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Part 3: Surrogacy in the 3rd Trimester

Congratulations! You have made it into the final stretch. And yes, pun intended! You might feel that your body is stretched out, you’re tired, you urinate frequently and you might not be getting the best night’s sleep. You definitely cannot see your feet, but that’s okay because they are most likely swollen. However, knowing that you are about to help to create a family is exciting. Imagine how your intended parents are feeling!

There are tests and more tests. The big one occurs between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy for gestational diabetes. This occurs at either the end of your second trimester or beginning of the third. Gestational diabetes causes higher than normal blood sugar and only occurs during pregnancy. It usually goes away after delivery and can affect any pregnant woman. If you fail the one-hour test, you have to take a second, longer, 3-hour test. Failing the first test does not mean that you have gestational diabetes. You do have to fast for the second test, so schedule your appointment early in the morning to prevent those hunger pangs.

And it’s back to those frequent doctor visits; similar to what you had in the first trimester. It usually increases around the 36-week mark. If you are carrying multiples, more frequent visits may be required. Make sure you arrive with a partially full bladder as urine tests are often administered. These tests will check for protein, sugar and any bacteria to rule out signs of preeclampsia. Then, as with any pregnancy, your doctor will listen to the heartbeat, you will get weighed, have belly measurements and your blood pressure will be checked.

As the due date approaches, your doctor will need to examine your cervix. Your cervix will change as labor approaches. Mostly, your doctor will feel to see if the cervix has begun to dilate. It’s not the most comfortable feeling but it is a quick check.

It is a busy trimester. Frequent doctor visits, preparation for delivery, managing your intended parents and wading through life with a rounded belly, may be hectic. Just remember to take care of yourself too. If you need help, call Shared Conception. Let us help you with the last part of your journey!

Surrogacy Laws in Texas

There are no federal laws with surrogacy so each state determines their own legalities regarding surrogacy. Texas allows forgestational surrogacy, where the genetic material of the intended parents or donor is used and the woman carrying the baby is not biologically related to the child.

Texas law requires that the couple be married. There must also be a surrogacy agreement which is validated by a court order. Also Texas law requires that either one of the intended parents or the surrogate be a resident of Texas for the past 90 days in order for a Texas court to preside over the surrogacy agreement.

Texas is considered one of the few surrogate-friendly states. One of the primary reasons why intended parents prefer to do surrogacy arrangements in Texas is the validation process. Once the agreement is validated by the Texas courts, the child thegestational surrogateis carrying is considered the biological child of the Intended Parents and the gestational surrogate has no rights and no responsibilities to that child. Furthermore, the intended parents’ names will be the ones on the birth certificate and there is no need for adoption.

Surrogates in Texas also have their own set of legal requirements. For example, the surrogate must have had at least one child that she is currently raising. Also, the surrogate must show that carrying another baby will not jeopardize her health.

At Shared Conception, we work with excellent attorneys who can help guide you through the legal process. Let us help you get started!

Who are intended parents?

There is not one, common denominator that stretches across all intended parents. Like most things, each intended parent, couple and situation is unique and different.
However, at Shared Conception we get asked sometimes, “Who are the intended parents? Who comes looking for a surrogate?”

There are a few categories intended parents sometimes fall into. First, there are couples who have had problems getting pregnant on their own. Whether because of past medical problems, or not being able to carry a baby to full term, some women’s bodies can not produce a baby.

Other women who come to Shared Conception have had medical issues such as having her uterus removed or not being born with a uterus. These women look toward surrogates to fulfill their wishes of having a biological baby.

Some couples try IVF treatments without success. This can sometimes be a costly and highly emotional avenue to take in order to have a baby. If successful treatments are not met, these types of intended parents also look toward surrogates to help.

Some intended parents are also homosexual couples who cannot conceive of child.

Whatever the case, Shared Conception is ready to help intended parents become families. Ready to find out more? We’re here to help.

Why should you choose Shared Conception?

We know when you Google “Surrogacy Agency,” a person can become overwhelmed with the results. There are lots of surrogacy agencies and choosing the “best” one is sometimes a daunting task in itself. However, we believe Shared Conception is the best option as a surrogacy agency and we’re ready to prove it to you.

First, we take our job so seriously. We work hard to match surrogates with their intended parents. This step is so crucial and important to the entire surrogacy journey. Finding the right fit for both parties is one of our many strong points. We excel in finding the right surrogates with the right intended families. A comprehensive questionnaire and interview process is only the beginning aspects of this process.

We screen both intended parents and surrogates to find out about their personalities, beliefs and ethics. This is just one way we make sure a perfect match is made.

Second, we are here for both the surrogates and intended parents through the entire journey. Whether emotional or physical support is needed, we are always available.

Third, we refer you to the best professionals in the business including top notch attorneys and psychologist They know how to cross their “Ts” and dot their “Is” when it comes to the psychological evaluation and the legal agreement.We want to make sure both the intended parents and the surrogate are comfortable with the documents, contracts and paperwork.

Ready to get started on the journey through surrogacy? Shared Conception is your best place to start.

Breast Milk and the Surrogate

Surrogates can continue helping their intended parents even after the birth of the baby. Several recent studies highlight the benefits of feeding your child breast milk through their early, developing stages. For those heading through the journey of surrogacy, many intended parents wonder where that leaves them and their child.

The great choice with Shared Conception is that surrogates can offer their breast milk to their intended family. The surrogates pump the breast milk and either deliver or ship the milk to the family. This is such a win-win opportunity for everyone involved. The baby received the highly nutritious breast milk and the intended parents get to continue feeding their child the nutritious milk and bonding with the little one.

During the negotiation process is the perfect time to talk with the surrogate about the possibility of pumping milk after delivery. The surrogate usually includes the option for expressed milk in her contract for an additional fee. During negotiations is also the time to discuss how long the intended parents would like to feed their baby breast milk.

Have a question? Let us at Shared Conception help!


Surrogates can continue helping their intended parents even after the birth of the baby. Several recent studies highlight the benefits of feeding your child breast milk through their early, developing stages. For those heading through the journey of surrogacy, many intended parents wonder where that leaves them and their child.


The great choice with Shared Conception is that surrogates can offer their breast milk to their intended family. The surrogates pump the breast milk and either deliver or ship the milk to the family. This is such a win-win opportunity for everyone involved. The baby received the highly nutritious breast milk and the intended parents get to continue feeding their child the nutritious milk and bonding with the little one. 


During the negotiation process is the perfect time to talk with the surrogate about the possibility of pumping milk after delivery. The surrogate usually includes the option for expressed milk in her contract for an additional fee. During negotiations is also the time to discuss how long the intended parents would like to feed their baby breast milk.


Have a question? Let us at Shared Conception help!



Surrogates can continue helping their intended parents even after the birth of the baby. Several recent studies highlight the benefits of feeding your child breast milk through their early, developing stages. For those heading through the journey of surrogacy, many intended parents wonder where that leaves them and their child.


The great choice with Shared Conception is that surrogates can offer their breast milk to their intended family. The surrogates pump the breast milk and either deliver or ship the milk to the family. This is such a win-win opportunity for everyone involved. The baby received the highly nutritious breast milk and the intended parents get to continue feeding their child the nutritious milk and bonding with the little one. 


During the negotiation process is the perfect time to talk with the surrogate about the possibility of pumping milk after delivery. The surrogate usually includes the option for expressed milk in her contract for an additional fee. During negotiations is also the time to discuss how long the intended parents would like to feed their baby breast milk.


Have a question? Let us at Shared Conception help!


Surrogates and health insurance

Surrogates and health insurance

Shared Conception welcomes surrogates who both have and do not have health insurance. For those women who do have health insurance, we will happily look over your health insurance policy to see if there are any exceptions for being a surrogate. If there are no exceptions, and if the surrogate is willing, then we will use her own health insurance policy for the prenatal, labor and delivery portions of the pregnancy.

As always, the intended parents pay for all medical bills for the surrogate. This includes all co-pays, deductibles and other health-care related expenses.

If a surrogate does not have health insurance, then Shared Conception can help locate an outstanding health insurance policy for the surrogate. The intended parents will pay for the health insurance policy during the term of the pregnancy.

Have a specific health insurance related question? We can help answer it.


How much are surrogates compensated?

How much are surrogates compensated?

At Shared Conception, each surrogate determines her fee to the intended parents. Many factors go into this overall number. Has the woman been a surrogate before? Is there travel time and cost involved? Will the surrogate’s health insurance be used or will she be required to purchase a new plan? Will this be considered a difficult pregnancy? Will there be more than one embryo or a multiple birth?

In addition, some surrogates have additional fees they include in their overall cost. Maternity clothes and a monthly allowance for paperwork and time involved in doctor’s visits are also factored in.

Also, if the pregnancy becomes high-risk, many surrogates have added expenses. Housecleaning services and lost wages are included if the surrogate is required to be on bed rest.

Answering these and several other questions can help a surrogate determine her base fee. Once the surrogate and her intended families are matched together, the parties negotiate to come up with the final compensation package.

Have a question? We’re here to help. Ask us at Shared Conception to help you get started on the journey to surrogacy.


Great gift ideas for surrogates


Your surrogate is giving you the greatest gift you could ever imagine… your child. Some intended parents like to thank the woman who has given so much, in a special way. Here are a few ideas of special, meaningful gifts intended parents could give their surrogates.

– Spa Treatments. Who wouldn’t love a day of pampering? You could choose to give it to her while she’s still pregnant. Many spa facilities and women centers specialize in pregnant massages. Or, intended parents could wait until after she delivers the baby and have her enjoy a day to herself.

– Pamper Basket. Include her favorite magazines, soothing lotions and some gift cards to her favorite restaurants or stores. A basket full of goodies just for her, will always be a welcome treat.

– Specialized services. How nice would it be to surprise her with a maid service for a day? Who wouldn’t love a clean house? A gift to help her would make a happy surrogate, indeed.

Have other suggestions? What would you love to get if you were a surrogate?


The delivery!

As a surrogate, when the time comes to deliver the baby, there are so many emotions racing. We want to be sure everything is ready and in place well before the actual delivery day. There will be a cute bundle of joy (or two!) that will take center stage, of course.

For the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the IVF clinic will continue to monitor your progress. Then, the surrogate will be released to the OB/GYN of her choosing. Many times this is the doctor she has used for her previous children’s births and delivery. If there are multiple babies, many times the surrogates will be asked to come to the doctor’s office for more frequent visits to ensure the health of the babies and the surrogate.

After the birth, the baby is handed to the intended parents first. It’s nice, too, if the intended parents ask the surrogate if she wants to hold the baby. Some surrogates decide they don’t want to but most relish the moment.

Then, once the baby is released by the pediatrician, the intended family will leave the hospital with their chid. The surrogate will leave the hospital with her family, and the wonderful feeling of helping a couple become a family.

Do you have questions about being a surrogate or the process on delivery day? Shared Conception would love to answer any questions you may have.

How to pick a surrogacy agency

If you’ve thought it over, researched the topic and are ready to head down the road of surrogacy, your first thought might be, “How do I pick a surrogate agency?” Here are a few suggestions.

1. Do your research. Research on the Internet different agencies in your area. Although there are hundreds of agencies in the nation, many surrogates feel they like to use an agency close by. The geographical distance can be an issue when you’re paired with intended parents. Finding a fit that you’re comfortable with in terms of distance, is a good place to start.

2. Make a list. If you’ve never been a surrogate before, then you’re going to have questions. Chances are if you have been a surrogate before, you’ll still have questions! Make a list of your questions or topics you’d like answered.

3. Call and set up an interview. Call your top two or three surrogacy agencies and ask to speak with someone in charge. Ask if you can come in and set up a time to talk about becoming a surrogate. Be sure to bring your list of questions when you go.

4. Trust your gut. After meeting with a few agencies, go with what feels right to you. You will be working closely with the agency as you travel the journey of your pregnancy. You will want to feel comfortable, open and at ease at the agency. Pick the agency that best fits with you.

Have a question? Let us help! We are surrogate experts.