Surrogacy without an Agency?

If you are contemplating becoming a surrogate, or a repeat surrogate, you may consider doing this without the support of a surrogate agency. You will still need an attorney and fertility clinic to embark on a journey – but, when learning about the matching process, you may wonder whether becoming a surrogate without an agency is possible. While it’s possible to become a surrogate without an agency, it is not the right decision for most people.

It’s always smart to research such a life changing experience, such as surrogacy. In your research between using an agency or becoming an independent surrogate, you find that it may include less costs for the intended parents, more direct involvement on the part of the surrogate, and more control over your process. It’s important to understand that while that may look like a benefit initially, could end up as a disadvantage.

There will be extra roles that you have to play as an independent surrogate. It begins with finding intended parents, coordinating between your attorney, fertility specialist, medical professionals and surrogacy partner to make sure all the necessary steps and precautions are taken care of. This is a lot for anyone to handle, especially when your main focus should be bringing a little one into the world! All of this added stress is handled by an agency so you can proceed through your journey taking care of yourself and that bundle of joy!

Surrogacy is complicated, even for those who have been on a journey previously. Working with an agency, such as Shared Conception can help guarantee a worry free and successful journey. With Shared Conception, our experienced and professional team helps create the best plan for your journey. Without the help of an agency, your own journey will be harder and at times, much more stressful. That is why many of our intended parents choose an agency and come back for subsequent sibling journeys. Shared Conception takes the pressure off the intended parents and the surrogate, to ensure a positive experience.

Shared Conception wants everyone involved to have a positive experience. That is why we encourage all prospective surrogates and intended parents to contact Shared Conception to learn more about our processes. Give us a call or visit to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you!


multiples and surrogacy

What are the odds? Surrogates having multiples?

Historically, multiple pregnancies are not uncommon and are often associated with IVF. With advances in the study of reproductive medicine, the belief that more than one embryo should be transferred has changed. It is no longer recommended by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine to transfer more than one embryo. Single embryo transfers are now advised and recommended, unless there are medical reasons to transfer more than one.

Yet sometimes, intended parents look for a surrogate who is willing to carry multiples for them. Carrying multiples takes a very special lady. It’s a lot more physically demanding for a surrogate. There is a higher chance of being put on bedrest, and most likely, a surrogate carrying multiples will be referred to a high-risk specialist. At the same time, the impact you have on a family and the joy you bring them is priceless. If you are thinking about carrying for a family and want to carry multiples, it is important to learn about the risks, benefits and alternatives of carrying more than one baby.

There are times when a surrogate finds herself carrying multiples, even after a single embryo transfer. Sometimes it is recommended by the doctor to perform selective reduction. This can decrease risk and increase the chance of a successful, full-term pregnancy and delivery of a healthy baby.  Choosing selective reduction is a difficult decision for both surrogates and intended parents, but at time, it can possibly be the best decision for the baby and surrogate.

If you are thinking about becoming a surrogate, give us a call for an informative, no pressure conversation. Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support you throughout the pregnancy. Our client coordinators will expertly act as a liaison between you and the intended parents. We will ensure that any sensitive or difficult subject matters are tactfully brought up and handled. We want you to be informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you


communication with intended parents

Your relationship with your Intended Parents

Just like the way you were while carrying your own baby, intended parents want to get to know their child, even though you are the one who is carrying. Most of the time, the intended parents attend doctor visits, especially the ones where there are ultrasounds and they can see baby and hear the heart beat! And, most surrogates want the intended parents to be there. Surrogates know how important it is to bond with baby while in utero, so it is helpful that surrogates understand that for the sake of the intended parents.

Besides attending the appointments, there are many other ways for the intended parents to get to know their baby before the little one arrives into the world. There are many devices that allow intended parents to record their voice; either by singing, reading books, or just plain conversation. Surrogates can play the recordings so the baby can hear and get to know his/her parents’ own voices.

Another easy way to keep your intended parents involved is through text and email. Technology is on our side when it comes to easy communication. Trying to keep the intended parents “in the know” means the world to them. It means everything to them when they receive a simple text or email like “lots of loving kicks today” or “she/he is doing great today!” If distance is impeding, don’t forget about video chat.

Of course, there is over-sharing. Remember, you have been through the joys (and not so joyous) moments of pregnancy. So, if you are friends with your IPs on social media (which Shared Conception does not recommend), then keep in mind what you post. In other words, be mindful because an innocent post could easily concern them. This is because posts are easily misconstrued. Shared Conception has a private Facebook group for their surrogates only. This is a safe space to vent with fellow surrogates who will always understand and just plain “get it.”

Ready to become a surrogate? We would be thrilled to talk to you. Call us or visit to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you!

Home Pregnancy Test after IVF?

Home Pregnancy Test after IVF

After the IVF process comes the 2-week wait. This is when the embryo will hopefully implant and begin to grow, while you nurture and care for it. After this wait, you take your first clinical blood test to confirm pregnancy. This may feel like the longest 2 weeks of your life. It doesn’t help that in many cases, you are required to be on bed rest for three days following the procedure. It can be maddening and you may be tempted to take a home pregnancy test on your own. Before you do this, please consider the intended parents. Some intended parents prefer that the surrogate not take a home pregnancy test so they can get the results with the blood test.

However, for those who do take a home pregnancy test before their first blood test, here is the scoop.

Home pregnancy tests measure the presence of a pregnancy hormone that is produced by the placenta in your urine, called hCG or human chorionic gonadotropin. Although the tests may be able to detect the hormone in your urine and give you a positive result, most tests aren’t sensitive enough to guarantee you accurate results.

The following tests are the best on the market according to the New York Times:

First Response Early Result – Most sensitive, easy to read

The First Response Early Result manual test is the most sensitive over-the-counter pregnancy test you can buy. It gives accurate results as or more quickly than most of the tests we considered and is just as easy to read as a digital test.

Clearblue Rapid Detection – Nice design, less sensitive

This test has a nice, usable design, with a big sponge tip, but it’s harder to hold and less sensitive than the First Response manual test.

ClinicalGuard HCG Pregnancy Test Strips – A cheap supplemental test

Cheap and simple, you can blow through a ton of these strip tests without spending much. But they don’t have the lab-verified accuracy of more expensive tests.

 Some surrogates start testing as early as five days post transfer but beware that the line may not show up that early or it may be extremely faint!

Whether you decide to wait for the blood test or try one of these home pregnancy tests, we’re keeping our fingers crossed for you and hoping for a safe, happy and successful surrogacy journey! Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give us a call today or visit and let’s talk!



Giving the baby to intended parents

Giving Baby to Intended Parents

Is It Hard to Give Up the Baby?

As a two-time surrogate, this has always been the first question asked after anyone finds out that I have been a gestational carrier. The short answer is “no.” I became a surrogate to help fulfill someone else’s dream of having a family. I was performing a service that the intended parent could not. It was my job to care for, nurture and help grow their precious cargo that I carried for 39 weeks. After all, I had my own children to come home to and care for.

And to be honest, my favorite part of the surrogacy journey was seeing the doctor hand the baby to the intended parents. In both cases, it took years for these parents to have their baby put into their arms. I was elated to have been a part in the creation of their family; which I still am a part of today.

Being a surrogate is not for everyone and not just anyone can do it. On top of being medically evaluated, my husband and I went through a psychological evaluation to ensure that we were both mentally prepared for the journey. Some people I have talked to, cannot even imagine doing anything like it. I only wish they could have walked a mile in my shoes. I found support and a common bond, through Shared Conception, with many strong, beautiful and empowering women like myself. All of us have loved being a surrogate and giving the gift of life to a family.

I always loved being pregnant. I knew this was something I could do. I loved my first surrogacy journey so much, that I did it again! I thoroughly enjoyed making someone’s dream, a reality. If you are interested in becoming a surrogate, I highly recommend Shared Conception. Their experience and expertise in the process made me feel completely supported and is the reason I chose to do another journey.

Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give them a call today or visit! Even if you have questions, ask for a quick, no pressure consultation by phone.

– Written by Courtney; a Shared Conception surrogate

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Nesting as a Surrogate

Nesting is natural. Animals even do it. This ritual is ingrained in us! Nesting is when a pregnant woman prepares for her soon to arrive bundle of joy! However, you are most likely to reach for that feather duster rather than real feathers! As a surrogate, the big difference is that you are not preparing for an arrival, but rather a joyous departure. But the instinct is still there, and many of our surrogates have used it to their advantage. Nesting usually occurs in the middle to end of the third trimester and sometimes earlier. This instinct is just as powerful in humans as it is in animals.

This is a great time to clean out that pantry, reorganize your kitchen and finish some of those DIY projects you started. Stay productive and safe. Some activities that are satisfying and safe are: sweeping out the garage, finding matches for all those missing socks, or organizing your drawers and closets. Your partner may think you are insane, but just tell them to “go with it.” It is nice to get that burst of energy that you may have been longing for, and your family will benefit from it. Who doesn’t need some organization in their life?

Of course, every surrogate has a different journey and everyone’s body is different. There is nothing wrong, if the nesting urge doesn’t occur. Shared Conception encourages all surrogates to enjoy these moments as they all form the unique experience of helping create another family.

Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support you throughout the pregnancy. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you!




Surplus Embryos

When dealing with infertility, there are so many crucial decisions that have to be made. It is truly exhausting. Many parents who have struggled with infertility, find themselves with a surplus of embryos and struggle with the decision of what do with them.

When parents are going through fertility treatments, they usually want as many embryos as possible, in case it takes more than one try to get pregnant. It’s common to need to do more than one transfer; even to a surrogate.  Also, the parents might want extra embryos for a future sibling. So, what happens when their family is complete and they find themselves with a surplus of embryos?

This topic has become controversial and has even made headlines. We all remember the famous, or infamous California mom who implanted all eight of her embryos and delivered all eight babies because she couldn’t fathom disposing or donating any of her embryos. But not everyone is up to that challenge. So, what are the options?

Parents have the option of keeping the embryos in storage, disposing of them, donating to research or donating to an infertile couple. The latest research shows that many couples don’t know what to do and continue to pay storage fees year after year. Most parents feel a sense of responsibility for their embryos. They still count them as their children – their offspring; so donating them to research seems cold to them. Furthermore, donating to research can pose a problem due to current federal legislation.

Letting another infertile couple adopt their embryos would be a very sweet and unselfish act if the parents can live with the knowledge that their biological children are out there in the world somewhere.

In the meantime, storage facilities continue to host hundreds of thousands of embryos until parents make those difficult decisions.

There is no easy answer to this question and parents will have to come to their own conclusion.

Are you and your partner storing embryos and unable to carry on your own? Surrogacy is a great option. We can match you with the perfect candidate and will be with you throughout this incredible journey. If you are interested in locating a surrogate visit and contact us! We would love to hear from you.



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The Joy of Being a Surrogate

It is usually a long and winding road travelled that a couple or an individual has been on before deciding to have a surrogate carry their child. Then at that point, a whole new journey begins when they decide on surrogacy. They seek the help of Shared Conception and a special woman with a giving heart.

When an Intended Parent is matched with a surrogate, a bond forms. It’s different for everyone but the basics are the same. This is when wanting and giving come together to travel the same path for as long as the journey takes.

To the intended parents, a surrogate who is healthy and willing to carry a baby for them means HOPE; she is a gift unlike any other. Month by month, trimester after trimester, the greatest gift of all is achieved; a child to enhance a family.

What most people don’t realize is that women who choose to become surrogates, don’t do it for the money or the recognition. They do it for the intense satisfaction and absolute joy that it brings to them. The fulfillment that they receive is from seeing the look on the faces of the new parents when they hear their baby’s first heartbeat and when they finally get to meet their precious child, and hundreds of moments in between. These are the reasons that surrogates often embark on multiple journeys! Being a part of these priceless moments makes surrogate mothers shine. No monetary compensation could equal the pure joy they feel when sharing something so life-changing with the intended parents.

If you are a woman looking for something more to give in life, ask yourself these questions: Are you ready to change a total stranger’s life and make a difference in the world?  Are you ready for YOUR life to be changed forever?

Like any other journey, this journey may have roadblocks and bumps along the way, but it is an adventure. And if you are the kind of person who can be selfless and can open your heart up to possibilities, it may just be the most rewarding experience of your life. Call us at Shared Conception and get more information on becoming a surrogate!


12 Common Misconceptions About Content Marketing


Have you heard of surrogacy? Throughout recent years, it’s become an increasingly popular alternative to pregnancy when all other fertility options are exhausted. Celebrities are doing it and being public about it. You may even know someone who is or has been a surrogate or someone that has needed one. Nevertheless, there are often stigmas, assumptions and myths attached to this intricate process.

Once of the most common misconceptions is that the surrogate mother is genetically linked to the child. A surrogate, or gestational carrier is impregnated through the IVF process with an embryo created by the intended mother (or donor egg) and the intended father’s sperm (or donor sperm). This is called gestational surrogacy.

A popular belief to one who is not familiar or educated about the surrogacy process, is that the surrogate will become attached to the baby that they are carrying and be unable to give it to the intended parents at the time of birth.  Surrogates, also known to us as  “selfless women warriors”, already know that this is expected at the end of the surrogacy journey. Plus, the baby is not genetically linked to the surrogate, as mentioned above. And lastly, by law, in certain states like Texas, surrogates have no legal rights to the child.

An unfortunate fallacy to the surrogate process is that it is unaffordable. It is expensive but many families have grown their family through surrogacy, and you can’t put a price on that. Shared Conception is open to talking about how you can get loans and other ways to make your dreams of a family, a reality.

On a high note, surrogacy is becoming more and more accepted into today’s society. Shared Conception is dedicated to walking you through this process to achieve your goal of creating or expanding your family. Contact us with any questions; we will be happy to speak with you.

If you are interested in becoming a surrogate, Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support you throughout the pregnancy. Our coordinators will expertly act as a liaison between you and the intended parents and ensure that everyone has a beautiful journey. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form. We would love to hear from you!




Women Female support system for surrogacy

Building Your Surrogacy Support System

A Successful surrogacy is a group effort. It includes cooperation from the surrogate, egg donor, intended parents, nurses, doctors, social workers, attorneys and coordinators. With a similar goal, a successful team is committed to openness, honesty and clear communication.

There is one part of the team that does not get all the attention they deserve. That is your support system. This system is vital and includes spouses, partners, family members and friends who encourage you throughout your journey. So how do you become that exceptional part of a surrogacy support system?

  1. Be aware of surrogacy. Great surrogate candidates have spent a large amount of time researching he process. A great support person has a clear understanding of what the process means and why it is so selfless and life changing.
  2. Open conversations. To be a great supporter, it’s important to communicate with the surrogate about any sensitive subject matter, be a shoulder to cry on in any hormonal or emotional period, or just be someone to talk to.
  3. Intended parents often attend medical appointments with their surrogate and if they live close to each other, they occasionally have lunch or a get together with them. This is also required from a person in the surrogate’s support bubble. If the intended parents cannot make it to the appointments, offering to take your surrogate friend or family member to her appointments can mean a lot to them.
  4. Help out! There are so many ways to do so and it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to clean and endure housework! You can help with any emotional issue, childcare, errands, picking up prescriptions, cooking a meal, or you can get creative and do something like leaving a colorful and supportive message in chalk on her driveway!

These are just some examples of what makes a good support system a GREAT supports system. Feel lucky you were chosen! This is an honor and a wonderful journey to be a part of. You are helping to create a family and helping to give someone a priceless gift. Our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception thanks everyone that has been or will be a part of a support system. We always let our surrogates know that we are a part of that system too and are also honored to be a part of their journey.

Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support our surrogates throughout the pregnancy. Our client coordinators will expertly act as a liaison between you and the intended parents. We will ensure that any sensitive or difficult subject matters are tactfully brought up and handled. We want you to be informed, fulfilled and satisfied knowing you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you