Surrogate Program

The very fact that you are researching Shared Conception’s surrogate mother program and are considering becoming a surrogate mother is proof that you are an amazing individual who stands out from the rest.

Introduction to Our Surrogate Mother Program

The very fact that you are researching Shared Conception’s surrogate mother program and are considering becoming a surrogate mother is proof that you are an amazing individual who stands out from the rest. You also already know that actively raising and loving a child brings you unbelievable joy. However, not all of us are able to experience the gift of parenting because of medical problems. You and Shared Conception can help! We sincerely believe that all couples or individuals who want to take on the responsibility of parenthood deserve that opportunity. Surrogate programs and surrogate parenting, unlike adoptions, allows the child to be biologically related to one or both of the Intended Parent. It is also a memorable time for the surrogate mother to share the pregnancy with the couple she is helping.

A part of our surrogate mother program is making sure you and the intended parents have a good rapport. Shared Conception coordinates a meeting between you and the intended parents to determine if you all “click.” You, the surrogate mother, will get a chance to meet the prospective parents and hopefully build a wonderful relationship with them.

Peruse and enjoy our informative website-learn more about our surrogate programs! Shared Conception looks forward to working with you. Together, we can help a couple realize their dream of parenting.

What is Surrogacy and Why Do Couples Seek a Surrogate?

Most couples or individuals choose surrogacy because they have been diagnosed with a medical condition that hinders their ability to successfully carry a fetus.

Gestational Surrogacy is a legal arrangement where a woman agrees to become pregnant and deliver a child for a contracted third party. This unique woman, typically referred to as the ‘carrier’ or the “surrogate,” carries the pregnancy to delivery after having been implanted with an embryo. Through our surrogate mother program, Shared Conception deftly arranges and coordinates gestational surrogacies, whereby embryos are created with eggs from the intended mother (or egg donor), and the sperm is from the intended father (or sperm donor). These embryos are implanted in the surrogate by a process called in vitro fertilization (IVF). The surrogate is a carrier only and has no biological connection to the child.

Shared Conception appreciates the sacrifices and efforts you make in accepting the responsibility of creating a life for the intended parents, who prior to meeting them, are virtual strangers to you. We commit to handling all the large, small, and logistical details that crop up throughout the pregnancy so you can focus on you and the pregnancy.

As part of our surrogate program, all funds are collected upfront from the intended parents and placed in an escrow account so that you will not have to worry about accurate and timely payments.

Shared Conception aids in the negotiation process between you and the intended parents and will work on quickly resolving any issues that may arise.

We also ensure a good match between the surrogate and the intended parents. Another aspect of our surrogate program is ensuring that the intended parents pay for the surrogate’s independent attorney, ensuring that the surrogate’s interests are protected.

Shared Conception pledges to make the surrogate as comfortable as possible so her pregnancy smoothly moves forward.

Profile of a Typical Surrogate

A surrogate mom is typically married, over 21, and has already birthed babies of her own. As a group, these ladies are intelligent, health-conscious, happy moms who absolutely enjoy new experiences. They are nonsmokers, non-drinkers, or light social drinkers (when not pregnant), who do not use non-prescribed drugs. They are able to get pregnant easily.

Research for our surrogate program indicates all surrogates typically have a high-school education, and some have advanced degrees. They are mostly women who relish being mothers and strongly harbor a desire to help fulfill the dream of an infertile couple.

Our surrogate program data further indicates that surrogate mothers are decisive women who are ethical, caring, and reliable women who have no inclination to keep the baby they are carrying. They do want their own families, however, to benefit from the monies they earn while positively impacting the life of a couple or an individual.

Supportive and helpful husbands or partners are key lifestyle traits of successful surrogates. Their husbands or partners greatly understand and support their desire to do something very special and unique.

Most surrogates lead stable lifestyles. They have trust-worthy babysitters and have consistent family support.

Surrogates are sometimes introverted, and others may be extroverted. Some may desire a high amount of contact with the intended parents during the pregnancy or afterward. Others simply leave it up to the intended parents. At the end of the day, honesty, compassion, and compatibility with the intended parents are successful traits of a surrogate.

Is Surrogacy Right For You?

Here at Shared Conception, we will help you determine if becoming a surrogate mother is the right choice for you and your family and whether this is a good time in your lives to begin this journey. Yes, we have strict criteria for participation, and that benefits everyone. You will have to spend some time reflecting and looking within yourself as well as earnestly talking with your partner and children to help you make the right decision.

A Few Points to Reflect Upon Before Making Your Decision
Discuss the prospect of surrogacy with your loved ones – your husband, significant other, kids, close family members, and friends. It is important that you have their support.
Consider whether you would be comfortable with gestational surrogacy via an embryo transfer. An embryo transfer is where one or more embryos will be transferred to you at an IVF clinic. These will be created using the eggs and sperm of the intended parents or with the help of an egg or sperm donor. With IVF, extensive medical preparation and management may be needed. There is also an increased chance of multiple births and pregnancy-related complications.
If you live in a state where abortion is legal, carefully compose your thoughts and opinions on procedures such as amniocentesis, embryo reduction or abortion (as medically recommended). You and the intended parents MUST be in full agreement about these sensitive issues. The baby’s rights of guardianship, in the event of a divorce or a death before the birth, must also be discussed. These plans can all be worked into your contract so everyone is crystal clear.
Other thoughts to ponder include your willingness to travel for medical appointments. You should also consider your plan of action if you are asked to appear in court with the parents, if necessary, to help them obtain recognition as the baby’s parents. This only happens in rare cases and in certain states.
Determine if you relish the thought of not only meeting the intended parents but also having an ongoing relationship with them during the pregnancy as well as, if agreed upon, afterward. If so, start building that rapport and friendship.
It goes without saying that you will seek expert legal guidance about contracts and/or compensation. Being versed in the laws of your state is important to executing any agreement you wish to make. This is where an attorney versed in surrogacy agreements is a necessity. Please also be aware that all IVF clinics require a signed contract between parties before conducting the embryo transfer.

Shared Conception looks forward to working with you. If you are ready to start working with us, contact us now!

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