If you are contemplating surrogacy, you will find a world of terms that may sound like a whole new language! These terms are referred to in surrogacy agencies, clinics and doctors’ offices. It can be confusing and intimidating so Shared Conception has compiled a list of surrogacy terms so you can understand what is being said!
IF– Intended Father
IM– Intended Mother
IP– Intended Parent (some get specific to say IF or IM, but just as easy to say IPs)
FIF– Former Intended Father
FIM– Former Intended Mother
FIP– Former Intended Parents
GC- Gestational Carrier (can also be GS for Gestational Surrogate)
RE- Reproductive Endocrinologist
ET- Embryo Transfer
DE- Donor Egg
ED- Egg Donor
BCP- Birth Control Pills
B/W– Bloodwork
DET- Double embryo transfer (transferring 2 embryos at once)
SET- Single embryo transfer (transferring 1 embryo at transfer)
PIO – Progesterone in oil (typically in injection form for most clinics and protocols)
P4- Progesterone (commonly referred to as this when mentioned results of progesterone levels during monitoring appointments)
E2- Estradiol/Estrogen (commonly referred to as this when mentioned results of estrogen levels during monitoring appointments)
HPT– Home Pregnancy Test
FRER- First Response Early Result (one of the most sensitive tests and often mentioned as a top choice to use if you’re testing early)
POAS– Pee on a stick (use a home pregnancy test)
BFP– “Big Fat Positive” aka positive pregnancy test (BFN if negative, but we don’t want to be negative here and highlight that acronym!)
Beta– hCG blood test for pregnancy
EDD- Estimated due date
U/S- Ultrasound
SCH- Subchorionic hemorrhage (common in IVF and part of why we say don’t jump to conclusions or try to worry about bleeding)
CD- Cycle Day (CD1 is cycle day 1 which is the first full day of your period, which you will share with your coordinator each month prior to transfer)
2WW– Two Week Wait (almost never an actual 2 week wait as many beta tests are done by then)
9dp5dt (you can use a variety of numbers)- You can change the wording, but this means 9 “days past” 5 “day transfer” assuming the embryos were frozen on day 5.
PGD- Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
PGS– Preimplantation Genetic Screening
The staff at Shared Conception is here to guide you and answer any questions you may have about surrogacy. We want you to be informed, fulfilled and confident about your decision to give or receive the most precious gift there is. Interested in becoming a surrogate or finding a surrogate? Give us a call today. Ladies interested in becoming a surrogate can also visit www.deliveradream.com and fill out an application request form. Potential intended parents can visit www.sharedconception.com to get further information. We would love to hear from you!