intended parents

Learn More About Being an Intended Parent and Using a Surrogate

intended parentsOur commitment to you is that we facilitate the initial step toward realizing your dream of starting a family. When prospective parents embark on the surrogacy journey, it begins with a conversation. Shared Conception warmly welcomes all individuals eager to discuss this delicate matter.

As a comprehensive surrogacy agency, Shared Conception provides unparalleled support to intended parents at every significant juncture of their journey. Recognizing the challenges you’ve faced before considering surrogacy, we are dedicated to ensuring that you have a smooth path forward.

We pledge to identify the ideal surrogate for you. Our thorough matching process facilitates an extraordinary journey with a compatible surrogate while guiding you toward a nurturing parent-surrogate relationship.

Establishing and nurturing a strong bond with your surrogate is crucial. Ongoing and open communication during the pregnancy is imperative for joint decision-making that impacts both her well-being and your baby’s future. Fostering an open dialogue ensures your surrogate feels respected, engaged, and embraced, acknowledging the selfless act of kindness many surrogates undertake.

Maintaining a positive relationship may lead to further journeys, such as a sibling journey or assisting another family. A close connection with your surrogate enhances your involvement in the pregnancy, allowing you to feel connected to the journey and your impending parenthood.

Building a relationship takes time. Invest effort in understanding your surrogate utilizing the information Shared Conception provides, and don’t hesitate to express any concerns. Starting a conversation with vulnerability, such as admitting nervousness, is entirely acceptable.

Every surrogacy journey is unique, and there’s no prescribed method for initiating a dialogue with your surrogate. Our overarching goal is to ensure you cherish the journey and ultimately receive the most precious gift of all. If you are interested in learning more about surrogacy options, please contact Shared Conception at 713-622-1144, and we will be here to help you with any questions.

surrogate gift giving

What to Give Your Surrogate for Christmas

surrogate gift givingIntended parents frequently ask about gifts for their surrogates. While gifts are neither obligatory nor anticipated, many IPs wish to show their gratitude with small tokens of appreciation throughout the surrogacy journey, especially at Christmas time.

When Shared Conception pairs a surrogate with prospective parents, we provide the surrogate’s ‘favorites’ list. This document serves as a tool to familiarize you with your surrogate, aiding in the thoughtful selection of gifts.

Here are some gift ideas for your surrogate:

  1. Prenatal massages are a great way to manage the aches and pains of pregnancy.
  2. A pregnancy survival box (this can include things like lotions, comfy slippers, a warm blanket, candles, etc.)
  3. A meal prep or delivery gift card make a great gift. Hello Fresh, DoorDash, UberEats are all examples of meal options. Taking this responsibility off of your surrogate can be a huge help. If your surrogate isn’t on bed rest, you can always send a gift card to her favorite restaurant so she can take her family out for the night.
  4. Hand-made gifts come in so many different varieties and are so meaningful and personalized.

If your surrogate has her own children, consider getting them something small as well. This is a great way to help her children feel involved and appreciated as well. Gifts aren’t the point of the holiday season, so don’t worry too much about it. Many times, the best gift you can give is to just spend some time with your surrogate and catch up with her on how she is feeling.

Interested in Surrogacy or Becoming a Surrogate?

Surrogacy journeys foster a special bond unlike any that you will ever have. If you any questions or are interested in surrogacy or becoming a surrogate, give Shared Conception a call today.

Tips for Communicating with Your Surrogate

Tips for Communicating with Your Surrogate

As first-time intended parents just starting your surrogacy journey, you may be curious about the best ways to foster communication between you and your surrogate. There are many forms of communication that you can choose from. It’s essential to have an open discussion with your surrogate to discuss items such as the preferred type of communication, the frequency of communication, and any other matters related to keeping one another informed.

Specify Your Desired Level of Communication

Prior to selecting a surrogate, it’s essential to determine how frequently you wish to communicate with them. This information will be communicated to the surrogate so they can agree or set their own boundaries. Some individuals may only seek communication around the time of appointments, though they will still receive updates from their caseworkers. Hearing information directly from the surrogate can provide a sense of reassurance for them.

On the other hand, some people desire more regular updates directly from the surrogate. The amount of communication ultimately depends on the comfort levels and preferences of everyone involved.

Maintain a Positive Communication Approach

Consider the tone and manner of communication during your conversations. Strive to keep your exchanges positive and constructive. Avoid engaging in angry or sad conversations, especially when dealing with sensitive issues – let the agency and caseworkers handle more intense discussions. While it’s crucial to share necessary information, particularly from the agency, try to convey it in a manner that encourages a positive and supportive environment.

Be Clear and Concise in Your Communication

During this challenging period, clarity is of utmost importance in your communications. It might be beneficial to outline a list of topics you wish to cover before composing an email or engaging in a phone conversation. This approach can help streamline discussions, minimizing the need for multiple calls.

Be Mindful of the Surrogate’s personal Responsibilities

Surrogates have their own spouses, children, work, family obligations, etc., so be respectful of their time and give them grace if you don’t hear back from a call, email, or text right away. Just know that you and the baby are always on their mind and important to them.

If you are interested in surrogacy or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Shared Conception. You can visit our website at or call us at 713-622-1144.

pregnant woman on bedrest

What Happens if Your Surrogate is Put on Bed Rest

pregnant woman on bedrestBed rest is a common recommendation during pregnancy, especially for women experiencing complications. It involves restricting physical activity and spending a significant amount of time lying down or reclining. This is usually advised to mitigate the risks associated with certain pregnancy complications, such as preterm labor, preeclampsia, or other medical conditions.

When bed rest becomes a necessity during a surrogacy arrangement, it can add layers of complexity to an already intricate process. The surrogate’s health and the health of the unborn child are of paramount concern. Balancing bed rest requirements with the surrogacy journey poses unique challenges for all parties involved.

  1. Health and Well-being of the Surrogate

The surrogate’s well-being is the primary concern. If bed rest is advised due to a medical condition or complication, it must be followed to ensure a healthy pregnancy and successful outcome for both the surrogate and the baby. It is crucial for the intended parents and the surrogacy agency to support and prioritize the surrogate’s health and adhere to medical recommendations.

  1. Ensuring a Healthy Pregnancy

Medical professionals closely monitor the progress of the pregnancy and recommend bed rest if necessary to ensure a healthy pregnancy and reduce the risk of complications. The surrogate’s compliance with bed rest is vital to support the optimal development of the baby and a successful surrogacy experience.

  1. Emotional Support for the Surrogate

Bed rest can be emotionally challenging for the surrogate. The inability to maintain regular activities and the potential disruption to her daily life can create emotional stress and anxiety. Providing emotional support and reassurance from the intended parents and the surrogacy agency is crucial during this time.

  1. Communication and Planning

Open and honest communication between all parties involved is key to navigating the complexities of bed rest during surrogacy. Transparent discussions about medical recommendations, expectations, and plans for support during bed rest can help address concerns and foster a cooperative approach.

Ways to Help Your Surrogate

If your surrogate is put on bed rest there are a few things that will make navigating the experience a little easier for everyone involved. Work closely with the healthcare team to understand the reasons for bed rest and follow their recommendations diligently. Regular check-ups and assessments will ensure the health of the surrogate and the baby.

Intended parents should offer understanding, empathy and emotional support to the surrogate during this challenging period. Express gratitude for her dedication and commitment to the surrogacy journey. Discuss the possibility of adjusting the surrogacy timeline or making necessary accommodations to support the surrogate while still ensuring the health and safety of the pregnancy.

Finally, having a reputable surrogacy agency, such as Shared Conception, can help mediate communication, provide guidance, and offer emotional support to both the surrogate and intended parents during bed rest or any other challenges that may arise.

If you are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, or finding a surrogate mother, please contact us here at Shared Conception or you can call us at 713-622-1144.

Pregnancy and the Related Hormones

When conceiving naturally, hormone levels undergo changes, with varying effects from person to person. However, achieving a successful pregnancy without these essential hormones is challenging.

Initially, a surrogate mother’s body does not naturally produce pregnancy hormones. Therefore, physicians utilize medications to stimulate their release and maintain appropriate levels in the body. Fortunately, hormone therapies for surrogates are highly effective and boast a high success rate. Here’s more information to reassure you about pregnancy hormones and surrogacy.

Why are hormone treatments essential for surrogates?

During a natural pregnancy, specific hormones are produced by the body to prepare for the upcoming journey. These hormones are crucial for a successful and healthy pregnancy as they facilitate the development and growth of the embryo.

For surrogate pregnancies, hormone treatments can mimic the effects of the natural hormones present at the time of conception.

Which hormones are vital during a surrogate pregnancy?

The critical pregnancy hormones include:
• hCG
• Estrogen
• Progesterone
• Estrone (E1)
• Estradiol (E2)
• Estriol (E3)
• Prolactin
• Relaxin

Human chorionic gonadotropin, or “hCG,” is one of the earliest hormones released when you conceive. It plays a significant role in preparing the ovaries during the first trimester, and home pregnancy tests detect this hormone in urine. Thus, hCG serves as a “trigger” hormone, signaling the body to release more estrogen and progesterone by forming the corpus luteum.Estrogen aligns with a woman’s menstrual cycle. Its levels remain elevated during pregnancy, peaking a few weeks before childbirth. Notably, there are three types of estrogen: E1, E2, and E3.

E1 is a weaker form produced post-menopause, while E2 is the primary estrogen in adults. E3 is closely related to pregnancy as it’s responsible for building a healthy womb lining.
Progesterone assists the womb in supporting a healthy embryo and prevents womb contractions and premature labor. Physicians may recommend additional progesterone during the first few weeks.
Prolactin initiates breast milk production, while relaxin stops the womb from contracting and induces relaxation during labor for a smoother birth.

What are the benefits of using pregnancy hormones?

The primary benefit of using pregnancy hormones is their effectiveness. Administering pregnancy hormones is time-efficient and safe, especially for individuals in excellent health. A smooth pregnancy is more likely when your body is adequately prepared with the appropriate hormone levels to support a healthy baby.

If you have any questions at all about surrogacy or becoming a surrogate, please contact us at Shared Conception. Our team is here for you.

surrogacy contracts

The Significance of Surrogacy Contracts

surrogacy contractsThe desire to become parents is a deeply personal and meaningful experience for many individuals and couples. However, for some, the path to parenthood may present unique challenges due to infertility, medical conditions, or other circumstances. In such cases, surrogacy offers a ray of hope and the opportunity to fulfill the dream of having a child. Surrogacy contracts play a vital role in this process, providing a comprehensive legal framework that protects the interests and rights of all parties involved. In this blog, we will explore why surrogacy contracts are an absolute necessity and the benefits they offer to everyone involved.

Clarity and Understanding
Surrogacy contracts establish clear expectations and guidelines for both the intended parents and the surrogate. These contracts outline various aspects of the arrangement, including the responsibilities, rights, and obligations of all parties involved. By clearly defining the roles and expectations, surrogacy contracts help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts that may arise throughout the surrogacy journey. Clarity in terms of financial agreements, medical decisions, and post-birth arrangements allows all parties to enter the process with a shared understanding, fostering a positive and harmonious relationship.

Legal Protection
Surrogacy contracts provide a crucial layer of legal protection for all parties involved. By outlining the rights and responsibilities of the intended parents and the surrogate, these agreements ensure that all parties’ interests are safeguarded. Surrogacy laws can vary significantly across jurisdictions, and having a well-drafted contract helps navigate the legal landscape and protects everyone involved from potential legal challenges. Additionally, surrogacy contracts address issues such as parental rights, custody, and the surrogate’s decision-making authority during pregnancy, providing a solid legal foundation for all parties.

Financial Security
Financial considerations are an integral part of the surrogacy process. Surrogacy contracts establish financial arrangements, including compensation for the surrogate, payment schedules, and provisions for unforeseen circumstances. These contractual agreements help create transparency and trust, ensuring that the surrogate is fairly compensated for her time, effort, and any potential risks involved. Similarly, intended parents can have peace of mind knowing that their financial obligations are clearly defined and protected by the contract, minimizing any financial disputes or concerns that may arise during the process.

Medical Decision-making and Consent
During the surrogacy journey, numerous medical decisions need to be made, ranging from prenatal care to delivery methods. Surrogacy contracts address these issues, clearly defining the rights and decision-making authority of the intended parents and the surrogate. These agreements enable the intended parents to actively participate in important medical decisions while respecting the surrogate’s autonomy and choices. This legal framework ensures that all parties have a voice in the process and that decisions are made in the best interest of the child and the individuals involved.

Emotional Support and Expectation Management
Surrogacy contracts also serve as a means of emotional support for both the intended parents and the surrogate. These agreements may include provisions for counseling, support groups, and mediation services to help navigate the emotional complexities that can arise throughout the journey. Moreover, the contract can address the expectations and boundaries of the relationship between the intended parents and the surrogate, ensuring that all parties have a shared understanding of the emotional aspects involved. By promoting open communication and empathy, surrogacy contracts contribute to fostering healthy and respectful relationships between the parties.

Surrogacy contracts are an essential component of the surrogacy process, providing a solid legal framework that protects the rights, interests, and well-being of all parties involved. These contracts establish clarity, address legal considerations, ensure financial security, support decision-making, and manage emotional expectations. By setting the foundation for a positive and transparent surrogacy journey

Interested in Surrogacy?
If you are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please visit or give Shared Conception a call today.

new baby preparation

Preparing Your Home for the Arrival of a New Baby

new baby preparationBringing a new baby home is an exciting and joyous time for any family. As expectant parents, it’s important to ensure that your home is a safe and welcoming environment for your little one. Preparing your home in advance will not only provide a peaceful atmosphere for the baby but also help ease your transition into parenthood. In this blog, we will explore essential steps and considerations to prepare your home for the arrival of your new baby.

  1. Create a Nursery: Designate a dedicated space for your baby’s nursery. Ensure the room is well-ventilated, has proper lighting, and is easily accessible. Invest in essential furniture such as a crib, changing table, comfortable chair, and storage solutions. Decorate the room with soothing colors and baby-friendly decorations. Install window blinds or curtains that provide sufficient darkness for nap time.
  2. Safety First: Baby proofing is crucial to ensure the safety of your little one. Get down to the baby’s level and identify potential hazards such as sharp corners, loose cords, and reachable electrical outlets. Install safety gates at the top and bottom of staircases. Secure heavy furniture to the walls to prevent tipping accidents. Cover electrical outlets with safety plugs, and place safety latches on cabinets and drawers.
  3. Stock Up on Supplies: Prepare for the baby’s arrival by stocking up on essential supplies. Invest in a sturdy diaper changing station and stock it with diapers, wipes, creams, and extra clothes. Purchase a comfortable crib mattress, fitted sheets, and blankets. Organize a supply of baby bottles, formula (if needed), burp cloths, and pacifiers. It’s also advisable to have a thermometer, baby-safe toiletries, and a well-stocked first aid kit.
  4. Clean and Declutter: Before the baby arrives, thoroughly clean and declutter your home. Pay special attention to the nursery, ensuring it is free of dust and allergens. Declutter other areas of the house to create a serene and organized space. Minimize the use of harsh chemicals during cleaning and consider using natural alternatives. Wash all baby clothes, bedding, and towels with a gentle, fragrance-free detergent.
  5. Establish a Feeding Area: Designate a comfortable and quiet area in your home for breastfeeding or bottle-feeding. Arrange a cozy chair or glider, a side table for essentials, and a dim light source for nighttime feedings. Keep nursing pillows, burp cloths, and a water bottle within reach. Consider adding soothing elements such as a white noise machine or soft music to create a calming atmosphere.
  6. Set Up a Baby Monitor: Invest in a reliable baby monitor system to keep a close eye on your little one. Choose a monitor that suits your needs, whether it’s audio-only, video, or one with additional features like temperature monitoring. Install the monitor in the nursery and make sure it is properly positioned for a clear view of the crib.

Preparing your home for the arrival of a new baby involves careful planning and attention to detail. By creating a safe, comfortable, and organized environment, you’re setting the stage for a smooth transition into parenthood. From baby proofing to creating a nurturing nursery and stocking up on supplies, taking these proactive steps will help you embrace the joys of parenthood with confidence and peace of mind. Enjoy this exciting journey and treasure every moment with your precious bundle of joy! The team at Shared Conception is here for you if you have any questions.

mental health

Nurturing Minds and Families: The Vital Link Between Mental Health and Surrogacy

mental healthIn recent years, society has become increasingly aware of the significance of mental health, recognizing its impact on overall well-being. Simultaneously, alternative reproductive methods, such as surrogacy, have gained attention as viable options for building families. This blog delves into the crucial connection between mental health and surrogacy, shedding light on the importance of open discussions surrounding these topics.

The Importance of Mental Health

Mental health plays a fundamental role in our lives, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Ignoring or neglecting mental well-being can lead to various issues, including anxiety, depression, and even physical ailments. Recognizing the significance of mental health helps destigmatize these conditions and encourages individuals to seek the necessary support and treatment.

Understanding Surrogacy

Surrogacy is a process in which a woman carries a pregnancy and delivers a child for another individual or couple, known as the intended parents. This method allows people who are unable to conceive or carry a child to experience the joys of parenthood. However, surrogacy can also involve emotional and psychological challenges that require attention and support.

The Mental Health Journey of Intended Parents

Intended parents embarking on a surrogacy journey often experience a rollercoaster of emotions. Infertility struggles, unsuccessful attempts at conception, or medical complications can result in feelings of grief, loss, and shame. The process of entrusting another person with carrying their child can also evoke anxiety and apprehension. It is crucial to provide support and resources to help intended parents navigate these complex emotions.

The Emotional Well-being of Surrogates

Surrogates play a selfless and compassionate role in the surrogacy process. While their choice to help others build a family can be immensely rewarding, it is not without its own psychological challenges. Surrogates may experience mixed emotions, including attachment to the child they carry and concerns about the post-birth relationship with the intended parents. Providing surrogates with adequate mental health support is vital for their well-being.

Breaking the Stigma and Raising Awareness

Open discussions about mental health and surrogacy foster understanding, empathy, and support within communities. By encouraging conversations, we break down stigmas and misconceptions surrounding both topics. Increased awareness enables individuals to seek and access the appropriate mental health resources, while also ensuring that surrogates and intended parents receive the emotional support they need throughout their journeys.

The intersection of mental health and surrogacy highlights the importance of addressing emotional well-being throughout the process. By prioritizing open conversations, we can nurture the mental health of intended parents and surrogates alike, facilitating healthier outcomes for all parties involved. If you have any questions about the surrogacy process or how Shared Conception can help, please call us or contact us here.

support systems

Creating a Strong Support System: Nurturing Relationships during the Surrogacy Journey

support systemsEmbarking on a surrogacy journey is a monumental decision that requires not only physical and emotional strength but also a robust support system. Building a network of supportive individuals can help intended parents and surrogates navigate the unique challenges and triumphs of this path with greater ease and reassurance. In this article, we’ll explore practical tips for creating a strong support system during surrogacy.

  1. Open Communication: Clear and open communication lays the foundation for a solid support system. Start by having candid conversations with your partner, family, and close friends about your decision to pursue surrogacy. Ensure that everyone understands your hopes, fears, and expectations. Openness fosters understanding and empathy, reducing potential misunderstandings and conflict down the line.
  2. Seek Professional Guidance: Working with a reputable surrogacy agency such as Shared Conception can provide essential guidance and emotional support throughout the surrogacy process. Our professionals can help educate you about the journey, facilitate communication between intended parents and surrogates, and connect you with support groups or counseling services tailored to surrogacy. Their expertise can be invaluable in addressing any concerns or questions that arise.
  3. Join Support Groups: Connect with other individuals or couples who have experienced or are currently going through surrogacy. Support groups offer a safe space to share experiences, seek advice, and find emotional support from those who truly understand the intricacies of the journey. Online communities and local support groups can provide a sense of belonging and help alleviate feelings of isolation during this transformative process.
  4. Foster Relationships with the Surrogate: Building a strong and trusting relationship with the surrogate is crucial for both intended parents and surrogates. Engage in open and honest conversations, establish boundaries, and maintain regular communication. Attend medical appointments together, if possible, and involve the surrogate in the planning and preparation for the baby’s arrival. Nurturing a compassionate and respectful connection will create a supportive environment that benefits all parties involved.

Surrogacy is a remarkable journey that requires a solid support system to ensure emotional well-being and successful outcomes. With Shared Conception, our experienced and professional team helps create the best plan for your journey. We want everyone involved to have a positive experience. Please contact Shared Conception by calling us today or filling out our form on: contact us.

Legal Requirements for Surrogacy in Texas

Legal Requirements for Surrogacy in Texas

Legal Requirements for Surrogacy in Texas

In the state of Texas, the legal requirements for surrogacy can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the surrogacy arrangement. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Surrogacy Contract: The intended parents and the surrogate must have a written surrogacy agreement that outlines the terms of the arrangement, including the financial compensation and the surrogate’s responsibilities. This agreement must be signed by all parties and their respective attorneys.
  2. Medical Requirements: The surrogate must undergo medical and psychological screenings to ensure she is physically and mentally able to carry a child to term. The intended parents may also need to undergo medical testing to ensure they are able to have a child.
  3. Parental Rights: In Texas, the intended parents are considered the legal parents of the child born via a surrogate mother. The surrogacy agreement must address issues related to parental rights and responsibilities.
  4. Pre-Birth Order: To establish legal parentage, the intended parents may need to obtain a pre-birth order from a court. This order declares them the legal parents of the child, and allows them to make medical decisions on behalf of the child.
  5. Adoption: Adoption is not necessary in Texas since the pre-birth order establishes legal parentage.

It is important to note that surrogacy laws can be complex. It is highly recommended that individuals seeking a surrogacy arrangement in Texas work with an experienced surrogacy agency to ensure that all legal requirements are met.

With Shared Conception, our experienced and professional team helps create the best plan for your journey. We want everyone involved to have a positive experience. If you are interested in learning more about surrogacy options or are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please contact us at 713-622-1144, and we will be here to help you with any questions.