picking intended parents

How Does a Surrogate Pick the Intended Parents?

picking intended parents

Out of all the reasons to become a surrogate, helping a couple become parents is one of the most rewarding. For many people, it is often impossible to conceive naturally. When everything fails, surrogacy comes as a ray of hope for such couples.

People who opt for it become intended parents, and the women who become the source of delivery are surrogates. Once a surrogate matches with intended parents, the process of surrogate pregnancy begins, and a poignant relationship takes shape.

A woman who wants to become a surrogate, needs to apply at a surrogacy agency, such as Shared Conception to start her journey. The process that follows, features several milestones, but it is an exceptionally exciting period for all involved.

Let’s take a look at how a surrogate picks the intended parents for the process of surrogate pregnancy below.

The Matching Process

All the surrogate agencies in Texas  are testimony to the poignant happiness and excitement of watching surrogate mothers match with intended parents. However, there are several key factors that play a critical role in the match process of surrogate mothers with intended parents.

Just when the process of surrogate pregnancy and matching is about to begin, it is natural for surrogates and parents to feel nervous and apprehensive. While they have all the reasons to do so, what’s more important is to enjoy every moment of the extraordinary experience.

The surrogacy agencies in Texas, like Shared Conception, do their best to hand-select surrogates and intended parents, so they can be matched with due consideration to all their preferences. For this purpose, they take into account the following considerations.

The prescreening coordinator asks for the preferences of surrogates and matches her criteria based on the following:

  • Considerations of the views of termination and selective reduction
  • The appropriate number of embryos to implant in the surrogate
  • Where the intended parents reside and whether they are locals or foreigners
  • The extent of communication necessary for the entire surrogacy journey

At this point, the surrogates must also take advantage of the opportunity to seek guidance from the experts at the agencies for any questions they may have.

Just as the surrogate mothers have to work closely with the agency to stipulate their preferences and enlist their criteria, the intended parents have to do the same. The agencies take careful notes of the needs, specifications, and criteria of the intended parents. The agencies then match them on the following preferences:

  • The views of the intended parents on termination and selective reduction
  • The total number of embryos the intended parents wish to transfer
  • The preferred location of the surrogates,
  • the level of communication they wish to maintain during the process of surrogate pregnancy and the relationship they want to have after the surrogate gives birth

Essential Criteria for Matching Surrogates and Intended Parents

There are three determining factors in this regard:

1.      Legally Suited

The legal rules for the matching process of surrogates and intended parents vary per state within the U.S. Hence. A surrogate must get assurance from her attorney her home state laws and the laws of the intended parents’ home state complement.

Legal departments must bless a match from a legal standpoint before the team can represent the surrogate’s profile to the intended parents. In case a legal team finds a match between a surrogate and intended parents unsafe legally, they will not allow an agency or surrogate to proceed with the match.

2.      Compatibility between Surrogacy Expectations and Personalities

The matching agencies must then ensure that the personalities of both parties must fit too.

Surrogacy is a life-changing decision and journey for all parties involved, having an understanding and a comfortable relationship is a priority.

The intended parents and surrogates must have either an in-person or virtual meeting to see how they connect with each other and whether they find one another a good match. The agencies also consider the hopes, expectations, and preferences of the intended parents and surrogates.

Based on all these factors. The surrogacy agency determine how appropriately matched they are.

Final Thoughts

Surrogacy is a unique and sensitive journey. For the parties involved, there is a great deal of giving and taking. They must provide compassion, empathy, understanding, and support to reach the mutual desire of bringing a new life into the world.

The process of surrogates picking the intended parents is a long one because the legal and matching authorities must consider several factors.

For any further assistance you may need for your process of surrogate pregnancy, feel free to reach out to us. Shared Conception wants to help you find your perfect match!


surrogate pregnancy

The Wait…

surrogate pregnancy

Planning to opt for surrogate pregnancy to become parents? Once you choose the surrogacy process, you need to find the right surrogacy agency and surrogate.

Though the waiting can make it seem like the process is taking forever, the process itself is beautiful and exciting. You and your spouse or partner patiently wait for a little one who will change your life once he or she comes home. The thought of becoming parents will help you cherish each moment and celebrate every step towards becoming parents. So, don’t worry about the waiting period and begin your journey with hope.

Here, we have mentioned some of the stages of the process of a surrogate pregnancy that will require a great deal of patience on your part.

The Journey to Becoming a Parent

Looking for Right Surrogate Agency

Are you and your spouse ready to become parents? If so, you can start looking for surrogacy agencies in Texas. Choosing an agency can take a great deal of time, as you need to consider several factors before making a decision. Since the agency has to regulate the entire process, it’s best to take your time versus making a decision in a hurry.

Opting for a local agency instead of a national agency is a great idea. This way, you will be able to find surrogates who are present in your city and state. You don’t have to travel all day to another state to meet the surrogate. Also, take time to research them. Check their experiences, qualification, and reviews.

Make sure that the agency is equipped to meet your requirements. Speak to a representative and see how honest they are about the joys and challenges of surrogacy. Lastly, before making any decision, ask health questions that come to your mind and see if they can satisfy you or not.

Finding a Surrogate Mother

Once you choose an agency, it’s time to look for the right candidate to give birth to your child. Finding a surrogate mother is the most challenging task of them all. Some people wait for months to be matched with the right surrogate.

If you don’t already know someone who wants to become a surrogate mother, your chosen surrogacy agency will help you. They will look for surrogates who have been screened by the agency, are in good health and align with your preferences. The agency will first schedule a consultation with you to discuss your objectives and preferences.

After we have found the ideal surrogate for you, we will set up a meeting for all of us. You both can share your concerns and discuss the plan. If you don’t find them appropriate, our agency will continue searching for the right surrogate. The process will repeat until you find the right person. But keep in mind that you need to be realistic with your requirements, and if you have a long list of wishes and requirements, you might need to wait for a year or more.

Signing the Contract

You also need to go through the legal process. You will create a plan that will include all aspects of the surrogate process- surrogacy cost, the process of pregnancy, a clinic for the surrogacy process, and others.

Your attorney will draft the contract while considering state laws. Also, the surrogate needs to be satisfied with the contract and surrogate compensation. Our agency handles this for you since we want all parties to be satisfied and happy about the process.

Embryo Transfer Process

The intended parents need to go through some medical procedures. The doctor will take some tests and give you medication that you need to take for some days to improve the development of the eggs and sperm cells. After that, they’ll do the embryo retrieval, which is followed by PGT-A testing to make sure the embryos are “normal”.  All this leads to the most critical process, the embryo transfer to your surrogate. Then you, your partner, and your surrogate need to wait to get pregnant.

Pregnancy Period and Labor

Once your chosen surrogate gets pregnant, you will meet with the surrogate and physicians multiple times.  This will be the time when your excitement level will be at a peak.

The last stage is the labor period when you get the call that your surrogate is about to give birth. This period might only last a few hours, but waiting will seem longer than you can imagine.

Finally, you will get the chance to take your baby home. At that moment, you will realize that waiting for this precious moment and the most beautiful gift was worthwhile.

Bottom Line

Local agencies, such as Shared Conception have been working in the field for several years and have numerous contracts with Texas surrogates. Hence, they know how to match couples with the right surrogate. So, if waiting is hard for you, make sure you have chosen the right experts. Reach out to us at Shared Conception if you have any questions about the process. We are here to help!

emotional transfer

Do Surrogates Become Attached to the Baby?

emotional transfer

Despite being a rewarding experience for everyone involved, surrogate pregnancy is quite complicated. But being a life-changing decision, there are many factors that the surrogate mother will have to consider. Becoming a surrogate mother can be an emotionally taxing ordeal.

Surrogate-Born Baby- The Emotional Transfer

You don’t need officials at the surrogate agencies to tell you that being a surrogate mother is just like normal pregnancy for a woman. Just as a normal pregnancy, the mother does get attached to the child she’s carrying in her womb.

It is exactly the same for the surrogate mother, who is bound to bond with the child inside her, even if it’s not hers. She cannot emotionally detach herself from the child she’s carrying. It is an incredibly emotional journey.

However, a surrogate mother has to remember not to let this emotional attachment take away the rewarding experience and the happiness she is bringing to a family.

Process of Surrogate Pregnancy- Screening

According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, it is important to give the surrogate mother psychological counseling and evaluation.

Surrogacy agencies in Texas and most other states make it a point to facilitate complete mental health evaluation, including PAI or MMPI testing by a psychologist, to protect the mental health of surrogate women.

Some even have designed thorough processes for screening, comprising support groups that meet monthly and offer psychological support. A team of licensed mental health experts conducts necessary training sessions for surrogate women from when their process begins right till two months post-birth.

These psychological support sessions can be helpful because they involve in-depth discussions with surrogate women.

In addition to the screening processes, the requirements of most surrogacy agencies involve the necessity of raising one’s own children. This requirement ensures that the woman is ready to be matched, has a support system in place, has children, and is financially sound.

The screening process also identifies whether a woman who has a history of postpartum depression, has experienced a loss, or is in a grieving state. This way, they are able to identify that she is not an appropriate fit for surrogacy, saving her and the intended future parents from emotional trauma post-delivery.

Attachment Issues- Are they common in pregnancy?

When you’re trying to decide if surrogacy is right for you, you may also wonder about the attachment issues after delivery too. But the good news is that problems with emotional transfers of surrogate-born babies rarely ever arise.

Post-Birth Period- Managing Emotions

Despite having strong reasons to become a surrogate, arranging for a birthing ball or pregnancy ball, and thinking you’re fully prepared mentally, you may have doubts. After you have delivered the surrogate-born baby, returned them to their parents, and resumed normal life with your family, a final question may remain. Will you share an emotional connection even after the transfer?

The answer to this lies in your relationship with the intended parents. If you think you may not cope as well post-delivery with the emotional transfer, you must work on developing an understanding of the IPs. Some are already concerned about how their surrogate will cope and find ways to give her opportunities to spend time with them in the future.

This opportunity can give the mother a window to see the child she birthed growing while knowing that her role has been fulfilled.

Final Thoughts

Emotional transfers are perhaps the most complicated process of surrogate pregnancy. But due to thorough internal screenings and counseling, it is very rare to see surrogate mothers dealing with emotional transfer issues.

Surrogacy is a life-changing decision; if you require additional assistance with deciding if surrogacy is the right journey for you, feel free to reach out to us.

Become a Surrogate Mother

Becoming a Surrogate

Becoming a Surrogate Mother

Surrogacy is a unique experience and those who volunteer to give this precious gift surely have a lot of questions. What happens during the journey of surrogacy? Can you be a surrogate with your tubes tied? Do you have the right reasons to become a surrogate? How do you apply for surrogacy? Is it a worthwhile experience?

As a surrogate, it is normal to have a lot of questions about your decision, and you may need some helpful guidance. From crystals for fertility to stones for fertility, a lot can confuse women about conception. But throughout the challenges, what’s important to remember is that surrogacy is amazing through and through. Volunteering makes you selfless, stronger, and a more wholesome individual.

If you’re ready to experience one of the most rewarding journeys of your life, we have answers to all your questions below.

Becoming a Surrogate

A surrogate, gestational surrogate or gestational carrier is a woman who volunteers to deliver a baby for a couple (intended parents). It is very common for couples to struggle with conceiving, and for a variety of reasons, many are unable to have a baby of their own.

Most women volunteering for surrogacy are gestational surrogates, meaning the woman does not use her own eggs. Moreover, the gestational mother does not even share any genetics with the baby she delivers.

If you consult surrogate agencies in Texas like us, we’ll tell you that you can only be a Shared Conception surrogate if you are a gestational carrier. This means that you will not be sharing biology with the baby you will deliver.

In most cases, women volunteer to become surrogates in return for a payment from the intended parents. The law protects surrogate mothers through a legal contract, which the intended parents and the surrogate women must sign before the process of surrogate pregnancy.

Process of Surrogate Pregnancy

The process of surrogate pregnancy comprises of many steps, which include:

The Process- How long it takes

When you initially apply for surrogacy, you will not receive a permanent timeline of how long the journey will last. When volunteering to become a surrogate, you may have to wait as long as fourteen to even twenty months.

Once you submit your application, our agency considers several factors before matching you with intended parents. Some of these include:

  • what the intended parents are looking for in a surrogate, what the surrogate is looking for in intended parents
  • and of course, the timeline for the creation and transfer of the embryo.

Stepwise Process

There are certain milestones you must cover to complete the process of surrogate pregnancy. Let’s take a look at those below:

  1. It starts with Prescreening- once your application has made it through the first step of surrogate requirements, a surrogate prescreening coordinator will contact you. During this step, the coordinator will review your medical records, evaluate you, and run background checks.
  2. The next step will be an in-person or virtual home visit, in which your primary support person, like your spouse will participate too.
  3. The third step is perhaps the most exciting for both the surrogate and the intended parents. Once Shared Conception finds a match, you will go through a profile exchange with the intended parents. With the unanimous agreement of all parties, the match will become official.
  4. Next, you will either go to a IVF clinic in your city or take an overnight trip to one, in order to do your medical screening. After the screening, the legal contract phase will be done with your attorney.
  5. After gaining a hundred percent medical approval, the surrogate mother will begin the medications. Once you’re on your medications for surrogate pregnancy, you’ll also start attending local monitoring appointments to track the response of your body. Once the medical authorities confirm that your body is completely ready, you’ll go in for the embryo transfer.
  6. The next step starts with Beta tests at the local clinics in your vicinity for confirmation of the good news (pregnancy). Once you become pregnant, you will have to attend routine appointments and establish a strong rapport and understanding with your IPs. At this point, you’ll likely prioritize using a pregnancy ball or a birthing ball but remember that sharing updates with concerned parties is an equally essential practice during this time.
  7. Wait and enjoy the time until the big day arrives!

Surrogate Requirements

You may have all the right reasons to become a surrogate at heart, but it cannot begin till you meet all the requirements for the process. Although the requirements vary by agency, most surrogate agencies in Texas, such as Shared Conception abide by the following:

  • You must be within the recommended age limit, which is 21 to 45
  • You must possess a healthy BMI, typically 30 to 32 or less
  • You must be financially stable
  • You must not be on illicit drugs or smoke
  • You must have had at least one successful pregnancy in the past, with no more than three cesarean births and five vaginal deliveries.
  • Should be free of major complications from past pregnancies
  • Should have no history of postpartum depression
  • Should have some flexibiliby for appointments

Final Thoughts

The process of surrogate pregnancy is a life-changing decision. Women who volunteer to become surrogate mothers must understand what the entire journey entails, understand legalities, be physical, and mentally and emotionally sound for the decision.

Becoming a surrogate is a rewarding experience but also challenging, requiring selflessness and commitment to a great extent. Apart from this, it also requires the individual woman to meet all requirements of the agency and fertility clinic to become a surrogate and to be matched with intended parents.

Feel free to reach out to us at Shared Conception for any queries regarding your process of surrogate pregnancy.

How to Explain Surrogacy to Your Children

We commend your reasons for becoming a surrogate, for truly, there is little as selfless, as full of compassion and empathy as the act of becoming a surrogate. In addition to being a life-altering decision, it is not an easy concept for everyone to accept, especially the children.

Children can have varying reactions to the prospect of surrogacy, and who can blame them if they wonder why their mom is not going to bring their new sibling home. But the fact is, it is important for the kids to understand from the start that the baby in their mother’s womb is but a guest for nine months and never theirs to begin with.

Many surrogacy agencies in Texas, such as Shared conception, will assist this selfless woman if she has made this decision with her family’s blessing. Conception through surrogacy may make anyone uncomfortable and can be exceptionally overwhelming due to the legal, medical, emotional, and social complexities.

Process of Surrogate Pregnancy- How to explain it to Your Kids

The sooner you start discussing surrogacy with your children, the more accepting they will become of it. But we recommend broaching the subject very tactfully and injecting as much positivity as you can muster into your tone when discussing it.

You could start with book resources and practice family-building methods for the subject. Here is a list of some ideas for introducing the process of surrogate pregnancy to your children.

1.      Book Resources

Fill your home and especially your children’s library with many books on surrogacy. Make sure they’re all kid-friendly and, most importantly, easy enough to understand at their level. Books are wonderful, and you could make reading those a family session. Adopting family-building approaches toward surrogacy will be a more comprehensive solution to cultivating the entire family’s minds to accept it wholeheartedly.

There are a host of books with wonderful imagery on surrogacy that you must choose. These book resources help normalize surrogacy and explain to the children how having a baby is the best thing to happen. But many families cannot conceive naturally, and it is a great service to make their dream come true.

2.      Introduce Your Children to the Intended Parents

The most important aspect is to ensure that your children feel completely involved in your decision of surrogacy. You must make sure they’re with you every step of the way, including the times you meet the intended parents.

In fact, it would be a great idea to have the intended parents bond with your children and, if possible, arrange to take your children to their home. This way, your kids will get a chance to bond with the family where the surrogate baby will go and understand why there’s a need for a baby to be there.

Telling the story of the intended parents and sharing all the reasons why they feel desolate without a child of their own will strike compassionate chords in your kids. They’ll become more understanding and supportive when they understand the plight of others.

3.      Make Surrogacy a Concept for Activities

You could engage children in a range of creative activities, like drawing and painting on surrogacy. You could make your children imagine happy scenes of the time when the new baby will be in the home of the intended parents.

Make them imagine the joy of the intended parents of feeling complete, just as you and your partner did when your kids were born. Make them draw pictures of it, and use colors and imagination. You could even ask your children to prepare a special storybook for the surrogate-born baby and gift it to the intended parents.

You could have them take pictures to paste into the storybook of your own family so that the intended parents show it to the child when he/she grows up someday.

4.      Go Shopping for a Gift

Children will be more accepting of the fact that the baby is a gift from them to the intended parents. You could make them come to acknowledge this with a few tactics. For instance, take the children shopping for a gift for the newborn baby. Tell them that the baby and the present will be a gift from your family to the intended parents during this momentous event in their lives.

You could let them choose an outfit for the newborn, perhaps a blanket or something as thoughtful. The activity is sure to please the little ones and also make them feel proud for being a source of happiness for others.

5.      Arm Your Children with Knowledge

One reason why your kids might be apprehensive about the process of surrogate pregnancy is because of the taunts and probing questions from society. Hence, it is best to shield your children by arming them with education and knowledge.

Talk to them in fine detail about the reasons to become a surrogate, the goodness in it, as well as the entire process of surrogate pregnancy. Arm your children with the knowledge they can use to respond to people’s comments and questions.

Final Thoughts

The process of surrogate pregnancy is still a taboo subject in many states. For this purpose, many surrogate women feel hesitant to broach the subject with their children, despite their fine reasons for being a surrogate.

When you take this decision, it is important and good practice to discuss the subject, your decision, and the process with the children. You must involve them in the process because it is a right to be a part of something that will affect your entire family.

Educating the children with the right information will also make them open-minded and more compassionate and empathetic individuals. For further assistance with your surrogacy journey, reach out to us. Shared Conception is happy to assist in any art of your journey!

What Are Some Benefits of Becoming a Surrogate?

Benefits of Becoming a Surrogate
Planning to become a surrogate mother but wondering whether it will be a good idea for you? Well, despite the topic of surrogacy being quite controversial, there are still some benefits. And while a great number of people respect surrogates and the process, some consider it a taboo and go as far as to judge those who do opt for it. But have you wondered how it could be wrong when you give birth to a baby and fulfill a couple’s dream of parenthood? For someone struggling to have a baby, you’d be a ray of hope.

Surrogacy is a beautiful process and allows you to provide a family with love and happiness. Not only this, but you will be a part of a beautiful process as families finally meet their babies. Then, you also get support and good compensation for your willingness to help a couple start a family. The process of surrogate pregnancy is beautiful in itself. It allows two families to connect on a deeper level, as both are worried about the same thing- the unborn child. Aside from this, surrogates enjoy other benefits as well.

Gives Your Life Meaning

One of the primary reasons to become a surrogate is that it gives your life meaning. Many surrogates have expressed how they have seen a new perspective on life during and after the pregnancy. After all, we all need a purpose to live in this world. For all of us, the feeling of having purpose is incredibly important because it helps give a positive outlook on life.

Becoming a surrogate not only gives you purpose in this life but also makes you feel valuable because you helped someone build a family. Surely, the parents’ gratitude towards you will be lifelong. They will always praise you for your willingness to help them. Not to mention, giving birth to a child will enhance your sense of worth since it’s not an easy task. You need both psychological and physical strength to carry a baby for 9 months and then go through the delivery process. So, once you do all this successfully, you feel like a powerful and strong woman.

Allow You to Experience Pregnancy

For a woman, pregnancy is an eye-opening experience and a beautiful period in her life. After all, this is when you watch your body reach its full potential: sustain and create a new life. Surrogacy is an opportunity to experience pregnancy for people who don’t want to have a baby because of poor financial situation, lack of support or they just don’t feel like they can bring up a child. They don’t have to worry about paying for the child’s expenses or paying off the medical bill. Surrogates also have less to do with the future expenses of the child.

So, being a surrogate allows you to enjoy each moment of becoming a mother without the pressure of supporting your child. In fact, the intended parents will pay for your medical expenses as well as for the delivery.

Give a Sense of Community

Surrogacy is a unique experience that allows surrogates to build close bonds with other women. It allows you to share your experiences and bond with surrogates who have gone through the same process. Surrogacy gives you a chance to see and understand a totally different aspect of pregnancy.

You will also be considered an important and valuable person in society. This is because people will respect you for your devotion to helping parents have a child. Therefore, you will be able to connect and socialize with more people than ever before.

Offer Generous Compensation

The process of surrogate pregnancy is not easy. Not only do you need to go through all the troubles of pregnancy like any other woman, but you also need to fill out paperwork and other processes to become a surrogate. This is why surrogates receive significant financial compensation for their commitment, risks, and time involved. In general, you can expect to get at least $50,000 to carry someone else’s baby. Certain contingencies make this number even higher, and experienced surrogates make more with each journey. Besides that, the intended parents will pay for all expenses like travel, medical and more.

Most surrogates also enjoy receiving health insurance throughout the surrogacy process. So, if you get sick, face any pregnancy complications, or have to be admitted to a hospital before labor, you don’t need to worry about the expenses. Depending on your commitment and signed document of surrogacy, you will gain other benefits and additional money to meet the requirements of the contract. The amount you do receive, you can use for anything. You can buy your dream house or luxury car or achieve personal goals such as starting a business or continuing your education. Even if you have simple goals like paying off debt, the money can help you start afresh.

Protect You Legally

Finding a surrogate mother is not easy. But when people finally find one, they make sure to plan a process that can satisfy surrogates. Intended parents will offer you a legally binding contract to protect you and your intended parents. This contract clearly indicates the obligations and responsibilities of both parties. It also has a clause that ensures that they will get compensation at the right time and enjoy a healthy pregnancy. However, you are not bound to sign it immediately.

Surrogate mothers can take the contract for some days and read it thoroughly to understand the obligations. If you find something that concerns you, you can discuss it with the other party. Surrogate mothers can also ask to make some changes or add more clauses to the contract. Also, make sure that you have read the contract thoroughly before signing it.

Bottom Line

You will get a chance to achieve your goals, experience pregnancy, connect with the community, or make someone happy when you choose to become a surrogate mother. So, if you have decided to become one, contact surrogacy agencies in Texas especially us at Shared conception. We will help you know whether the contract is beneficial for you and how you can meet all the requirements!


How to Tell Your Kids that You’re Going to Be a Surrogate


Surrogacy is not an easy subject even today, despite the twenty-first century we are living in. You see, the process of surrogate pregnancy is not widely acceptable in many cultures and societies, even though surrogacy agencies in Texas are working proactively. Perhaps it is the fear of the fact that your children will find it extremely challenging emotionally to know that their new sibling won’t be coming home at all.

You may have all the reasons to become a surrogate, such as volunteering for a couple who have tried everything, including crystals for fertility, but failed. You may volunteer to be their surrogate willingly, perhaps because of the bond you share with them.

However, the fact is that the fear of your children not accepting your surrogacy can feel crippling. But the good news is that these fears don’t usually come to fruition because of the more inclusive community we’re pushing for globally.

Kids are a whole lot smarter, intellectual, and flexible these days, largely due to the abundance of education and information available. Kids are also more resilient creatures and love sharing in the excitement of adults. Hence, portraying your own excitement to them and opting for open, honest and age-appropriate communication is the right route.

Further below, we will share some helpful tips on how to tell your kids you’re going to be a surrogate.

Involve Your Kids in the Process of Surrogate Pregnancy

For starters, you must try not to keep your reasons to become a surrogate from your kids. They have a right to be a part of the process of surrogate pregnancy. You may be taking on the major portion of the responsibility, but it will impact your family too.

For instance, you will certainly become less available to your kids when you have to be follow up with appointments and doctor visits. If you fail to include them in this process through regular and honest communication, it may arouse feelings of jealousy and longing for attention from you, in them.

Hence, it is always in favor of the surrogate to involve her kids in the process. Of course, their level of maturity, information, age and feelings will determine how well they will cope with the events. But if you begin with a gentle introduction and regularly follow with concrete information, they will accept it more easily.

Perhaps when you’re using things like a pregnancy ball or a birthing ball, you could have your kids to be present during the exercise. It will make them feel more involved and more open towards acceptance of the process if they’re in it with you.

Answer as Many of Their Questions as you can

It is important to remember foremost that children are intellectual beings, and to encourage their acceptance, you must indulge them. Allow them to ask whatever questions they may have about surrogacy. Muster as much patience, respect and softness as you can while answering their queries.

Also, avoid using statements like, “We want this because we decided it.” Words like these may make your children feel left out of an important decision. They may also interpret it as your attempt to seclude them out of important events of your life.

Hence, answer them gently and inject as much positivity into your words as you can. Try to help them see the good that will come out of this decision to your family as a whole and the intended parents. Teach your kids how being empathetic is a virtue and that it is important to be there for each other in ways possible.

While your belly continues to grow throughout the process of surrogate pregnancy, so will their questions.

Tips to Teach Your Kids about Surrogacy in the Right Way

1.     Use Resources

There are multiple resource books on surrogacy for kids. You could select a few and start reading those with your children. Include the family members in it too as a family-building activity. Reading books together is a great step forwards in normalizing surrogacy and making it a widely accepted subject. You could also use this activity as a gentle way to broach the subject with your kids and ask them how they would feel if you wished to help another family by being their surrogate.

2.     Arrange a Visit with the Intended Parents

If you have initiated the process of surrogate pregnancy, it would be a great idea to arrange a meet-up of the intended family with your kids. Before the meeting though, show your kids their pictures and introduce the couple in as positive a light as you can. You must share their story too and try to explain the story of the family, which moved you to be their surrogate.

3.     Involve them in the Service

Teach your kids how they all had to pitch in to help you give birth to a baby for a family who is yearning for. Let them see the goodness in the act so that they feel proud about being empathetic and helpful to others.

4.     Arrange a Visit to the Intended Family’s Home for Your Kids

If your children request to see the home of the intended family where the new baby will live, try to arrange a visit.

5.     Allow the Kids to Visit the Nursery

It would be a good idea to let your children pick a special outfit or toy for the newborn baby. Have them bring it to the nursery when the child is born.

6.     Arm them with the Right Information

Make your children knowledgeable and confident enough to discuss surrogacy maturely and positively with others. Arm them with positive and informative responses so that they wouldn’t mind receiving questions and comments and responding to them. Once you break the surrogacy news to everyone, there’s bound to be a family member, friend or stranger who will comment about it. Prior training will prevent your kids from feeling awkward when such situations arise in their presence.

Final Thoughts

The process of surrogate pregnancy is a challenging one, for the surrogate, her family and kids, and the intended parents-to-be too. But the process is to take the most toll on the kids of the surrogate if she doesn’t educate, train and involve them from the start.

Regardless of all your reasons to become a surrogate, remember to keep it an ongoing dialogue with your kids. Let it be a two-way communication always so that they feel equally involved in this important event of your lives.

If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a surrogate, give us a call! You can contact us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more information. Or, visit www.deliveradream.com to request information to learn more!



how does a surrogate choose the intended parents

How Does a Surrogate Pick the Intended Parents

A Surrogate’s Choice

Choosing Intended Parents for You and Your Lifestyle

Before a Surrogate chooses Intended Parents (IPs), she has a lot of factors to consider. What types of intended parents does she wish to work with? What does she hope to gain by carrying and delivering a child to a couple? Should she go through a reputable agency or contract with individuals?

There are a multitude of questions that a surrogate should consider before choosing the IPs. In fact, these qualifications should be fleshed out before the IP/Surrogate matching process begins!

What is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a legal arrangement that is made when a woman agrees to gives birth to one or more children for a person/couple who is unable to have children. The surrogate then gives the child to the IPs after giving birth.

What are Intended Parents (IPs)?

Intended parents are people who cannot conceive on their own and choose surrogacy as a means to have a child.

What is the difference between a Traditional Surrogate and a Gestational Carrier?

A traditional surrogate mother uses her egg, which is artificially inseminated by a sperm donor or biological father, for the purpose of creating a child for the IPs. Shared Conception does NOT facilitate traditional surrogacy arrangements. However, we do facilitate gestational surrogacy arrangements, which is where a woman agrees to carry and deliver a baby that may or may not be related to the IPs. A traditional surrogate is the biological mother of a child, and the gestational carrier is the host for an embryo that is either related to the IPs or an egg donor or sperm donor.

How Does a Surrogate Pick Intended Parents?

There are many qualifications a surrogate should consider when vetting intended parents. But first and foremost: Does the surrogate want to go through an agency or wade through medical and legal waters alone?

I spoke with Shiva Landry, Executive Director of Shared Conception, about the purpose of a surrogacy agency.

“The purpose of a surrogacy agency is to guide both the intended parents and mother through the journey of giving and receiving life. You should ensure that you and the intended parents have matching expectations!

For example:

  • Does the couple want to stay in contact after the baby is born?
  • Does the couple want to go their separate ways after the baby is delivered?
  • What will the ‘hand off’ of the baby be like?
  • What are the expectations for both the IPs and the surrogate?

Sometimes surrogates choose intended parents because they know someone who is/or has been affected by infertility via cancer, miscarriages, and other medical issues. Whatever the reason for infertility, many times surrogates factor that into their final decision.

Another issue that faces surrogates and IPs is proximity. Does the surrogate want or need intended parents who live in proximity to her? Would she like to have them present at the doctor visits and delivery?

Have questions about becoming a surrogate or intended parent? Contact us at Shared Conception. We want to help!

Blog written by: Desiree Dunning

Feeling your best when pregnant

Feeling your best throughout pregnancy

As you look forward to that special day when your intended parents hold their baby, you’re expecting a lot of body changes! Early in your pregnancy is often the hardest. Hormones cause breast tenderness, morning sickness, and fatigue. Yet often, these things get better in the second trimester, and there are plenty of things to look forward to.

The Glow

It’s not a myth: Pregnant women often “glow” because of more blood flow and more oil production in the skin. Some other changes to your skin can include discoloration of facial skin (melasma), some breakouts, itchy skin, and stretch marks. Just have a good bottle of moisturizer to soothe itchy skin and prevent stretch marks. And always check with your doctor before using any acne medicines on your skin.


Staying active during pregnancy gives you more energy and gets your body ready for childbirth. This does not mean skipping any needed naps because your body needs extra rest too. As long as your doctor says it’s OK, healthy women should aim for at least two and a half hours of exercise each week. Choose simple, low-impact workouts like walking or swimming. If you were active before your pregnancy, check with your doctor about continuing to run, do aerobics, or lift weights. Be sure to drink plenty of water and stop exercising if you feel dizzy or faint.

Treat yourself; you deserve it

A spa day can be a real treat and sometimes necessary throughout your pregnancy. Massages are great for relieving tension and soothing muscle aches and pains. Be sure to find a massage therapist certified in prenatal massage, and always check with your doctor first. Many spa treatments are safe, but avoid those that can raise your body temperatures, such as mud baths and sauna sessions. Your skin may be more sensitive to other spa treatments, like facials. But you can find facial services for sensitive skin too. Don’t forget to add something like this to your wish list!

Stretch, relax, enjoy

Yoga can relax your body and your mind. You don’t even need to attend a class. Look for pregnancy yoga online or find a prenatal yoga class. A certified instructor will know which poses you can do safely and will help you adapt poses as you get closer to your due date. Check with your doctor before starting any exercise, including yoga.

Luscious locks

One benefit of pregnancy hormones is that you don’t lose as much hair as you usually do. Your hair might feel thicker and fuller. Ask your doctor before entering the salon for hair treatments like hair color or highlights. They are generally acceptable when pregnant, but your doctor may suggest waiting until after the first trimester. After delivery, you might lose more hair than usual, but your hair growth should be back to normal within six months of the birth.

Shared Conception looks forward to going through this journey with you. Your journey can begin by filling out an application request form. Visit www.deliveradream.com for more information.


birthing ball

What is a birthing ball?

A birth ball is just like a gym ball that you use to exercise, but slightly larger. It allows pregnant women to sit comfortably and even practice positions for labor. It also has more benefits, such as a good core workout.

Sitting comfortably

Moving around can become more challenging as you grow. A birthing ball is much more comfortable during pregnancy to sit on than desk chairs or sofas. It also has a little bit of a bounce making it easier to get on and off.

Exercise and pain relief

A birthing ball can also improve posture and balance and exercise your core muscles. When you rock or bounce on it gently, your stomach and back muscles will be working hard to keep you balanced and upright.

A birth ball can also distribute weight more evenly. It can help relieve back pain and support your knees and ankles. It’s also a great way to get your baby into the correct position for delivery.

Using a birth ball during the later stages of pregnancy helps move the baby into the correct position for birth.

For labor

A birthing ball can also help reduce the pain of contractions during labor. While moving during a contraction, the birthing ball will support your body, easing the pain. Also, sitting on the ball with your legs wide apart can help open your pelvis ready for birth.

When can I use a birth ball?

You can start using a birth ball at any point in your pregnancy for gentle exercise, help with aches, pains, and getting your baby into the correct position.

When using a birth ball:

  • Use a floor with carpet or rug for more safety and stability.
  • Go barefoot. If not, make sure to wear non-slip shoes or socks.
  • Place your feet flat and far apart on the floor, ensuring your knees are lower than your hips.
  • Once you’ve become more familiar with the birthing ball, use it throughout your pregnancy. Even at your desk while working!

Why not take the next step towards surrogacy and open a dialogue with Shared Conception? Give us a call today. You can also visit www.deliveradream.com to begin an application to become a gestational surrogate and find out more information!