egg retrievals

Egg Retrievals

Starting the surrogacy process is an exciting time. But a lot of preparation goes into the process. Most importantly an embryo has to be created for transfer. Many of our intended parents already have embryos ready for a surrogate, but some do not. In this case, egg retrieval is a major part of the process and the intended mother has to be prepared.

Before beginning the process of egg retrieval several screenings are required. These include:

  • Ovarian reserve testing (blood tests to determine the quantity and quality of your eggs and how your ovaries will respond to fertility medication)
  • Mock embryo transfer (determines the depth of your uterine cavity and the technique that is needed to most likely result in a successful embryo transfer)
  • Infectious disease screening (HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C).

The intended mother undergoes a process very similar to in-vitro fertilization. The egg-retrieval process takes approximately 4 to 6 weeks to complete and includes: 2-to-4 weeks of self-administered hormone injections and birth control pills to temporarily turn off natural hormones and 10-to-14 days of hormone injections to stimulate the ovaries and ripen multiple eggs.

Once the eggs have matured, a needle under ultrasound guidance removes them while the intended mother is under sedation. After retrieval, the eggs are fertilized and transferred to the surrogate. Sometimes the embryos are frozen until the intended mother has found a surrogate and is ready to attempt pregnancy.

Afterwards, a series of medications are prescribed, which may include an antibiotic to prevent infection, a steroid to reduce any inflammation in the reproductive organs, and hormonal supplements to provide extra support to the endometrial lining. It is important to take these medications exactly as prescribed. Also, refraining from sexual intercourse for a period of time, avoiding submerging yourself in water (bubble baths), and using a pad instead of tampons are advised.

Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support you throughout the pregnancy. Interested in surrogacy? Give us a call today! We would love to hear from you!



12 Common Misconceptions About Content Marketing


Have you heard of surrogacy? Throughout recent years, it’s become an increasingly popular alternative to pregnancy when all other fertility options are exhausted. Celebrities are doing it and being public about it. You may even know someone who is or has been a surrogate or someone that has needed one. Nevertheless, there are often stigmas, assumptions and myths attached to this intricate process.

Once of the most common misconceptions is that the surrogate mother is genetically linked to the child. A surrogate, or gestational carrier is impregnated through the IVF process with an embryo created by the intended mother (or donor egg) and the intended father’s sperm (or donor sperm). This is called gestational surrogacy.

A popular belief to one who is not familiar or educated about the surrogacy process, is that the surrogate will become attached to the baby that they are carrying and be unable to give it to the intended parents at the time of birth.  Surrogates, also known to us as  “selfless women warriors”, already know that this is expected at the end of the surrogacy journey. Plus, the baby is not genetically linked to the surrogate, as mentioned above. And lastly, by law, in certain states like Texas, surrogates have no legal rights to the child.

An unfortunate fallacy to the surrogate process is that it is unaffordable. It is expensive but many families have grown their family through surrogacy, and you can’t put a price on that. Shared Conception is open to talking about how you can get loans and other ways to make your dreams of a family, a reality.

On a high note, surrogacy is becoming more and more accepted into today’s society. Shared Conception is dedicated to walking you through this process to achieve your goal of creating or expanding your family. Contact us with any questions; we will be happy to speak with you.

If you are interested in becoming a surrogate, Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support you throughout the pregnancy. Our coordinators will expertly act as a liaison between you and the intended parents and ensure that everyone has a beautiful journey. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form. We would love to hear from you!




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The Day Before IVF

This is not an article about all the medications you take before IVF as a surrogate, or the doctor visits before IVF. This is about you and how you feel the day before the IVF procedure. On a personal note, I remember my first day before IVF, as I have had 2 wonderful journeys. I thought to myself, “Am I really doing this?”

Going through the entire process of becoming a surrogate is wonderful. You help create a family and give your intended parents the most wonderful gift anyone can receive. But, that doesn’t mean you will never be nervous about it. I wasn’t worried about becoming attached to the baby or having trouble leaving the hospital without one. I was just nervous about IVF. I thought to myself, what if it doesn’t work? What if something goes wrong? And my biggest fear was miscarrying. Because of my wonderful relationship with my IPs, I knew all about the heartache they endured when told they could not have children. I felt a huge weight on my shoulders.

But the truth is, you are doing the best you can for them. You do not have control over the embryo or even the outcome of the IVF process. And of course, we all want the best result; a pregnancy, a healthy journey, a healthy baby – and lots of happy tears. It’s all we can hope for because a pregnancy is never guaranteed. My advice to my surro sisters is to go in with a positive attitude, and try to keep one along the way. It’s called a “journey” because there are any bumps in the road but the end result makes it all worthwhile!

Written by Courtney Clinton – 2X Proud Gestational Surrogate



Embryo Transfer Process for Surrogates

There are several different aspects to the embryo transfer process. Many times, surrogates will take oral contraceptives in order to sync the timing of her menstruation cycle to the same time as the intended mother’s cycle. This aids in making the transfer of eggs and embryos more uniform and easy.

During the actual transfer, a catheter is inserted into the surrogate’s vagina then uterus. The embryos will be placed through the catheter and into the uterus for implantation.

The surrogate will be asked to stay on bed rest for two to three days after the transfer.

Ten to fourteen days after the embryo transfer process, the surrogate will take a pregnancy test at the clinic. During the first 12 weeks, the surrogate will take several blood tests and ultrasounds to keep track of the progress. Both the intended parents and the surrogate will be involved and kept up-to-date on the progress of the pregnancy.

Although each IVF clinic is different, many of these steps remain the same. Have specific questions about the process? Ask us at Shared Conception. We can help!


What are the legal requirements for surrogacy?

Having a surrogate deliver your baby is a fragile situation. We at Shared Conceptions want to make sure the journey is legally correct, both for the surrogate and intended parents.

Texas is considered “surrogate friendly.” What’s this mean for you? Texas has specific laws on the books regarding surrogacy versus many other states that use case law instead of written law or ban surrogacy all together.

There are two legal agreements that are entered into between both parties. One agreement is signed by all parties at least 14 days before the embryo transfer. Another agreement is entered into when the pregnancy is confirmed. Both documents ensure the legal safety of both the surrogate and intended parents, including specifically outlining which party is financially responsible for the pregnancy and delivery.

Also, the legal paperwork ensures the intended parents name will be presented on the baby’s birth certificate, not the surrogate’s name.

Do you have more legal questions about surrogacy? Find out more about Shared Conceptions here.