We Are Here For You

Shared Conception is eager to partner with you as we determine the right surrogate for you and go through this surrogacy process with you. It is our wish and goal to hold your hand during this unique surrogate pregnancy process and will be there when you finally hold your baby in your arms!

Journey Through Surrocacy

Surrogacy Process

Shared Conception is a full-service company that provides an exhaustive and selective admissions process, thorough case management and expert advice. The surrogacy process can be complex, but our goal is to simplify the process and support you through it all until you finally hold your precious baby!

Shared Conception expertly guides you through all phases of the surrogacy process, giving you the peace of mind that your unique needs are being met efficiently and compassionately.

Our hands-on approach covers the gamut-from screening surrogate candidates to preparing you, the surrogate parents, for birth. We will hold your hand and guide you throughout the experience so you can savor your pregnancy.

Intended parents will efficiently navigate through the following stages.
Initial consultation

Matching process

Escrow set up

Psychological screening and evaluation

Medical screening

Legal surrogacy process

Embryo transfer


Preparing for the birth


Initial Consultation

Shared Conception is happy and so privileged to connect with you as you enter into the surrogacy process! We start by gathering some information from you to find out about your needs to make sure we can help you in a timely manner. Then we schedule a private, 60-minute consultation where the entire program is discussed in detail. It takes approximately 14-18 months, from start to finish, to complete a surrogacy program.

Once we both decide to move on to the next step, we will request additional information to be used in your profile. We will also send you surrogate profiles that we feel would be a great fit for you based on our discussions thus far.

The Matching Process

The information gathered from our initial meeting and your application is vital to the matching process. After professionally reviewing your needs and circumstances, we immediately start the matching process and will find the ideal surrogate for you. The process of finding the right surrogate mother can be quick, or it could take some time, as we are looking for someone whose needs, expectations, and views are similar to yours.

Once we have a possible match, we contact the surrogate and you and send your profiles to each other. If both parties are interested in moving forward, Shared Conception will arrange a Zoom video call between you, the potential surrogate, and a member of the Shared Conception team. You and your surrogate-to-be can start getting to know each other and building rapport, so you can determine if you want to journey through this surrogate pregnancy process with each other.

Escrow Setup

An escrow account must then be established. These funds cover all fees agreed upon in your contract with the surrogate and include costs such as the surrogate’s compensation, medical co-pays, insurance costs, travel etc. Once again, Shared Conception will refer you to escrow companies who are experts in managing trust accounts.

Psychological Screening and Evaluation

Once all parties agree to work together and the surrogate pregnancy process moves forward, psychological and medical evaluations will be scheduled. Shared Conception ensures the surrogate is psychologically tested and evaluated by a licensed mental health professional experienced in third-party reproduction. This professional will conduct an in-depth interview with the surrogate candidate and her spouse/partner (if applicable), and peruse her background, motivation, and suitability.

Medical Screening

Your surrogate’s initial medical evaluation is conducted by your fertility clinic physician. Shared Conception will act as the liaison between the surrogate and your IVF physician, and will facilitate communication so your clinic can schedule any necessary medical tests and evaluation. Since each IVF center is different, a Shared Conception representative will speak directly with your IVF center’s Third-Party Coordinator to discuss their specific testing requirements.

Legal Process

Shared Conception will provide a list of qualified and competent family attorneys who are versed in the surrogate pregnancy process and Reproductive Law. This attorney will draft the gestational surrogate contract, validate the contract once the pregnancy is confirmed and establish parental rights prior to the birth of your baby. Contracts must be signed by all parties prior to starting the embryo transfer cycle.

Embryo Transfer

1. The intended Mother or egg donor takes medications to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs.

2. Eggs are retrieved from the intended mother or egg donor’s ovaries.

3. The eggs and sperm are placed in an IVF laboratory incubator which enables fertilization to occur.

4. The fertilized eggs or embryos are placed into the surrogate’s uterus for implantation.

Shared Conception maintains communication and interacts with the IVF physician’s clinic, all involved nursing staff, and the surrogate so that everyone is cognizant of this part of the process of surrogacy.


Although it’s quite possible for the surrogate to get pregnant on the first attempt, Shared Conception encourages you reach out to your fertility clinic to obtain success rates, as it sometimes takes up to three transfers to achieve pregnancy. The surrogate commits to transferring up to three times as well.

Shared Conception remains active in your journey throughout the entire pregnancy. Shared Conception is a competent liaison between you and your surrogate. Our goal is simply to allow you to focus on the well-being of the surrogate and your baby.

Preparing for the Birth

Prior to the birth of your baby, your attorney will prepare and file the necessary documents with the courts. Not to worry, your attorney will verify that the birthing hospital has all the paperwork and that the hospital staff is fully briefed on your shared pregnancy.

In the interest of creating an atmosphere of unity and for peace of mind, Shared Conception will assist in composing a birth plan that exceeds the expectations of both you and the surrogate. If you so choose, you will also be able to attend any childbirth preparation or infant care classes with your surrogate.

Whenever possible, Shared Conception will be present for the birth of your baby. We sincerely want to support both you and your surrogate as well as discreetly answer any questions the hospital staff may have regarding the surrogacy journey.


Congratulations! The surrogacy process is completed and your baby is born! Many times, this amazing and exhilarating moment is a special time between the family of the surrogate and the intended parents. Upon the formal release of the baby by its pediatrician, the intended parents leave the hospital with their baby. The surrogate happily goes home to her own household knowing she made an impact by creating a much yearned for family unit.

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