who shares your beliefs. While there could be a wait to find the right person, it will be well worth it in the end.

3.     It’s one of the greatest ways to help others:  There are many reasons why women choose to become surrogates. But one of the many reasons is because becoming a surrogate is spiritually and emotionally rewarding or fulfilling, and offers an opportunity for them to give back.

We know that you already have a lot to think about before you start your journey. If you are interested in having a surrogate, or just a conversation, let Shared Conceptions help. Give us a call today and get one step closer to the child you have always wanted. Visit for more information.



If you are wondering if becoming a surrogate is right for you, visit to get started on an application.

Intended Parent Support Groups

Intended Parents Supports Groups

Sometimes being on the intended parent side of the surrogacy journey, gets little recognition when it comes to feelings and emotions. After all, it’s all about the wonderful woman who is carrying your child. There are times when you’re waiting to be matched with the perfect surrogate or dealing with the stress of the screening processes and legal contracts, or you’re anxiously waiting for the next pregnancy update from your surrogate — it is not unusual to feel like no one else understands what it’s really like to be an intended parent.

Even if you are surrounded by very supportive friends and family members, they probably don’t have much experience with surrogacy. It is natural to sometimes want to talk to people who have been or are currently in the same position as you. Support from others in your situation is valuable — but finding that support may be challenging.

Rest assured that by the power of the internet, you can connect with others in your position online. And, while the internet is a great way to find connection, be careful when joining an online support group. Just remember, you can’t always believe everything you see online.

When in doubt, you can always contact Shared Conception.  We can recommend resources for intended parents and answer questions about what you read online. We are always available to provide the support you need.

In the meantime, here are some online intended parent support groups:

Intended parents may be able to find in-person support through Meetups groups. In addition to intended-parent-specific Meetups, you may find a sense of community through infertility centered meetups.


This is the National Infertility Association and offers a directory of local, peer-led support groups for parents who have struggled with infertility. While many of these groups are not specific to surrogacy, intended parents may still find them helpful.

BabyCenter Community

There are several surrogacy-related groups within the BabyCenter Community, including groups specifically for intended parents seeking advice and support from other intended parents.

Even though Fertility struggles are common, they are often not spoken about openly. If you are interested in surrogacy, call Shared Conception today. Our compassionate surrogacy specialists will help make your dreams of having a family a reality. Give us a call today and we will help you get one step closer to the child you’ve always wanted. You can also visit for more information.







intended parents new year resolution suggestions

Resolutions for 2021 Intended Parents

As the beginning of a much-anticipated new year rolls around, people will be making their New Year’s resolutions. After all, 2020 wasn’t great for many, and 2021 is a new year and full of new opportunities.

If you are considering surrogacy to help build, extend or create your family, take this new year as an opportunity to focus on the positive parts of a journey that await you. During this time, it may be a good idea to contact Shared Conception to speak with us about how we can help.

Here are some suggestions to start:

  1. Learn more about the surrogacy process

Even if you have already begun researching your surrogacy journey, it’s never too late to learn more about this process. Education is the key to a successful family-building process and if you feel stuck in your own journey, it may help you understand where to go from here.

  1. Revisit your personal surrogacy goals.

Couples or individuals who have been struggling with infertility, may consider reevaluating their own family goals and preferences. While you should always be comfortable with your process, revisiting your plan may bring up new preferences as you learn more about surrogacy. Shared Conception will always help you, if you want to make a change or revise something.

  1. Understand and manage your finances.

Every intended parent knows that fertility treatments are expensive. If you are considering starting a journey in 2021, concentrate on budgeting and saving. This is also a good life habit for everyone to have. Looking into financing for surrogacy? Shared Conception can send you information on how to obtain financing.

  1. Find an additional support system.

Shared Conception can lead you to the many intended parent support groups where you can talk with people who have been in the same situation and develop valuable friendships that will help you through this journey. Also, it is important to share your decisions with those closest to you. A support system of close friends and family is extremely important for you during a journey.

A new year represents a new beginning and Shared Conception wants you to reach your parenthood dreams this year. Give us a call today and we will help you get one step closer to the child you’ve always wanted. You can also visit for more information.



learn about surrogacy

Be “In the Know” about Surrogacy

Have you ever considered surrogacy? It is a big decision and a lot of conversations are to be had. When making this decision, it’s not just about you making the amazing decision by yourself to help create a family. It involves your support system like your children, parents, spouses, friends and other family members. It is important that all parties involved understand and are comfortable with the idea, nuances and processes involving surrogacy; not to mention, the wonderful end result of a surrogate birth–a newborn child and an entire family unit being created or enriched.


The key to a successful surrogacy from the beginning is education and research. Before mentioning this life-changing decision to anyone in your support system, learn the process yourself. There is usually lots of questions that follow when you tell someone your plans of becoming a surrogate.


Make sure you know everything that is expected of you as a gestational carrier, and all it takes to do so, is a no pressure phone call to Shared Conception. In this call you can ask any question imaginable about surrogacy. We have heard them all! We have a knowledgeable staff; many of whom have been surrogates themselves, to answer any and every question you may have. We can even give you our expert advice on how to speak with individual family members about surrogacy.


Most surrogacy arrangements conducted through Shared Conception, result in happy endings. With expert guidance and knowledge, our agency will help both the surrogate and the intended parent in ALL aspects of your journey; from the beginning to the end.


Making families is an honor and a privilege for those of us who have been touched by surrogacy or infertility. Our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception, is available to all of our precious surrogates to be a guide, shoulder to cry on, voice of reason and supporter; all aimed at the direct goal of happy and healthy journey. We want you to be informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way.


Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an information request form! We would love to hear from you!




Surplus Embryos

When dealing with infertility, there are so many crucial decisions that have to be made. It is truly exhausting. Many parents who have struggled with infertility, find themselves with a surplus of embryos and struggle with the decision of what do with them.

When parents are going through fertility treatments, they usually want as many embryos as possible, in case it takes more than one try to get pregnant. It’s common to need to do more than one transfer; even to a surrogate.  Also, the parents might want extra embryos for a future sibling. So, what happens when their family is complete and they find themselves with a surplus of embryos?

This topic has become controversial and has even made headlines. We all remember the famous, or infamous California mom who implanted all eight of her embryos and delivered all eight babies because she couldn’t fathom disposing or donating any of her embryos. But not everyone is up to that challenge. So, what are the options?

Parents have the option of keeping the embryos in storage, disposing of them, donating to research or donating to an infertile couple. The latest research shows that many couples don’t know what to do and continue to pay storage fees year after year. Most parents feel a sense of responsibility for their embryos. They still count them as their children – their offspring; so donating them to research seems cold to them. Furthermore, donating to research can pose a problem due to current federal legislation.

Letting another infertile couple adopt their embryos would be a very sweet and unselfish act if the parents can live with the knowledge that their biological children are out there in the world somewhere.

In the meantime, storage facilities continue to host hundreds of thousands of embryos until parents make those difficult decisions.

There is no easy answer to this question and parents will have to come to their own conclusion.

Are you and your partner storing embryos and unable to carry on your own? Surrogacy is a great option. We can match you with the perfect candidate and will be with you throughout this incredible journey. If you are interested in locating a surrogate visit and contact us! We would love to hear from you.



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The Joy of Being a Surrogate

It is usually a long and winding road travelled that a couple or an individual has been on before deciding to have a surrogate carry their child. Then at that point, a whole new journey begins when they decide on surrogacy. They seek the help of Shared Conception and a special woman with a giving heart.

When an Intended Parent is matched with a surrogate, a bond forms. It’s different for everyone but the basics are the same. This is when wanting and giving come together to travel the same path for as long as the journey takes.

To the intended parents, a surrogate who is healthy and willing to carry a baby for them means HOPE; she is a gift unlike any other. Month by month, trimester after trimester, the greatest gift of all is achieved; a child to enhance a family.

What most people don’t realize is that women who choose to become surrogates, don’t do it for the money or the recognition. They do it for the intense satisfaction and absolute joy that it brings to them. The fulfillment that they receive is from seeing the look on the faces of the new parents when they hear their baby’s first heartbeat and when they finally get to meet their precious child, and hundreds of moments in between. These are the reasons that surrogates often embark on multiple journeys! Being a part of these priceless moments makes surrogate mothers shine. No monetary compensation could equal the pure joy they feel when sharing something so life-changing with the intended parents.

If you are a woman looking for something more to give in life, ask yourself these questions: Are you ready to change a total stranger’s life and make a difference in the world?  Are you ready for YOUR life to be changed forever?

Like any other journey, this journey may have roadblocks and bumps along the way, but it is an adventure. And if you are the kind of person who can be selfless and can open your heart up to possibilities, it may just be the most rewarding experience of your life. Call us at Shared Conception and get more information on becoming a surrogate!


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The Day Before IVF

This is not an article about all the medications you take before IVF as a surrogate, or the doctor visits before IVF. This is about you and how you feel the day before the IVF procedure. On a personal note, I remember my first day before IVF, as I have had 2 wonderful journeys. I thought to myself, “Am I really doing this?”

Going through the entire process of becoming a surrogate is wonderful. You help create a family and give your intended parents the most wonderful gift anyone can receive. But, that doesn’t mean you will never be nervous about it. I wasn’t worried about becoming attached to the baby or having trouble leaving the hospital without one. I was just nervous about IVF. I thought to myself, what if it doesn’t work? What if something goes wrong? And my biggest fear was miscarrying. Because of my wonderful relationship with my IPs, I knew all about the heartache they endured when told they could not have children. I felt a huge weight on my shoulders.

But the truth is, you are doing the best you can for them. You do not have control over the embryo or even the outcome of the IVF process. And of course, we all want the best result; a pregnancy, a healthy journey, a healthy baby – and lots of happy tears. It’s all we can hope for because a pregnancy is never guaranteed. My advice to my surro sisters is to go in with a positive attitude, and try to keep one along the way. It’s called a “journey” because there are any bumps in the road but the end result makes it all worthwhile!

Written by Courtney Clinton – 2X Proud Gestational Surrogate



How to become an intended parent

At Shared Conception, we know each intended parents’ journey is different. Whether failed IVF treatments or the inability to conceive, each parent has a different reason for reaching out to surrogacy. Our agency is proud of its outstanding reputation in joining surrogates with intended parents to create a baby.

When intended parents start the process with us, we offer a free consultation that explicitly explains the surrogacy process and what is required. The intended parents will fill out paperwork, answer a few questions and get started on the journey of working with a surrogate. We take our time to make sure a great fit is made with the surrogate and intended parents. We set up an agreement that outlines several things including communication avenues between the surrogate and the intended parents.

For the intended parents, in-home evaluations are made as legally necessary. With the intended parents, we offer referralsto psychologists, fertility clinics (as needed), attorneys specializing in surrogacyand escrowagents.Our surrogacy parent program will arrange travel arrangements and accommodations for the intended parents or surrogate (as required).

Of course the first step to starting the surrogacy journey, is to contact us at Shared Conception. We will answer all your questions and set your mind at ease about any concerns that might arise. Ready to begin? We’re waiting for you!