Surrogacy FAQ for Intended


With no genetic link to the baby she is carrying, a gestational surrogate is simply the carrier of the fetus. The intended mother or egg donor provides the egg and the intended father or sperm donor provides the sperm. The gestational surrogate has absolutely NO biological connection to the child.

A traditional surrogate is where the surrogate uses her own biological eggs. As there are numerous emotional and legal aspects of traditional surrogacy, Shared Conception does not handle traditional surrogacy agreements and exclusively offers gestational surrogacy where the eggs of the surrogate mother are never used.

It is extraordinarily time-consuming to pursue an independent arrangement. These tasks may include advertising, screening, background checks, and of course, handling all the minute logistical and legal details. Shared Conception efficiently handles all these “bullet points” for you.

In an independent arrangement, if for any reason, your surrogate reneges on your arrangement with her, you will obviously, lose thousands of dollars in upfront costs. Plus, some surrogates who offer independent arrangements are doing so because they do not meet the strict criteria set by highly-reputable agencies such as Shared Conception. Other surrogates may be qualified but might solicit fees that are significantly above the standard industry compensation package. At the end of the day, Shared Conception is clearly a more effective choice over any independent arrangement.

We are Texas’ premier boutique agency, which allows us to provide more personal attention to both intended parents and surrogates. Our goal is to help you experience the immeasurable joy of becoming a family.

(1) Custom Surrogate Match
Shared Conception will custom-match you with a surrogate based on both of your personalities, values and beliefs.

(2) Professional Mediation
Often in an independent arrangement, you, the intended parent, must raise any concerns or issues directly with your surrogate mother. As you can imagine, this may lead to a few awkward moments and a potentially damaged relationship. Shared Conception discretely mediates your relationship with the surrogate mother–lowering the “tense” factor and increasing the “amicability and rapport” factor.

(3) Customer-centric Case Management
Shared Conception offers an efficient yet compassionate approach throughout your surrogacy arrangement, as it relates to personalized support, communication, education, and post-surrogacy care.

(4) Location, Location, Location
Shared Conception is based in Houston, Texas and has an office in Dallas, Texas. Both offices are conveniently located near international airports. Our offices are professional, friendly yet private.

“Partners in Creating Life,” is not only our slogan, it is our way of doing business. Thus, we pledge to actively work with you to create the life and family of which you have always dreamed!

The amount of contact between you, the intended parent, and your surrogate is completely based on both of your comfort levels. The majority of surrogates want to develop a comfortable rapport with the intended parents because they realize that these soon-to-be parents want to be a part of the pregnancy.

Shared Conception understands the sensitivity of the overall situation. We will be sure to take both sides’ thoughts, feelings and wishes into consideration BEFORE making a match.

We look forward to hearing from you! Simply call or email us. We will promptly contact you so that we can get started on your journey to parenthood!


Unlike many other agencies, Shared conception does not require any payment until you are matched with your surrogate. Payment is made in three installments, with the first being when you’re matched, the second being when your surrogate passes her medical and psychological screening, and the final payment when she becomes pregnant.

After Shared Conception custom matches you with a surrogate, you will deposit monies into an escrow account managed by an independently-owned escrow agency. These funds will be used to pay for mutually agreed upon fees including the surrogate’s compensation, medical premiums, travel expenses, etc. Pre-birth child support payments typically begin with confirmation of pregnancy.
No, there is absolutely no co-mingling of funds! Shared Conception is a unique agency – we refuse to mix client funds with agency funds or put all clients’ funds together in one account. We will refer you to a reputable escrow agency where all monies are managed by an independent third-party.

Screening and Matching

Shared Conception is extraordinarily selective in choosing your surrogate. Our candidates MUST pass an extensive and well-thought-out screening process. Our surrogates are medically, psychologically, and financially screened. Finding a surrogate mother is such an intrinsic process but when we find her, rest assured she is fully committed to you and to the process you all are about to experience. To follow is an overview of the qualifications to become a surrogate mother.

Qualifications to Become a Surrogate Mother

  • Overall good health
  • Financially secure
  • Birthed at least one child that she is currently raising and experienced uncomplicated pregnancies
  • Be in a happy, stable living environment and have the full support of her spouse or partner
  • Non-smoker and not be using illegal drugs
  • Be between the ages of 21-43 (and potentially a bit older if an experienced surrogate)
  • Have a BMI (height to weight ratio) of 32 or less
  • Possess a high school diploma or GED
  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the U.S.A./li>
  • Responsibly take all medications as instructed
  • Enjoy being pregnant and have a sincere desire to help others create or add to their family

After meeting these rigorous requirements, Shared Conception proceeds with the screening phase.

  • Detailed interview.
  • Completion of a comprehensive application which includes medical and psychological questions.
  • Full and thorough review of all available medical records by a medical professional.
  • Successful completion of Criminal and Residential background check.
  • Virtual or in-person home visit.

The information gathered from our initial meeting and your application is vital to the matching process. After professionally reviewing your needs and circumstances, we immediately start the matching process and will find the ideal surrogate for you. The process of finding the right surrogate mother can be quick or it could take some time, as we are looking for someone whose needs, expectations and views are similar to yours.

Once we have a possible match, we contact the surrogate and you and send your profiles to each other. If both parties are interested in moving forward, Shared Conception will arrange a zoom video call between you, the potential surrogate, and a member of the Shared Conception team. You and your surrogate-to-be can start getting to know each other and building rapport, so you can determine if you want to journey through this surrogate pregnancy process with each other.

As Shared Conception custom matches you with a surrogate, the length of time may vary. We sometimes match couples in a few days or weeks and others take several months. A custom and thoughtful match depends on many factors including personalities, location, fees, insurance coverage, and the list goes on and on. Either way, be assured that we are diligently looking for the right surrogate for YOU.
According to our industry research, a number of insurance companies have started adding surrogacy exclusions to their policies. As a result, some surrogacy agencies suggest using the surrogate’s insurance even though these inclusions exist – they may even tell you that the insurance company won’t know. However, you, the Intended Parent, risk a huge financial loss if there are complications with the pregnancy and the insurance company finds out. Plus, it may even be considered insurance fraud. At Shared Conception, we help the surrogate examine her insurance policy to determine if it contains any surrogacy exclusions. At that point, you can make a determination about using her policy or purchasing a separate insurance policy for your surrogate. Rest assured; we will refer you to quality insurance professionals that can assist you with obtaining insurance if needed. We strive to ensure you have a reasonably priced surrogacy process while protecting your best interest at all times.
If your surrogate does not get pregnant after three unsuccessful cycles, where two or more A or B+ embryos are transferred each time, we will gladly match you with another surrogate, free of charge. We sincerely are committed to helping you become parents!


Shared Conception can refer you to many highly qualified Reproductive Endocrinologists.

In most cases, surrogacy agencies and fertility clinics adhere to the principle of “single embryo transfer” (SET) whenever possible. This means that they transfer only one embryo to minimize the risk of multiple pregnancies, which can carry higher medical and health risks for both the surrogate and the babies.


It’s important to remember that all parties are psychologically screened and that legal contracts are created to protect everyone’s interest BEFORE we start the surrogacy process. Based on our research, most surrogates want to ensure that YOU, the intended parent, are committed to moving forward as they are not interested in having any more kids-especially one that is not theirs.

The Unites States currently has no federal laws regarding surrogacy. Rather each state has its own surrogacy laws.

Texas is considered “Surrogate Friendly” state. In addition to specific laws in Texas regarding surrogacy, the residency requirement is also favorable. As long as at either the surrogate or intended parents reside in Texas, a surrogacy arrangement can be validated in Texas. Intended parents from all over the United States and the world, specifically seek out Texas for their surrogacy arrangement because of this reason. Please see the “Surrogacy in Texas” page for specifics.

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