how to be a surrogate mother

Surrogacy Process for IP’s

Shared Conception is eager to find the right surrogate for you! We look forward to going through the surrogacy process with you. It is our wish to be at your side during this unique surrogate pregnancy process and are just as excited for you to finally hold your baby in your arms!

Intended parents will efficiently navigate through the following stages.

  • Initial consultation – this one-hour consultation is to connect and answer any questions you may have about surrogacy. Many of our intended parents like to discuss timing, expenses, contracts, and other concerns involving their family. If you choose to go forward with us after the consultation, you will be asked to fill out our application form. Read more about the initial consultation process here, on our website.
  • Matching process – After the initial meeting and completed application, we begin the process of finding the ideal surrogate for you. For more information on the matching process, visit our website or click here.
  • Psychological screening and evaluation – these evaluations are vital to ensure that all parties are suitable for the surrogacy process. All evaluations are conducted by a licensed mental health professional. For more information, click here.
  • Medical screening – With the help of Shared Conception, we coordinate surrogates to participate in a medical evaluation. Each IVF center has different requirements so a Shared Conception representative coordinates with the clinic for you.
  • Legal surrogacy process – We provide a referral list of family attorneys that specialize in the surrogacy process and Reproductive Law. Contracts are required prior to beginning the embryo transfer cycle. Also, an escrow account is established at this time to cover costs for medications, co-pays, and other costs outlined in your contract.
  • Embryo transfer – The moment you have been waiting for! This is when the embryo is placed for implantation and monitored for a viable pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy – We will remain a part of your support system throughout the pregnancy (and after) and will be available to help you navigate through this wonderful time. Our goal is to have your experience be as joyful as possible.
  • Preparing for the birth – There are necessary documents that will be prepared by your attorney. Shared Conception will help verify that all the paperwork is in order for peace of mind allowing you to focus on the wonderful gift you are about to receive.
  • Birth – This is the end to the entire process and a family is created!


If you are interested in having a surrogate, let Shared Conceptions make your dreams of a family a reality. Contact us today and we will help you get one step closer to the child you have always wanted. Call us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more information. Visit for more information.

Surrogate Spouse's POV

A Spouse’s POV on Surrogacy

I am a proud two-time surrogate. I have no problem telling people about it whether they agree with my decision or not, and I do not have a problem answering (sometimes invasive) questions. I take it as an opportunity to debunk myths and educate people about a topic not talked about that often.

Then there’s my husband, who’s supported my decision to become a surrogate and was supportive throughout the journey from IVF to delivery and every needle in between. But there are so many questions my husband faced while I was pregnant (with another man’s baby – and another woman’s baby) that I think are important for other men with wives and partners considering surrogacy should know. After all, it is the “other side” of surrogacy that is even less discussed.

So, I interviewed my husband with the top 5 questions he experienced when I was a surrogate:

  1. How do you get past the fact that your wife is carrying another man’s baby? When my wife explained the whole process to me, it was purely medical – and I thought it was a very selfless thing to do. She always enjoyed pregnancy, so why not do it for a family in need? Not many people asked me if my wife slept with another man – I think they would know me better than to agree to something like that! Although, I did enjoy joking around with close friends and family, saying that my wife was pregnant with another man’s baby! That was one of my favorite things to do when she was on her journey.


  1. Did your wife decide without your consent? Absolutely not! She brought it up to me over dinner one day, and I thought it was a far-fetched idea, and I didn’t even know that surrogacy was a real thing. Then she explained the process to me, told me why she wanted to do it – and through researching the topic more together, we decided it was a great thing to do.


  1. Were you worried you would grow attached to the baby? No, we already knew that we were finished having kids and were very happy with our two boys. The thought of another infant terrified me. But I was happy to have my wife be someone else’s oven for their bun. Knowing the baby was not biologically tied to either of us made it less complicated regarding emotions.


  1. Do you still find your wife attractive (aka how is your sex life)? That’s a great question. And yes! There was not one part of me that ever considered this too weird to be intimate.


  1. How was your relationship with the intended parents?  I enjoy the intended parents from each journey so much, and it is amazing what can bring two couples together. We still maintain special relationships with both of the intended parents from each journey – and they will be lifelong friendships.


Are you interested in learning more about surrogacy or have questions about talking about it with your partner? Give us a call today. We want you to be informed, fulfilled, and satisfied, knowing you can contribute to the world in a unique and precious way. Also, you can visit to find out more information!




how faith is involved in surrogacy

3 Ways Faith is Found in the Surrogacy Process

Religion connects people in many different ways. And, it can play a role in your surrogacy journey. Here are just a few to start a conversation.

1.     Surrogacy alone is a leap of faith: Surrogacy is an unbelievable option for those who cannot have children on their own.  But, it is not a process that is quick or easy. When you decide to start this journey, there are many people involved that make this process as smooth as possible. This can be especially true when you’re an intended parent, as you’ll be spending a lot of time waiting and putting your faith in your surrogate. When so many factors are out of your control, being patient and holding onto faith is one of the best things you can do.

2.     Your faith can connect you to other families: It might seem like you don’t have anyone to reach out to, but there are plenty of families in your position who have either thought about starting their surrogacy journey or are getting started just like you. Additionally, you’ve probably considering looking for a match with a gestational surrogate who shares your beliefs. While there could be a wait to find the right person, it will be well worth it in the end.

3.     It’s one of the greatest ways to help others:  There are many reasons why women choose to become surrogates. But one of the many reasons is because becoming a surrogate is spiritually and emotionally rewarding or fulfilling, and offers an opportunity for them to give back.

We know that you already have a lot to think about before you start your journey. If you are interested in having a surrogate, or just a conversation, let Shared Conceptions help. Give us a call today and get one step closer to the child you have always wanted. Visit for more information.



If you are wondering if becoming a surrogate is right for you, visit to get started on an application.

Pregnancy Then and Now

Pregnancy Then and Now

Pregnancy is awesome. We see glamourous pregnancy photoshoots, celebrities celebrating their baby bumps, designers creating maternity lines, and pampering spa packages, specifically for a pregnant woman. Pregnancy wasn’t always glorified and celebrated. Our mothers had it much differently, so let’s compare, now vs. then.

Finding out

Now: Pee on a stick. Your choice of digital or traditional. And, if you don’t believe the first one, take another, and another, and another.


Then: A urine sample from home had to be transported to your doctor. After a couple of days, it was confirmed if any pregnancy hormone (hCG) was detected in your urine. Eventually, the e.p.t. test became the first home pregnancy test to hit the North American market and became popular in 1977.


Now: Pregnant women worry about their diet constantly—there are lists of foods to avoid that seems to constantly grow. The research on alcohol consumption while pregnant is fairly conclusive nowadays. And, the idea of a woman smoking or even being around smoke while pregnant is shocking now.

Then: Pregnant women were encouraged to continue eating and drinking as they always did. There are even stories of new moms being told to drink dark beer for their iron levels. Perhaps the most shocking is that some doctors told pregnant women to not quit smoking because quitting would raise blood pressure.


Now:  Maternity bras and panties are so comfortable, it’s hard to get rid of them post pregnancy. Your favorite brands come in maternity styles, and wearing bikinis is completely acceptable. Clothes that emphasizes your “bump” is sexy! Comfy maternity clothes are even comfier.


Then: Trapeze dresses, smock tops and Peter Pan collars were the norm, often finished off with big, floppy bows and outrageous prints. Maternity fashion was like a crash course in dressing your toddler. It was also very unflattering and made every pregnant woman look enormous.

Labor and Delivery

Now: While labor rarely goes according to any woman’s birth plan, there are options. Options include midwives, doulas or doctors, as well as hospitals or home births. There are even options when it comes to pain relief.

Then: Believe it or not, women had little participation in the labor and delivery process. Doctors made the birth plan and most decisions. The popularity of epidurals started to rise in the 80s, giving women more choice in their pain management.

Hospital stay

Now: Babies are roomed in the same room as their mom so the bonding (and sleepless nights) can begin right away. A hospital stay of 24 hours is the norm for vaginal births without complications. For women who choose to have a hospital birth with a midwife, they can leave soon after the baby is born.

Then: It was believed that mothers and babies needed to stay at the hospital, and newborns were often placed in the nursery, away from their mother for about 24 hours for observation. They were brought to the mother on a schedule; mostly for feeding. Dads and grandparents would stare at the rows of babies in a nursery behind a glass window. New moms stayed in the hospital for several days; sometimes up to a week.

Times have changed. Birth is more comfortable and much more celebrated than the generations before. Technology has made it possible for more comfortable births, and women have gained more control of their birth plan.

Why not take the next step and open a dialogue with Shared Conception? Give us a call today and see if surrogacy is the right decision for you! You can also visit to begin an application to become a gestational surrogate and find out more information!


What to call your surrogate

What to Call Your Surrogate

There is no official name to call your surrogate after the birth of your baby. Phrases like, “friend of the family” barely scratch the surface. Someone who was once a stranger, has changed your life in the best way possible and now has a special place in your heart. But how did that happen? And for those who are looking into surrogacy, how does it happen?

Surrogate-intended parent relationships usually blossom as the surrogate’s belly blossoms. Intended parents tend to develop a deep and powerful relationship with their surrogate. By the end of the journey, most intended parents want their surrogate to stay in their life and in the life of their child. Some have a special name for their “tummy mummy.” Even if this is not the case, that is okay too! This article is going to share how parents who have had children through surrogacy develop and maintain a relationship with these incredible women!

The relationship between you and your surrogate tends to grow naturally. After you meet your surrogate and go through the medical and legal procedures and a successful embryo transfer, you get know each other pretty well. There is also a lot more time spent together for the remainder of the journey. There will be a lot of talking and texting about prenatal appointments, checking in and maybe inviting her to the baby shower. Our surrogates have also always loved meeting their intended parents for coffee or lunch!

And remember, as her belly get bigger, it is harder and harder for her to move around. So, dropping off dinner from her favorite restaurant can mean the world to her. It is also important to recognize special moments in her life such as her birthday, or a milestone like a promotion. And, recognition can be as simple as an encouraging and kind note or a simple call or text.

Don’t overthink your relationship; let it happen naturally. After all, a happy pregnant woman is a healthy one too! Shared Conception is always here to help our intended parents if they have questions about anything surrogate-related. If you are considering surrogacy, give us a call today or visit We would love to hear from you.

Selective Reduction

Selective Reduction and Termination

If you are considering surrogacy with Shared Conception, questions about selective reduction and termination may not be something you have given thought to. There is no right or wrong answer to these questions; its more about how you feel. Although it can be uncomfortable to think about, it’s important for Shared Conception to be able to match you with like-minded intended parents. That is why you need to be very honest with your answers.

An ideal journey does not involve these emotional medical procedures and hard decisions. They are simply “what if” scenarios. Even though the need to do these procedures is rare, these sensitive topics need to be discussed because they are included in your contract. This is why you should fully understand what they both are.


A termination is different than selective reduction. This is when a medical condition exists that could cause the unborn child physical or psychological difficulties and can affect the quality of life in the baby or surrogate.

Selective Reduction

Under some circumstances, intended parents may consider having their surrogate undertake selective reduction. This is done because sometimes a reduction is sometimes necessary to protect the health and wellness of the other fetus.  This is most common when carrying 3 fetuses or more. Since transferring more than one embryo is highly advised against and rare these days, selective reduction is not a common procedure anymore.

Both these scenarios are laid out clearly in your contract and are not decisions that should be taken lightly.

Knowing the difference between the two is vital when applying to become a surrogate. As mentioned before, Shared Conception will match you with intended parents based on your beliefs and feelings about the two topics. Our goal is connecting surrogates with the right intended parents.

Surrogacy can be a complicated process. Selective reduction and termination are just a few of the topics that need to be included in your surrogacy contract. That is why it is important that all surrogates who apply, fully comprehend which procedures she might experience. Shared Conception is always available to answer any questions about medical requirements of a surrogate.

Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support you throughout the pregnancy. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you!

learn about surrogacy

Be “In the Know” about Surrogacy

Have you ever considered surrogacy? It is a big decision and a lot of conversations are to be had. When making this decision, it’s not just about you making the amazing decision by yourself to help create a family. It involves your support system like your children, parents, spouses, friends and other family members. It is important that all parties involved understand and are comfortable with the idea, nuances and processes involving surrogacy; not to mention, the wonderful end result of a surrogate birth–a newborn child and an entire family unit being created or enriched.


The key to a successful surrogacy from the beginning is education and research. Before mentioning this life-changing decision to anyone in your support system, learn the process yourself. There is usually lots of questions that follow when you tell someone your plans of becoming a surrogate.


Make sure you know everything that is expected of you as a gestational carrier, and all it takes to do so, is a no pressure phone call to Shared Conception. In this call you can ask any question imaginable about surrogacy. We have heard them all! We have a knowledgeable staff; many of whom have been surrogates themselves, to answer any and every question you may have. We can even give you our expert advice on how to speak with individual family members about surrogacy.


Most surrogacy arrangements conducted through Shared Conception, result in happy endings. With expert guidance and knowledge, our agency will help both the surrogate and the intended parent in ALL aspects of your journey; from the beginning to the end.


Making families is an honor and a privilege for those of us who have been touched by surrogacy or infertility. Our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception, is available to all of our precious surrogates to be a guide, shoulder to cry on, voice of reason and supporter; all aimed at the direct goal of happy and healthy journey. We want you to be informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way.


Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an information request form! We would love to hear from you!



designer surrogacy

Surrogacy by Design

There is a good side and a not so good side to everything in this world. Even with surrogacy. Luckily, surrogacy is growing and has some kind of positive presence in main stream media. Unfortunately, some women have used surrogacy for more reasons than just infertility. This has grown to become labeled “designer surrogacy.” Some women are afraid of pregnancy. For reasons such as gaining weight, fear of what it can do to their body or can’t fit a pregnancy into their lives.

Woman who choose surrogacy for purposes other than infertility, may indeed, be judged. Many believe pregnancy should not be treated as an inconvenience. Many celebrities have been criticized for using a surrogate to prevent stretch marks or interrupting film schedules.

The first United States surrogacy contract was written in 1976, and caused speculation that we would become a divided nation of breeders and then the wealthy who exploit them. Kind of like the popular series, Handmaids Tale. There are some states that allow it, while others ban it altogether. And only in 2012, have there been guidelines issued by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), stating that surrogacy should only be used “when a true medical condition precludes the intended parent from carrying a pregnancy or would pose a significant risk of death or harm to the woman or the fetus. The indication must be clearly documented in the patient’s medical records.” In Texas, there has to be a medical necessity for someone to do surrogacy.

But what is the definition of “medical need?” Surrogacy is appropriate when doctors offer the option to patients who suffer from a medical condition, severe anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder. This also includes when a mother would be at high risk for postpartum depression, or has had a difficult previous pregnancy.

As for Shared Conception (a Texas-based surrogacy agency), we have never agreed to work with clients interested in designer surrogacy. We have, however, seen cases where there is a physical or mental reason. Even in cases where the intended mother has to be on certain medications or where the intended mother had a high-risk pregnancy the first time and has been advised not to proceed with another pregnancy. These scenarios do exist and Shared Conception understands and is happy to assist.

Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give us a call today or visit and let’s talk!



Surplus Embryos

When dealing with infertility, there are so many crucial decisions that have to be made. It is truly exhausting. Many parents who have struggled with infertility, find themselves with a surplus of embryos and struggle with the decision of what do with them.

When parents are going through fertility treatments, they usually want as many embryos as possible, in case it takes more than one try to get pregnant. It’s common to need to do more than one transfer; even to a surrogate.  Also, the parents might want extra embryos for a future sibling. So, what happens when their family is complete and they find themselves with a surplus of embryos?

This topic has become controversial and has even made headlines. We all remember the famous, or infamous California mom who implanted all eight of her embryos and delivered all eight babies because she couldn’t fathom disposing or donating any of her embryos. But not everyone is up to that challenge. So, what are the options?

Parents have the option of keeping the embryos in storage, disposing of them, donating to research or donating to an infertile couple. The latest research shows that many couples don’t know what to do and continue to pay storage fees year after year. Most parents feel a sense of responsibility for their embryos. They still count them as their children – their offspring; so donating them to research seems cold to them. Furthermore, donating to research can pose a problem due to current federal legislation.

Letting another infertile couple adopt their embryos would be a very sweet and unselfish act if the parents can live with the knowledge that their biological children are out there in the world somewhere.

In the meantime, storage facilities continue to host hundreds of thousands of embryos until parents make those difficult decisions.

There is no easy answer to this question and parents will have to come to their own conclusion.

Are you and your partner storing embryos and unable to carry on your own? Surrogacy is a great option. We can match you with the perfect candidate and will be with you throughout this incredible journey. If you are interested in locating a surrogate visit and contact us! We would love to hear from you.



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The Joy of Being a Surrogate

It is usually a long and winding road travelled that a couple or an individual has been on before deciding to have a surrogate carry their child. Then at that point, a whole new journey begins when they decide on surrogacy. They seek the help of Shared Conception and a special woman with a giving heart.

When an Intended Parent is matched with a surrogate, a bond forms. It’s different for everyone but the basics are the same. This is when wanting and giving come together to travel the same path for as long as the journey takes.

To the intended parents, a surrogate who is healthy and willing to carry a baby for them means HOPE; she is a gift unlike any other. Month by month, trimester after trimester, the greatest gift of all is achieved; a child to enhance a family.

What most people don’t realize is that women who choose to become surrogates, don’t do it for the money or the recognition. They do it for the intense satisfaction and absolute joy that it brings to them. The fulfillment that they receive is from seeing the look on the faces of the new parents when they hear their baby’s first heartbeat and when they finally get to meet their precious child, and hundreds of moments in between. These are the reasons that surrogates often embark on multiple journeys! Being a part of these priceless moments makes surrogate mothers shine. No monetary compensation could equal the pure joy they feel when sharing something so life-changing with the intended parents.

If you are a woman looking for something more to give in life, ask yourself these questions: Are you ready to change a total stranger’s life and make a difference in the world?  Are you ready for YOUR life to be changed forever?

Like any other journey, this journey may have roadblocks and bumps along the way, but it is an adventure. And if you are the kind of person who can be selfless and can open your heart up to possibilities, it may just be the most rewarding experience of your life. Call us at Shared Conception and get more information on becoming a surrogate!