The vertex position

Which way is up? 

The vertex position. A technical term that describes when a baby is delivered headfirst. The vertex position is the ideal position when you are getting ready for labor. But it’s not always the case.

Usually, weeks before you give birth, the baby moves in a position with its head above your vagina. Sometimes, their feet, bottom, or bottom, and feet remain in this area, which is known as breech. There are a few other ways the baby can position themselves, if not in the vertex position. This does not always require a cesarean, but you will have to discuss the best and safest way to deliver with your doctor.

Breech Position

Breech position is when a baby enters the birth canal with the buttocks or feet first, rather than the head. This prevents the cervix (opening to the uterus) from dilating effectively and can lead to the umbilical cord becoming pinched or compressed. Breech position only occurs in approximately 3-4% of deliveries and is more likely in premature births or multiple babies. While breech babies can be delivered vaginally, studies have found that vaginal deliveries are around three times more likely to result in serious harm to the baby than cesarean sections. Therefore, in most cases in the US, breech babies are delivered by c-section. Your doctor can diagnose a breech presentation either by a physical exam or ultrasound.

Shoulder first

Shoulder first is rare and occurs in less than 1% of deliveries. This is when the baby lies sideways in the uterus, rather than head down or buttocks/feet down. If labor begins with the baby in this position, the shoulder becomes wedged in the pelvis, and the delivery usually does not progress. Almost all babies with shoulder presentation will need to be delivered by cesarean section. Shoulder presentation, like breech presentation, is more common in premature babies or the setting of multiple gestations.

External cephalic version (ECV)

ECV is one way to turn a baby from breech position to head-down position while it’s still in the uterus. It involves the doctor applying pressure to your stomach to turn the baby from the outside. Sometimes, an ultrasound is used to help this turn.

Many women who have normal pregnancies can have ECV. You should not have ECV if you have other complications and talk to your doctor if you are comfortable pursuing this option.

No matter what position the baby decides to be in, be sure to have an honest discussion with your doctor about getting the baby in the safest place best for you to deliver and get the little one into the arms of your intended parents.

Begin your surrogacy journey with Shared Conception. Call us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more information. Or visit to get started on an application to become a surrogate.

Gender reveal ideas

Gender Reveal Ideas!

Gender reveal parties have taken off in the past decade – they have almost taken a life of their own. With their Pinterest Boards, Amazon party kits, and even dedicated websites this is becoming a new tradition. There are so many ways to celebrate the revelation of your soon-to-be baby. We have all seen the reveal bloopers with the powder cannons, balloon popping, cake eating – and laughed, but what if you’re using a surrogate? This makes things a little bit different, but these ideas will let the party start!

Have a party!

There are so many ways to reveal your baby’s gender if you choose to, and the best way is your way. No matter what you do, sharing the expected baby’s gender is a fun way to incorporate everyone in a momentous occasion.


You don’t need to have a party to have cake! Is there a yummier way to announce the gender of your child? A gender reveal cake is a cake that, when sliced, will show the dominant color of either blue or pink.


If you want to get your surrogate’s children or your nieces or nephews involved, children don’t love anything more than a piñata! Having it stuffed with blue or pink goodies is fun and exciting to reveal the gender of your baby to be.


Whether you pop them, let them fly, put them in a box – balloons are a fun surprise. You can fill them to pop them, stuff them in a box for a great surprise – and kids love them too!


Sonograms are your first sneak peek at your baby. You can use it to reveal your baby’s gender by adding a pop of color to show the baby’s gender uniquely! Use a cute colored frame or add sweet embellishments to a sonogram photo to create an unforgettable gender reveal!

Include your pet! 

Gender reveals aren’t just for people these days— you can get your family pet involved! Tie a colored scarf, hang a sign, or place baby shoes next to your pet’s paws for a meaningful or photo op!


You can be the most significant part of a gender reveal! Begin your surrogacy journey with Shared Conception. Call us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more information. Or, visit to get started on an application to become a surrogate.




stretches when pregnant

Stretch for pregnancy

If you find being pregnant sore and uncomfortable, try some pregnancy-safe stretches. Stretching can help relieve aches and pains and melt away any stress or tension as well.


Pregnant or not, stretching has its benefits. Stretching lengthens your muscles and loosens your entire body, making you feel better and more comfortable. When you are pregnant, your weight becomes redistributed, and your posture shifts, causing tightness in your muscles, especially your lower back. Even your range of motion is affected. That is why stretching can not only alleviate pain and pressure but improve your range of motion.


As always, consult your doctor before starting any new exercise regimen during your pregnancy. Stretch with care and keep these tips in mind:

  • Make sure you warm-up. Stretching tight muscles can cause injury. Begin with a brisk walk or some knee raises.
  • Don’t overstretch. Relaxin is not just what you do when you take a break. It is a hormone that loosens ligaments and prepares your body for labor and delivery. Since all your ligaments are affected by relaxin, it is possible to overdo it and injure yourself. Just be sure to listen to your body and do what feels good. Stretching should not be painful.
  • Hold those stretches! Don’t bounce while you stretch. You can pull a muscle this way. Hold your stretches for 20-30 seconds and hold in a comfortable position. You should never feel pain.

Check out this slide show from the Mayo Clinic to learn how to stretch when pregnant safely.


Exercise can do wonders for a pregnant body. It can boost your mood, improve sleep, and reduce stress along with aches and pains. Also, it will help you get back into pre-pregnancy shape. Research has shown that prenatal exercise can lower the risk of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. To avoid injury, take it easy and stretch before and after your workout.

Are you interested in learning more about surrogacy? Why not take the next step and open a dialogue with Shared Conception? Give us a call today. We want you to be informed, fulfilled, and satisfied, knowing you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way.

Also, you can visit to begin an application to become a gestational surrogate and find out more information!

telling your child about their origin

Telling your child their origin

The conversation with your child about being born via surrogacy can be a difficult one. It is a story about how hard you worked to have them, and it is part of their identity. Talking about it early on is a way to normalize their birth through surrogacy – and help them be proud of their origin.


Younger children are more open-minded and understanding. The older they get, the more questions they can have, and if the conversation begins early on, it can be easier and more comfortable to discuss when brought up throughout their lives.


Experts agree it is essential to be honest with your children from the start:
“The American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) Ethics Committee suggests that parents disclose their children’s conception story, and research has suggested that secrecy about a child’s origins may have a negative impact both on the child and his or her parents.”


Don’t forget about the number of friends and family members that know your child’s story. It can be damaging if your child hears the truth from someone else. After all, there is no reason to be ashamed of their story, and you shouldn’t be afraid to talk about it either. You can always ask for the help of friends, family, and professionals. Refer to our blog Four Books for Children of Surrogates. These books help children to understand by delivering age-appropriate messages about surrogacy.


Many of our intended parents still have relationships with their surrogates, and those surrogates remain an important part of their lives. Having this relationship can make it easier and also normalize the conversation.


Always remember, your child’s surrogacy story is a positive one. It involves people coming together to create a life. Be proud of the way you built your family. Surrogacy is a magnificent and joyous phenomenon. If you are interested in having a surrogate, let Shared Conceptions make your dreams of a family a reality. Give us a call today, and we will help you get one step closer to the child you have always wanted. Visit for more information.

What to call your surrogate

What to Call Your Surrogate

There is no official name to call your surrogate after the birth of your baby. Phrases like, “friend of the family” barely scratch the surface. Someone who was once a stranger, has changed your life in the best way possible and now has a special place in your heart. But how did that happen? And for those who are looking into surrogacy, how does it happen?

Surrogate-intended parent relationships usually blossom as the surrogate’s belly blossoms. Intended parents tend to develop a deep and powerful relationship with their surrogate. By the end of the journey, most intended parents want their surrogate to stay in their life and in the life of their child. Some have a special name for their “tummy mummy.” Even if this is not the case, that is okay too! This article is going to share how parents who have had children through surrogacy develop and maintain a relationship with these incredible women!

The relationship between you and your surrogate tends to grow naturally. After you meet your surrogate and go through the medical and legal procedures and a successful embryo transfer, you get know each other pretty well. There is also a lot more time spent together for the remainder of the journey. There will be a lot of talking and texting about prenatal appointments, checking in and maybe inviting her to the baby shower. Our surrogates have also always loved meeting their intended parents for coffee or lunch!

And remember, as her belly get bigger, it is harder and harder for her to move around. So, dropping off dinner from her favorite restaurant can mean the world to her. It is also important to recognize special moments in her life such as her birthday, or a milestone like a promotion. And, recognition can be as simple as an encouraging and kind note or a simple call or text.

Don’t overthink your relationship; let it happen naturally. After all, a happy pregnant woman is a healthy one too! Shared Conception is always here to help our intended parents if they have questions about anything surrogate-related. If you are considering surrogacy, give us a call today or visit We would love to hear from you.

learn about surrogacy

Be “In the Know” about Surrogacy

Have you ever considered surrogacy? It is a big decision and a lot of conversations are to be had. When making this decision, it’s not just about you making the amazing decision by yourself to help create a family. It involves your support system like your children, parents, spouses, friends and other family members. It is important that all parties involved understand and are comfortable with the idea, nuances and processes involving surrogacy; not to mention, the wonderful end result of a surrogate birth–a newborn child and an entire family unit being created or enriched.


The key to a successful surrogacy from the beginning is education and research. Before mentioning this life-changing decision to anyone in your support system, learn the process yourself. There is usually lots of questions that follow when you tell someone your plans of becoming a surrogate.


Make sure you know everything that is expected of you as a gestational carrier, and all it takes to do so, is a no pressure phone call to Shared Conception. In this call you can ask any question imaginable about surrogacy. We have heard them all! We have a knowledgeable staff; many of whom have been surrogates themselves, to answer any and every question you may have. We can even give you our expert advice on how to speak with individual family members about surrogacy.


Most surrogacy arrangements conducted through Shared Conception, result in happy endings. With expert guidance and knowledge, our agency will help both the surrogate and the intended parent in ALL aspects of your journey; from the beginning to the end.


Making families is an honor and a privilege for those of us who have been touched by surrogacy or infertility. Our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception, is available to all of our precious surrogates to be a guide, shoulder to cry on, voice of reason and supporter; all aimed at the direct goal of happy and healthy journey. We want you to be informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way.


Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an information request form! We would love to hear from you!



designer surrogacy

Surrogacy by Design

There is a good side and a not so good side to everything in this world. Even with surrogacy. Luckily, surrogacy is growing and has some kind of positive presence in main stream media. Unfortunately, some women have used surrogacy for more reasons than just infertility. This has grown to become labeled “designer surrogacy.” Some women are afraid of pregnancy. For reasons such as gaining weight, fear of what it can do to their body or can’t fit a pregnancy into their lives.

Woman who choose surrogacy for purposes other than infertility, may indeed, be judged. Many believe pregnancy should not be treated as an inconvenience. Many celebrities have been criticized for using a surrogate to prevent stretch marks or interrupting film schedules.

The first United States surrogacy contract was written in 1976, and caused speculation that we would become a divided nation of breeders and then the wealthy who exploit them. Kind of like the popular series, Handmaids Tale. There are some states that allow it, while others ban it altogether. And only in 2012, have there been guidelines issued by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), stating that surrogacy should only be used “when a true medical condition precludes the intended parent from carrying a pregnancy or would pose a significant risk of death or harm to the woman or the fetus. The indication must be clearly documented in the patient’s medical records.” In Texas, there has to be a medical necessity for someone to do surrogacy.

But what is the definition of “medical need?” Surrogacy is appropriate when doctors offer the option to patients who suffer from a medical condition, severe anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder. This also includes when a mother would be at high risk for postpartum depression, or has had a difficult previous pregnancy.

As for Shared Conception (a Texas-based surrogacy agency), we have never agreed to work with clients interested in designer surrogacy. We have, however, seen cases where there is a physical or mental reason. Even in cases where the intended mother has to be on certain medications or where the intended mother had a high-risk pregnancy the first time and has been advised not to proceed with another pregnancy. These scenarios do exist and Shared Conception understands and is happy to assist.

Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give us a call today or visit and let’s talk!


how to be a surrogate mother

Become a Surrogate!

A lot of us are lucky enough to be able to think, discuss and waiver on having another little one added to our family. These days are chaotic, unpredictable and ever-changing. We can feel overwhelmed at times and the thought of another baby is bittersweet. Yet, there are many couples that cannot even think about having a baby, and simply because they can’t. We are not all blessed with fertility.

Infertility is on the rise. It’s more common than most people think. Today, about 1 in 6 couples wishing to conceive and sadly experience infertility. This then, leads many to the long road of fertility treatments. The use of assisted reproductive techniques is also increasing due to a greater need. Unfortunately, these treatments don’t work for everybody. And, more times than not, a woman does not get answers as to why she cannot conceive. This does not leave out the increasing numbers of male infertility issues either. There are so many people struggling to achieve a family – and that’s where we come in.

“We” are Shared Conception. A highly-rated surrogacy agency looking for strong, courageous and just plain wonderful women looking to help create a family. It takes a special woman to become a surrogate mother. Now, there are the physical, medical and emotional requirements. But, it requires someone with a big heart. Surrogate mothers are selfless, loving and overall amazing! They help others in times of need, love being pregnant and want to share one of the most precious moments of people’s lives.

Shared Conception works hard to simplify the surrogate process for all of our potential surrogates, from start to finish (and even after). We will walk you through what may seem like a complicated process and are with you every step of the way! If you are interested in making someone’s dreams come true, contact Shared Conception today! Or, visit our website and fill out a contact form and see if you prequalify. Visit for more information.

Pregnant Woman Feeling Sick

Morning Sickness

For those who have struggled with morning sickness, there is a list of approved products that are safe for you and the baby. Although it’s a short list, and even shorter for the first trimester, there are some home remedies that may work even better. We all have those remedies passed down from our moms, grandmas and great-grandmas and what all of your friends suggest. However, before venturing into the world of homeopathic remedies, always check with your doctor and refer to your surrogate contract before taking anything herbal or over-the-counter. It’s better to double check with the pros and be safe than sorry. You never know what recent discoveries have been made about the safety of home remedies. And remember, there is never such a thing as too many, or too stupid of a question when it comes to your health. This is especially true when it comes to prenatal care.

And be careful of that stuffy nose you’ve got. It may not even be a cold in the first place.

A lot of woman are congested during their pregnancy; it’s a common condition called Rhinitis of Pregnancy and it has nothing to do with allergies or a viral infection. It has to do with high amounts of estrogen and blood in your body causing swelling in the mucus membranes and blood vessels in your nose. This leads to congestion, runny nose, sneezing and mild headaches. Unfortunately, your risk of sinus infections also increase when you are pregnant, so if you feel pressure, pain, have a cough, fever, swelling or any other symptoms, contact your provider for help.

Another culprit…

Feeling those pesky allergies that you had before the pregnancy? They run amuck once you get pregnant and can increase in potency. There are a few medications a doctor can prescribe for you that are safe to take, but it may be best to just try to stay away from the source for a while, considering that you can get pregnancy rhinitis in addition to those lovely allergies!

So what do you do?

You can try to avoid anything that may be an irritant. Do your workout indoors on days when the air quality is poor. Stay away from smokers, paint and chemical fumes (which you should be doing anyways) and get your partner to dust and clean any mold and/or pet dander from inside your home. As mentioned before, there are so many different methods and home remedies out there. These are just a few.

Interested in learning how to be a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an info request form! We would love to hear from you!




Reasons To Actually Love Your Summer Pregnancy 1280x960

Pregnant? Beat the heat this summer!

Believe it or not, there are some advantages to being pregnant in the summer. You don’t have to worry about squeezing your swollen feet into shoes when you have the option to wear sandals, and those stylish flowy dresses are very comfortable and chic.

But, with temperatures in Texas already climbing and becoming more muggy, it can get unbearable. Summer can also pose some of its own risks to those that are pregnant. Overheating is very common and scary.

Here are some ways to remain cool and comfy this summer:

  1. Drink water. You need an extra 2-4 glasses of water a day when you are carrying. Stay hydrated. Carry a water bottle with you everywhere you go. The sudden urge of thirst can sneak up on you at any time. Make it tasty by adding a slice of lemon, cucumber or lime for a hint of flavor.
  2. Seek shade. Over exposure to the sun, puts you at risk even more while pregnant. Not only can it cause you to overheat, but if your skin is prone to melasma (dark patches that appear on your skin) the shade can help prevent it.
  3. Changes in body temperature can be risky. It’s hot outside and cool inside. Your body is in overdrive when it has to continually adjust to temperature. If you find yourself outside for long periods of time, wear light, breathable clothing, a wide-brimmed hat and have your water handy.
  4. Putting your feet up is part of your job! When it is hot, our feet, ankles and legs swell up faster. Even if you are working, put a stool underneath your desk for an invisible relief!
  5. Take a cool shower. This will not only cool down your body but help minimize swelling. This will also help you relax before bed. And remember, there is no limit to cool showers! Some of our Shared Conception surrogates have told us that they take multiple showers a day!

Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give us a call today or visit and let’s talk!