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Surviving the Summer Fashionably

It is in your contract for maternity clothes stipend between your 12th and 15th week. Finding maternity clothes that actually fit and flatter can be challenging for many moms-to-be. But with comfortably fitting maternity clothing, you’ll look—and feel—your best as you go through each trimester. Below are some suggestions to consider before going on your maternity shopping spree. 

Choose lightweight summer maternity clothes.

• Show off your precious baby bump. 
• Pick your footwear carefully! Try to choose supportive footwear.
• Go for a dip with maternity swimwear. Even show your blossoming belly! *Always wear sunscreen. 
• Replace your jeans with jean shorts. Same purpose, just cooler.
• Accessorize, accessorize, accessorize! Adding a necklace or cute pair of earrings can make all the difference!
• Keep your hair off your face. There is nothing more annoying than being uncomfortable with hair tickling your face. 
• Layer up your summer maternity clothes smartly. It’s hot outside, cold in the grocery store, hot in the car, etc. Layer up to maintain optimal comfort. 

If you can’t commit to a whole new wardobe, clothing rental services are a great way to go through each trimester…fashionably! Rent the Runway has a great variety of maternity clothes available to rent and even a subscription service, giving you access to many different sizes and styles of designer brands. There is a standard subscription and an unlimited subscription option that gives you four new pieces a month, but the difference with unlimited is the ability to swap out pieces whenever you like and keep them for as long as you want.

Below are some of our favorite, reasonably priced sites that our surrogates have suggested to us.




Shared Conception is committed to our surrogates and intended parents throughout their entire journey! Interested in becoming a surrogate, or just want to get more information? Give us a call today! 


The Truth Behind Pickles and Ice Cream

Not many pregnancy conversations leave out the topic of cravings and how crazy they can become. Needless to say, when you are pregnant, you learn the truth behind pickles and ice cream.

Your regular, everyday cravings will stick with you throughout pregnancy. They may even intensify. Then, there are the bizarre cravings that you may not even think of with a non-pregnancy brain. Cravings begin in the first trimester and tend to peak in the second. They are unpredictable and may not ever be able to be explained.

Hormone shifts are a large part of the explanation for cravings. Since everything in your body is changing, your taste buds will too. A heightened sense of smell and taste can open your mind to a whole new world of cravings or aversions. So even odors can become more enticing or more unpleasant. There are many theories about what causes cravings in pregnancy, but we still don’t know for sure.

Make sure your cravings do not replace nutrient dense foods. Even if broccoli, dark leafy greens, blueberries or oranges are not on your “must have” list, make sure you incorporate them and other nutrient dense foods into your diet because you and the baby really need it. You don’t want to gain more weight than necessary or develop other problems such as gestational diabetes.

Simple substitutions with healthy alternatives can satisfy a pregnancy craving.  It is important to understand where your cravings are stemming from. Be sure to talk to your doctor about your strong cravings so they can suggest healthy alternatives.

Shared Conception is with you every step of the way through your surrogacy journey. Give us a call today, we would love to chat with you!

surrogacy and parents

Surrogacy Journey and Communication

A lot of our intended parents have asked us how to get to know the woman who is carrying their baby. All of our intended parents are so incredibly appreciative, that it is hard to pinpoint one specific way to accomplish this. Part of the special services that Shared Conception provides on top of an excellent match, is a favorites list. This list allows you to see her likes, interests, hobbies and even dislikes. But we strongly suggest that you take the time to get to know your surrogate, and even her family. You will get a wonderful understanding of her.


The beginning of a relationship between intended parents and surrogates is almost like dating. You already have a common bond; you share a special place in each other’s hearts and want to pursue a great future relationship. We suggest going to lunch, and if that seems too overwhelming, start with meeting at a coffee shop. Getting to know each other can make for an incredibly exciting and smooth journey.


The goal is communication. You want stellar communication. This will help your surrogacy relationship, the same way that it helps with any other relationship. Texting “how are you” every so often and a quick catch-up conversation, will build confidence in your relationship with each other. Today, we have technology at our fingertips and find ourselves always in reach of a text, FaceTime, Skype call or email. Devote some time each week to get to know each other and form a bond that will last a lifetime.


Shared Conception is committed to designing relationships between our intended parents and surrogates. We have a carefully crafted matching process that can match you with the perfect surrogate, or intended parent. Call us today!

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The Great Balance

During our get togethers with the surrogates in our agency, many of the conversations between surrogates are about the balancing act of family life while pregnant. Most, if not all our surrogates, love being pregnant, which is part of the reason many embark on this journey. Many have young children of their own. Being pregnant while having little ones is not an easy task.

It’s a balancing act. You need to take care of yourself and your family. Everyone needs attention, usually at the same time and all at once. Here are some ways to stay sane while you are managing a pregnancy and a household.

Communication. Talk with your family members including your children! Opening the lines of communication and making everyone around you aware of your feelings, will help everyone throughout your entire journey.

Make special time with your children. All children need attention from their parents, no matter how old they are. Make time for them. Playing a game, reading a book together or having a simple conversation with eye contact, can do wonders for them.

Use your support system. If you need to, use your loved ones to watch one child while you give another one some special, individualized attention. Or have them watch the kids during some of your many doctors’ appointments or even help around the house. Our team at Shared Conception, strongly suggests to our potential surrogates, the importance of establishing a stellar support system throughout their pregnancy journey.

A pregnancy is a pregnancy is a pregnancy. Although you are not carrying your biological baby, you are still the one who is pregnant. It’s not any different than if it was your own baby. Your body is still experiencing all the joys that are attached to pregnancy, which can make you extra tired and sometimes grumpy. So, take care of yourself – if you are tired and overwhelmed, ask for help.

Helping create a family is amazing. You are a warrior and you deserve to be pampered! Shared Conception is here to help you through your journey. If you are interested in becoming a surrogate, give us a call today or visit www.deliveradream.com and fill out our quick online form to see if you qualify to become one!


Tips for a Cool Summer

Texas, and many other places around the country, can be brutal during the summer with the high temperatures and humidity. It is awfully uncomfortable and being pregnant can make the heat more intense. You may think “I will never feel cool again” – but don’t worry! Shared Conception has you covered with these tips on how to stay cool and enjoy yourself this summer.

  • Do outdoor tasks in the early morning or evening – when it is not as hot.
  • If it is over 90 degrees, stay in the shade, indoors or wherever there is air conditioning!
  • Wear loose fitting, light colored clothing.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  • Can someone say “mocktail” – sip a delightful concoction to treat yourself.
  • Sunscreen! And don’t forget to reapply!
  • Take a quick cool shower (or two) to cool down throughout the day.
  • If it doesn’t need to be done now – REST!
  • And always ask for help from your support system!

Now, you may notice your skin changes too. When you are pregnant, your body can respond to all the hormonal changes and produce high amounts of melanin. This can cause dark spots and patches. Staying out of excessive sunlight will protect your skin and as mentioned above, find a sunscreen that will not irritate your skin to apply frequently. The heat can make your skin dry and itchy too. Lotions and moisturizing washes can soothe the itch, but most importantly, staying hydrated will work from the inside out.

Shared Conception is dedicated to keeping our surrogates happy and healthy. If you are looking into becoming a surrogate and giving the precious gift of life, give us a call today. You can also visit us online at www.SharedConception.comfor more information or to fill out our online questionnaire to see if surrogacy is the right path for you.


Pregnancy and Posture

Pregnancy and Posture

Proper posture during pregnancy is an easy way to prevent back pain while adding extra pregnancy pounds during those blissful 9 months. Training your body to properly stand, sit move and even lie down puts less strain on your back. Proper alignment can decrease low back and neck pain. It even helps fight against fatigue. Although your blossoming belly makes you feel like you can topple over with a simple shift, there are several tips listed below that can help you maintain good posture.

  • Keep your chin tucked in so your ears are in a straight line with your shoulders.
  • Avoid standing in the same position for long amounts of time.
  • Choose the flat comfy and supportive shoes! Not high heels! For your back’s sake!
  • Consider a maternity support belt. It may not be the most fashionable item you own, but it is the most relieving.
  • When seated, sit in a chair that supports the length of your thighs and knees are level with your hips.
  • When lying on your side (because what other choice do you really have?) place a pillow under your belly and between your knees. This supports the weight of your uterus and top leg.

Remember, correct posture requires practice AND it makes such a difference.

If you are interested in becoming a surrogate and would like more information, you can visit our website: www.sharedconception.comor give us a call for an informative, no pressure conversation at 713.622.1144.




Pregnancy Skin

Congratulations! You are pregnant! Exciting times are coming your way and a LOT of changes are in your near future. At Shared Conception, we like to celebrate pregnancy, but we are also conscious that there are some changes we don’t always welcome during our journey. So let’s talk PREGNANCY SKIN.


Your skin changes when you are pregnant. Hormones are especially responsible for any unwelcomed skin changes throughout your journey. Acne, stretch marks, skin tags, darkened skin, and random raised bumps can appear anywhere and at any time – LOVELY! Always remember, like pregnancy, this is temporary and usually occurs in the first and second trimesters.


But don’t forget the pregnancy glow! A benefit to changes in hormone levels and increased blood flow. The skin glands on your face can produce more sebum (oil) which can give a shiny glow. Increased blood volume can make your skin look luminous which means – no filters are necessary when taking pictures!


To help clear skin, use a gentle cleanser twice a day. Make sure you clean your hands before you wash your face to avoid adding bacteria to your skin. There are also a ton of natural home remedies you can access here. Harsh cleansers and topical treatments are not always recommended to use while pregnant. Make sure you speak to your doctor and read any labels – some often read “not for use while pregnant.”


It’s also common to develop dark spots on your skin. The most common darkened area is the linea nigra, the dark line stretching from the belly button to the top of the pubic bone. 75% of pregnant ladies notice this line. But don’t worry, it usually fades away a few months post delivery when your hormone levels begin to balance out and stop fluctuating.


Are you interested in surrogacy? Give Shared Conception a call today. For more information, visit us online at www.SharedConception.com– we would love to hear from you!













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Part 3: Surrogacy in the 3rd Trimester

Congratulations! You have made it into the final stretch. And yes, pun intended! You might feel that your body is stretched out, you’re tired, you urinate frequently and you might not be getting the best night’s sleep. You definitely cannot see your feet, but that’s okay because they are most likely swollen. However, knowing that you are about to help to create a family is exciting. Imagine how your intended parents are feeling!

There are tests and more tests. The big one occurs between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy for gestational diabetes. This occurs at either the end of your second trimester or beginning of the third. Gestational diabetes causes higher than normal blood sugar and only occurs during pregnancy. It usually goes away after delivery and can affect any pregnant woman. If you fail the one-hour test, you have to take a second, longer, 3-hour test. Failing the first test does not mean that you have gestational diabetes. You do have to fast for the second test, so schedule your appointment early in the morning to prevent those hunger pangs.

And it’s back to those frequent doctor visits; similar to what you had in the first trimester. It usually increases around the 36-week mark. If you are carrying multiples, more frequent visits may be required. Make sure you arrive with a partially full bladder as urine tests are often administered. These tests will check for protein, sugar and any bacteria to rule out signs of preeclampsia. Then, as with any pregnancy, your doctor will listen to the heartbeat, you will get weighed, have belly measurements and your blood pressure will be checked.

As the due date approaches, your doctor will need to examine your cervix. Your cervix will change as labor approaches. Mostly, your doctor will feel to see if the cervix has begun to dilate. It’s not the most comfortable feeling but it is a quick check.

It is a busy trimester. Frequent doctor visits, preparation for delivery, managing your intended parents and wading through life with a rounded belly, may be hectic. Just remember to take care of yourself too. If you need help, call Shared Conception. Let us help you with the last part of your journey!

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Part 2: Surrogacy in the 2nd Trimester

Congratulations! You made it through the first trimester. On top of the usual suspects; morning sickness, fatigue, food aversions, frequent urination, etc., you may still have those pesky needles to inject. By this time, you can administer the shot with your eyes closed, but your backside may be suffering. It could feel like a constant bruise. The good news is that n your second trimester you will quickly wean off of these shots!

Also, unless there are any concerns or complications, you will be released to your OBGYN of choice, which often times, is at a more convenient location than your fertility clinic. You will have ultrasounds during the second trimester; one being the anatomy ultrasound where you can find out the sex of the baby. This is an exciting opportunity for the intended parents to attend if possible. If you are carrying for out-of-state or international intended parents, take video, pictures or even Facetime during these important and exciting appointments!

So you are feeling more like yourself, you no longer have to inject yourself and you see your chosen OB. It can’t get any better, right? The second trimester is full of exciting times for you and the intended parents. During this time, it is not uncommon for your intended parents to worry about birth defects, your diet and level of activity. If your intended parents seem concerned, take it kindly. Most of the time this is their first child, so think back to your first pregnancy. If this becomes an issue, call us at Shared Conception so we can help!

It’s important to remember that you are responsible if there are any changes in your insurance coverage. This can come into play if there are any life changes such as you or your partner’s employment, a relationship change, or a move. In this case, contact Shared Conception and we can walk you through the necessary steps to ensure that you are fully covered throughout the remainder of the pregnancy.

The staff at Shared Conception is here to assist you and the intended parents. Do not hesitate to contact us when necessary. We are just a phone call away!


“The” Decision

Deciding to become a surrogate mother is a choice initially made by you – the surrogate-to-be. However, you mustn’t ignore how it can affect your spouse/partner, children and the loved ones around you. After all, their support is crucial to a successful journey. Part of your responsibility as a surrogate, is to help your family be comfortable with the idea and to support them throughout your journey. In many ways, your decision is as important for them as it is for you.

The first step is to have a conversation with your spouse/partner, so before you make that final decision, have an open dialogue about surrogacy. Research the topic, become as educated as possible about the entire process. Relay the desire you have to help create a family. Even though you are the one carrying a child and bearing (quite literally) the majority of the weight in this adventure, it will also affect their lives tremendously. There will be restrictions on intercourse before, possibly during the pregnancy (if there are complications) and after birth, medical checkups, possible travel and down time that will require help from your support system. 

It is important to include your children in this discussion. It will be impossible to hide a pregnancy from them. Children tend to be more accepting than you think. That’s why it is important to keep them involved. Give them the opportunity to learn from this experience. Explain to them why you are needed in this process. Throughout the journey, remind your little ones what a wonderful and generous adventure you are all experiencing.  

You may not be able to please everyone. Only you know which family and friends will directly factor into your decision. If an important family member, someone you musthave in your support system is against your decision, this may impact your ability to be a surrogate.

Begin with a call to Shared Conception. We can educate you about surrogacy and give you tools to begin the conversation. Give us a call today!