pregnant with multiples

What Happens if Surrogate is Carrying Multiples

pregnant with multiples
You decided to take the path of surrogacy but find out your surrogate mother is carrying multiples. Now what happens?

Multiple pregnancies(this is when more than one embryo implants in your uterus) are not uncommon and are often associated with IVF (in vitro fertilization). In the past, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine recommended transferring more than one embryo for a higher chance of success. However, this is no longer the case. Single embryo transfers are now advised and recommended.

In the event a multiple pregnancy occurs, it’s important for the surrogate and intended parents to discuss their next steps. In some cases, it used to be recommended by the doctor to perform selective reduction. It was a difficult decision for both the surrogate and the intended parents, but in those cases, it might have been the best decision for the babies because it decreased risk and increased the chance of a successful, full-term pregnancy and delivery of a healthy baby. This was more common when it was common practice to transfer two embryos, and one or two could split, resulting in triplets or quadruplets. Also, with the current abortion laws in Texas, this is not even an option anymore.

As intended parents, if you are looking for a large family, you may view the advantages of having multiple children at once. Still, it’s important to seriously consider the risks you are asking the surrogate to take on. When a surrogate mother carries more than one child, there is a higher chance of being put on bed rest and a higher risk of complications. Often, a surrogate carrying multiples will be referred to a high-risk specialist.

Other risks a gestational carrier (surrogate) may face if carrying multiples:

  • Preterm labor and delivery
  • Cesarean section
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Placental abruption
  • Low birth weight

These are just a few of the risks. While Shared Conception has rigorous requirements for approval for women to qualify to be surrogate mothers, there is always a chance that unforeseen complications could arise, and that risk increases with instances of a multiple pregnancy.

Another aspect to consider is the increased costs that a multiples pregnancy can incur. NICU stays from a few days to several months are the norm with multiple pregnancies. This could add up quickly for the intended parents, not to mention the extremely high probability of long-term bed rest for the surrogate. During bed rest, intended parents are liable for lost wages, childcare, housekeeping, and other costs. Not only could costs be astronomical for the intended parents, but it also poses an extreme hardship on the surrogate and her family.

If you want to have twins, this is something you, as the intended parents and the surrogate, should discuss in advance and agree upon.

Surrogacy agencies in Texas play an active part in facilitating the process for surrogate women and intended parents. There are many steps involved in the surrogacy process, but Shared Conception is here to help with each step!

For any queries you may have regarding your surrogacy journey, feel free to reach out to us at!

how to be a surrogate mother

Surrogacy Process for IP’s

Shared Conception is eager to find the right surrogate for you! We look forward to going through the surrogacy process with you. It is our wish to be at your side during this unique surrogate pregnancy process and are just as excited for you to finally hold your baby in your arms!

Intended parents will efficiently navigate through the following stages.

  • Initial consultation – this one-hour consultation is to connect and answer any questions you may have about surrogacy. Many of our intended parents like to discuss timing, expenses, contracts, and other concerns involving their family. If you choose to go forward with us after the consultation, you will be asked to fill out our application form. Read more about the initial consultation process here, on our website.
  • Matching process – After the initial meeting and completed application, we begin the process of finding the ideal surrogate for you. For more information on the matching process, visit our website or click here.
  • Psychological screening and evaluation – these evaluations are vital to ensure that all parties are suitable for the surrogacy process. All evaluations are conducted by a licensed mental health professional. For more information, click here.
  • Medical screening – With the help of Shared Conception, we coordinate surrogates to participate in a medical evaluation. Each IVF center has different requirements so a Shared Conception representative coordinates with the clinic for you.
  • Legal surrogacy process – We provide a referral list of family attorneys that specialize in the surrogacy process and Reproductive Law. Contracts are required prior to beginning the embryo transfer cycle. Also, an escrow account is established at this time to cover costs for medications, co-pays, and other costs outlined in your contract.
  • Embryo transfer – The moment you have been waiting for! This is when the embryo is placed for implantation and monitored for a viable pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy – We will remain a part of your support system throughout the pregnancy (and after) and will be available to help you navigate through this wonderful time. Our goal is to have your experience be as joyful as possible.
  • Preparing for the birth – There are necessary documents that will be prepared by your attorney. Shared Conception will help verify that all the paperwork is in order for peace of mind allowing you to focus on the wonderful gift you are about to receive.
  • Birth – This is the end to the entire process and a family is created!


If you are interested in having a surrogate, let Shared Conceptions make your dreams of a family a reality. Contact us today and we will help you get one step closer to the child you have always wanted. Call us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more information. Visit for more information.

Intended parent basics blog

For the Potential Intended Parent 

Surrogates make a huge commitment to the intended parents. They go through an intensive screening process, legal contracts, psychological and medical evaluations, background checks, and more to show they are good candidates to carry your baby and are committed to the surrogacy journey. There is so much information for potential surrogates; but what is there for intended parents?

Below, are the most frequently asked questions from potential intended parents

How do I begin the process?

When intended parents first contact Shared Conception, we will set up an initial one-hour consultation and provide information about the process, timing, and expenses involved in growing a family. We also want to learn about your family, social history, and reasons for choosing surrogacy.

When you agree to move on to the next step with Shared Conception, we may request additional information from you to be able to find potential surrogates whose wants and needs for the surrogacy are a good match with you, the intended parents.

Are there requirements for intended parents?

Intended parents must be:

  • Between the ages of 21-65
  • Able to pass a background check -Shared Conception performs background checks to ensure the intended parents have a clean criminal background and child abuse registry. All intended parents must be able to provide a safe and stable home to a child.
  • Emotional support for spouse or partner
  • Pass a psychological assessment
  • Have financial stability
  • Respectful of surrogate’s time and commitment and in general a good person – The safety of our surrogates is of utmost importance to us and we reserve the right to refuse service to any potential intended parent that does not meet the above-mentioned criteria.

What if it doesn’t work?

If you have three unsuccessful cycles with your surrogate and have at least 2 embryos that are rated A or B+ you can be re-matched with a new surrogate for no fee.

Does Texas have a law for surrogacy?

Yes! Tex. Fam. Code §§ 160.751 to .763 (2007)

Texas’s law is modeled after Part 8 of the Uniform Parentage Act of 2002. A gestational agreement must be validated in court. The gestational mother may not use her own eggs. She must have had at least one prior pregnancy and delivery. She maintains control over all health-related decisions during the pregnancy. The intended mother must show that she is unable to carry a pregnancy or give birth. The intended parents must be married and must be willing to undergo a home study. There is a residency requirement of at least 90 days for either the gestational mother or the intended parents. An agreement that has not been validated is not enforceable, and parentage will be determined under the other parts of Texas’s Uniform Parentage Act.

We would love the opportunity to help create your family. For more information visit . We have two Texas locations: Houston 713.622.1144 and Dallas 214.390.4024


The transfer

Embryo Transfer Day!

This day is very exciting for intended parents and surrogates alike. It is the start of a journey. You may feel excited, nervous, elated or hopeful. But, how do you get here?

 The embryo transfer procedure is usually one of the first questions intended parents and surrogates ask about when beginning their surrogacy journey with us.

After the eggs are taken from the intended mother or egg donor, they are examined and mixed with the intended father or donor sperm. They are then incubated for 5 days to allow fertilization to occur. After that, most intended parents choose to have them tested for genetic abnormalities. That process takes about 10 to 15 days.

The gestational carrier (or surrogate), intended parents and the reproductive doctor then consult to determine the number of embryos to transfer. Based on American Society for Reproductive Medicine and Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology, only single embryo transfers are suggested. This is because multiple gestations lead to an increased risk of complications in both the fetuses and the birth mother.

The embryo transfer to the surrogate, takes place in a fertility clinic or nearby hospital. The process does not cause discomfort and requires no medication or anesthesia. The transfer is performed through the vagina using a catheter inserted in the cervix, so the embryos could be inserted into the uterus. The process usually takes approximately 10-15 minutes and then surrogates are required to remain at the clinic for at about 1-2 hours to rest. Surrogates are also asked to restrict their activities, or even be on bedrest for 1-3 days following the transfer procedure. Each fertility clinic has their own protocol regarding this.

Shared Conception suggests that surrogates have someone from their support circle accompany them to the embryo transfer procedure and stay with them until the clinic staff releases them. This helps calm any nerves, and it’s nice to have a member of your support system by your side.

We hope this breakdown of the embryo transfer procedure takes away some of the “mystery” associated with embryo transfers. Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give us a call today or visit and let’s talk!


Surrogacy without an Agency?

If you are contemplating becoming a surrogate, or a repeat surrogate, you may consider doing this without the support of a surrogate agency. You will still need an attorney and fertility clinic to embark on a journey – but, when learning about the matching process, you may wonder whether becoming a surrogate without an agency is possible. While it’s possible to become a surrogate without an agency, it is not the right decision for most people.

It’s always smart to research such a life changing experience, such as surrogacy. In your research between using an agency or becoming an independent surrogate, you find that it may include less costs for the intended parents, more direct involvement on the part of the surrogate, and more control over your process. It’s important to understand that while that may look like a benefit initially, could end up as a disadvantage.

There will be extra roles that you have to play as an independent surrogate. It begins with finding intended parents, coordinating between your attorney, fertility specialist, medical professionals and surrogacy partner to make sure all the necessary steps and precautions are taken care of. This is a lot for anyone to handle, especially when your main focus should be bringing a little one into the world! All of this added stress is handled by an agency so you can proceed through your journey taking care of yourself and that bundle of joy!

Surrogacy is complicated, even for those who have been on a journey previously. Working with an agency, such as Shared Conception can help guarantee a worry free and successful journey. With Shared Conception, our experienced and professional team helps create the best plan for your journey. Without the help of an agency, your own journey will be harder and at times, much more stressful. That is why many of our intended parents choose an agency and come back for subsequent sibling journeys. Shared Conception takes the pressure off the intended parents and the surrogate, to ensure a positive experience.

Shared Conception wants everyone involved to have a positive experience. That is why we encourage all prospective surrogates and intended parents to contact Shared Conception to learn more about our processes. Give us a call or visit to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you!


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The Joy of Being a Surrogate

It is usually a long and winding road travelled that a couple or an individual has been on before deciding to have a surrogate carry their child. Then at that point, a whole new journey begins when they decide on surrogacy. They seek the help of Shared Conception and a special woman with a giving heart.

When an Intended Parent is matched with a surrogate, a bond forms. It’s different for everyone but the basics are the same. This is when wanting and giving come together to travel the same path for as long as the journey takes.

To the intended parents, a surrogate who is healthy and willing to carry a baby for them means HOPE; she is a gift unlike any other. Month by month, trimester after trimester, the greatest gift of all is achieved; a child to enhance a family.

What most people don’t realize is that women who choose to become surrogates, don’t do it for the money or the recognition. They do it for the intense satisfaction and absolute joy that it brings to them. The fulfillment that they receive is from seeing the look on the faces of the new parents when they hear their baby’s first heartbeat and when they finally get to meet their precious child, and hundreds of moments in between. These are the reasons that surrogates often embark on multiple journeys! Being a part of these priceless moments makes surrogate mothers shine. No monetary compensation could equal the pure joy they feel when sharing something so life-changing with the intended parents.

If you are a woman looking for something more to give in life, ask yourself these questions: Are you ready to change a total stranger’s life and make a difference in the world?  Are you ready for YOUR life to be changed forever?

Like any other journey, this journey may have roadblocks and bumps along the way, but it is an adventure. And if you are the kind of person who can be selfless and can open your heart up to possibilities, it may just be the most rewarding experience of your life. Call us at Shared Conception and get more information on becoming a surrogate!


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Surrogacy Through a Family Member

When Intended parents search for a surrogate, they have many questions and try to get the idea of the lifestyle that a potential surrogate lives. If that person is part of your family, it is probably more comforting to know them, their medical history, and background. However, such a close relationship can lead to other complications. That is why intended parents much cautiously and carefully evaluate the situation and consider the following:

  • Fees, Expenses and Reimbursements

It is quite possible that the family member that will potentially become your surrogate will refuse any financial compensation. It can be uncomfortable for many because it creates an imbalance. There are other ways of compensation such as contributions to your surrogates biological child’s college fund, a prepaid vacation or big gift post-delivery. Most of these generosities should also be stated in writing in the contract.

  • Psyhcological Evaluation

Any agency, including Shared Conception, will help schedule a thorough psychological evaluation for your surrogate, whether it’s your sister, cousin, niece, etc. Most evaluations include an oral interview and psychological test. This is a step that must not be skipped.

  • Independent Legal Counsel

Although family members prefer to keep their dealings informal, it’s important to remember that surrogacy is a legal arrangement that involves legal transactions and must be taken care of correctly, with legal representation for both parties. Surrogate mothers put themselves at risk physically. It is imperative to have representation. Shared Conception works with highly trained attorneys that represent your best interests.

  • Guardianship

Before an embryo is transferred, it is necessary to have a pre birth order for guardianship of the child in the gestational agreement. This way, all expectations are realistically managed.

  • Counseling Facilitation

Shared Conception can arrange family counseling before the transfer, or IVF procedure. From our experience, we know family member can ride a roller coaster of emotions. Unresolved family issues can surface during a stressful time. In the event of a failed pregnancy attempt, the surrogate mother may blame herself. Counseling can help all participants move through a stressful or grieving process and in deciding on the next step.

Think twice about asking a family member to become a surrogate mother. However, when adequately prepared, having a family member help you create your family becomes a rewarding experience for the entire family. Shared Conception is equipped and ready to help. Visit us online or give us a call today! We would love to hear from you!

proper way to wash hands

Corona Virus and Pregnancy

This pandemic has thrown us for quite a loop. Have your prenatal appointments changed to telemedical appointments? With the ever-changing news, uncertainties and restrictions imposed in our lives, what does this mean for those of us who are pregnant? What is known however, is mostly positive. Pregnant women don’t seem to be particularly susceptible to the virus. This does not mean that they are immune to it either!

Currently, our understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on reproduction and pregnancy is limited. There are reports of women who have tested positive for COVID-19, who have delivered babies who do not have disease. Additionally, there is limited information from published scientific reports about the susceptibility of pregnant women to COVID-19 and the severity of infection. Available data are reassuring, but are limited to small case series.

As of late, hospitals are taking extra precautions to help people give birth during this pandemic. This includes limited amount of support allowed in the labor and delivery room. This does not include virtual supporters. Check with your doctor about their preferences and guidelines, as it changes daily.

If you are delivering, it is said that hospitals are making plans to ensure that healthy pregnant women are separate from the infected ones. Also, hospitals are following CDC guidelines to evaluate pregnant women for Covid-19 symptoms. Anyone who exhibits symptoms is given a mask and delivers in a separate area.

Currently there is no evidence that a pregnant person can transmit the virus to the fetus during pregnancy or birth. There is also no evidence that the virus passes through breastmilk but as always, it’s best to check with you OB if you’re planning on pumping.

It’s important to note that coronaviruses are unrelated to the ZIKA virus, which has very clear implications for pregnancy and fetal development. Miscarriage and still birth are more common with influenza infection in pregnancy, and therefore could be a risk of COVID delaying pregnancy until risk of infection is low would be prudent to minimize the above risks.

Unfortunately, this has become our new reality. Stay informed and wash your hands! Pregnant women should continue to practice social distancing, diligent hygiene and seek information from your doctor! Shared Conception is there for our surrogates at any time.


Surrogacy Escrow Service

Your surrogacy contract includes using an escrow agency. This service allows a third party (the escrow agency) to hold and dispense funds during the surrogacy process. This can continue up to six months after birth. The escrow agency acts on behalf of the intended parents to ensure that the surrogate is being paid accurately and on time.


As you may know, a lot of paperwork is involved throughout the entire surrogacy process, and it doesn’t stop with an escrow agency. Intended parents will most likely, fill out the bulk of the paperwork and the surrogate provides banking information in order for payment to be directly deposited into her account. The surrogate is responsible for keeping any related receipts and filling out disbursement requests, so she can be reimbursed for things such as: medical visits, co-pays, housekeeping, lost wages, etc. Be sure to check your contract to know what can be reimbursed.


There are a number of benefits in using an escrow agency. Escrow agencies protect intended parents and surrogates. Having an escrow guarantees that the surrogate gets paid on time and with the appropriate amount.  Escrow accounts also guarantee that the intended parents have the means to cover the cost of the journey. It gives everyone peace of mind to know that their money is safe and being allocated on-time and appropriately. And it prevents any awkward conversation about money or finances between the surrogate and intended parents.


Shared Conception chooses to work with escrow agencies for the benefit of all parties involved in this process. We believe that it ensures a smooth journey for everyone. Whether you are looking into using a surrogate or becoming one, give us a call today for a free consultation. We are always willing to answer any of your questions!



Surrogacy with Shared Conception

Surrogacy is growing in popularity and is becoming more socially accepted here in the United States, and even internationally. In the United States, there are some variations to laws regarding surrogacy which need to be considered when choosing surrogacy to extend or build your family.

Shared Conception provides an excellent surrogacy program here, in Texas. We are dedicated to finding the right surrogate for our intended parents.  We are always compassionate and professional and are with you every step of the way. Sometimes this starts with a simple conversation. Shared Conception offers a free consultation for potential clients. This gives potential clients an excellent opportunity to learn about the process, become educated about surrogacy and answer any questions that you may have.

Once onboard, our extensive matching process screens surrogate mothers-to-be, to find one that fits with your preferences and needs. Whether it is location, lifestyle, background or all of the above, Shared Conception will find you an amazing gestational carrier. We prescreen every potential surrogate prior to acceptance into our program.

When matched with a surrogate, Shared Conception helps with arranging many of the initial appointments such as:

  • Initial medical screening
  • Initial psychological screening
  • Referral to an egg donor agency, if needed
  • Assistance in acquiring life and disability insurance for your surrogate, if needed
  • Assistance in obtaining medical insurance for your surrogate, if she does not have insurance or if her personal insurance has exclusions.
  • Legal referrals
  • Escrow referrals
  • Travel arrangements, if needed
  • Coordination between you, your surrogate and IVF the clinic
  • All-around emotional support. There is always someone available if you have any questions.


If you are interested in becoming an intended parent or surrogate and would like more information, you can visit our website: www.sharedconception.comor give us a call at 713.622.1144 for an informative, no pressure conversation.