
Surrogacy Contracts

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A surrogacy contract is a lot of reading but you HAVE TO READ YOUR SURROGACY CONTRACT! It deals with all the financial arrangements. Seriously, we at Shared Conception, cannot over emphasize to our surrogates, how important it is to read the contract. Everything you ever wanted, needed, and even things you never thought about, is in there. It is the Bible of your surrogacy journey and involves everyone- surrogates, egg donors and intended parents alike. If you have any questions whatsoever, you will find the answers in your contract.

Travel plans during your journey? Can you travel at 32 weeks? The answer is in your contract!

These attorneys have thought of nearly every situation and have an answer or solution for all of them and it’s spelled out… in your contract.

It’s crazy how you think of all kinds of questions after signing a legally binding contract. Questions that never would have crossed your mind before this amazing journey began, just simply pop up. Never be afraid to consult or ask your attorney. They will gladly give you the page number of your personalized contract that will tell you all you need to know.

Before you’ve even put pen to paper, your attorney will go over every single page with you. You have the ability to change whatever you would like, so it goes back and forth a bit between yourself and the intended parents. There are a lot of legalities concerning surrogacy and that’s a good thing, even if it is tedious. And you know what? You won’t remember most of it, unless you have a photographic memory. And that’s ok. You’ll have a copy tucked away somewhere that’s available to you when you have a question. It’ll be your own road map of your journey. To avoid extra and unnecessary stress, read your contract!

Knowing your rights and staying well informed from beginning to end makes for such a smoother journey. Trust us, we know. Let’s talk more about surrogacy, give us a call.

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Do I Choose the Intended Parents?

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.12.2″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.12.2″][et_pb_column type=”3_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″ parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.12.2″]The immediate answer is Yes! As the surrogate mother, you choose the intended parents just as much as they choose you. Keep in mind, Intended Parents are also thoroughly screened to confirm they are safe to work with and ready to commit to a journey. After you are screened and approved, Shared Conception will have intended parents review your profile.  When someone selects you as a potential match, Shared Conception will send you a profile about the intended parents for your own evaluation.

When both you and the Intended Parents show interest in one another, you then have the opportunity to communicate with them on the phone, Skype, Facetime or even a face-to-face meeting with them if all parties are in agreement. For many of our surrogates, talking with potential IP’s can give them that “gut feeling” that this can be the right match. You will have the ultimate decision of whether you wish to work with the prospective intended parents or if you prefer to work with someone else.

If you feel that the selected relationship is not the best fit for you, we will continue to work on matching you with other intended parents that are better suited for you. Our main goal is to match you with intended parents with similar beliefs, philosophies and interests.  Shared Conception is committed to finding the perfect match for both you and the intended parents!  Call us; we are ready to work with you.
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What is a Prenatal Massage?

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Everyone likes to indulge and spoil themselves every now and again with a spa treatment. It can be a little more difficult when pregnant because of the restrictions for you and your precious cargo. However, a prenatal massage has many benefits and is more than just a “treat”. Not only do you feel much more relaxed afterwards, a prenatal massage can actually help you sleep better! This is a huge bonus, especially during pregnancy when sleep can take a back seat to your comfort level.


What is a prenatal massage and how is it different from a regular massage? A prenatal massage is a specialized technique that is designed for a woman usually in her second trimester up to part way through you third trimester. It’s improves circulation, can give you some energy, and take some of the strain away from your over-worked muscles. A certified massage therapist that specializes in this type of massage uses light pressure as you lay on your sides, as opposed to your back and tummy. Lying on your back is never recommended when you are pregnant. The weight of the baby and uterus can block circulation to the placenta. This can cause complications that no amount of massage can help. It may make you feel light headed, dizzy and other complications.


Prenatal massages also have the same great benefits as a regular massage. Many studies have shown that they relax and loosen tight muscles and increase blood flow. Just remember to drink plenty of water and remain hydrated afterwards. This means that with regular prenatal massages, you should become generally more relaxed. A good massage may help relieve insomnia, alleviate joint pain, and reduce swelling, headaches and even sinus congestion.


Please remember to consult with your doctor before booking your appointment! It is not recommended to have a prenatal massage during your first trimester.  Also, research your masseuse first or ask for recommendations. You want to have a good masseuse that makes this worth it for you. People who specialize in this type of massage, need to be specifically trained. So when booking you’re appointment, please specify that you are pregnant so you can get the right care for you and baby.

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real stories from parents

Surrogate Mothers – Real Stories of Women Who Gifted Parents Through A Surrogacy Journey [ TIFFANY ]

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Shared Conception is a full-service, custom-matching surrogacy agency that expertly and compassionately assists you through the process of surrogacy. We deftly offer personalized, efficient service that results in couples bringing their dreams of a having a family into reality.

Shiva Landry founded Shared Conception, LLC in 2011 and it is one if the most reputable and results-oriented surrogacy agencies in Houston, Texas and across the nation. No stranger to pregnancy-related difficulties, Shiva Landry has battled with her own infertility issues and so personally understands much of the related emotions. Paired with her experience in the medical field along with her extensive business experience that her Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and successful business career brings her, she and her staff knowledgeably and compassionately guide intended parents and surrogates through the process.

Shared Conception understands how overwhelming the process can be for first time surrogates. Thus, the agency’s support and experience is invaluable to the surrogates they will be supporting. Our staff is consistently available throughout the process – from the initial inquiry about the program to the time she delivers that bouncing baby.

Shiva Landry is a member of ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine) and SEEDS (Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy) and professionally adheres to all established ethics and guidelines.

With Shiva Landry’s personal desire to help build and complete families plus her business experience, Shared Conception is committed to providing our clients with exceptional and individualized personal attention, education, support and confidential third party services.

☎️ For more information on Surrogacy and how you can apply, visit our website at http://
www.DeliverADream.com” >www.DeliverADream.com
and fill out the brief inquiry form.


PS: Remember to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel.

CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SubscribeSharedConception

———————- BEGIN TRANSCRIPTION ————————-

My name is Tiffany and I have had three journeys through Shared Conception. The first journey was for a single man. The second journey was for a single woman. And then the third journey was for a traditional married couple. I had a divine nudge to become a surrogate. I began seeing, printed material, hearing commercials, seeing advertisements. ironically, at the same time, my husband who was traveling for a baseball was in a different part of the country and he saw ads, in, in a magazine. And when I asked him if he was open to me being a surrogate, he was very shocked that he had already, kind of had his divine appointment and much as well. And we were both on the same page and thought that we really needed to at least look into it to see if it was something that would be right for our family.

my family was very, very supportive. my husband was onboard from the very beginning. my children were supportive, but, but almost indifferent. they’re, they’re teenagers and so it really didn’t affect them very much. my parents were amazingly supportive. my brother and sister in law were very curious, but also supportive. I didn’t have any negative response from friends or family either. There was a lot of curiosity and in fact, several of my friends, considered being surrogates themselves. Initially we learned about the process through a very long, very little hate phone call with Shiva. she was extremely generous and let us set up a three way telephone call. like I said, my husband was out of town for baseball, so we had to wait until he was off of the baseball field and back in the hotel. And we spent about an hour and a half picking her brain and asking her the pages and pages of questions that we had.

you know, just come up with, he is, you know, very protective and as the matriarch of our family, he needs me to, to be here and not be, you know, unable to, do things with our family or be affected negatively because of a surrogacy. and so he had a lot of questions about, the health and, the check, you know, health checks throughout the process to make sure that everything was on the up and up and, and there was no way that I could be negatively impacted from it.

Every journey that I’ve had is extremely unique. but they are all very, very different and important to our family. we’ve had a very special bond with each set of intended parents. the first one we were kind of naive and didn’t really know what to expect. we went in thinking that, you know, whatever developed between us and the intended dad, you know, was, you know, was okay.

NOTE: Surrogacy Testimonial Cropped Here……


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Surrogate Mothers – Real Stories of Women Who Gifted Parents Through A Surrogacy Journey [ HEATHER ]

Remember to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel. TIA!

CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SubscribeSharedConception

Shared Conception is a full-service, custom-matching surrogacy agency that expertly and compassionately assists you through the process of surrogacy. We deftly offer personalized, efficient service that results in couples bringing their dreams of a having a family into reality.

Shiva Landry founded Shared Conception, LLC in 2011 and it is one if the most reputable and results-oriented surrogacy agencies in Houston, Texas and across the nation. No stranger to pregnancy-related difficulties, Shiva Landry has battled with her own infertility issues and so personally understands much of the related emotions. Paired with her experience in the medical field along with her extensive business experience that her Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and successful business career brings her, she and her staff knowledgeably and compassionately guide intended parents and surrogates through the process.

Shared Conception understands how overwhelming the process can be for first time surrogates. Thus, the agency’s support and experience is invaluable to the surrogates they will be supporting. Our staff is consistently available throughout the process – from the initial inquiry about the program to the time she delivers that bouncing baby.

Shiva Landry is a member of ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine) and SEEDS (Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy) and professionally adheres to all established ethics and guidelines.

With Shiva Landry’s personal desire to help build and complete families plus her business experience, Shared Conception is committed to providing our clients with exceptional and individualized personal attention, education, support and confidential third party services.

☎️ For more information on Surrogacy and how you can apply, visit our website at http://
www.DeliverADream.com” >www.DeliverADream.com
and fill out the brief inquiry form.


PS: Remember to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel.

CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SubscribeSharedConception

———————- BEGIN TRANSCRIPTION ————————-

My name’s Heather and this is Matt and I’m a surrogate. I’ve been a surrogate three times.

All very different journeys but also kind of similar and each one with their own unique experiences and it’s blessed. Growing up, my family did foster care and I think that kind of led to,

I had my own two children. I knew that I was done having kids. We just wanted two and that’s all we’ve ever wanted. But I loved being pregnant and so I went back to my ob for my six week checkup and I just asked him, if I can be a surrogate.

That was a fun day. The first time when she came home with this idea that she wanted to be a surrogate. I was kind of like, what exactly do you want to be? You want to carry someone else’s baby? And I was a little thrown off by it at first, but then as she continued to talk to me about it, it started to grow on me more.

Yeah. Plant the seed. So that’s Kinda how we got to where we are today.

I was having lunch with a client and I was just, I’m always excited about surrogacy, especially being on the third journey now. But we were talking about my wife being pregnant and then I was like, but it’s not mine. And, he looks at me like, what do you mean he’s not here? It’s not mine. Not My wife’s either.

I mean, it’s allowed us to go on family vacations. It’s helped us pay off some of our debt that we’ve had. And actually most recently, uh, on the, on this third journey, we’re looking at doing an add on project to our house. So, um, it’s given us the ability, um, to, um, you know, potentially complete that project as well. So, um, it’s had a pretty big impact on our lives.

Realizing I wanted to be a surrogate. The first thing I did was research and look at all the information I could on Google. And I looked at a lot of different reviews for all the different surrogacy agencies out there. There’s a lot of them and there’s different ways that you can find reviews, lots of different avenues to look for that. And I really took my time just to find the right one. I picked share conception.

Shared. Conception is very supportive. They, it’s always, you know, if there’s a question that I have or if there’s maybe something that’s not so easy to confront your ips about, all you have to do is talk to somebody at the agency, email, text, phone call and you know, they’ll answer your questions. They might, you know, be just a better avenue to go and talk to the ips about something. It’s just, it just makes everything so much less stressful. If you’re interested in becoming a surrogate, the first thing I would recommend is to do your research, make sure that you’re done having babies, make sure that you’re actually financially stable and you don’t need the money.

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Surrogate Mothers – Real Stories of Women Who Gifted Parents Through A Surrogacy Journey [ Vanessa ]

Remember to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel. TIA!

CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SubscribeSharedConception

Shared Conception is a full-service, custom-matching surrogacy agency that expertly and compassionately assists you through the process of surrogacy. We deftly offer personalized, efficient service that results in couples bringing their dreams of a having a family into reality.

Shiva Landry founded Shared Conception, LLC in 2011 and it is one if the most reputable and results-oriented surrogacy agencies in Houston, Texas and across the nation. No stranger to pregnancy-related difficulties, Shiva Landry has battled with her own infertility issues and so personally understands much of the related emotions. Paired with her experience in the medical field along with her extensive business experience that her Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and successful business career brings her, she and her staff knowledgeably and compassionately guide intended parents and surrogates through the process.

Shared Conception understands how overwhelming the process can be for first time surrogates. Thus, the agency’s support and experience is invaluable to the surrogates they will be supporting. Our staff is consistently available throughout the process – from the initial inquiry about the program to the time she delivers that bouncing baby.

Shiva Landry is a member of ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine) and SEEDS (Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy) and professionally adheres to all established ethics and guidelines.

With Shiva Landry’s personal desire to help build and complete families plus her business experience, Shared Conception is committed to providing our clients with exceptional and individualized personal attention, education, support and confidential third party services.

☎️ For more information on Surrogacy and how you can apply, visit our website at http://
www.DeliverADream.com” >www.DeliverADream.com
and fill out the brief inquiry form.


PS: Remember to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel.

CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SubscribeSharedConception

———————- BEGIN TRANSCRIPTION ————————-
Hi, my name is Vanessa and I’ve completed three surrogacy journeys. I decided to become a surrogate to watch other people grow their families. When I first told my husband that I wanted to be a gestational carrier, he was, basically waiting for me to tell him that I was ready to go. We had talked about it several times before, and it just was not the right time for our family. He’s very passionate about surrogacy as well. We struggled through infertility ourselves and overcame it. So through that process, he really understood what becoming a parent really was and how it can really tug at your heart.

My family and friends, we’re not surprised at all with me becoming a gestational carrier. They know that I’m a very giving person and that pregnancy and growing families, it’s really important to me. They have all jumped on board and supported me through the process. For them it’s just very normal for me to carry a baby for somebody else.

Involving, my family and my children in that process started from day one. Um, my family has been to doctor’s appointments with me to the Labor and delivery room with me and have met the families that I have carried for during their visits into my home as well.

One day my sister in law and I were actually doing a play date with our young children and we brought up the topic of carrying babies for other people. And from there it just blossomed. We both decided to become gestational carriers. The financial piece, it’s really helped my family by being able to put a down payment on a home, which is our dream home and where my family is currently living. Um, as well as to set herself up for success for our three children when they go to college.

I chose Share Conception to work with Shiva. She has amazing supportive in all around a really fantastic lady. I felt supported by share conceptions during my journey by constant communication and encouragement. The favorite part of my journey is really difficult to decide each phase watching the intended parents go through them is fantastic. I would definitely have to say that my favorite is the moment that the baby is delivered.

Watching the joy and the happiness of everything that they wished for come true in the delivery room when the intended parents, how their baby for the first time. There was not a dry eye in the house. From my ob Gyn to my husband to the intended parents. It was an amazing experience for everyone. If someone’s interested in becoming a gestational carrier or learning more about the process, definitely reach out to Shiva at Shared Conception. For those that are interested in becoming a gestational carrier, I would tell them, just do it. Take the first step, make the call, send the email, learn more information.

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Surrogate Mothers – Stories of Women Who Gifted Parents Through A Surrogacy Journey [ STEPHANIE ]

Remember to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel. TIA!
CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SubscribeSharedConception

Shared Conception is a full-service, custom-matching surrogacy agency that expertly and compassionately assists you through the process of surrogacy. We deftly offer personalized, efficient service that results in couples bringing their dreams of a having a family into reality.

Shiva Landry founded Shared Conception, LLC in 2011 and it is one if the most reputable and results-oriented surrogacy agencies in Houston, Texas and across the nation. No stranger to pregnancy-related difficulties, Shiva Landry has battled with her own infertility issues and so personally understands much of the related emotions. Paired with her experience in the medical field along with her extensive business experience that her Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and successful business career brings her, she and her staff knowledgeably and compassionately guide intended parents and surrogates through the process.

Shared Conception understands how overwhelming the process can be for first time surrogates. Thus, the agency’s support and experience is invaluable to the surrogates they will be supporting. Our staff is consistently available throughout the process – from the initial inquiry about the program to the time she delivers that bouncing baby.

Shiva Landry is a member of ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine) and SEEDS (Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy) and professionally adheres to all established ethics and guidelines.

With Shiva Landry’s personal desire to help build and complete families plus her business experience, Shared Conception is committed to providing our clients with exceptional and individualized personal attention, education, support and confidential third party services.

☎️ For more information on Surrogacy and how you can apply, visit our website at http://
www.DeliverADream.com” >www.DeliverADream.com
and fill out the brief inquiry form.


PS: Remember to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel.

CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SubscribeSharedConception

———————- BEGIN TRANSCRIPTION ————————-
My name is Stephanie. I’ve completed one journey and I decided to become a surrogate after I had my daughter, my second child. I knew that the joy that my children brought to my life and I want it to be able to help someone else have that if they weren’t able to or needed a little bit of help starting a family. Surrogacy for me being single, I had a ton of support from my friends, my family and especially my church members. My friends and family were supportive of my journey. They were at, some were excited, some needed a little bit of help understanding and once they did, everyone was great and supportive.

My children, were really excited about the thought of me becoming a surrogate. I used the book, the Kangaroo Pouch to approach surrogacy with them and once we all sat down and read the book together, I explained to them that that was something that mommy wanted to do and they thought that it was a great idea.

I did a lot of research online and then I also have a coworker who is a surrogate again and she explained the process a little bit more to me. Things that you don’t find online and having the joy and the experience of talking to her, it’s sold it for me. I knew then it was something that I wanted to do. The compensation has helped my family by me being able to do things with my children that I normally would have to save up a little bit longer to do or put off for a little bit longer. We’ve been able to just be able to do things and enjoy things without, having to put them off any longer than we normally would.

I chose shared conception because I have a friend who was a surrogate with shared conception. She had nothing but wonderful things to say about shared conception. When I first spoke with Shiva, she was just amazing and took the time to answer all of my questions. I felt like out of all women that they could possibly be speaking with on a daily basis that my concerns were heard and my questions were answered and I felt completely comfortable in surrogacy. It is not your biological child. It is the biological child of the intended parents.

I have felt completely supported by shared conception. I’m so happy that I found this agency and I can’t imagine doing a journey anywhere else. My most favorite part of my journey has been delivery day. Seeing the joy on my intended parents face when they saw their child for the first time and when I saw my intended mother holding her child and do skin to skin with this baby that she’s so longed for and I’ve been wanting and praying for all this time is it has to be my most favorite moment. If someone is interested in learning more about surrogacy at definitely suggest contacting Shared Conception. Asking them questions, no matter what the question is. Ask.

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Surrogate Mothers – Real Stories of Women Who Gifted Parents Through A Surrogacy Journey [ ELISE ]

Remember to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel. TIA!

CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SubscribeSharedConception

Shared Conception is a full-service, custom-matching surrogacy agency that expertly and compassionately assists you through the process of surrogacy. We deftly offer personalized, efficient service that results in couples bringing their dreams of a having a family into reality.

Shiva Landry founded Shared Conception, LLC in 2011 and it is one if the most reputable and results-oriented surrogacy agencies in Houston, Texas and across the nation. No stranger to pregnancy-related difficulties, Shiva Landry has battled with her own infertility issues and so personally understands much of the related emotions. Paired with her experience in the medical field along with her extensive business experience that her Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and successful business career brings her, she and her staff knowledgeably and compassionately guide intended parents and surrogates through the process.

Shared Conception understands how overwhelming the process can be for first time surrogates. Thus, the agency’s support and experience is invaluable to the surrogates they will be supporting. Our staff is consistently available throughout the process – from the initial inquiry about the program to the time she delivers that bouncing baby.

Shiva Landry is a member of ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine) and SEEDS (Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy) and professionally adheres to all established ethics and guidelines.

With Shiva Landry’s personal desire to help build and complete families plus her business experience, Shared Conception is committed to providing our clients with exceptional and individualized personal attention, education, support and confidential third party services.

☎️ For more information on Surrogacy and how you can apply, visit our website at http://
www.DeliverADream.com” >www.DeliverADream.com
and fill out the brief inquiry form.


PS: Remember to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel.

CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SubscribeSharedConception

———————- BEGIN TRANSCRIPTION ————————-
My name’s Elise. I have done two journeys. I’m actually currently on my second journey. Um, the same family that I carried a daughter for and gave birth to about a year ago, asked me to have a sibling for them and now I’m currently pregnant with her brother. Surrogacy was something I felt called to before I ever even had children of my own. When my sister and I were younger, she was diagnosed with type one diabetes. She’s the kind of girl that always um, new named for her children and had her wedding planned by the age of nine I think. And um, when she got diagnosed with type one diabetes, they told her she might have some complications with carrying children or difficulty getting pregnant. And I just stepped right in and told her I would help her out if she ever needed it. Well, she never ended up meeting me, but that feeling never left me. So I sought out surrogacy and found shared conception.

When I first talked to my husband about being a surrogate, he was not on board. He didn’t quite understand the science behind it and he thought it was more like adoption. And um, once we discussed the actual facts about surrogacy and he understood how easy my pregnancies had been in the past, he was completely on board and supportive as far as telling my friends and family about being a surrogate. I waited until I was a little bit further into the process than probably most do. Um, I want us to make sure it was definitely something that was going to happen for me. And um, I would get matched with a family that I could get along with and um, help out. So when I actually told them, it was about a week before we transferred an embryo and they were ecstatic, they were worried about my health slightly and then they remembered how easy it was for me in the past. And they were completely 100% supportive and it was a very pleasant surprise. I was very glad they were on board.

My favorite part of my first journey was actually having the baby and I’m going to cry the look on my Ip faces when they became parents. I’ll never forget that. Just watching someone who may not have been able to have kids otherwise and seeing the mold their baby, I thought, you know, when I first went into surrogacy, that moment might be hard and I could not wait for them to just take that baby and hold that baby. And they’re the best parents now. It’s incredible. It’s amazing. Sorry. If somebody wanted to find out more about surrogacy, I would say talk to somebody who has been a surrogate. If you’re looking at having someone be a surrogate for you, I would say talk to some people who have been there, and the best way to get connected is probably through a reputable agency such as Shared Conception.

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The Surrogate Mother Experience – What is it like to work with a Surrogacy Agency


Remember to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel.
CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SubscribeSharedConception

Shared Conception is a full-service, custom-matching surrogacy agency that expertly and compassionately assists you through the process of surrogacy. We deftly offer personalized, efficient service that results in couples bringing their dreams of a having a family into reality.

Shiva Landry founded Shared Conception, LLC in 2011 and it is one if the most reputable and results-oriented surrogacy agencies in Houston, Texas and across the nation. No stranger to pregnancy-related difficulties, Shiva Landry has battled with her own infertility issues and so personally understands much of the related emotions. Paired with her experience in the medical field along with her extensive business experience that her Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and successful business career brings her, she and her staff knowledgeably and compassionately guide intended parents and surrogates through the process.

Shared Conception understands how overwhelming the process can be for first time surrogates. Thus, the agency’s support and experience is invaluable to the surrogates they will be supporting. Our staff is consistently available throughout the process – from the initial inquiry about the program to the time she delivers that bouncing baby.
Shiva Landry is a member of ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine) and SEEDS (Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy) and professionally adheres to all established ethics and guidelines.
With Shiva Landry’s personal desire to help build and complete families plus her business experience, Shared Conception is committed to providing our clients with exceptional and individualized personal attention, education, support and confidential third party services.

☎️ For more information on Surrogacy and how you can apply, visit our website at

“http://www.DeliverADream.com” >www.DeliverADream.com
and fill out the brief inquiry form.


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Surrogacy Agency – Learning More About Why You Should Choose A Surrogate Agency

CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SubscribeSharedConception

Shared Conception is a full-service, custom-matching surrogacy agency that expertly and compassionately assists you through the process of surrogacy. We deftly offer personalized, efficient service that results in couples bringing their dreams of a having a family into reality.

Shiva Landry founded Shared Conception, LLC in 2011 and it is one of the most reputable and results-oriented surrogacy agencies in Houston, Texas and across the nation. No stranger to pregnancy-related difficulties, Shiva Landry has battled with her own infertility issues and so personally understands much of the related emotions. Paired with her experience in the medical field along with her extensive business experience that her Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and successful business career brings her, she and her staff knowledgeably and compassionately guide intended parents and surrogates through the process.

Shared Conception understands how overwhelming the process can be for first time surrogates. Thus, the agency’s support and experience is invaluable to the surrogates they will be supporting. Our staff is consistently available throughout the process – from the initial inquiry about the program to the time she delivers that bouncing baby.

Shiva Landry is a member of ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine) and SEEDS (Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy) and professionally adheres to all established ethics and guidelines.

With Shiva Landry’s personal desire to help build and complete families plus her business experience, Shared Conception is committed to providing our clients with exceptional and individualized personal attention, education, support and confidential third party services.

☎️ For more information on Surrogacy and how you can apply http://DeliverADream.com

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Hi, I’m Shiva Landry, owner of Shared Conception. I’m so excited that you’re interested in learning more about the surrogacy process. There are so many women out there who love being pregnant, have had healthy pregnancies and have watched a friend or family member struggle with infertility and thought, what can I do to help? At Shared Conception, we guide you through the process of fulfilling a dream and helping create a family.

I do have a full time job, but I’m also a full time student and it has helped me go into school debt free. Now I’m on my second semester of nursing school with out any debt. It’s incredible. The compensation has helped my family by me being able to do things with my children than I normally would have to save up a little bit longer to do or put off for a little bit longer. The financial piece, it’s really helped my family by being able to put a down payment on a home, which is our dream home and where my family is currently living. As well as to set ourself up for success for our three children when they go to college. And I mean, it’s allowed us to go on family vacations. It’s helped us pay off some of our debt that we’ve had. And actually most recently, on this third journey, we’re looking at doing an add on project to our house.

The look on my IP faces when they became parents, I’ll never forget that. Just watching someone who may not have been able to have kids otherwise, it seeing them all their baby when I saw my intended mother holding her child and do skin to skin with this baby that she’s so long for and I’ve been wanting and praying for all this time, it has to be my most favorite moment in the delivery room when the intended parents held their baby for the first time, there was not a dry eye in the house from my ob Gyn to my husband, to the intended parents. It was an amazing experience for everyone. And it was such a thing. Special, incredible moment. And, and I can replay that in my head so many times and know that at that moment that that set of, um, you know, that set of husband and wife became instead a family,

if you’re interested in learning more about surrogacy, pick up the phone and call Shared Conception. Ask about the process, bring all of your questions and your concerns and let them, let them talk you through the process. It’s the most amazing gift that you can give. And if you’re considering it in the call, definitely reach out to Shiva at Share Conception. Just do it. Take the first step, make the call, send the email, learn more information. I have personally struggled with infertility and through those hard times that I found my life’s mission, and that’s to help amazing women like you connect with people or aching to have their own child. If you’re interested in learning more about surrogacy, just fill out the brief form on this page and one of our coordinators will contact you and answer any questions that you have. There’s no obligation whatsoever. We can’t wait to hear from you.