telling your child about their origin

Telling your child their origin

The conversation with your child about being born via surrogacy can be a difficult one. It is a story about how hard you worked to have them, and it is part of their identity. Talking about it early on is a way to normalize their birth through surrogacy – and help them be proud of their origin.


Younger children are more open-minded and understanding. The older they get, the more questions they can have, and if the conversation begins early on, it can be easier and more comfortable to discuss when brought up throughout their lives.


Experts agree it is essential to be honest with your children from the start:
“The American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) Ethics Committee suggests that parents disclose their children’s conception story, and research has suggested that secrecy about a child’s origins may have a negative impact both on the child and his or her parents.”


Don’t forget about the number of friends and family members that know your child’s story. It can be damaging if your child hears the truth from someone else. After all, there is no reason to be ashamed of their story, and you shouldn’t be afraid to talk about it either. You can always ask for the help of friends, family, and professionals. Refer to our blog Four Books for Children of Surrogates. These books help children to understand by delivering age-appropriate messages about surrogacy.


Many of our intended parents still have relationships with their surrogates, and those surrogates remain an important part of their lives. Having this relationship can make it easier and also normalize the conversation.


Always remember, your child’s surrogacy story is a positive one. It involves people coming together to create a life. Be proud of the way you built your family. Surrogacy is a magnificent and joyous phenomenon. If you are interested in having a surrogate, let Shared Conceptions make your dreams of a family a reality. Give us a call today, and we will help you get one step closer to the child you have always wanted. Visit for more information.

pregnancy and constipation

The “C” Word

Feeling bloated is almost a rite of passage when pregnant. But when that feeling is a byproduct of constipation, it is EXTREMELY uncomfortable.

Here is why you may feel backed up and what you can do about it.

Constipation can begin as progesterone levels increase. Progesterone causes the muscles in your bowels to relax, allowing food to hang around the digestive tract for an extended amount of time. While uncomfortable, it’s not all bad. More nutrients absorb into your bloodstream for you and Baby. But and there is always a but, it can cause a traffic jam.

There are many ways to handle constipation:

  • Fiber: Fiber-rich foods help you eliminate waste. The recommended amount of fiber to consume is 25-35 grams each day. You can find fiber in whole grain cereals, bread, legumes, fresh fruits, and veggies. If you have a sweet tooth, dried fruits are a great way to satisfy and combat constipation.
  • Say no to “Refined”: Avoid refined grains such as white bread, white rice, and pasta. These are culprits for constipation.
  • Hydrate: Drink fluids, especially water, because they keep solids moving through your digestive tract and make stool softer and easier to pass. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day will help aid the process. If you are really in a bind (pun intended), prune juice is considered a mild laxative and can help.
  • Avoid big meals: A large meal can overwhelm your digestive tract and back things up. Eating smaller meals throughout the day can help with less gas and bloating.
  • Prenatal Vitamins: OBs always recommend prenatal vitamins. They can cause constipation in some individuals. If this happens to you, ask your doctor about alternative prenatals or supplements that will fight constipation.
  • Probiotics: Yogurts containing active cultures have probiotics. Probiotics will stimulate the intestinal bacteria that breaks down food and keeps thing moving. Probiotics can be found in supplements as well. Ask your doctor for recommendations.
  • Exercise: Movement alone encourages healthy bowel movements. A simple walk can get things moving. As always, do not begin a new workout regimen until you check in with your doctor.
  • Warning about laxatives: Check with your doctor before taking any constipation medication. Not all medicines are safe during pregnancy.

Begin your surrogacy journey with Shared Conception. Call us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more information. Or, visit to get started on an application to become a surrogate.





floating for pregnancy

Hop in!

Pregnancy in the summer can be hard because it is scorching hot! But look on the bright side! You can float; getting some relief from gravity. Find a pool and hop in! Well, don’t hop. Step in safely. Relaxing in the water will not only cool you down but can be a great form of exercise and take some of the discomforts from achy backs and feet. You will feel weightless! Pool time will also help de-stress, and it’s fun for the whole family!


To get the most out of floating, make sure you are in a comfortable position. A flotation device such as a noodle, raft, or sling can help with that. You can even use multiple floatation devices, depending on how far along you are. Floating can support you, the baby, and help keep your head above water. Being in the pool is also an excellent opportunity to float belly down (but not for too long) and release the weight of a growing uterus pushing against your organs. Pro tip: for lower back relief, put the pool noodle under your knees.


Floating can be exercise as well as support. It’s low impact, and easy on your joints. Swimming maintains muscle tone and increases your endurance. You will feel energized, refreshed, cool and confident this summer with some pool time. Swimming while pregnant has been shown to ease sciatic pain, reduce morning sickness, and improve your labor and delivery.

Safety measures

Please use caution when in a pool. Never swim alone. Notify someone if you feel light-headed and stay hydrated. Always check for water depth. Depending on what body of water you decide to plunge into, be aware of your surroundings, especially with smaller bodies of water. Avoid contamination and water-borne illnesses. Most importantly, say no to hot tubs. You do not want to raise your body temperature or increase a miscarriage or birth defects risk. It’s best to leave these alone for now.

Begin your surrogacy journey with Shared Conception. Call us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more information. Or, visit to get started on an application to become a surrogate.

post birth surrogacy

What to Expect Post-Birth

Building a family is extremely exciting! If you are considering surrogacy, you have an incredible journey ahead of you. It’s exhilarating, surreal, and wonderful to bring a child into the world for someone else. After being matched, you share this incredible ride with your intended parents.

One of the most common questions you will get throughout your journey is how you feel about giving up the baby. When this question arises, you can educate this person by letting them know that this is not your baby, not even biologically. But as a first-time surrogate, do you know what the end of your journey (after birth) withholds?

Many surrogates will agree that giving birth is the most rewarding part of the entire journey. And after labor, most are left with a fulfilling sense of satisfaction and joy watching the intended parents gush over their tiny newborn.

In the Hospital

Most surrogates stay on the labor and delivery floor with the other newborns and new parents in the hospital. After all, surrogates need the same post-natal care as any other mother. The hospital is an excellent opportunity to have friends and family come and visit you while you recuperate and have a chance to rest and relax before getting back to your children and daily life. As long as it is okay with the intended parents, and it is with most, you can visit your surro baby and take in that newborn smell and cuddles without changing the diapers!


As with any pregnancy, your breasts will be sore, and milk will come in. Prearranged, you will either try every trick in the book to suppress lactation, give it to your surro babe, or donate to a milk bank. Either choice will be what is best for you and your post-baby lifestyle.

Post Hospital

Leaving the hospital is pretty uneventful. Most look forward to sleeping in their bed, recovering at home, being with their own family, and returning to their pre-surrogate lives. You may experience quick changes in hormone levels that can ignite some baby blues. These baby blues are common. If you think that these feelings are intensifying, seek treatment and contact your doctor. Otherwise, surround yourself with support, concentrate on getting back to a healthy lifestyle and focus on the positives!

Are you interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give us a call today. We want you to be informed, fulfilled, and satisfied, knowing you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way.  You can also visit to find out more information

Your surrogacy support network

Surrogacy, Support Networks and Beyond

Surrogacy is such a process for intended parents. Most people who come to the decision they need to choose surrogacy to build their family, are already emotionally exhausted from the trials and tribulations of infertility.

Shared Conception always emphasizes the importance of a support network, on either side of the surrogacy fence; for surrogates or intended parents. Honesty and open communication are essential within this network. Initially, when building your network, expect many questions that may seem invasive but can become an opportunity to educate someone about surrogacy. Intended parents are encouraged to establish support systems for emotional support and whatever other help they may need.

Feeding your network

As mentioned above, expect many questions. Only recently has surrogacy become more mainstream and accepted. Laws on surrogacy constantly change for the better. Take this as an opportunity to inform someone on a rarely discussed topic.

Support systems can grow stronger by introducing your surrogate, if possible, to those who support you the most! It helps with empathy and clarifies what you are going through as an intended parent. Introductions can be as informal as coffee or lunch or as elaborate as a dinner party or an invitation to your baby shower. And if you are not comfortable with either of these notions, that’s okay too.

Part of the network

If you are inside one of these support networks, you may wonder how to support your friend, loved one, or relative. Think about how you would want to feel supported if you were in a similar position. Most likely, you have been with them through their fertility struggles. Being part of this network is an honor. Respect their privacy and always give continued love and support, which will mean the most to them.

If you are lucky enough to meet their surrogate, treat her as a friend. She is, after all, like Wonder Woman, making the hopes and dreams of your friends a reality.

If you are interested in having a surrogate, let Shared Conceptions make your dreams of a family a reality. Give us a call today, and we will help you get one step closer to the child you have always wanted. Visit for more information.

sunscreen while pregnant

Best Sunscreens for Pregnancy

We often find ourselves looking at the ingredients of our beauty products when expecting. Now that summer is arriving, ingredients are very important when it comes to what is in our sunscreen. After all, it is important to protect your skin and baby bump from the harmful effects of the sun. Pregnancy hormones can cause increased skin pigmentation that can get darker in the sun. That is why it is important to use a high-quality SPF pregnant or not.

It is recommended to use a broad-spectrum formula that blocks both UVA and UVB rays with a protection of SPF30 or more. Look for ingredients with minerals such as titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. These are hypoallergenic. Pregnant skin tends to be more sensitive to some ingredients, so it is best to use formulas for sensitive skin.

Apply sunscreen 15-30 minutes before exposure to the sun and reapply every two hours, even more often if you are swimming or sweating. Always wear sunglasses and wide-brimmed hats for extra protection and stay hydrated!

Below are some recommended sunscreens for every budget:

Beautycounter Countersun Mineral Sunscreen: Beautycounter offers a wide range of beauty products that do not contain harmful products found in most other brands. Setting a high standard for safety in the beauty industry, Beauty counter sunscreen can be purchased as a lotion, spray or stick.

Thinkbaby SPF: Pediatric Dermatologist recommended, this mineral sunscreen is also nontoxic and formulated with Non-Nano Zinc Oxide for full spectrum UVA and UVB protection. Found at Target for only $13!

Neutrogena Sensitive Skin Sunscreen: This $9, affordable and oil-free sunscreen protects those with eczema and sensitive skin. Broad-spectrum SPF 60+ contains natural titanium dioxide and zinc oxide.

Drunk Elephant Tinted Sunscreen for face: For daily protection and sheer coverage, this sunscreen provides protection and can replace foundation making two steps become one!

Sun Bum Mineral Sunscreen Lip Balm: And don’t forget about your lips! Our lips are very prone to sunburn and need protection too! Look for a zinc-based formula that contains SPF.

Shared Conception wants you to stay protected and safe in the sun. Our surrogates are our top priority, and we are proud to represent such wonderful women! Are you thinking about becoming a surrogate, or would like more information? Your journey can begin by filling out an application request form. Visit for more information. Or for a no-pressure phone call, you can reach out to us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more information.



Other kind of surrogacy support

Another Kind of Support

Shared Conception emphasizes how necessary it is to have an established support network when undertaking the role of a surrogate mother. Yet, there is another kind of support that every surrogate needs besides a close network of supportive friends and family. It’s called support-wear.

After all, support wear helps you feel more comfortable, confident and is better for both surrogate and baby. With a plethora of comfort-inducing support-wear here is what to look for.

Belts and Bands

Bulging bellies are beautiful but can become uncomfortable. As you grow, your ligaments and muscles move and stretch. This can result in hip, abdominal back, and leg pain. Maternity belts and bands not only provide support taking the stress off of the aforementioned areas but offer compression. The gentle compression of a belly band can help support the uterus and reduce discomfort when completing daily tasks and everyday movement. But don’t keep that band on too long or wear one that is too tight. Too much compression on the abdomen can impair circulation. Always consult your doctor when purchasing or wearing any support wear.

Tops and Tunics

Freedom can be found in your choice of tops. Although tight-fitting shirts can show off that bump, a soft breathable one can keep you cool and comfy. Don’t forget that even non-maternity tops with empire waistlines can at least last throughout the first or second trimester. Look for stretchy fabrics, maybe even size up so they can be worn throughout the majority of your pregnancy and even postpartum. Also, with ever-changing body temperatures, investing in a couple of camisoles or light jackets will help when your body’s temperature fluctuates.

One of the areas guaranteed to grow is our breasts. Some women advance multiple cup sizes, while others just want a bra that doesn’t have underwire. Back, neck, and shoulder pain can be the result of an unsupportive bra. A bra that offers support is essential for your back. Make sure your bra has wide straps, with a good band and several clasps to accommodate your ever-growing boobs.

Maternity Support Bottoms

In this day and age, you can be pregnant and remain fashionable from the bottom up. Maternity pants are designed to complement and support your changing body. Many include belly bands that stretch up over the entire waist. Leggings, joggers, jeans, shorts, and work pants come in all different styles and sizes that can be worn throughout pregnancy and even afterward.

What can also make a difference? A good pair of underwear. Similar to supportive pants and shorts, high waist maternity underwear can support the belly, thigh area, and groin. And again, panties should provide support, but not be too tight. If you find marks left on your skin from any type of clothing, it might be time to size up. Your body changes throughout every step of pregnancy, you will have to get different sizes throughout your journey.

With a careful choice of attire, you can feel supported and comfortable throughout your journey. Always consult a doctor if you feel any chronic discomfort. If you would like to inquire with Shared Conception about becoming a surrogate, your journey can begin by filling out an application request form. Visit for more information.


using your own OBGYN through surrogacy journey

Using your OBGYN in Surrogacy

One of the many common questions from new surrogates is about using their OBGYN in their journey. After all, our OBGYN is where we ladies feel the most comfortable. Many of our doctors have delivered our biological children. And, there is the sense of safety with our own doctor that brings confidence and security to a pregnancy.
Fertility Clinics, Doctors and Specialists
During your surrogacy journey, you can use your own OBGYN, but not right away. Your OB has to clear you for surrogacy by providing a letter stating you are healthy and able for a pregnancy. After this, you begin a series of medical and psychological evaluations and work with a fertility clinic and reproductive endocrinologist. The clinic is necessary as they carry out tests and bloodwork that your OB cannot provide. The fertility clinic takes over at this point for some time to prepare your body for an IVF (in-vitro fertilization) transfer. This is when the embryo is implanted in your uterus. After a couple of days of rest and a blood test measuring your HCG levels, you will find out if your transfer resulted in a viable pregnancy.  If successful, the clinic and fertility doctor will monitor you throughout your first trimester. At this time, you will continue to have weekly ultrasounds and blood tests at the clinic to make sure all is well with you and the baby. Around your first trimester, if without any concerns or complications, the fertility clinic will release you to your preferred OBGYN. If you don’t have a preferred Obstetrician
It can be about location. Sometimes our surrogates have chosen a different OB to make it easier for the intended parents to attend appointments. But, this is your choice as the surrogate. With the amount of time spent in a doctor’s office, you shouldn’t have to travel too far or be uncomfortable. This will be ironed out in your contract that is signed before the IVF process. It is very important that your preferences are voiced when the contract is being drafted. That is why Shared Conception urges our potential surrogates to become very familiar with their contract and voice all of your requests at this time.
It can be about insurance. Insurance can make things tricky. Sometimes surrogates are able to use their own insurance and remain with their doctor. When this is not possible, the intended parents provide insurance. The surrogate still gets to choose the OBGYN but the OB must be in that insurance plan’s network. Shared Conception knows that choosing a doctor is not as easy as drawing a name out of a hat. That is why we can provide referrals to many Obstetrician doctors and practices that our previous surrogates have been very happy with.
You will never be alone in your journey with Shared Conception. We can hold your hand throughout your journey and be there for as much, or as little as you need. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you! Want even more information? Call us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more information.



Administering shots by yourself in surrogacy

Let’s Talk Shots!

IVF shots are not as difficult or painful as you might think. For many of our surrogates, the first shot is the hardest. Then, it becomes routine and not so scary.

Unless otherwise instructed by your doctor, most shots are intramuscular and are required about a week before your IVF transfer and throughout your first trimester.

What are intramuscular injections?

Intramuscular injections: An intramuscular injection delivers medication directly into a muscle. Progesterone in oil is often given as an intramuscular injection. The most common injection site for these medications is the top outer quadrant of the buttocks. It is possible to administer these shots yourself, but some people have their partner help.

Here are a few administering pointers:

Stay calm. Being nervous and tense can make this quick shot more uncomfortable. Shaky hands or a rushed approach cause the needle to bounce out before all the medication is injected. Take a deep breath! Meditate for a moment and RELAX!

Consider heat: For intramuscular injections, applying a heating pad to the injection site for about 10 minutes can sometimes relax the muscle and make the injection easier.

Know you don’t have to be a pro.  Administering an injection does not require a professional medical degree – but practice makes perfect!

Try ice: Many Shared Conception surrogates believe in icing the area right before injection to help numb the skin.

Change positions: For intramuscular injections, your body position can affect how the needle feels as it goes in. Bending over or shifting your weight on the opposite leg from the injection site can be more comfortable.

Be quick and direct: One confident motion for injection is much more comfortable than slow or twisting motions.

Injections are unavoidable as a surrogate.  The first is always the hardest and the last is the most rewarding.

Begin your surrogacy journey with Shared Conception. Call us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more information. Or, visit to get started on an application to become a surrogate.






shoes fit for pregnancy

Let’s talk shoes!

A summer pregnancy isn’t always easy. It’s hot, you sweat more and battle with trying to dress comfortably and looking cute. Thank goodness you have the support of your family members and loved ones! Shoes are another type of support you need in order to have a comfortable journey. Your swollen feet deserve more. The summer heat can add to swelling. Women have lots of extra fluid in their bodies during pregnancy and the pressure from the growing uterus causes swelling in the ankles and feet. Unfortunately, swelling tends to get worse during hotter weather, which could make those cute sandals a little difficult to wear.

When shopping for shoes, there are many things to consider. That is why Shared Conception is letting you know about our favorite pregnancy shoes that provide support, comfort, and style.

Those extra pounds you put on add stress to your body, especially your feet. At the end of the day, your legs can feel tired, heavy, achy, and swollen. That is why you have to shop for shoes that are flexible and can accommodate the swelling fluctuation throughout the day. Since your ligaments loosen while you are pregnant (thanks to your hormones) your arches can fall flat. With that in mind, purchase shoes with proper arch support.

You may have to retire your favorite sneakers for a size up! Your feet can grow up to a whole size when you are pregnant – and that’s okay! Shoes that are comfortable and fit well are important because your center of gravity changes. It also helps to skip the heels for the remainder of your pregnancy. Heels can become hazardous, especially for your ankles! So, you can stay safe and avoid any accidents, retire the heels for now.

Here are 5 stylish and comfortable shoes to look into for your precious tootsies this summer:


birkenstock for pregnancy





Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give us a call today. We want you to be informed, fulfilled, and satisfied knowing you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way.  Also, you can visit to find out more information!