reasons to become a surrogate

Top Reasons to Become a Surrogate

Surrogacy is a remarkable journey that helps intended parents’ dreams come true. Over the years, the practice of surrogacy has gained increased recognition and appreciation for the selflessness and compassion it embodies.

There are many benefits of becoming a surrogate for both surrogate mothers and the families they help create.reasons to become a surrogate

Fulfillment and Empowerment
Choosing to become a surrogate provides an unparalleled sense of fulfillment and empowerment. Surrogates experience a deep sense of purpose knowing that they are actively involved in creating a family for individuals who long for children but may be unable to conceive naturally. This act of selflessness enables surrogate mothers to play a pivotal role in the miracle of life, enriching the lives of others and leaving a lasting legacy.

Emotional Bonding
Throughout the surrogacy journey, surrogates often develop a strong emotional bond with the intended parents. The shared experience of bringing a child into the world creates a unique connection, leading to lifelong friendships. Surrogacy agencies, such as Shared Conception, foster an environment of mutual support and open communication, ensuring that all parties involved feel cherished and valued throughout the process.

Financial Compensation
While the decision to become a surrogate is rooted in compassion and altruism, it is undeniable that financial compensation can be a significant benefit. Surrogacy offers an opportunity for surrogate mothers to improve their own financial situations while assisting intended parents in achieving their dreams of parenthood. This compensation can aid in achieving personal goals, supporting families, or saving for the future.

Medical Care and Support
Throughout the surrogacy journey, surrogate mothers receive comprehensive medical care and support. This includes regular check-ups, medical screenings, and access to top-notch healthcare facilities. The well-being of surrogates is of great importance, and their physical and emotional needs are closely monitored throughout the process.

Strengthened Self-Identity
Becoming a surrogate requires a considerable amount of introspection and self-awareness. Surrogates often report a heightened sense of self-identity and self-worth after completing their surrogacy journey. The experience allows them to recognize their capacity for compassion, empathy, and resilience, empowering them to overcome challenges and embrace personal growth.

Lifelong Memories
The memories created during a surrogacy journey last a lifetime. Surrogates often recall the joyous moments of seeing the intended parents hold their child for the first time or hearing the baby’s first cries. These cherished memories become a source of pride, and the knowledge that they played a crucial role in bringing such joy to a family brings immeasurable happiness.

Becoming a surrogate is a big decision but it’s one that can improve the lives of intended parents and surrogate mothers alike. Beyond the financial compensation, surrogacy offers emotional fulfillment, personal growth, and the opportunity to forge lifelong connections. If you are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please contact us here at Shared Conception.


surrogacy contracts

The Significance of Surrogacy Contracts

surrogacy contractsThe desire to become parents is a deeply personal and meaningful experience for many individuals and couples. However, for some, the path to parenthood may present unique challenges due to infertility, medical conditions, or other circumstances. In such cases, surrogacy offers a ray of hope and the opportunity to fulfill the dream of having a child. Surrogacy contracts play a vital role in this process, providing a comprehensive legal framework that protects the interests and rights of all parties involved. In this blog, we will explore why surrogacy contracts are an absolute necessity and the benefits they offer to everyone involved.

Clarity and Understanding
Surrogacy contracts establish clear expectations and guidelines for both the intended parents and the surrogate. These contracts outline various aspects of the arrangement, including the responsibilities, rights, and obligations of all parties involved. By clearly defining the roles and expectations, surrogacy contracts help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts that may arise throughout the surrogacy journey. Clarity in terms of financial agreements, medical decisions, and post-birth arrangements allows all parties to enter the process with a shared understanding, fostering a positive and harmonious relationship.

Legal Protection
Surrogacy contracts provide a crucial layer of legal protection for all parties involved. By outlining the rights and responsibilities of the intended parents and the surrogate, these agreements ensure that all parties’ interests are safeguarded. Surrogacy laws can vary significantly across jurisdictions, and having a well-drafted contract helps navigate the legal landscape and protects everyone involved from potential legal challenges. Additionally, surrogacy contracts address issues such as parental rights, custody, and the surrogate’s decision-making authority during pregnancy, providing a solid legal foundation for all parties.

Financial Security
Financial considerations are an integral part of the surrogacy process. Surrogacy contracts establish financial arrangements, including compensation for the surrogate, payment schedules, and provisions for unforeseen circumstances. These contractual agreements help create transparency and trust, ensuring that the surrogate is fairly compensated for her time, effort, and any potential risks involved. Similarly, intended parents can have peace of mind knowing that their financial obligations are clearly defined and protected by the contract, minimizing any financial disputes or concerns that may arise during the process.

Medical Decision-making and Consent
During the surrogacy journey, numerous medical decisions need to be made, ranging from prenatal care to delivery methods. Surrogacy contracts address these issues, clearly defining the rights and decision-making authority of the intended parents and the surrogate. These agreements enable the intended parents to actively participate in important medical decisions while respecting the surrogate’s autonomy and choices. This legal framework ensures that all parties have a voice in the process and that decisions are made in the best interest of the child and the individuals involved.

Emotional Support and Expectation Management
Surrogacy contracts also serve as a means of emotional support for both the intended parents and the surrogate. These agreements may include provisions for counseling, support groups, and mediation services to help navigate the emotional complexities that can arise throughout the journey. Moreover, the contract can address the expectations and boundaries of the relationship between the intended parents and the surrogate, ensuring that all parties have a shared understanding of the emotional aspects involved. By promoting open communication and empathy, surrogacy contracts contribute to fostering healthy and respectful relationships between the parties.

Surrogacy contracts are an essential component of the surrogacy process, providing a solid legal framework that protects the rights, interests, and well-being of all parties involved. These contracts establish clarity, address legal considerations, ensure financial security, support decision-making, and manage emotional expectations. By setting the foundation for a positive and transparent surrogacy journey

Interested in Surrogacy?
If you are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please visit or give Shared Conception a call today.

support systems

Creating a Strong Support System: Nurturing Relationships during the Surrogacy Journey

support systemsEmbarking on a surrogacy journey is a monumental decision that requires not only physical and emotional strength but also a robust support system. Building a network of supportive individuals can help intended parents and surrogates navigate the unique challenges and triumphs of this path with greater ease and reassurance. In this article, we’ll explore practical tips for creating a strong support system during surrogacy.

  1. Open Communication: Clear and open communication lays the foundation for a solid support system. Start by having candid conversations with your partner, family, and close friends about your decision to pursue surrogacy. Ensure that everyone understands your hopes, fears, and expectations. Openness fosters understanding and empathy, reducing potential misunderstandings and conflict down the line.
  2. Seek Professional Guidance: Working with a reputable surrogacy agency such as Shared Conception can provide essential guidance and emotional support throughout the surrogacy process. Our professionals can help educate you about the journey, facilitate communication between intended parents and surrogates, and connect you with support groups or counseling services tailored to surrogacy. Their expertise can be invaluable in addressing any concerns or questions that arise.
  3. Join Support Groups: Connect with other individuals or couples who have experienced or are currently going through surrogacy. Support groups offer a safe space to share experiences, seek advice, and find emotional support from those who truly understand the intricacies of the journey. Online communities and local support groups can provide a sense of belonging and help alleviate feelings of isolation during this transformative process.
  4. Foster Relationships with the Surrogate: Building a strong and trusting relationship with the surrogate is crucial for both intended parents and surrogates. Engage in open and honest conversations, establish boundaries, and maintain regular communication. Attend medical appointments together, if possible, and involve the surrogate in the planning and preparation for the baby’s arrival. Nurturing a compassionate and respectful connection will create a supportive environment that benefits all parties involved.

Surrogacy is a remarkable journey that requires a solid support system to ensure emotional well-being and successful outcomes. With Shared Conception, our experienced and professional team helps create the best plan for your journey. We want everyone involved to have a positive experience. Please contact Shared Conception by calling us today or filling out our form on: contact us.

Perfume, makeup and hairdye

Using Perfumes, Makeup and Hair Dyes While Pregnant

Perfume, makeup and hairdye


We often get asked if perfumes, makeup and hair dyes if they pose dangers once you’re pregnant. Perfumes and hair dyes can potentially pose a danger for pregnant women, depending on the specific ingredients in the products and the frequency of use.

The risks associated with using perfumes and hair dyes during pregnancy can depend on a number of factors, including the specific products used, the frequency of use, and individual health factors.

Some potential risks of using these products during pregnancy include:

1. Allergic reactions: Perfumes and fragrances can contain ingredients that may cause allergic reactions or skin irritation. Pregnant women may be more sensitive to certain chemicals, which can increase the risk of an adverse reaction.

2. Chemical exposure: Hair dyes can contain chemicals such as ammonia and hydrogen peroxide that may be harmful if inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Exposure to these chemicals during pregnancy may increase the risk of adverse health effects for both the mother and developing fetus.

3. Risk of cancer: Some studies have suggested a possible link between hair dye use during pregnancy and an increased risk of certain childhood cancers. While the evidence is limited and inconclusive, some healthcare providers may recommend avoiding hair dye during pregnancy as a precaution.

4. Hormonal effects: Some fragrance ingredients, such as phthalates, have been shown to have potential hormonal effects. Exposure to these chemicals during pregnancy may disrupt normal hormonal development in the fetus.

In general, wearing makeup is considered safe during pregnancy. However, pregnant women should be cautious about the specific products they use and their frequency of use.

Some makeup products, such as certain types of foundation or concealer, can contain chemicals that may be harmful if ingested or absorbed through the skin. Additionally, some makeup products may contain ingredients that could potentially cause allergic reactions or skin irritation.

To minimize any potential risks, pregnant women should consider the following tips:

1. Choose safe makeup products: Look for makeup products that are labeled as “pregnancy safe” or “hypoallergenic.” Avoid products that contain potentially harmful ingredients, such as retinoids, salicylic acid, and certain types of fragrances.

2. Limit use of certain products: Some makeup products, such as nail polish, may have more potential risks for pregnant women. Limit your use of these products or consider avoiding them altogether.

3. Practice good hygiene: Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before applying makeup to avoid the risk of infection. Additionally, avoid sharing makeup products with others to prevent the spread of bacteria or viruses.

Talk to your healthcare provider if you have any concerns or questions about using perfume, makeup or hair dyes during pregnancy. If you are interested in learning more about surrogacy options or are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please contact us at 713-622-1144, and we will be here to help you with any questions.

Previous pregnancy

Why Do Surrogates Need to Have a Previous Pregnancy?

Previous pregnancy


Surrogates must have had a previous pregnancy because it helps to ensure that they are physically capable of carrying a pregnancy to term. Pregnancy places significant demands on a woman’s body, and the ability to carry a pregnancy successfully cannot be predicted solely based on age or overall health.

By requiring surrogates to have had a previous pregnancy, surrogacy agencies and medical professionals can assess the woman’s medical history, evaluate her ability to carry a pregnancy to term, and identify any potential risk factors that may affect her ability to do so.

Additionally, previous pregnancy experience can help surrogates better understand the physical and emotional demands of carrying a pregnancy, which can be helpful in navigating the surrogacy process.

While some women may be physically capable of carrying a pregnancy without having had a previous pregnancy, the requirement for surrogates to have had a successful pregnancy is generally seen as a way to help ensure the safety and well-being of both the surrogate and the baby.

If a surrogate has never been pregnant or carried a child to term, she may have limited knowledge of her own fertility. This information is important to intended parents who are ready to emotionally and financially invest in a surrogacy journey. The intended parents want to be matched with a surrogate who gives them the best chances of success, and that is someone with a previous and successful pregnancy.

Even with all the professionals involved in a journey, surrogacy can be complicated and risky. That is why pregnancy history is one of the key factors in evaluating a potential surrogate for both our surrogacy agency and the intended parents.

Shared Conception does all we can to mitigate risks and create a positive experience for everyone. The ASRM sets this guideline, which we believe is necessary since it offers valuable information in determining if a woman qualifies to be a surrogate. Shared Conception is ready to help you embark on this journey.

Legal Requirements for Surrogacy in Texas

Legal Requirements for Surrogacy in Texas

Legal Requirements for Surrogacy in Texas

In the state of Texas, the legal requirements for surrogacy can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the surrogacy arrangement. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Surrogacy Contract: The intended parents and the surrogate must have a written surrogacy agreement that outlines the terms of the arrangement, including the financial compensation and the surrogate’s responsibilities. This agreement must be signed by all parties and their respective attorneys.
  2. Medical Requirements: The surrogate must undergo medical and psychological screenings to ensure she is physically and mentally able to carry a child to term. The intended parents may also need to undergo medical testing to ensure they are able to have a child.
  3. Parental Rights: In Texas, the intended parents are considered the legal parents of the child born via a surrogate mother. The surrogacy agreement must address issues related to parental rights and responsibilities.
  4. Pre-Birth Order: To establish legal parentage, the intended parents may need to obtain a pre-birth order from a court. This order declares them the legal parents of the child, and allows them to make medical decisions on behalf of the child.
  5. Adoption: Adoption is not necessary in Texas since the pre-birth order establishes legal parentage.

It is important to note that surrogacy laws can be complex. It is highly recommended that individuals seeking a surrogacy arrangement in Texas work with an experienced surrogacy agency to ensure that all legal requirements are met.

With Shared Conception, our experienced and professional team helps create the best plan for your journey. We want everyone involved to have a positive experience. If you are interested in learning more about surrogacy options or are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please contact us at 713-622-1144, and we will be here to help you with any questions.

tax deductible

Are Surrogacy Expenses Tax Deductible?

tax deductibleAs any parent knows, welcoming a baby into your life can be expensive. These costs are even higher when your parenthood is made possible through surrogacy. Intended Parents face a large range of expenses: agency fees, surrogate compensation and expenses, clinic fees, and legal costs.

Before embarking on your surrogacy journey, you should have a good understanding of what expenses are involved and what may or may not be tax-deductible. It’s also important to understand the tax laws that apply to your own state, as these vary between states.

Consulting with an accountant can be helpful as they will be able to explain more about taxation policies as they pertain to your own situation. Tax laws can change regularly, so what is true right now, may not be true in six months.

What surrogacy expenses are tax-deductible?

Surrogacy and donation expenses are mostly not tax-deductible. However, there are a few exceptions.

Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017*, some significant changes were made regarding the ability of Intended Parents to claim tax back on surrogacy expenses.

The changes to the deductibility of medical expenses have been a little tricky for some IPs who have created families through third-party reproduction (also known as assisted reproductive technology or ART). ART includes clinic fees for standard procedures involved in surrogacy, as well as hormone therapy and sperm donation. It also covers more advanced procedures, such as IVF and the use of egg donation.

In most cases, if medical expenses such as ART exceed a certain percentage of the parents’ Adjusted Gross Income (AGI), they can be deducted in the same year that expenses not reimbursed by healthcare insurance are paid. When applying for medical deductions, there may be instances in which you will need to exceed a certain limit.

AGI comprises all of an individual’s income before other deductions or decreases are made.

From 2019 through 2025, qualifying medical expenses are only deductible to the extent they exceed 10% of AGI.

The good news is that most forms of ART are deductible under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

The following surrogacy expenses are generally deductible:

  • Any medical fees directly involving you and/or your spouse
  • Egg retrieval
  • Sperm donation
  • Sperm freezing
  • IVF-related fees

Unfortunately though, surrogacy is not. This is because the expenses incurred in using a surrogate are not for medical procedures performed on the bodies of Intended Parents (the taxpayers). Instead, surrogacy requires the participation of a third party.

Non-deductible surrogacy expenses include:

  • Compensation for your surrogate
  • The surrogate’s medical bills
  • The surrogate’s medical insurance
  • Any costs for procedures or tests not directly attributed to you or your spouse

Other avenues for obtaining surrogacy tax deductions

There are cases in which Intended Parents may obtain a Private Letter Ruling (PLR) from The Internal Revenue Service (IRS)*. The purpose of a PLR is to get permission from the IRS to deduct specific expenses that are not made clear by law. If you are successful in getting a private ruling awarded in your favor as Intended Parents, the entire process including the surrogacy agency fees could be tax-deductible.

Obtaining a PLR would involve the Intended Parents engaging with a CPA to write a letter to the IRS requesting permission to deduct the expenses. The letter should encompass all the expenses that are likely to be involved in their surrogacy journey. It should detail why the parents are incapable of having children (due to a structure or function of the body) and that their situation may qualify as medical care under section 213. The IRS would then respond with its decision. If the PLR is ruled in their favor, the Intended Parent would be provided a letter to attach to their tax return.

How do you obtain a Private Letter Ruling (PLR)?

To obtain a PLR, the taxpayer must be able to show that they have been tested and confirmed as infertile. It is important to note that the PLR process is neither quick nor simple. Once you’ve submitted your documentation, the ruling may take 3 to 6 months to finalize.

Interested in Surrogacy?

If you are interested in learning more about surrogacy options or are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please contact us at 713-622-1144, and we will be here to help you with any questions.


emotional attachment

Do Surrogate Mothers Become Attached to the Baby?

emotional attachmentWe are sure that many women think about attachment before deciding to become a surrogate. It’s reasonable to believe that if you become attached to your own children during pregnancy, you would be attached to the child you are carrying for the Intended Parents.

This is also often a common concern for the Intended Parents, so we wanted to address this question and explain what happens between the baby, the surrogate, and the intended parents.

It would appear to be obvious that a surrogate mother would become attached to the child that she carried for months and gave birth to. But for many surrogate mothers, this does not take away from the ultimate purpose—providing Intended Parents with a baby to start their own family. Many surrogates recognize what they are doing as a job and do not in fact, become emotionally attached.

It’s also important to remember that the surrogate has no biological link to the baby. The lack of this biological connection between the surrogate and the baby plays a large role in how surrogate mothers prepare themselves for this moment, knowing that this baby is not related to them. ‘

Women who become surrogate mothers do so because they want to help someone else have a baby and experience the joy of parenthood. They look forward to giving the baby to the intended parents and witnessing the emotions and happiness of the intended parents as they meet their baby for the very first time.

At Shared Conception, all surrogate mother applicants undergo a full psychological evaluation and clearance process and must also complete a comprehensive application that includes medical and psychological questions. In addition, they must have their own children and be in a happy, stable living environment and have the full support of their spouse or partner if they are in a relationship or marriage. These requirements ensure that the surrogate mother is less likely to have attachment issues or postpartum depression once the baby has been born.

For many surrogates, to help overcome any emotions they may still have after giving birth, they often make plans with their own family to take a trip or do something special so they can all refocus and adjust to post-pregnancy life.

So what about the baby itself? Sometimes Intended Parents wonder how being born via surrogacy will affect their connection with the baby. Taking an active role in preparation for the baby will help with the emotional transfer after birth. Intended parents and the surrogate should discuss in advance how the baby’s first moments will be.

There have been many studies conducted on children born via surrogacy, and most conclude that “children born through surrogacy experience no long-term emotional or psychological harm in regards to being born via surrogacy. Likewise, most parents and babies “experience healthy attachment around the time of birth and beyond”.

Interested in Surrogacy?

If you are interested in learning more about surrogacy options or are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please contact us at 713-622-1144, and we will be here to help you with any questions.

surrogacy in the workplace

Surrogacy in the Workplace

surrogacy in the workplaceBeing pregnant in the workplace under normal circumstances can be challenging, but telling coworkers about your surrogacy can also be stressful. It is not easy to hide your growing belly. While conversations involving your pregnancy may seem overwhelming, you can decide when and how to explain your situation.

You will want to explain your situation to your boss so they can prepare for any time you may need off for doctor visits and the baby’s birth. If your coworkers are unfamiliar with the surrogacy process, take this opportunity to educate others on the benefits and process of the incredible and thoughtful journey you are embarking on.

Having the positive support of your fellow coworkers is never a bad thing and can make going to work less stressful. You will not have to worry about making excuses during your absences for things like the beforementioned doctor’s visits, the birth, and during your recovery.

If you are not close to your coworkers and don’t feel comfortable sharing the news with them right away, that is absolutely ok too! You have plenty of time to tell them when you think the time is right. Deciding when and how to tell your coworkers is a personal decision and should be done on your own timeline. As a reminder, you are not required to tell your boss the reason you are missing work for medically related absences.

Many surrogate mothers wait until a positive pregnancy test or even until the end of the first trimester to make any kind of announcement. Open communication is not the most comfortable option for everyone; however, it is the easiest way to ensure a stress-free work environment that allows your coworkers the opportunity to ask questions and grasp an understanding of your important surrogacy journey. And having less stress is always a win when you are pregnant.

Interested in Surrogacy?

If you are interested in learning more about surrogacy options or are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please contact us at 713-622-1144, and we will be here to help you with any questions.

surrogacy during the holiday party season

Surrogacy during the Holiday Party Season

surrogacy during the holiday party seasonWith Christmas and New Years’ Eve approaching, there will be a lot of party invites from friends, family, and even work. Holidays always pose a challenge when you are a surrogate mother having a baby for excited Intended Parents. Here are a few minor adjustments you can make before attending holiday parties that will help you and the baby.

Order Mocktails

Just because you are pregnant does not mean you can’t enjoy yourself. While your drink options are a little more limited, there are lots of tasty and fun mocktails that will make for great substitutes for alcoholic drinks. Some examples include ciders (non-alcoholic, of course!), a cranberry spritzer, or a virgin of your usual favorites. You can always ask the party’s bartender for their recommendations.

Balanced Eating

We know holiday buffets can be very tempting. While at an event with a buffet, try to continue to eat well by balancing savory treats with healthy options. Don’t be afraid to turn food offers down as well—just because someone insists you take seconds doesn’t mean you have to.

Don’t Skip Meals

While balanced eating is important, it’s equally as important to not skip any meals. The baby needs regular feedings around the clock.

Get Plenty of Rest

Don’t overdo it. It’s easy to say yes to every holiday event, but it’s also important to give your body time to rest. Most doctors recommend that pregnant women get between 8 and 10 hours of sleep per night. Lack of rest can lead to many health risks, including an increased risk of miscarriage.

Be Merry

Remember—you are giving the greatest possible gift to the Intended Parents. Once you’ve delivered the baby, you will be able to toast with real champagne and eat everything in sight (or not!). In the meantime, party like a pregnant rock star and enjoy the journey of being a fantastic surrogate.

Interested in Surrogacy?

If you are interested in learning more about surrogacy options or are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please contact us at 713-622-1144, and we will be here to help you with any questions.