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The Taboo Subject: Compensation

Money is rarely the driving reason behind becoming a surrogate. All of our surrogates love the idea of helping a family, enjoy being pregnant and feel that this journey is more of a calling. But that doesn’t mean compensation is not deserved for the intense labor (no pun intended) that is involved. Surrogacy is a full-time, 24/7 job. Between the matching process, medical appointments, pre-transfer preparation and transfer, this process can take 12-18 months! So yes, you do deserve compensation for the service that you provide.

With that said, how is compensation disbursed? Our clients at Shared Conception, use a surrogacy escrow agency. This agency, along with your contract, is your direct line to all your financial questions. And, most importantly, it prevents any awkward conversations about finances between you and your Intended Parents.

With the help of a surrogacy escrow agency, here are the top 3 most common versions of compensation schedules. It varies by attorney, so these are just examples:

  1. Compensation begins on the 1stor 15thof the month following a heartbeat confirmation, and on the same date each month after, usually 8 or 9 installments.


  1. Compensation starts with confirmation of a heartbeat and the same day of the month thereafter. Dividing the agreed upon compensation “salary” into 8-10 installments. This version will end with a large payment at the end if it’s 10 installments.


  1. Compensation starts with heartbeat confirmation, and every 4 weeks thereafter. This one is usually divided into 10 installments.

Prorated compensation usually doesn’t come into play unless there is a premature delivery, and this varies greatly by contract. For example, if they deliver prior to the week listed (say 32 for a singleton), contracts usually pay a prorated daily amount thru delivery. If compensation is received the 1st, delivered the 12th, then a daily rate is disbursed for those 11 days.

If you are interested in becoming a surrogate, give us a call for a no pressure, informative chat! We would love to hear from you!



Surrogacy Escrow Service

Your surrogacy contract includes using an escrow agency. This service allows a third party (the escrow agency) to hold and dispense funds during the surrogacy process. This can continue up to six months after birth. The escrow agency acts on behalf of the intended parents to ensure that the surrogate is being paid accurately and on time.


As you may know, a lot of paperwork is involved throughout the entire surrogacy process, and it doesn’t stop with an escrow agency. Intended parents will most likely, fill out the bulk of the paperwork and the surrogate provides banking information in order for payment to be directly deposited into her account. The surrogate is responsible for keeping any related receipts and filling out disbursement requests, so she can be reimbursed for things such as: medical visits, co-pays, housekeeping, lost wages, etc. Be sure to check your contract to know what can be reimbursed.


There are a number of benefits in using an escrow agency. Escrow agencies protect intended parents and surrogates. Having an escrow guarantees that the surrogate gets paid on time and with the appropriate amount.  Escrow accounts also guarantee that the intended parents have the means to cover the cost of the journey. It gives everyone peace of mind to know that their money is safe and being allocated on-time and appropriately. And it prevents any awkward conversation about money or finances between the surrogate and intended parents.


Shared Conception chooses to work with escrow agencies for the benefit of all parties involved in this process. We believe that it ensures a smooth journey for everyone. Whether you are looking into using a surrogate or becoming one, give us a call today for a free consultation. We are always willing to answer any of your questions!



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Surrogacy Journey and Communication

A lot of our intended parents have asked us how to get to know the woman who is carrying their baby. All of our intended parents are so incredibly appreciative, that it is hard to pinpoint one specific way to accomplish this. Part of the special services that Shared Conception provides on top of an excellent match, is a favorites list. This list allows you to see her likes, interests, hobbies and even dislikes. But we strongly suggest that you take the time to get to know your surrogate, and even her family. You will get a wonderful understanding of her.


The beginning of a relationship between intended parents and surrogates is almost like dating. You already have a common bond; you share a special place in each other’s hearts and want to pursue a great future relationship. We suggest going to lunch, and if that seems too overwhelming, start with meeting at a coffee shop. Getting to know each other can make for an incredibly exciting and smooth journey.


The goal is communication. You want stellar communication. This will help your surrogacy relationship, the same way that it helps with any other relationship. Texting “how are you” every so often and a quick catch-up conversation, will build confidence in your relationship with each other. Today, we have technology at our fingertips and find ourselves always in reach of a text, FaceTime, Skype call or email. Devote some time each week to get to know each other and form a bond that will last a lifetime.


Shared Conception is committed to designing relationships between our intended parents and surrogates. We have a carefully crafted matching process that can match you with the perfect surrogate, or intended parent. Call us today!

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The Great Balance

During our get togethers with the surrogates in our agency, many of the conversations between surrogates are about the balancing act of family life while pregnant. Most, if not all our surrogates, love being pregnant, which is part of the reason many embark on this journey. Many have young children of their own. Being pregnant while having little ones is not an easy task.

It’s a balancing act. You need to take care of yourself and your family. Everyone needs attention, usually at the same time and all at once. Here are some ways to stay sane while you are managing a pregnancy and a household.

Communication. Talk with your family members including your children! Opening the lines of communication and making everyone around you aware of your feelings, will help everyone throughout your entire journey.

Make special time with your children. All children need attention from their parents, no matter how old they are. Make time for them. Playing a game, reading a book together or having a simple conversation with eye contact, can do wonders for them.

Use your support system. If you need to, use your loved ones to watch one child while you give another one some special, individualized attention. Or have them watch the kids during some of your many doctors’ appointments or even help around the house. Our team at Shared Conception, strongly suggests to our potential surrogates, the importance of establishing a stellar support system throughout their pregnancy journey.

A pregnancy is a pregnancy is a pregnancy. Although you are not carrying your biological baby, you are still the one who is pregnant. It’s not any different than if it was your own baby. Your body is still experiencing all the joys that are attached to pregnancy, which can make you extra tired and sometimes grumpy. So, take care of yourself – if you are tired and overwhelmed, ask for help.

Helping create a family is amazing. You are a warrior and you deserve to be pampered! Shared Conception is here to help you through your journey. If you are interested in becoming a surrogate, give us a call today or visit and fill out our quick online form to see if you qualify to become one!

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Happy Easter from Shared Conception

Many of our surrogates have promised themselves to eat as healthy as possible when they find out that they are pregnant. But when holidays such as the upcoming Easter Holiday come around, we are constantly surrounded by candy and sweet treats. It’s everywhere this time of year. The chocolate covered treats in the stores’ seasonal section, is on display in every store. The children’s Easter Baskets or the large selection of baked goods we often see at Easter Brunches are hard to resist. Being pregnant is not a free pass to consume every chocolate egg in sight! Be aware of too much sugar.

Gobbling down Cadbury Eggs, Jelly Beans (and other candy) will cause your blood sugar level to spike, but unless you are pre-disposed to gestational diabetes, you do not need to completely avoid sugary goods. It is okay to have sweet treats while pregnant as long as it’s in moderation. You don’t want to replace nutrient-dense foods or take in too many calories. Candy is nothing but empty calories and can cause excessive weight gain or lead to gestational diabetes.

Many things can trigger cravings for sweets. Hormonal status and a growing baby are all factors that can contribute; depending on which trimester of pregnancy you are in.  Believe it or not, fatigue is a very common cause of these cravings. This is why it is important to reduce your load of responsibilities. Take the help offered to you, ask for help and nap. That pile of laundry can be folded later, the dishes in the sink can sit for a little longer and you can call someone in your support system to help so you can rest.

So, before you reach for that hollow chocolate bunny, fill up on those nutrient-dense foods. Shared Conception wishes you and your family a Happy Easter! If you are interested in becoming a surrogate, give us a call today or check out our website for more information at! We would love to hear from you!




Surrogacy with Shared Conception

Surrogacy is growing in popularity and is becoming more socially accepted here in the United States, and even internationally. In the United States, there are some variations to laws regarding surrogacy which need to be considered when choosing surrogacy to extend or build your family.

Shared Conception provides an excellent surrogacy program here, in Texas. We are dedicated to finding the right surrogate for our intended parents.  We are always compassionate and professional and are with you every step of the way. Sometimes this starts with a simple conversation. Shared Conception offers a free consultation for potential clients. This gives potential clients an excellent opportunity to learn about the process, become educated about surrogacy and answer any questions that you may have.

Once onboard, our extensive matching process screens surrogate mothers-to-be, to find one that fits with your preferences and needs. Whether it is location, lifestyle, background or all of the above, Shared Conception will find you an amazing gestational carrier. We prescreen every potential surrogate prior to acceptance into our program.

When matched with a surrogate, Shared Conception helps with arranging many of the initial appointments such as:

  • Initial medical screening
  • Initial psychological screening
  • Referral to an egg donor agency, if needed
  • Assistance in acquiring life and disability insurance for your surrogate, if needed
  • Assistance in obtaining medical insurance for your surrogate, if she does not have insurance or if her personal insurance has exclusions.
  • Legal referrals
  • Escrow referrals
  • Travel arrangements, if needed
  • Coordination between you, your surrogate and IVF the clinic
  • All-around emotional support. There is always someone available if you have any questions.


If you are interested in becoming an intended parent or surrogate and would like more information, you can visit our website: www.sharedconception.comor give us a call at 713.622.1144 for an informative, no pressure conversation.





Ways to Support Your Surrogate

The relationship between you and your surrogate is a special one. If you are an intended parent matched with a surrogate or if you are an individual who is part of a surrogate’s support system, there is a lot you can do to positively support a surrogate. 

Here are some ways to a healthy and happy surrogate.

Random Acts of Kindness: Surrogacy is a selfless gift. Show her your admiration or appreciation through an unexpected gesture. Some ideas include gift cards for a manicure or pedicure (depending on the trimester), restaurant gift certificates to treat her and her family to a night out or deliver a meal to her home so she does not have to cook for her family. 

If you are the primary support person (husband or partner) for a surrogate, take on dish duty after dinner, rub her aching legs and feet or just ask her what she needs. Keep in mind, it’s the simple things that can make for one happy pregnant lady. 

Communicate regularly: Letting your surrogate know what is going on in your life as a parent-to-be such as: preparing the nursery, choosing between colors or even buying that first outfit can make her feel appreciated. Getting to know her better will increase your level of comfort in your relationship.

As part of her support system, a blossoming belly may need a conversation that does not have to do with her pregnancy. Telling her a story about your day may be what she needs to keep her mind from her discomforts, aches and pains. 

Have any questions about becoming a surrogate or interested in using our services? Call Shared Conception today!