Reasons To Actually Love Your Summer Pregnancy 1280x960

Pregnant? Beat the heat this summer!

Believe it or not, there are some advantages to being pregnant in the summer. You don’t have to worry about squeezing your swollen feet into shoes when you have the option to wear sandals, and those stylish flowy dresses are very comfortable and chic.

But, with temperatures in Texas already climbing and becoming more muggy, it can get unbearable. Summer can also pose some of its own risks to those that are pregnant. Overheating is very common and scary.

Here are some ways to remain cool and comfy this summer:

  1. Drink water. You need an extra 2-4 glasses of water a day when you are carrying. Stay hydrated. Carry a water bottle with you everywhere you go. The sudden urge of thirst can sneak up on you at any time. Make it tasty by adding a slice of lemon, cucumber or lime for a hint of flavor.
  2. Seek shade. Over exposure to the sun, puts you at risk even more while pregnant. Not only can it cause you to overheat, but if your skin is prone to melasma (dark patches that appear on your skin) the shade can help prevent it.
  3. Changes in body temperature can be risky. It’s hot outside and cool inside. Your body is in overdrive when it has to continually adjust to temperature. If you find yourself outside for long periods of time, wear light, breathable clothing, a wide-brimmed hat and have your water handy.
  4. Putting your feet up is part of your job! When it is hot, our feet, ankles and legs swell up faster. Even if you are working, put a stool underneath your desk for an invisible relief!
  5. Take a cool shower. This will not only cool down your body but help minimize swelling. This will also help you relax before bed. And remember, there is no limit to cool showers! Some of our Shared Conception surrogates have told us that they take multiple showers a day!

Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give us a call today or visit and let’s talk!




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Surrogacy Through a Family Member

When Intended parents search for a surrogate, they have many questions and try to get the idea of the lifestyle that a potential surrogate lives. If that person is part of your family, it is probably more comforting to know them, their medical history, and background. However, such a close relationship can lead to other complications. That is why intended parents much cautiously and carefully evaluate the situation and consider the following:

  • Fees, Expenses and Reimbursements

It is quite possible that the family member that will potentially become your surrogate will refuse any financial compensation. It can be uncomfortable for many because it creates an imbalance. There are other ways of compensation such as contributions to your surrogates biological child’s college fund, a prepaid vacation or big gift post-delivery. Most of these generosities should also be stated in writing in the contract.

  • Psyhcological Evaluation

Any agency, including Shared Conception, will help schedule a thorough psychological evaluation for your surrogate, whether it’s your sister, cousin, niece, etc. Most evaluations include an oral interview and psychological test. This is a step that must not be skipped.

  • Independent Legal Counsel

Although family members prefer to keep their dealings informal, it’s important to remember that surrogacy is a legal arrangement that involves legal transactions and must be taken care of correctly, with legal representation for both parties. Surrogate mothers put themselves at risk physically. It is imperative to have representation. Shared Conception works with highly trained attorneys that represent your best interests.

  • Guardianship

Before an embryo is transferred, it is necessary to have a pre birth order for guardianship of the child in the gestational agreement. This way, all expectations are realistically managed.

  • Counseling Facilitation

Shared Conception can arrange family counseling before the transfer, or IVF procedure. From our experience, we know family member can ride a roller coaster of emotions. Unresolved family issues can surface during a stressful time. In the event of a failed pregnancy attempt, the surrogate mother may blame herself. Counseling can help all participants move through a stressful or grieving process and in deciding on the next step.

Think twice about asking a family member to become a surrogate mother. However, when adequately prepared, having a family member help you create your family becomes a rewarding experience for the entire family. Shared Conception is equipped and ready to help. Visit us online or give us a call today! We would love to hear from you!

Emotions after birth

Post Baby Emotions

Here is a scenario, a surrogate mother has just delivered her surrogate baby. What is she going to do next? Is she going to Disneyland? Is she touring Napa Valley?  Chances are this woman will simply jump back into the routine of her life with her own family, while possibly experiencing post-partum mood swings.

Our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception, loves reading all the emails and letters about successful surrogate birth stories. However, some of these women can struggle after pregnancy. There is such thing as feeling sad after birth, whether it is your baby or a surrogate baby. Even when you are uplifted by your support group, some women can get depressed immediately after giving birth.

It’s nearly the same with any surrogacy arrangement; a surrogate dedicates approximately one year to help the intended mother experience something she can never personally fully experience. What happens after the birth?

Surrogate mothers, who candidly describe their emotions, usually speak of feeling completely elated one moment and devastated another moment; mainly because their participation in this amazing experience is over. In most cases, it is not the baby they miss – it is either:

  • the surrogacy itself
  • the intended parents
  • the “specialness” of being pregnant
  • the hormones

These emotions and reactions are usually considered to be completely normal; it’s just not openly discussed. Any potential surrogate should be aware that she isn’t the only surrogate mother who has ever cried when the baby left the hospital with his or her new parents, or when she said goodbye to her intended parents.

Whether it’s intended parents who have been trying to have a child of their own for years and who finally had to turn to surrogacy, or intended parents who came to surrogacy from the very beginning of their journey as a way to conceive – the end of the surrogacy is not considered to be an end at all. It is merely the beginning of their dreams.  As you enjoy and adjust to your new baby, remember your surrogate with a grateful heart and a gentle smile. If you can, stay in touch with your surrogate. She will ENJOY seeing sporadic or consistent pictures or maybe visiting – basically in whatever capacity you are comfortable with sharing your baby.

Shared Conception is compassionately here to help both the intended parents and the surrogate work through their emotions.  We want you to be informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form. We would love to hear from you!

12 Common Misconceptions About Content Marketing


Have you heard of surrogacy? Throughout recent years, it’s become an increasingly popular alternative to pregnancy when all other fertility options are exhausted. Celebrities are doing it and being public about it. You may even know someone who is or has been a surrogate or someone that has needed one. Nevertheless, there are often stigmas, assumptions and myths attached to this intricate process.

Once of the most common misconceptions is that the surrogate mother is genetically linked to the child. A surrogate, or gestational carrier is impregnated through the IVF process with an embryo created by the intended mother (or donor egg) and the intended father’s sperm (or donor sperm). This is called gestational surrogacy.

A popular belief to one who is not familiar or educated about the surrogacy process, is that the surrogate will become attached to the baby that they are carrying and be unable to give it to the intended parents at the time of birth.  Surrogates, also known to us as  “selfless women warriors”, already know that this is expected at the end of the surrogacy journey. Plus, the baby is not genetically linked to the surrogate, as mentioned above. And lastly, by law, in certain states like Texas, surrogates have no legal rights to the child.

An unfortunate fallacy to the surrogate process is that it is unaffordable. It is expensive but many families have grown their family through surrogacy, and you can’t put a price on that. Shared Conception is open to talking about how you can get loans and other ways to make your dreams of a family, a reality.

On a high note, surrogacy is becoming more and more accepted into today’s society. Shared Conception is dedicated to walking you through this process to achieve your goal of creating or expanding your family. Contact us with any questions; we will be happy to speak with you.

If you are interested in becoming a surrogate, Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support you throughout the pregnancy. Our coordinators will expertly act as a liaison between you and the intended parents and ensure that everyone has a beautiful journey. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form. We would love to hear from you!




Women Female support system for surrogacy

Building Your Surrogacy Support System

A Successful surrogacy is a group effort. It includes cooperation from the surrogate, egg donor, intended parents, nurses, doctors, social workers, attorneys and coordinators. With a similar goal, a successful team is committed to openness, honesty and clear communication.

There is one part of the team that does not get all the attention they deserve. That is your support system. This system is vital and includes spouses, partners, family members and friends who encourage you throughout your journey. So how do you become that exceptional part of a surrogacy support system?

  1. Be aware of surrogacy. Great surrogate candidates have spent a large amount of time researching he process. A great support person has a clear understanding of what the process means and why it is so selfless and life changing.
  2. Open conversations. To be a great supporter, it’s important to communicate with the surrogate about any sensitive subject matter, be a shoulder to cry on in any hormonal or emotional period, or just be someone to talk to.
  3. Intended parents often attend medical appointments with their surrogate and if they live close to each other, they occasionally have lunch or a get together with them. This is also required from a person in the surrogate’s support bubble. If the intended parents cannot make it to the appointments, offering to take your surrogate friend or family member to her appointments can mean a lot to them.
  4. Help out! There are so many ways to do so and it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to clean and endure housework! You can help with any emotional issue, childcare, errands, picking up prescriptions, cooking a meal, or you can get creative and do something like leaving a colorful and supportive message in chalk on her driveway!

These are just some examples of what makes a good support system a GREAT supports system. Feel lucky you were chosen! This is an honor and a wonderful journey to be a part of. You are helping to create a family and helping to give someone a priceless gift. Our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception thanks everyone that has been or will be a part of a support system. We always let our surrogates know that we are a part of that system too and are also honored to be a part of their journey.

Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support our surrogates throughout the pregnancy. Our client coordinators will expertly act as a liaison between you and the intended parents. We will ensure that any sensitive or difficult subject matters are tactfully brought up and handled. We want you to be informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you



matching a surrogate with intended parents

It’s a Match!

What is a match? Webster’s dictionary defines it as, “to be equal to (something or someone) in quality or strength; to make or to be harmonious.” What a perfect definition to describe how the staff at Shared Conception “matches” intended parents and surrogate mothers! Our definition has a little more heart. At Shared Conception, matching is“a wonderful process in which Shared Conception excels in. This is when a surrogate is paired with intended parent(s). Shared Conception matches surrogates with intended parents that are good matches based on legal requirements, personality compatibility, preferences and similar expectations.

We want to ensure that the surrogate and the intended parents are certainly equal in their beliefs and most importantly inner strength, and that the surrogate has a harmonious pregnancy.

Shared Conception’s objective is that the surrogate and intended parents interact in an extraordinarily comfortable environment and that both parties build a good, solid rapport and partnership. With that said, we strive to pinpoint your core beliefs and innate desires so that everyone is mentally comfortable and relaxed throughout the entire pregnancy.

If you are comfortable with the intended parents we match with you, we will immediately contact them. Then, Shared Conception will coordinate a three-way phone conversation between the intended parents, the surrogate and a member of our team. If all parties agree to move forward, then the next step is to either have a video call or face-to-face meeting so everyone can discuss the partnership and expectations.

This is such an exciting time in the process. Imagine all the hopes, dreams, expectations and anticipation all wrapped up into the actual match between two families. It’s simply amazing!

If you are curious about becoming a surrogate, read more to see how surrogacy works in our great state of Texas. The process does vary between states. Not only is surrogacy a legal process, but it is also an emotional and physical process. Make sure to educate yourself, your spouse or partner, and surrounding support system about surrogacy. If you are considering surrogacy and live in Texas, you will have only one option: gestational surrogacy. This is where the embryo is created in a fertility clinic using an egg and sperm from the intended parent (or donor) then transferred to the surrogate’s uterus through the process of IVF.

It helps to work with an experienced agency such as Shared Conception. We carefully screen and match both intended parents and surrogates with our professional matching process. Help create a family with Shared Conception. Interested in surrogacy? Call us today! You can visit us online






why a previous pregnancy to become a surrogate

Now is a great time to apply

Some of us have had a hard couple of weeks. It’s been scary. Worrying about getting sick, who is around us and our families, having enough food and supplies, is stressing us out. Not to mention not knowing whether or not we will have jobs depending on the industry. Money is going to be tight for all of us, and we would like to offer you a solution.

Shared Conception is a surrogacy agency that helps create families. And we can’t do this without you; our wonderful potential surrogates. The most important quality in a surrogate is her love for being pregnant. All of our surrogates share this similar quality. Many love being pregnant and the joy of surrogacy so much, that they have been a gestational carrier with Shared Conception two, three or even four times!

And yes! You get paid! Now is a great time for that much needed extra income. You and your family will benefit from this selfless act of kindness. You can earn up to $40,000 by helping create a family. It’s a win-win!

You can learn more about How to become a Surrogate in our blogs. Here are some frequently asked questions, answers and links with more information:

  1. How long does it take to become a surrogate with Shared Conception? Read more here. It will walk you through the beginning processes of surrogacy from the preliminary application (which you can fill out here), to the matching process and other required screenings.
  2. What other processes do I have to go through? A medical and psychological evaluation along with a background check is required as well. You can read more about it Don’t be concerned about small infractions such as speeding tickets. This won’t disqualify you from being a surrogate.
  3. What is the IVF medical process like? Read this blog to learn about the IVF transfer, and the protocols for pregnancy and delivery.

Shared Conception pledges wholeheartedly to support you throughout the entire pregnancy, and we will still be there afterwards! Our client coordinators will expertly act as a liaison between you and the intended parents. We will ensure that any sensitive or difficult subject matters are tactfully brought up and handled. We want you to be informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing that you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an information request form. We would love to hear from you.



proper way to wash hands

Corona Virus and Pregnancy

This pandemic has thrown us for quite a loop. Have your prenatal appointments changed to telemedical appointments? With the ever-changing news, uncertainties and restrictions imposed in our lives, what does this mean for those of us who are pregnant? What is known however, is mostly positive. Pregnant women don’t seem to be particularly susceptible to the virus. This does not mean that they are immune to it either!

Currently, our understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on reproduction and pregnancy is limited. There are reports of women who have tested positive for COVID-19, who have delivered babies who do not have disease. Additionally, there is limited information from published scientific reports about the susceptibility of pregnant women to COVID-19 and the severity of infection. Available data are reassuring, but are limited to small case series.

As of late, hospitals are taking extra precautions to help people give birth during this pandemic. This includes limited amount of support allowed in the labor and delivery room. This does not include virtual supporters. Check with your doctor about their preferences and guidelines, as it changes daily.

If you are delivering, it is said that hospitals are making plans to ensure that healthy pregnant women are separate from the infected ones. Also, hospitals are following CDC guidelines to evaluate pregnant women for Covid-19 symptoms. Anyone who exhibits symptoms is given a mask and delivers in a separate area.

Currently there is no evidence that a pregnant person can transmit the virus to the fetus during pregnancy or birth. There is also no evidence that the virus passes through breastmilk but as always, it’s best to check with you OB if you’re planning on pumping.

It’s important to note that coronaviruses are unrelated to the ZIKA virus, which has very clear implications for pregnancy and fetal development. Miscarriage and still birth are more common with influenza infection in pregnancy, and therefore could be a risk of COVID delaying pregnancy until risk of infection is low would be prudent to minimize the above risks.

Unfortunately, this has become our new reality. Stay informed and wash your hands! Pregnant women should continue to practice social distancing, diligent hygiene and seek information from your doctor! Shared Conception is there for our surrogates at any time.

pregnancy and sun exposure

Belly, Baby and the Sun

In Texas, we get a short Spring season, a long spring break and tend to hit the beach and poolside as early as April. If you are pregnant, you have to consider protecting that precious cargo from the sun. We all know that overexposure to the sun’s UV rays can be damaging to anyone. And yes, it is different when you are pregnant.

Due to hormonal changes, your skin is more sensitive while you’re pregnant. You are prone to hives and heat rash. Also, with the increased amount of melanin in the skin, this often results in a condition known as melasma, also called “the mask of pregnancy.” As a result, caution and shade is one way to defend your precious pouch. Bring a beach umbrella, wear a wide-brimmed hat, and keep cool by staying hydrated.

Another additional worry while being in the sun and pregnant is the ingredients in sunscreen. Sunscreen is a must! But what is in it? A common chemical found in sunscreen, oxybenzone, has been linked to low birth weight. It is wise to avoid sunscreens containing this ingredient and find one that contains zinc oxide and titanium dioxide that are considered better options for those that are pregnant. Seek advice from your doctor for the safest types of sunscreens to use during pregnancy.

The sun also causes concern beyond UV damage. Be careful not to overheat. This also involves staying hydrated. Avoid overheating by keeping water close by at all times and prevent heatstroke by staying indoors at the height of the day’s temperature. When you are pregnant, your body temperature is higher and busy pumping extra blood to meet the needs of the baby. Therefore, it is easier to overheat.

Although vitamin D is necessary for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby, the best source can be found in lots of different foods and supplements. If you prefer to get your vitamin D in the great outdoors, remember, a little sun will go a long way. ALWAYS talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have when it comes to your journey.

Shared Conception pledges to support you throughout your journey and beyond! We ensure that any questions, sensitive or difficult subject matters can be easily handled by Shared Conception. We want our surrogates to be healthy, informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing they contributed to the world in a unique way. Interested in surrogacy? Give us a call today for a no pressure conversation, or visit to fill out an application request form. We would love to hear from you.




Airplane Germs and how to disinfect

How to Disinfect Your Airplane Seat

In recent light of the Coronavirus and all the media attention it is receiving, airplane travel while pregnant can cause a bit of a hesitation. Sometimes, air travel is a necessity. Since you’re pregnant and on high alert about your health, we can’t help but draw attention to this concerning and potential health hazard.  Studies have shown how germ-filled airplane seats, seat pockets, seat belts, tray tables and arm rests are. But those who are concerned, can take action with these small steps to make their assigned seats a little less contaminated.

With a few purchases at your local drugstore or through Amazon and a little bit of time to plan ahead, you can have the cleanest seat on the plane.

Disinfecting wipes and how to use them

As soon as you board, take out these wipes! By creating only a minor spectacle, you can wipe down all the hard, nonporous surfaces thoroughly. Remember, the surface has to stay visibly wet and saturated for a short amount of time to receive all of their benefits. There are directions on the package that will tell you the correct amount of time. This is when the wipes do their best germ-killing job. And, don’t forget about that seat belt buckle and arm rests!

Disinfecting the fabric seats

As for the upholstery, the wipes will not work. If you are concerned about that exposure to germs from the seat fabric, there are seat and table tray covers available on Amazon. Or, you can purchase covers for the head rest only. Most planes now have pleather seats, and those can be wiped down with the disinfecting wipe.

Hand Sanitizer

Clean running water and soap is not always readily available, or you just can’t access it because of that darn seat belt light. Having hand sanitizer in your travel bag is always a good idea. You can use it before you eat, after you use the bathroom, or any other time you come in contact with areas you suspect have germs. It will not work on hard surfaces like the tray table, that’s what the disinfecting wipes are for.

Seat pockets

The seat pockets have the highest concentration of germs alive. It’s also where we tend to stash our water bottles and snacks. We haven’t been able to find a disposable liner available for the pocket, so it’s best not to use them. Keep a leak proof water bottle (that you can fill up on the plane or before you board) in your bag for germ-free hydration.

Stay hydrated

An airplane’s cabin can dehydrate you. Depending on how long flight time is, you can easily get dehydrated. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids before your flight, during a long flight and post flight.

Flying isn’t always easy when pregnant. Always make sure to contact your doctor before embarking on any travel plans. Shared Conception pledges to support you throughout your journey and beyond! We ensure that any questions, sensitive or difficult subject matters can be easily handled by Shared Conception. We want our surrogates to be healthy, informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing they contributed to the world in a unique way. Interested in surrogacy? Give us a call today for a no pressure conversation, or visit www.deliver-a-dream.comto fill out an application request form. We would love to hear from you.