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Planning a Surrogacy

The internet is a great tool to use when researching the surrogacy process. It is a huge and overwhelming subject. There is a wealth of information readily available on the world wide web. But pay attention, there are a few items you may not find in your google search list. Here, we gathered a list of things to pay close attention to when researching surrogacy.

1. Before you decide to go the independent route, consider the value, that an experienced surrogacy agency provides. Working with a agency affords you a service that directly provides or arranges all the required screening, matching, medical procedures, and legal actions needed in a surrogacy journey. More importantly, safeguarding your parental rights and establishing parentage requires solid legal information to which we have access to. Agencies reduce anxiety, hassle, stress and frustration during a very emotional time.

2.   Be aware that some agencies or clinics do not adhere to all ethical guidelines. Always go with your instincts if you feel doubt, too much pressure or any discomfort.There are guidelines that have been developed for egg donor and surrogate evaluations, optimal screening processes, appropriate payments to oocyte donors, etc.

3.   Don’t set unrealistic expectations. Surrogacy is a human experience. No one can control how and when an individual will respond to medication. Even despite seemingly ideal conditions, there are no guarantees that a pregnancy will be achieved on a given transfer. There are plenty of elements out of your control, out of your surrogate’s control, out of your clinic’s control, and out of your surrogacy agency’s control.

4.   Don’t forget the importance of a support system. Rely on your spouse, family, friends, surrogacy agency and surrogate. Be open and honest in your discussions with them. It may even help to work with a counselor to navigate the emotional challenges you may face during this time in your life.

5.   It’s important to clearly define expectations of the relationship between the intended parents and surrogate at the beginning of the journey. Is a phone call once a week sufficient? Do you want to FaceTime on a regular basis? Do you prefer texting over speaking on the phone?

We recommend to heed the advice of professionals and work with a full-service surrogacy agency, such as Shared Conception. When you, as intended parents, choose to partner with Shared Conception in this life altering process, we make sure that you are fully informed about the legal, logistical and even emotional aspects of surrogacy. Give us a call today!



Communication after your Journey

There can be lots of questions when intended parents and surrogates team up to create a baby. One of the most frequently asked questions is about the contact between the surrogate and intended parents post journey.

The answer isn’t straightforward as every relationship and journey is not the same. Both the intended parents and surrogates decide together how much contact they would like to have once the baby is born. And, sometimes it changes throughout the process. A lot of our families get closer to the surrogates than they expected.

Some families want to stay in close contact. After all, this is an emotional experience and some parents want their surrogate to remain in their lives forever. Others end the relationship when the baby is born. Some intended parents wish to begin their life with their newborn on their own. Although they will be forever grateful to their surrogate, some feel more comfortable with this arrangement.

With the advances in communication and technology, emails, Facebook, Skype and FaceTime seem to be the most popular forms of contact after the baby is born. This is a great way for the surrogate to see the baby grow without feeling the pressures of communication.

Whatever the situation, whether daily contact, limited communication or somewhere in between, each team of intended parent and surrogate decide the amount of contact they feel comfortable with, after the baby is born. This is another great feature of working with an agency. Shared Conception’s matching process makes sure both parties’ wishes of communication post journey are similar.

Do you have any other questions about surrogacy? Call us! Shared Conception is ready to answer any of your questions and concerns!



Surrogacy and Compensation

One of the first questions that arise when someone finds out you are a surrogate is, “How much do you get paid?” This question can be downright insulting, but it’s just plain curiosity and some people just can’t help themselves. All surrogates do not get paid to have someone else’s baby. It’s not a buying and selling market, like if you wanted a new pet. You are essentially helping to create a person’s child, a tiny human being that they themselves could not physically carry. A surrogate creates families. We enjoy the emotional fulfillment and the ability to give something back because we are capable. We do get compensated for pain and suffering (which let me tell you…there is plenty of), however, that compensation equals to about the same as working a part-time job.

Many have the backward assumption that surrogates get so much money that their debts are paid off, free mommy makeovers, a platinum card, a new car and endless lavish gifts from intended parents (who must be millionaires). This is rarely the case. The surrogate compensation has helped put surrogates and their family’s in a better financial position.  Some have gone back to school; put a down payment on a home; it can help a stay-at-home mom set realistic goals and even….stay at home. It has helped pay off family debt and outstanding medical bills.

The truth is, it’s expensive to conceive a child if it’s not done the old-fashioned way. Most people who come to the decision that they need a surrogate are already financially strapped. They have probably gone through tens of thousands of dollars already for fertility treatments. Just because someone wants their own baby using modern technology doesn’t mean they are wealthy. This is why Shared Conception is so helpful, we know all of this, we deal with all the finances. This is a small part of why we do not recommend going about a journey without an agency.

Having experienced professionals that know the ropes and have gone through every possible scenario is invaluable. Someone in your corner to fight for you and make sure things come out all right can make a huge difference.  Call us today!





Vision and Pregnancy

There are many ways pregnancy can affect your vision. While your body changes temporarily, your eyes can too. Between the hormones, metabolism, fluid retention and blood circulation, pregnant women can experience blurry vision, floaters and light sensitivity. This is often temporary and returns to normal after giving birth.

There are many factors that can affect your eyes and eyesight while pregnant. For example, water retention can cause a slight increase in the thickness and curvature of your cornea. Even the pressure of the fluid within the eyeball can change. This may be the reason for blurry vision. Blurred vision is also a sign of preeclampsia and you must go to a doctor following symptoms of this condition.

After birth, nursing can also alter a woman’s eyesight. Very similar to vision changes during pregnancy, these problems also usually disappear after breastfeeding.

It is absolutely safe to go to the eye doctor while pregnant. It always is a good idea to get your eyes checked while pregnant to rule out any other vision problems.

If you notice your vision changing while you are pregnant, contact your doctor.



Can I Still be a Surrogate with Tubes Tied?

If you are finished growing your family and have had a tubal ligation, you can still qualify to become a surrogate mother. Many women choose this process after their families are complete as a means for permanent birth control. Although there are other requirements that you must meet to be a qualified candidate for surrogacy, having a tubal ligation will not impact your chances to be a gestational carrier. This is a great way to give back and bless an infertile couple with a biological child of their own.

A Gestational Surrogate carries a child that is not biologically connected to her. The surrogate mother’s eggs are not used. Instead, an embryo from the Intended Parents is used. Sometimes these embryos are created with a donor sperm, donor egg or the sperm and egg from the Intended Parents. Regardless of how the embryo is created, your eggs are never used. Therefore, if you have had a tubal ligation, it does not affect your chances of becoming pregnant through IVF. In fact, a woman could have no fallopian tubes at all and still be able to carry a baby through IVF.

Women who are interested in surrogacy and have had their tubes tied, are even sometimes a preferred candidate because there is no chance that she will become pregnant with her own child during the process.

Contact Shared Conception for more information about becoming a surrogate. Please visit our website www.SharedConception.comfor more information.

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Healthy Eating While Pregnant

There are obvious rules most know about diet during pregnancy such as no drinking and no smoking. Then, there are some things that you never knew you couldn’t have such as raw fish. But even more surprising, you may not realize that you can’t have your favorite cheese because it is unpasteurized. And, as much as you may crave it – no raw cookie dough.

There are so many foods to be weary of that it’s hard to remember them all. As overwhelming as it may feel, always remember that it is temporary. And, if you are not certain of the food you are about to ingest, wait and talk to your doctor about it. Remember, you could always have it at another time. Taking care of yourself throughout pregnancy will help you feel better from start to finish.

Take note of the foods below that are great for surrogates and their developing babies.

Fruits and berries: Fruit is a good carb for pregnant mamas, and contains essential vitamins and minerals for baby.

Green Leafy Veggies: Broccoli, Kale, and Spinach are great sources of foliate, fiber, calcium, potassium and vitamin A. You can add these Greens to your smoothies and not even taste it!

Nuts, beans, and seeds: A handful of nuts is a great snack but do not discount beans! Chickpeas, lentils, black beans, soybeans are full of protein, iron, fiber, Zinc and calcium – just to name is few.

This is just a small list of nutritious foods for you and baby. It is always important to maintain healthy habits throughout your journey.

Shared Conception looks forward to hearing from you as you consider becoming a surrogate or an intended parent. Give us a call.

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Considering Surrogacy? Consider Shared Conception!

Becoming a surrogate or deciding to use Surrogacy to help create your family, is a big choice for both you and your family. It not a snap decision. You weigh your options, do your research and take days, months or even years to conclude whether it’s the right path for you. Most intended parents, and surrogates have endless questions about this sometimes daunting process. Shared Conception’s goal is to make this delicate process less stressful and more enjoyable for all parties. Here are the benefits to choosing a surrogacy agency.

1.) All surrogates and intended parents are pre-screened and MUST meet strict medical financial and psychological requirements.

Trust takes on a new meaning when on a surrogacy journey. Surrogates must trust the intended parents in order to feel comfortable carrying their baby, and the intended parents must trust the surrogate mother to take good care of herself for the sake of their baby. Each party is placed in a very vulnerable position with one another. Shared Conception pre-screens all surrogate mothers and intended parents before moving into the contract phase. At this point, everyone involved will have passed a criminal background check, psychological evaluation, and medical screening.

2.) Assistance with legal contracts

Reading and going over a surrogacy contract yourself can be extremely overwhelming. We have fabulous lawyers we recommend for this part of the process.

3.) Medical benefits

Let’s face it, insurance is confusing. Imagine how confusing it is when you are either a surrogate or intended parent. What is covered? Does the surrogate’s insurance cover the pregnancy? What if there are tests that intended parents ask for, that are not covered? What do I do if my surrogate does not have insurance? Let us help guide you through the confusions of insurance.

4.) Matching

After the initial application process for both the surrogates and intended parents is complete, Shared Conception ensures that your expectations in terms of communication, relationship, and delivery are known. Our team will then take these expectations and the knowledge they have of both the intended parents and surrogates, and create a profile and match them based on their desires for a similar journey.

5.) Support

Not using an agency will leave you without the kind of support that’s needed for a flawless journey. We provide exceptional services and are by your side no matter what. Shared Conception is a stellar agency that stands out from the rest. Call us!





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Going Insane on Bedrest? Read This!

Bedrest. This is when you are prescribed to relax and take it easy. Many fertility clinics require surrogates to stay on bed rest for 48-72 hours post transfer to help keep that little embryo safe and snug. Or if you are already pregnant, you may be prescribed to lounge for longer periods of time due to other medical reasons. Bed rest sounds great in theory, but sometimes it can get a little boring. That first day is awesome. You catch up on Facebook, emails, a book you have been meaning to start, you talk with old friends you have been meaning to call… but then what?  It also depends on how long you have to lounge. Here are 10 ideas on how to keep yourself entertained while on bed rest.

1) Netflix

You can watch a ton of shows dating back to the 90’s like Friends or Seinfeld or binge watch some of their award-winning Netflix Original series.

2) FaceTime, Skype, WhatsApp

Make sure your lighting is good! If you have friends that live far away or even abroad, FaceTime will keep you from getting lonely! Take the time to catch up, or take the opportunity to tell friends and family about your journey.

3) Food Delivery Apps

Meal-prep is a great idea, pre-transfer. But, if you didn’t have time for meal prep, there are a few apps available that allow you to order food from your favorite local restaurants and have it delivered right to your door! As you are allowed to get up to go to the bathroom, going to the front door and back to bed with one of your favorite foods is usually allowed!

4) Read a Book

Reading is a great way to explore without actually leaving your house. Plus, what is better than settling down with a good book?

5) Your Tablet

This a is guaranteed way to pass the time. Ever hear of the Pinterest hole? You can spend hours (sometimes without even knowing it) browsing through recipes, workouts, design ideas and DIY projects on this one app. On top of the ability to redesign your house in one app, there are also many apps with some great games that help entertain you in your moments of rest.

6) Treat Yourself

Try to treat yourself to a few small treats that you wouldn’t normally indulge in when you are not confined to your sleeping quarters.

7) Nap

Now is the time to do it, but beware! Too much napping during the day can be a recipe for a restless or sleepless night.

8) Online Shopping

Don’t go crazy with online shopping; it can be dangerous. You can also use this as the opportunity to research and compare prices from different online stores for that piece of furniture, jewelry or pair of shoes you have had your heart set on. Also, you can create your children’s Christmas list on Amazon no matter what time of year it is!

However you spend your time, make comfort your priority. If you have any other suggestions about how you spent your time on bedrest, let us know at Shared Conception so we can tell other surrogates!



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Who Do You Tell About Your Journey?

As a surrogacy agency who consistently works with surrogates, we thought you all would enjoy scenarios of surrogate encounters with the public on an average day.

Many surrogates have had encounters with acquaintances that can be awkward. When you decide to embark on a journey, usually your support system consists of close friends and family, but what about everyone else? The neighbor you only talk about the weather to? Your son or daughter’s sports coach? The supermarket checkout clerk that you see on a weekly basis? Your bank teller?  How will they react?

The topic of surrogacy definitely sparks curiosity but can also raise controversy. Just be aware of your audience. Not everyone is going to agree with your choices, just like agreeing on a political figure or PTA President.

Ultimately, the decision is yours. You can answer questions like, “How are you feeling?” “Is it a boy or a girl?” “When are you due?”, completely honestly without diving into a complete conversation about the intimate details about being a surrogate. Or,you can use these questions as an opportunity to educate someone on the process, but be prepared to answer what sometimes may seem like invasive or probing questions.


At Shared Conception, we have found that people will always amaze you; for better or worse. Our surrogacy agency has found that it’s usually for the better. And what’s more amazing is that surrogacy is becoming more mainstream. People tend to just be more curious these days instead of ignorant or closed minded.  Get in contact with us, we are happy to talk to you about surrogacy!

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A Quick History Lesson about IVF

The history of IVF dates back to the 1930s when a Harvard University Scientist, Gregory Pincus successfully conducted IVF experiments on rabbits. It was not until the 1970s, that the process became available to women when Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards worked with an infertile couple, John and Lesley Brown. Their attempt was successful and on July 25, 1978, Leslie gave birth to Louise Brown, the first “test tube baby.”

The second test tube baby was born shortly after in 1979, a boy named Alastair, and by 1981, the total number of successful attempts at IVF stood at 15. Current day, millions of babies have been born as a result of IVF. Techniques and science have improved over the years. Then, it was more demanding for patients. Women stayed in hospitals for 2 to 3 weeks to have their eggs harvested. Patients had to give a urine sample every 3 hours because that was the only way doctors could monitor hormone levels!

IVF has greatly advanced and has helped many infertile couples conceive when adoption was once their only option to grow their family.

Assisted reproduction is taking off, giving hope to millions of infertile individuals and couples. Our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception, is proud to be a part of this movement. Call us as you think about enhancing your family. We can help you.