The holiday rush and pregnancy

The Holiday Rush

Now that Halloween is behind us and the sugar rush has dissipated, Thanksgiving is next in line. Let’s look forward to yummy comfort food and more family time. Go ahead, take an extra scoop of mashed potatoes because – you deserve it! And most importantly –indulge (not overindulge) on desserts! Pregnancy intensifies many of your senses, including taste. So, all those delectable desserts can taste like the best thing you’ve ever had. It’s a great time to use those 300 extra calories your body needs every day.

Don’t get overwhelmed this holiday season! Savor the moments and enjoy them. It’s not unusual to feel like you can’t keep up between all the riff-raff and running around. Shared Conception understands this can add pressure to an already overworked pregnant body. We have a few tricks up our sleeve to survive and enjoy this time of year.

Being cozy and comfortable is essential while pregnant, and the holidays are no exception. So, if you can’t find the perfect holiday outfit – it’s okay. Take the pressure off yourself and know that everyone will think you and your bump are adorable no matter what you wear, even in your tunic and leggings. If you would like some advice on holiday style, check out our blog on Pregnancy Holiday Attire!

Are you traveling this season? Refer to our blog about Traveling When Pregnant. Always let your doctor know about your travel plans to get the green light. And remember, refer to your contract to avoid any uncomfortable situations regarding travel when you are a surrogate. All contracts are different, and Shared Conception advises you to look at it before making travel arrangements.

Pregnancy is an emotional time. The Holidays are a joyous time of year and, after all, the season of good cheer. This holiday brings on a cloud of happiness you can revel in. If you find yourself more emotional, relax; you have a pass since you are pregnant. So turn up the Holiday music and cozy up with a book, blanket, and decaf mocha to make yourself feel better. Also, read our blog about why the holiday season rocks when you’re pregnant if you need any reminders!

Shared Conception is always here to talk to our surrogates. If you are interested in pursuing a journey and giving the gift of family, call us today!



post birth surrogacy

What to Expect Post-Birth

Building a family is extremely exciting! If you are considering surrogacy, you have an incredible journey ahead of you. It’s exhilarating, surreal, and wonderful to bring a child into the world for someone else. After being matched, you share this incredible ride with your intended parents.

One of the most common questions you will get throughout your journey is how you feel about giving up the baby. When this question arises, you can educate this person by letting them know that this is not your baby, not even biologically. But as a first-time surrogate, do you know what the end of your journey (after birth) withholds?

Many surrogates will agree that giving birth is the most rewarding part of the entire journey. And after labor, most are left with a fulfilling sense of satisfaction and joy watching the intended parents gush over their tiny newborn.

In the Hospital

Most surrogates stay on the labor and delivery floor with the other newborns and new parents in the hospital. After all, surrogates need the same post-natal care as any other mother. The hospital is an excellent opportunity to have friends and family come and visit you while you recuperate and have a chance to rest and relax before getting back to your children and daily life. As long as it is okay with the intended parents, and it is with most, you can visit your surro baby and take in that newborn smell and cuddles without changing the diapers!


As with any pregnancy, your breasts will be sore, and milk will come in. Prearranged, you will either try every trick in the book to suppress lactation, give it to your surro babe, or donate to a milk bank. Either choice will be what is best for you and your post-baby lifestyle.

Post Hospital

Leaving the hospital is pretty uneventful. Most look forward to sleeping in their bed, recovering at home, being with their own family, and returning to their pre-surrogate lives. You may experience quick changes in hormone levels that can ignite some baby blues. These baby blues are common. If you think that these feelings are intensifying, seek treatment and contact your doctor. Otherwise, surround yourself with support, concentrate on getting back to a healthy lifestyle and focus on the positives!

Are you interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give us a call today. We want you to be informed, fulfilled, and satisfied, knowing you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way.  You can also visit to find out more information

sunscreen while pregnant

Best Sunscreens for Pregnancy

We often find ourselves looking at the ingredients of our beauty products when expecting. Now that summer is arriving, ingredients are very important when it comes to what is in our sunscreen. After all, it is important to protect your skin and baby bump from the harmful effects of the sun. Pregnancy hormones can cause increased skin pigmentation that can get darker in the sun. That is why it is important to use a high-quality SPF pregnant or not.

It is recommended to use a broad-spectrum formula that blocks both UVA and UVB rays with a protection of SPF30 or more. Look for ingredients with minerals such as titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. These are hypoallergenic. Pregnant skin tends to be more sensitive to some ingredients, so it is best to use formulas for sensitive skin.

Apply sunscreen 15-30 minutes before exposure to the sun and reapply every two hours, even more often if you are swimming or sweating. Always wear sunglasses and wide-brimmed hats for extra protection and stay hydrated!

Below are some recommended sunscreens for every budget:

Beautycounter Countersun Mineral Sunscreen: Beautycounter offers a wide range of beauty products that do not contain harmful products found in most other brands. Setting a high standard for safety in the beauty industry, Beauty counter sunscreen can be purchased as a lotion, spray or stick.

Thinkbaby SPF: Pediatric Dermatologist recommended, this mineral sunscreen is also nontoxic and formulated with Non-Nano Zinc Oxide for full spectrum UVA and UVB protection. Found at Target for only $13!

Neutrogena Sensitive Skin Sunscreen: This $9, affordable and oil-free sunscreen protects those with eczema and sensitive skin. Broad-spectrum SPF 60+ contains natural titanium dioxide and zinc oxide.

Drunk Elephant Tinted Sunscreen for face: For daily protection and sheer coverage, this sunscreen provides protection and can replace foundation making two steps become one!

Sun Bum Mineral Sunscreen Lip Balm: And don’t forget about your lips! Our lips are very prone to sunburn and need protection too! Look for a zinc-based formula that contains SPF.

Shared Conception wants you to stay protected and safe in the sun. Our surrogates are our top priority, and we are proud to represent such wonderful women! Are you thinking about becoming a surrogate, or would like more information? Your journey can begin by filling out an application request form. Visit for more information. Or for a no-pressure phone call, you can reach out to us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more information.



using your own OBGYN through surrogacy journey

Using your OBGYN in Surrogacy

One of the many common questions from new surrogates is about using their OBGYN in their journey. After all, our OBGYN is where we ladies feel the most comfortable. Many of our doctors have delivered our biological children. And, there is the sense of safety with our own doctor that brings confidence and security to a pregnancy.
Fertility Clinics, Doctors and Specialists
During your surrogacy journey, you can use your own OBGYN, but not right away. Your OB has to clear you for surrogacy by providing a letter stating you are healthy and able for a pregnancy. After this, you begin a series of medical and psychological evaluations and work with a fertility clinic and reproductive endocrinologist. The clinic is necessary as they carry out tests and bloodwork that your OB cannot provide. The fertility clinic takes over at this point for some time to prepare your body for an IVF (in-vitro fertilization) transfer. This is when the embryo is implanted in your uterus. After a couple of days of rest and a blood test measuring your HCG levels, you will find out if your transfer resulted in a viable pregnancy.  If successful, the clinic and fertility doctor will monitor you throughout your first trimester. At this time, you will continue to have weekly ultrasounds and blood tests at the clinic to make sure all is well with you and the baby. Around your first trimester, if without any concerns or complications, the fertility clinic will release you to your preferred OBGYN. If you don’t have a preferred Obstetrician
It can be about location. Sometimes our surrogates have chosen a different OB to make it easier for the intended parents to attend appointments. But, this is your choice as the surrogate. With the amount of time spent in a doctor’s office, you shouldn’t have to travel too far or be uncomfortable. This will be ironed out in your contract that is signed before the IVF process. It is very important that your preferences are voiced when the contract is being drafted. That is why Shared Conception urges our potential surrogates to become very familiar with their contract and voice all of your requests at this time.
It can be about insurance. Insurance can make things tricky. Sometimes surrogates are able to use their own insurance and remain with their doctor. When this is not possible, the intended parents provide insurance. The surrogate still gets to choose the OBGYN but the OB must be in that insurance plan’s network. Shared Conception knows that choosing a doctor is not as easy as drawing a name out of a hat. That is why we can provide referrals to many Obstetrician doctors and practices that our previous surrogates have been very happy with.
You will never be alone in your journey with Shared Conception. We can hold your hand throughout your journey and be there for as much, or as little as you need. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you! Want even more information? Call us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more information.



shoes fit for pregnancy

Let’s talk shoes!

A summer pregnancy isn’t always easy. It’s hot, you sweat more and battle with trying to dress comfortably and looking cute. Thank goodness you have the support of your family members and loved ones! Shoes are another type of support you need in order to have a comfortable journey. Your swollen feet deserve more. The summer heat can add to swelling. Women have lots of extra fluid in their bodies during pregnancy and the pressure from the growing uterus causes swelling in the ankles and feet. Unfortunately, swelling tends to get worse during hotter weather, which could make those cute sandals a little difficult to wear.

When shopping for shoes, there are many things to consider. That is why Shared Conception is letting you know about our favorite pregnancy shoes that provide support, comfort, and style.

Those extra pounds you put on add stress to your body, especially your feet. At the end of the day, your legs can feel tired, heavy, achy, and swollen. That is why you have to shop for shoes that are flexible and can accommodate the swelling fluctuation throughout the day. Since your ligaments loosen while you are pregnant (thanks to your hormones) your arches can fall flat. With that in mind, purchase shoes with proper arch support.

You may have to retire your favorite sneakers for a size up! Your feet can grow up to a whole size when you are pregnant – and that’s okay! Shoes that are comfortable and fit well are important because your center of gravity changes. It also helps to skip the heels for the remainder of your pregnancy. Heels can become hazardous, especially for your ankles! So, you can stay safe and avoid any accidents, retire the heels for now.

Here are 5 stylish and comfortable shoes to look into for your precious tootsies this summer:


birkenstock for pregnancy





Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give us a call today. We want you to be informed, fulfilled, and satisfied knowing you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way.  Also, you can visit to find out more information!

Intended parent basics blog

For the Potential Intended Parent 

Surrogates make a huge commitment to the intended parents. They go through an intensive screening process, legal contracts, psychological and medical evaluations, background checks, and more to show they are good candidates to carry your baby and are committed to the surrogacy journey. There is so much information for potential surrogates; but what is there for intended parents?

Below, are the most frequently asked questions from potential intended parents

How do I begin the process?

When intended parents first contact Shared Conception, we will set up an initial one-hour consultation and provide information about the process, timing, and expenses involved in growing a family. We also want to learn about your family, social history, and reasons for choosing surrogacy.

When you agree to move on to the next step with Shared Conception, we may request additional information from you to be able to find potential surrogates whose wants and needs for the surrogacy are a good match with you, the intended parents.

Are there requirements for intended parents?

Intended parents must be:

  • Between the ages of 21-65
  • Able to pass a background check -Shared Conception performs background checks to ensure the intended parents have a clean criminal background and child abuse registry. All intended parents must be able to provide a safe and stable home to a child.
  • Emotional support for spouse or partner
  • Pass a psychological assessment
  • Have financial stability
  • Respectful of surrogate’s time and commitment and in general a good person – The safety of our surrogates is of utmost importance to us and we reserve the right to refuse service to any potential intended parent that does not meet the above-mentioned criteria.

What if it doesn’t work?

If you have three unsuccessful cycles with your surrogate and have at least 2 embryos that are rated A or B+ you can be re-matched with a new surrogate for no fee.

Does Texas have a law for surrogacy?

Yes! Tex. Fam. Code §§ 160.751 to .763 (2007)

Texas’s law is modeled after Part 8 of the Uniform Parentage Act of 2002. A gestational agreement must be validated in court. The gestational mother may not use her own eggs. She must have had at least one prior pregnancy and delivery. She maintains control over all health-related decisions during the pregnancy. The intended mother must show that she is unable to carry a pregnancy or give birth. The intended parents must be married and must be willing to undergo a home study. There is a residency requirement of at least 90 days for either the gestational mother or the intended parents. An agreement that has not been validated is not enforceable, and parentage will be determined under the other parts of Texas’s Uniform Parentage Act.

We would love the opportunity to help create your family. For more information visit . We have two Texas locations: Houston 713.622.1144 and Dallas 214.390.4024


Covid vaccine and pregnancy

COVID-19 Vaccine and Pregnancy

Covid vaccine and pregnancy

There has been a lot of talk about the COVID-19 vaccine and pregnancy. Some headlines are scary, while others are confusing. Shared Conception has done some research and would like to share what we have found.

Social media has been buzzing about the coronavirus vaccine causing pregnant women to miscarry. Although scary, this is likely, not true. There have been many recent and encouraging studies released by the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology last month, informing the public about the good level of protection against the virus to both pregnant and lactating women, and likely their babies.

While most vaccines have been considered safe in the past, not many pregnant women jumped at the chance to be part of the trial for the new Covid vaccines.  And now, the claims of miscarriage that have circulated on social media have startled many pregnant women. These claims have been debunked according to agencies such as the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency), FDA, and the CDC.

“It’s also important to note the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have stated there is no evidence the COVID-19 vaccine is unsafe during pregnancy, although both caution, there is still little data.”

This has caused a high level of anxiety for both surrogates and intended parents. We have noticed that this is an important discussion that must be had between the surrogate and the intended parents. Everyone’s feelings must be taken into consideration, especially that of the surrogate. This is an unprecedented avenue we have all had to explore and endure. Although it is a tough conversation, it has to be had.  And Shared Conception is here to help.

Shared Conception knows it is difficult to find reliable information about the vaccine when you are trying to research its efficacy and safety. If you are starting your journey, or in the middle of one and have questions, we are here to help you navigate through this unique period of time that we are all living in.

Shared Conception pledges to support you throughout the pregnancy. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you!







surrogacy as a single mom

Surrogacy as a Single Mom

We have had many inquiries from single moms asking if they would qualify to be a surrogate, even though they are not married or in a committed relationship. The answer is “absolutely!” Even it if seems that all surrogates are married or partnered, this is not a requirement and Shared Conception has worked with many single mom surrogates.

All of our single moms are strong women who are dedicated to their own families and are committed to helping to grow another.

Different Requirements?

As a follow-up to the question about single mom surrogacy, we are often asked if there are different requirements for single surrogates. Surprisingly, most of the requirements are the same. All surrogates are required to have a child of their own, a clean bill of health, financial stability, and the ability to pass a medical and mental health screening.

Dating when a Surrogate.

As we all know, life throws us many twists and turns. Although you may think surrogacy puts dating on hold, life happens! It is still possible to continue dating throughout your journey. We have had quite a few of our single surrogates find their life partners, mid-journey. However, you need to let your doctor know if you choose to become sexually active with someone new. Testing for sexually transmitted diseases protects both you and the baby from contracting something harmful.

If you date during your journey, it is important, to be honest with your partner. If your relationship becomes serious, there may be some additional screening required of them and you. Shared Conception is always willing to discuss any of your concerns before, after, or during your journey.

Superior Support is a Must! 

We all know one of the most difficult jobs in the world is being a mom. Being a single mom is even harder. Carrying a surrogate baby, although selfless, brings on even more responsibility. You will want to make sure you have stellar support from your friends and family. There will be times when you will need to ask for help from your support network, and you will find this vital throughout your journey.

No matter what your relationship status, if you are interested in surrogacy, give Shared Conception a call today. Call us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 location for more information. Or, visit to get started on an application and to see if you prequalify.


Media and surrogacy

Media and Surrogacy

There is so much more acceptance these days about having children through surrogacy than previously. Attitudes towards the surrogacy process have changed throughout the years. More than ever, we hear of surrogacy in the news, on the covers of magazines, and in interviews with celebrities. These instances have helped make surrogacy a more acceptable way of having children. However, there are times when the media portrays surrogacy in a negative light, or just downright incorrectly!

The media has greatly influenced surrogacy; in good and bad ways. When it comes to surrogacy in the news, oftentimes, it is a horrible story shedding a negative light on all involved. It does not mention the thousands of families that have been created through surrogacy, or the happiness in successful surrogacy journeys. Many times, the media focuses on the dangers of surrogacy, which are not only misrepresenting surrogacy but also quite offensive!

  1. Not seeing the beauty in surrogacy

Becoming a gestational carrier is beautiful and selfless. These sentiments are rarely conveyed to the public. Shared Conception has worked with hundreds of selfless women who have given years of their time to help create or extend a family for others. It’s not all about the money. Ask anyone of our surrogates. Many have different but equally beautiful reasons of why they became a surrogate. All will agree that their time as a surrogate was one of the most rewarding experiences in their lives.

  1. Don’t forget about the happy families created through surrogacy

The media focuses on the most outrageous surrogacy stories. Many times, you hear of a crazy surrogacy story that is dramatized in a made-for-TV movie, article, or news segment. There are many more happy stories than unhappy ones.

  1. Heartbreak is often sensationalized

The negativity that is reported is rarely followed up with a successful story. This is a missed opportunity to inform and educate others on the process. Education and research are critical elements in a successful journey. If any agreement; whether for surrogacy or another business contract is written poorly, with little education or research, then such an agreement is prone to cause issues.

  1. Name-calling

Negative terminology such as “breeders” or “womb for rent” has been associated with the surrogacy process. These words cannot be farther from the truth and can be very offensive. All surrogates offer their assistance, and agencies such as Shared Conception, make sure that all our surrogates are educated and informed before the process even begins!

Becoming a surrogate is selfless, beautiful, and rewarding. These words are among many words our surrogates have used to describe their experience with Shared Conception. Begin your surrogacy journey with us. Call us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more information. Or visit to fill out an information request form!





what to do with all that breast milk

Got Milk?

Surrogates are women warriors. They help build and create families for those that have faced fertility challenges or are unable to conceive. After birth, the giving does not have to stop. Many surrogates give their breast milk to their surrogate babies or prefer to pump in order to aid in the healing process after birth. Some find themselves with an abundant supply of breast milk and there is so much that they can do with it.

Before formula was introduced, a mom unable to breastfeed, called upon a wet nurse. In this case, so very long ago, it was the only option. Little was known about the benefits of breastfeeding for a newborn – and then the practice was completely eliminated with the introduction of formula. Today, there is so much research dedicated to the benefits and healing powers of breastmilk. If you have an extra supply, there are many babies in need of this “liquid gold.”

Your breastmilk can help save lives. The topic may seem taboo but the safety guidelines and screening process for donor milk can put new parents at ease.

How can I donate my breastmilk to another baby?

Contact the suggested milk banks provided in this blog or look for a reputable bank in your area. Most banks require a phone interview to review your health history, a release form from your doctor, blood work to rule out infectious diseases, and other eliminating factors. Some banks require the surrogacy agency to sign a form stating that you were a surrogate with them.

Most donation banks have milk deposit locations or provide overnight shipping at no cost to you. Many milk banks work regionally and even nationally.

Where can I donate?

You can contact either of the milk banks below in Texas to get started. When you contact the milk bank, the staff will guide you through the screening process. Mothers Milk Bank also serves nationally. The link here will provide their other national banks.

Prolacta Milk Bank (National milk bank)

Mothers Milk Bank of North Texas

Mothers Milk Bank at Austin

Take precaution

The demand from parents for breastmilk is high. Many parents who cannot breastfeed for a variety of reasons search high and low for this precious food source. The FDA issued a warning to parents recommending they do not buy breastmilk from the internet. There are many reliable milk banks that put the donated milk through an intense testing and screening process ensuring that the milk received is safe for your baby.

Shared Conception can help you get in touch with the proper contacts if you are interested in donating. Contact us, or visit for more information!

Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give Shared Conception a call today. We can’t wait to talk to you!