How to Become A
Surrogate Mother

Shared Conception is extraordinarily selective in selecting surrogates. As a candidate, you MUST pass an extensive and well-thought-out screening, including a medical, psychological, and financial profile. This process only matches you with the RIGHT intended parents.

Become a Life-Changing Surrogate

Qualifications to Become a Surrogate Mother

Overall good health

Financially secure

Birthed at least one child that she is currently raising and experienced uncomplicated pregnancies

Be in a happy, stable living environment and have the full support of her spouse or partner

Non-smoker and not be using illegal drugs

Be between the ages of 21-43 (and potentially a bit older if an experienced surrogate)

Have a BMI (height to weight ratio) of 32 or less

Possess a high school diploma or GED

U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the U.S.A.

Responsibly take all medications as instructed

Enjoy being pregnant and have a sincere desire to help others create or add to their family

Become a Life-Changing Surrogate

Next Steps to Become a Surrogate

After meeting these rigorous requirements, Shared Conception proceeds with the screening phase.
Detailed interview

Completion of a comprehensive application that includes medical and psychological questions

Psychological evaluation and clearance

A full and thorough review of all official medical records directly obtained from treating physicians.

Successful completion of Criminal and Residential background check

If you meet the above-mentioned requirements and wish to become
a surrogate mother, Please fill out the Surrogate Inquiry Form!


Ready to Take the Next Step?

Contact Our Agency for a Consultation

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