managing stress

10 Tips for Managing Stress as a Surrogate

managing stress

Being a surrogate comes with its unique set of emotional, physical, and mental challenges. One of the key aspects of being a successful surrogate is managing stress effectively throughout the journey. We will discuss 10 strategies to handle stress and maintain a healthy mindset during the surrogacy process.

  1. Educate Yourself

Understanding the surrogacy process thoroughly can help alleviate anxiety. Educate yourself about the medical procedures, legal aspects, and emotional expectations involved. When you have a clear understanding, you can prepare mentally for what lies ahead, making it easier to manage stress.

  1. Open Communication

Maintaining open communication with the intended parents, the surrogacy agency, and your support network is crucial. Express your concerns, fears, and expectations to those involved in the process. Keeping the lines of communication open allows for better understanding and support.

  1. Establish Boundaries

Set clear boundaries regarding your involvement and expectations from the beginning. Clearly define what you are comfortable with during and after the surrogacy journey. Having well-established boundaries will help in managing stress related to potential conflicts or misunderstandings.

  1. Build a Support System

Surrogacy can be emotionally taxing at times. Build a support system that includes family, friends, or fellow surrogates. Sharing experiences and emotions with others who can relate can provide a sense of relief and comfort during challenging moments.

  1. Focus on Self-Care

Prioritize self-care throughout the surrogacy process. Pay attention to your physical and emotional well-being. Engage in activities that bring you joy, practice relaxation techniques, exercise, and maintain a healthy diet. Taking care of yourself is essential to effectively manage stress.

  1. Seek Professional Help

Consider speaking to a mental health professional, such as a therapist or counselor specializing in reproductive issues and surrogacy. They can provide guidance and coping strategies to help you navigate the emotional challenges that may arise during the surrogacy journey.

  1. Practice Stress-Relief Techniques

Incorporate stress-relief techniques into your daily routine. This can include deep breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, journaling, or even engaging in a hobby you enjoy. These practices can help you stay centered and reduce stress levels.

  1. Stay Informed and Involved in Your Pregnancy

Keep yourself informed about the health of the pregnancy, attend regular prenatal check-ups, and stay involved in your prenatal care. Being informed and actively participating in the pregnancy can provide a sense of control and reduce anxiety.

  1. Be Realistic and Accept Imperfections

Understand that not every aspect of the surrogacy journey will be perfect. There may be ups and downs, and unexpected challenges may arise. Be realistic in your expectations and embrace imperfections with a positive outlook.

  1. Reflect and Practice Gratitude

Take time to reflect on the purpose and meaning behind your decision to become a surrogate. Focus on the positive impact you are making in the lives of the intended parents. Practicing gratitude can shift your perspective and help you cope with stress.

If you are interested in becoming a surrogate mother or finding a surrogate, we are here to help you. You can contact us at any time, and our team at Shared Conception will answer any questions you have. Visit our website at or call us at 713-622-1144.

Pregnancy and the Related Hormones

When conceiving naturally, hormone levels undergo changes, with varying effects from person to person. However, achieving a successful pregnancy without these essential hormones is challenging.

Initially, a surrogate mother’s body does not naturally produce pregnancy hormones. Therefore, physicians utilize medications to stimulate their release and maintain appropriate levels in the body. Fortunately, hormone therapies for surrogates are highly effective and boast a high success rate. Here’s more information to reassure you about pregnancy hormones and surrogacy.

Why are hormone treatments essential for surrogates?

During a natural pregnancy, specific hormones are produced by the body to prepare for the upcoming journey. These hormones are crucial for a successful and healthy pregnancy as they facilitate the development and growth of the embryo.

For surrogate pregnancies, hormone treatments can mimic the effects of the natural hormones present at the time of conception.

Which hormones are vital during a surrogate pregnancy?

The critical pregnancy hormones include:
• hCG
• Estrogen
• Progesterone
• Estrone (E1)
• Estradiol (E2)
• Estriol (E3)
• Prolactin
• Relaxin

Human chorionic gonadotropin, or “hCG,” is one of the earliest hormones released when you conceive. It plays a significant role in preparing the ovaries during the first trimester, and home pregnancy tests detect this hormone in urine. Thus, hCG serves as a “trigger” hormone, signaling the body to release more estrogen and progesterone by forming the corpus luteum.Estrogen aligns with a woman’s menstrual cycle. Its levels remain elevated during pregnancy, peaking a few weeks before childbirth. Notably, there are three types of estrogen: E1, E2, and E3.

E1 is a weaker form produced post-menopause, while E2 is the primary estrogen in adults. E3 is closely related to pregnancy as it’s responsible for building a healthy womb lining.
Progesterone assists the womb in supporting a healthy embryo and prevents womb contractions and premature labor. Physicians may recommend additional progesterone during the first few weeks.
Prolactin initiates breast milk production, while relaxin stops the womb from contracting and induces relaxation during labor for a smoother birth.

What are the benefits of using pregnancy hormones?

The primary benefit of using pregnancy hormones is their effectiveness. Administering pregnancy hormones is time-efficient and safe, especially for individuals in excellent health. A smooth pregnancy is more likely when your body is adequately prepared with the appropriate hormone levels to support a healthy baby.

If you have any questions at all about surrogacy or becoming a surrogate, please contact us at Shared Conception. Our team is here for you.

reasons to become a surrogate

Top Reasons to Become a Surrogate

Surrogacy is a remarkable journey that helps intended parents’ dreams come true. Over the years, the practice of surrogacy has gained increased recognition and appreciation for the selflessness and compassion it embodies.

There are many benefits of becoming a surrogate for both surrogate mothers and the families they help create.reasons to become a surrogate

Fulfillment and Empowerment
Choosing to become a surrogate provides an unparalleled sense of fulfillment and empowerment. Surrogates experience a deep sense of purpose knowing that they are actively involved in creating a family for individuals who long for children but may be unable to conceive naturally. This act of selflessness enables surrogate mothers to play a pivotal role in the miracle of life, enriching the lives of others and leaving a lasting legacy.

Emotional Bonding
Throughout the surrogacy journey, surrogates often develop a strong emotional bond with the intended parents. The shared experience of bringing a child into the world creates a unique connection, leading to lifelong friendships. Surrogacy agencies, such as Shared Conception, foster an environment of mutual support and open communication, ensuring that all parties involved feel cherished and valued throughout the process.

Financial Compensation
While the decision to become a surrogate is rooted in compassion and altruism, it is undeniable that financial compensation can be a significant benefit. Surrogacy offers an opportunity for surrogate mothers to improve their own financial situations while assisting intended parents in achieving their dreams of parenthood. This compensation can aid in achieving personal goals, supporting families, or saving for the future.

Medical Care and Support
Throughout the surrogacy journey, surrogate mothers receive comprehensive medical care and support. This includes regular check-ups, medical screenings, and access to top-notch healthcare facilities. The well-being of surrogates is of great importance, and their physical and emotional needs are closely monitored throughout the process.

Strengthened Self-Identity
Becoming a surrogate requires a considerable amount of introspection and self-awareness. Surrogates often report a heightened sense of self-identity and self-worth after completing their surrogacy journey. The experience allows them to recognize their capacity for compassion, empathy, and resilience, empowering them to overcome challenges and embrace personal growth.

Lifelong Memories
The memories created during a surrogacy journey last a lifetime. Surrogates often recall the joyous moments of seeing the intended parents hold their child for the first time or hearing the baby’s first cries. These cherished memories become a source of pride, and the knowledge that they played a crucial role in bringing such joy to a family brings immeasurable happiness.

Becoming a surrogate is a big decision but it’s one that can improve the lives of intended parents and surrogate mothers alike. Beyond the financial compensation, surrogacy offers emotional fulfillment, personal growth, and the opportunity to forge lifelong connections. If you are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please contact us here at Shared Conception.


surrogacy contracts

The Significance of Surrogacy Contracts

surrogacy contractsThe desire to become parents is a deeply personal and meaningful experience for many individuals and couples. However, for some, the path to parenthood may present unique challenges due to infertility, medical conditions, or other circumstances. In such cases, surrogacy offers a ray of hope and the opportunity to fulfill the dream of having a child. Surrogacy contracts play a vital role in this process, providing a comprehensive legal framework that protects the interests and rights of all parties involved. In this blog, we will explore why surrogacy contracts are an absolute necessity and the benefits they offer to everyone involved.

Clarity and Understanding
Surrogacy contracts establish clear expectations and guidelines for both the intended parents and the surrogate. These contracts outline various aspects of the arrangement, including the responsibilities, rights, and obligations of all parties involved. By clearly defining the roles and expectations, surrogacy contracts help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts that may arise throughout the surrogacy journey. Clarity in terms of financial agreements, medical decisions, and post-birth arrangements allows all parties to enter the process with a shared understanding, fostering a positive and harmonious relationship.

Legal Protection
Surrogacy contracts provide a crucial layer of legal protection for all parties involved. By outlining the rights and responsibilities of the intended parents and the surrogate, these agreements ensure that all parties’ interests are safeguarded. Surrogacy laws can vary significantly across jurisdictions, and having a well-drafted contract helps navigate the legal landscape and protects everyone involved from potential legal challenges. Additionally, surrogacy contracts address issues such as parental rights, custody, and the surrogate’s decision-making authority during pregnancy, providing a solid legal foundation for all parties.

Financial Security
Financial considerations are an integral part of the surrogacy process. Surrogacy contracts establish financial arrangements, including compensation for the surrogate, payment schedules, and provisions for unforeseen circumstances. These contractual agreements help create transparency and trust, ensuring that the surrogate is fairly compensated for her time, effort, and any potential risks involved. Similarly, intended parents can have peace of mind knowing that their financial obligations are clearly defined and protected by the contract, minimizing any financial disputes or concerns that may arise during the process.

Medical Decision-making and Consent
During the surrogacy journey, numerous medical decisions need to be made, ranging from prenatal care to delivery methods. Surrogacy contracts address these issues, clearly defining the rights and decision-making authority of the intended parents and the surrogate. These agreements enable the intended parents to actively participate in important medical decisions while respecting the surrogate’s autonomy and choices. This legal framework ensures that all parties have a voice in the process and that decisions are made in the best interest of the child and the individuals involved.

Emotional Support and Expectation Management
Surrogacy contracts also serve as a means of emotional support for both the intended parents and the surrogate. These agreements may include provisions for counseling, support groups, and mediation services to help navigate the emotional complexities that can arise throughout the journey. Moreover, the contract can address the expectations and boundaries of the relationship between the intended parents and the surrogate, ensuring that all parties have a shared understanding of the emotional aspects involved. By promoting open communication and empathy, surrogacy contracts contribute to fostering healthy and respectful relationships between the parties.

Surrogacy contracts are an essential component of the surrogacy process, providing a solid legal framework that protects the rights, interests, and well-being of all parties involved. These contracts establish clarity, address legal considerations, ensure financial security, support decision-making, and manage emotional expectations. By setting the foundation for a positive and transparent surrogacy journey

Interested in Surrogacy?
If you are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please visit or give Shared Conception a call today.

mental health

Nurturing Minds and Families: The Vital Link Between Mental Health and Surrogacy

mental healthIn recent years, society has become increasingly aware of the significance of mental health, recognizing its impact on overall well-being. Simultaneously, alternative reproductive methods, such as surrogacy, have gained attention as viable options for building families. This blog delves into the crucial connection between mental health and surrogacy, shedding light on the importance of open discussions surrounding these topics.

The Importance of Mental Health

Mental health plays a fundamental role in our lives, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Ignoring or neglecting mental well-being can lead to various issues, including anxiety, depression, and even physical ailments. Recognizing the significance of mental health helps destigmatize these conditions and encourages individuals to seek the necessary support and treatment.

Understanding Surrogacy

Surrogacy is a process in which a woman carries a pregnancy and delivers a child for another individual or couple, known as the intended parents. This method allows people who are unable to conceive or carry a child to experience the joys of parenthood. However, surrogacy can also involve emotional and psychological challenges that require attention and support.

The Mental Health Journey of Intended Parents

Intended parents embarking on a surrogacy journey often experience a rollercoaster of emotions. Infertility struggles, unsuccessful attempts at conception, or medical complications can result in feelings of grief, loss, and shame. The process of entrusting another person with carrying their child can also evoke anxiety and apprehension. It is crucial to provide support and resources to help intended parents navigate these complex emotions.

The Emotional Well-being of Surrogates

Surrogates play a selfless and compassionate role in the surrogacy process. While their choice to help others build a family can be immensely rewarding, it is not without its own psychological challenges. Surrogates may experience mixed emotions, including attachment to the child they carry and concerns about the post-birth relationship with the intended parents. Providing surrogates with adequate mental health support is vital for their well-being.

Breaking the Stigma and Raising Awareness

Open discussions about mental health and surrogacy foster understanding, empathy, and support within communities. By encouraging conversations, we break down stigmas and misconceptions surrounding both topics. Increased awareness enables individuals to seek and access the appropriate mental health resources, while also ensuring that surrogates and intended parents receive the emotional support they need throughout their journeys.

The intersection of mental health and surrogacy highlights the importance of addressing emotional well-being throughout the process. By prioritizing open conversations, we can nurture the mental health of intended parents and surrogates alike, facilitating healthier outcomes for all parties involved. If you have any questions about the surrogacy process or how Shared Conception can help, please call us or contact us here.

support systems

Creating a Strong Support System: Nurturing Relationships during the Surrogacy Journey

support systemsEmbarking on a surrogacy journey is a monumental decision that requires not only physical and emotional strength but also a robust support system. Building a network of supportive individuals can help intended parents and surrogates navigate the unique challenges and triumphs of this path with greater ease and reassurance. In this article, we’ll explore practical tips for creating a strong support system during surrogacy.

  1. Open Communication: Clear and open communication lays the foundation for a solid support system. Start by having candid conversations with your partner, family, and close friends about your decision to pursue surrogacy. Ensure that everyone understands your hopes, fears, and expectations. Openness fosters understanding and empathy, reducing potential misunderstandings and conflict down the line.
  2. Seek Professional Guidance: Working with a reputable surrogacy agency such as Shared Conception can provide essential guidance and emotional support throughout the surrogacy process. Our professionals can help educate you about the journey, facilitate communication between intended parents and surrogates, and connect you with support groups or counseling services tailored to surrogacy. Their expertise can be invaluable in addressing any concerns or questions that arise.
  3. Join Support Groups: Connect with other individuals or couples who have experienced or are currently going through surrogacy. Support groups offer a safe space to share experiences, seek advice, and find emotional support from those who truly understand the intricacies of the journey. Online communities and local support groups can provide a sense of belonging and help alleviate feelings of isolation during this transformative process.
  4. Foster Relationships with the Surrogate: Building a strong and trusting relationship with the surrogate is crucial for both intended parents and surrogates. Engage in open and honest conversations, establish boundaries, and maintain regular communication. Attend medical appointments together, if possible, and involve the surrogate in the planning and preparation for the baby’s arrival. Nurturing a compassionate and respectful connection will create a supportive environment that benefits all parties involved.

Surrogacy is a remarkable journey that requires a solid support system to ensure emotional well-being and successful outcomes. With Shared Conception, our experienced and professional team helps create the best plan for your journey. We want everyone involved to have a positive experience. Please contact Shared Conception by calling us today or filling out our form on: contact us.

before becoming a surrogate

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Becoming a Surrogate

before becoming a surrogateBecoming a surrogate is a selfless and life-changing decision that allows individuals to help others fulfill their dreams of parenthood. While the journey can be incredibly rewarding, it’s essential to thoroughly consider the physical, emotional, and logistical aspects before embarking on this unique path. As you contemplate the decision of becoming a surrogate, here are some important questions to ask yourself to ensure you’re ready for the responsibilities and challenges that lie ahead.

  1. What motivates me to become a surrogate?
    Understanding your motivation for becoming a surrogate is crucial. Is it purely altruistic, driven by a desire to help others? Are there any personal reasons or experiences that have influenced your decision? Evaluating your motivations will help you maintain clarity and commitment throughout the process.
  2. Am I emotionally prepared?
    Surrogacy involves a range of emotions, including joy, attachment, and occasionally, separation anxiety. Consider the emotional implications of carrying a child for another family and potentially handing the baby over after birth. Reflect on your ability to handle these complex emotions and maintain a healthy mental well-being throughout the journey.
  3. How will my family and loved ones be affected?
    Surrogacy is a commitment that not only affects you but also your immediate family and loved ones. It’s important to have open and honest discussions with your partner, children, and close friends about their thoughts and feelings regarding your decision. Their support and understanding can be invaluable during the surrogacy process.
  4. Can I meet the physical demands of surrogacy?
    Pregnancy and childbirth entail physical changes and potential risks. Assess your overall health, including any preexisting medical conditions, and discuss them with your healthcare provider. Surrogacy agencies often have specific criteria for physical health and age, so ensure that you meet the necessary requirements. You can read our list of requirements here: Become a Surrogate Mother.
  5. How will I handle the legal and financial aspects?
    Surrogacy involves legal agreements and financial considerations. Familiarize yourself with the legal aspects of surrogacy in your jurisdiction and ensure that you are comfortable with the legal process involved. Additionally, discuss the financial aspects, including compensation, medical expenses, and potential insurance coverage, with the intended parents and a professional advisor.
  6. Am I prepared for the potential challenges?
    Surrogacy journeys can have their fair share of challenges, such as medical complications, multiple embryo transfers, or disagreements with the intended parents. Reflect on your ability to handle these challenges with resilience, flexibility, and effective communication. Consider seeking support from support groups or counseling services to help navigate potential difficulties.
  7. How will surrogacy impact my future plans?
    Surrogacy is a time-consuming commitment that requires careful planning and organization. Reflect on your long-term goals and aspirations and consider how surrogacy fits into those plans. Be prepared to make adjustments to your personal and professional life during the surrogacy journey.

Becoming a surrogate is a remarkable opportunity to bring immense joy to another family’s life. By asking yourself these essential questions, you’ll gain valuable insights into your motivations, emotional readiness, and the impact on your life and loved ones. This introspection will help you make an informed decision and embark on a surrogacy journey that aligns with your values and personal circumstances. Remember, thorough self-reflection is the first step toward an extraordinary path of helping others create loving families.

Interested in Surrogacy?
If you are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please visit or give Shared Conception a call today.

How Intended Parents Can Support Their Surrogate

As the intended parents, it is important to provide positive support to your surrogate mother. There are many ways you can do this.

Because surrogacy is such a selfless gift, one way to show support or appreciation is to do thoughtful acts of kindness in unexpected ways. This could include giving her a gift card for a manicure or pedicure. Some med spas even have prenatal packages designed specifically for pregnant women. Other ideas include gift cards to her favorite restaurant or a food delivery service such as DoorDash—remember, it’s simple things that can mean the most.

Involving your surrogate in some of the decisions, such as letting her help choose the baby’s first outfit, can be all she needs to keep her mind from her discomforts, aches, and pains. Sharing your excitement as a new parent-to-be can help your surrogate feel appreciated and build a level of comfort in your relationship.

Pregnancy is physically demanding and makes simple chores sometimes hard to complete. If your surrogate feels comfortable with the idea, consider hiring a housekeeper once every couple weeks to help with housework. This takes the pressure off both your surrogate and her spouse.

Another way you can support your surrogate mother is by trying to get to know her better. Take her out for tea or coffee or a bite to eat, just to talk. Surrogacy is an emotionally charged journey for both parties, and sometimes having that comfortable, open line of communication can make everything easier for both the surrogate and the intended parents. As the Intended Parents, it is ok to periodically check on your surrogate, invite her out, and give her calls to see if she needs anything, but remember it is also essential to give her space, so she does not feel like she is being micromanaged.

When you doubt how you can support your surrogate, just ask her! She will know what she needs better than anyone else. The kind of support she needs will change throughout her pregnancy, so this is always a great option if you are unsure how you can help. Your support and that of those around her are such an instrumental part of her journey.

If you are interested in learning more about surrogacy or are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please contact us at 713-622-1144, and we will be here to help you with any questions.

emotional attachment

Do Surrogate Mothers Become Attached to the Baby?

emotional attachmentWe are sure that many women think about attachment before deciding to become a surrogate. It’s reasonable to believe that if you become attached to your own children during pregnancy, you would be attached to the child you are carrying for the Intended Parents.

This is also often a common concern for the Intended Parents, so we wanted to address this question and explain what happens between the baby, the surrogate, and the intended parents.

It would appear to be obvious that a surrogate mother would become attached to the child that she carried for months and gave birth to. But for many surrogate mothers, this does not take away from the ultimate purpose—providing Intended Parents with a baby to start their own family. Many surrogates recognize what they are doing as a job and do not in fact, become emotionally attached.

It’s also important to remember that the surrogate has no biological link to the baby. The lack of this biological connection between the surrogate and the baby plays a large role in how surrogate mothers prepare themselves for this moment, knowing that this baby is not related to them. ‘

Women who become surrogate mothers do so because they want to help someone else have a baby and experience the joy of parenthood. They look forward to giving the baby to the intended parents and witnessing the emotions and happiness of the intended parents as they meet their baby for the very first time.

At Shared Conception, all surrogate mother applicants undergo a full psychological evaluation and clearance process and must also complete a comprehensive application that includes medical and psychological questions. In addition, they must have their own children and be in a happy, stable living environment and have the full support of their spouse or partner if they are in a relationship or marriage. These requirements ensure that the surrogate mother is less likely to have attachment issues or postpartum depression once the baby has been born.

For many surrogates, to help overcome any emotions they may still have after giving birth, they often make plans with their own family to take a trip or do something special so they can all refocus and adjust to post-pregnancy life.

So what about the baby itself? Sometimes Intended Parents wonder how being born via surrogacy will affect their connection with the baby. Taking an active role in preparation for the baby will help with the emotional transfer after birth. Intended parents and the surrogate should discuss in advance how the baby’s first moments will be.

There have been many studies conducted on children born via surrogacy, and most conclude that “children born through surrogacy experience no long-term emotional or psychological harm in regards to being born via surrogacy. Likewise, most parents and babies “experience healthy attachment around the time of birth and beyond”.

Interested in Surrogacy?

If you are interested in learning more about surrogacy options or are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please contact us at 713-622-1144, and we will be here to help you with any questions.

reasons to be a surrogate

Top Reasons to Become a Surrogate

reasons to be a surrogateWhen deciding if surrogacy is the right option for you, naturally, you will want to weigh out the pros and cons. We have made your decision process a little bit easier by listing our top ten reasons to become a surrogate.

We will count down from ten to our number one reason!

Number 10: your last pregnancy was a breeze. One of the requirements to be a surrogate mother is to have had a previous successful pregnancy.

Number 9: Helping intended parents become parents is one of the greatest gifts you can ever give.

Number 8: You get to enjoy all the beautiful parts about being pregnant while getting to skip the changing diapers, potty training, and sleepless nights!

Number 7: Remember those personality tests we all used to take? If you were often classified as a giver—being a surrogate mother is a great way to give.

Number 6: Being a surrogate mother pays you to give the gift of life

Number 5: When pregnant, you have all the justification you need to eat your favorite weird food combos!

Number 4: You find modern medicine to be interesting.

Number 3: You hate infertility and the pain it causes those wishing to start their own families.

Number 2: Maternity clothes are always super comfortable.

Number 1: Babies are an absolute blessing to those who cannot have them on their own.

While we do list some great reasons to become a surrogate, we truly understand being a surrogate mother is a very personal choice that is made for varied and numerous reasons. One thing for certain is the joy that you will bring to an intended family should you choose to be a surrogate mother will validate whatever your reasons may be.

If you have questions about becoming a surrogate mother, please visit our Surrogate Mother FAQs page. If you are interested in learning more about surrogacy options or are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please contact us at 713-622-1144, and we will be here to help you with any questions.