
Ways to Support Your Surrogate

The relationship between you and your surrogate is a special one. If you are an intended parent matched with a surrogate or if you are an individual who is part of a surrogate’s support system, there is a lot you can do to positively support a surrogate. 

Here are some ways to a healthy and happy surrogate.

Random Acts of Kindness: Surrogacy is a selfless gift. Show her your admiration or appreciation through an unexpected gesture. Some ideas include gift cards for a manicure or pedicure (depending on the trimester), restaurant gift certificates to treat her and her family to a night out or deliver a meal to her home so she does not have to cook for her family. 

If you are the primary support person (husband or partner) for a surrogate, take on dish duty after dinner, rub her aching legs and feet or just ask her what she needs. Keep in mind, it’s the simple things that can make for one happy pregnant lady. 

Communicate regularly: Letting your surrogate know what is going on in your life as a parent-to-be such as: preparing the nursery, choosing between colors or even buying that first outfit can make her feel appreciated. Getting to know her better will increase your level of comfort in your relationship.

As part of her support system, a blossoming belly may need a conversation that does not have to do with her pregnancy. Telling her a story about your day may be what she needs to keep her mind from her discomforts, aches and pains. 

Have any questions about becoming a surrogate or interested in using our services? Call Shared Conception today!


“The” Decision

Deciding to become a surrogate mother is a choice initially made by you – the surrogate-to-be. However, you mustn’t ignore how it can affect your spouse/partner, children and the loved ones around you. After all, their support is crucial to a successful journey. Part of your responsibility as a surrogate, is to help your family be comfortable with the idea and to support them throughout your journey. In many ways, your decision is as important for them as it is for you.

The first step is to have a conversation with your spouse/partner, so before you make that final decision, have an open dialogue about surrogacy. Research the topic, become as educated as possible about the entire process. Relay the desire you have to help create a family. Even though you are the one carrying a child and bearing (quite literally) the majority of the weight in this adventure, it will also affect their lives tremendously. There will be restrictions on intercourse before, possibly during the pregnancy (if there are complications) and after birth, medical checkups, possible travel and down time that will require help from your support system. 

It is important to include your children in this discussion. It will be impossible to hide a pregnancy from them. Children tend to be more accepting than you think. That’s why it is important to keep them involved. Give them the opportunity to learn from this experience. Explain to them why you are needed in this process. Throughout the journey, remind your little ones what a wonderful and generous adventure you are all experiencing.  

You may not be able to please everyone. Only you know which family and friends will directly factor into your decision. If an important family member, someone you musthave in your support system is against your decision, this may impact your ability to be a surrogate.

Begin with a call to Shared Conception. We can educate you about surrogacy and give you tools to begin the conversation. Give us a call today!


Calling All Intended Parents!

We make it easy to take the first step in starting your family. When an intended parent begins exploring the option of surrogacy, it begins with a conversation. Shared Conception welcomes all who wish to have a conversation regarding this very sensitive subject. 

Shared Conception is a full-service surrogacy agency offering intended parents top notch assistance throughout every special moment of your journey. After all, we realize you have been on quite a rough and bumpy road before you had to consider surrogacy. 

We are committed to finding a surrogate perfect for you. Our extensive matching process allows an amazing journey with an amazing surrogate. We also will guide you towards a happy and healthy parent and surrogate relationship. 

It is important to build and maintain a solid relationship with your surrogate. Throughout the pregnancy, you and your surrogate will have to have a lot of open communication. Decisions need to be made together that will impact her body and your baby. An open dialogue will help your surrogate feel respected, involved and embraced. Remember, many of our surrogates choose surrogacy to experience one of the most selfless acts of kindness. And surrogates with positive experiences, may want to do a sibling journey for the same intended parents, or go and help create another family. 

A good relationship with your surrogate will bring you closer to the experience and to your baby. As an intended parent, you do not want to feel removed from the pregnancy, so a good relationship with your surrogate can make you feel closer to the pregnancy. 

Don’t forget… it takes time to build a relationship. Take time to learn about her, take advantage of the information Shared Conception provides you about your surrogate. And, it’s okay to begin a conversation with “I’m nervous”. 

No two journeys are the same and there is no right or wrong way to open a dialogue with your surrogate. But our goal is that you enjoy your journey and receive the best gift of all. 

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A Surrogacy Get Together

Surrogacy Get Together

Shared Conception wants to give you an idea of our fabulous sisterhood of surrogates. Not many people, other than our surrogates can get this point of view. We felt it is important to give anyone considering surrogacy, an idea of this support system that is available for you to receive when you’re a surrogate with Shared Conception.  A few times a year, our group of women warriors, surrogates of the past, present and future, get together and bond over yummy food, fun games and a ton of supportive conversations. Most recently, we even had a surrogate with an upcoming transfer get her first progesterone shot at the gathering! There wasn’t a better group of women to do this with! She had a huge amount of support making her feel better about administering the injection. Some ladies even demonstrated a “how to” tutorial for the matched surrogates who will be beginning their medication in the near future. The end result was… “It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be!” At this White Elephant party which was held at the founder of Shared Conception’s house, Shiva Landry, surrogates shared stories about each of their journeys’. Some were in the beginning, middle or end of a journey. Others were recently matched, while a few had transfer dates approaching, and there were many 2ndand even 3rdtime surrogates there! No matter what stage of the journey they were in, all were able to learn and laugh together.  One of the most important factors in your journey as a surrogate is a support system. The more, the merrier! Choosing Shared Conception as your agency, guarantees unlimited support throughout, and even after your journey. Call for a no pressure conversation to see if surrogacy is something you would like to pursue. 

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Surrogacy in 2019

With the start of 2019, Shared Conception would like to wish you a Happy New Year! Here’s to all things good as we see another year come and go. We found the most common New Year’s Resolutions – do any of yours match up with the following?

1.     Lose Weight

2.     Get Organized

3.     Spend Less Money, Save More $$

4.     Enjoy Life to the Fullest

5.     Get Healthy & More Active

6.     Learn Something New

7.     Quit Smoking

8.     Help Others

9.     Find Love

10.  Spend More Time with Family

At our surrogacy agency, our chief goal is #8, “help others… in their dreams.”  As an Intended Parent or someone thinking of becoming an Intended Parent, now is a great time to finally make your dream of becoming a parent come true. This yearis the time to research what it means to use our top-of-the-line surrogacy agency and how to successfully navigate the role of being an Intended Parent. Making the first step can hopefully lead to you, the beginning of your family!

As a surrogate mother, you also have the opportunity to literally “help others in their dreams.”  Imagine being able to give the gift of a baby, the gift of life, to a family who so yearns to parent and lovingly raise a child. This is also the perfect time for you to start researching what it means to have a baby for another family. It’s never too early tostart prepping your body (through a healthy diet and exercise) to carry a baby.  It’s a great time to call our agency and start the screening process. 

It’s such a treat to start the new year with a clean slate. Let’s intentionally write the words to our own life story. Peruse the above-mentioned resolutions (pay close attention to #8), and determine how this new year will unfold for you and your family. Happy New Year!


Surrogacy in Your Workplace

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Telling co-workers about your surrogacy can be stressful. After all, it is a very personal choice. But a blossoming belly cannot be unseen. Although this conversation may seem overwhelming, you have time to decide when to share and how to explain your situation. 

If you have an open relationship with your boss, team or coworkers and feel as though the news would be celebrated, then sharing the news of your surrogacy will seem easy. Take advantage of this by educating others on the benefits and process of the amazing journey you are about to embark on. Even let others take the ride with you! Any additional positive support is never a bad thing. You will not have to worry about making excuses for your absence from the office for the transfer, weekly doctor’s appointments and the days you are not feeling your best in your first trimester. 

If you do not feel comfortable sharing with others until much later in the process, you have plenty of time. Deciding to wait until a positive pregnancy test or even until the end of the first trimester allows you to keep your secret a bit longer in the upsetting event of an early miscarriage. Always know that you are not required to tell your boss the reason you are missing work for medically related absences. 

There is no right or wrong time to bring up this delicate conversation. The ball is in your court and time is on your side. Open communication may not be the most comfortable option but is the easiest way to ensure a stress-free work environment which allows your coworkers the opportunity to ask questions and grasp an understanding of your very important and special journey. Call us at Shared Conception, we are effective, efficient and promise to share lots of successful tips and advice!

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Pregnancy Holiday Attire!

This holiday season, it is possible to be pregnant, stylish and most importantly, comfortable. We have compiled websites and outfits for every size, shape and budget. Shared Conception will help you celebrate the holidays and ring in the new year in style!


Whether you’re looking for a tight-fitting contour dress, roomy sweater dress or flowing maxi dress, Pink Blushhas every style for every body-type in maternity and maternity plus sizes. These seasonal dresses range in prices to fit all budgets from $25 to $135. Also, receive an extra discount if you sign up for their mailing list.


Have a Macy’s card? Take advantage of their daily sales and deals when shopping for your festive belly bump!  Macy’sfits all budgets, styles and trimesters! They even have an option to shop according to trimester and post-pregnancy. You can find the latest flowy tops and allow your appetite to take control at any upcoming party.


Targetis also a great option for our budgeting and blossoming pregnant warriors of all sizes. You can even find dresses for those of us, post baby who are pumping for our surro babes. Velvet is a hot trend this season, and Target offers adorable skirts, shirts and dresses in this festive material.


If you want to stretch your budget and go all out, A Pea in the Podhas great sales and free shipping over $100. We get it, trying on dresses is a labor-intensive process. Relieve some of that stress by ordering a few dresses and sending back those that don’t fit with your type of beauty. Be careful of returns in the mail and learn about your store’s return policies, before you press “confirm order”.


Shared Conception wishes all of our past, present and future Surrogates and Intended Parents a happy and healthy Holiday. If you are interested in Surrogacy, the process, becoming one, or if you would like to inquire about our services, give us a call today.






Pregnancy during the Holiday Season

The holidays can be overwhelming while pregnant. Granted, there is a lot of running around during the holiday season, but the quality time you get to spend with your friends and family should be savored. And being pregnant throughout this joyous season can be the best thing for a surrogate.


It starts with Thanksgiving and all its yummy food and non-stop eating. Allow an extra portion, or an extra scoop of mashed potatoes because – you deserve it! And most importantly – you can indulge on desserts!  Pregnancy intensifies many of your senses, including taste. So, all those delectable desserts can taste like the best thing you’ve ever had. It’s a great time to use those 300 extra calories your body needs every day.


Being cozy and comfortable is essential while pregnant, and the holidays are no exception. So if you can’t find the perfect holiday outfit – it’s okay. Take the pressure off yourself and know that no matter what you wear, everyone will think you and your bump are adorable in your tunic and leggings.


Pregnancy is an emotional time. This is a positive time of year and after all, the season of good cheer. This holiday brings on a cloud of happiness the you can revel in. If you find yourself on the emotional side, relax; you have a pass since you are pregnant. So turn up the Christmas tunes and cozy up with a book, blanket and decaf mocha to make yourself feel better.


Shared Conception is always here to talk to our surrogates. If you are interested in pursuing a journey and giving the gift of family, call us today!





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Four Books for Children of Surrogates

Many surrogates ask us about talking with their children about being a surrogate. There are a handful of books designed to help children understand how one happy family can help to create another. These books convey age-appropriate messages. Our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception, recommends the following books.

#1 The Kangaroo Pouch

This tale of a family created through surrogacy, is a brilliant, clear understanding of what is sometimes a complex conversation for adults to share with a child.

The Kangaroo Pouch introduces young children, ages 2 to 8, to the concept of surrogacy. The story is narrated by a young kangaroo named Oliver whose mother has decided to help another family have a baby. The Kangaroo Pouch gently guides the reader on the surrogacy journey and answers questions they may have such as, why would someone choose to be a surrogate? What will family life be like during the pregnancy?  And most importantly, what happens when the surrogate baby is born and given back to their biological parents?

The Kangaroo Pouch is designed to act not only as a conversation starter, but also as a “how to” manual for children to refer to throughout the surrogacy journey. The book has been reviewed by child specialists to ensure that it conveys age-appropriate messages.


#2 What Makes a Baby

Geared to readers from preschool to age eight, What Makes a Baby is a book for every kind of family and every kind of kid. It is a twenty-first century children’s picture book about conception, gestation, and birth, which reflects the reality of our modern time by being inclusive of all kinds of kids, adults, and families. How many people were involved, their orientation, gender or family composition, are not taken into account in this book. Just as important, the story doesn’t gender people or body parts, so most parents and families will find that it leaves room for them to educate their child without having to erase their own experience. Written by sexuality educator Cory Silverberg and illustrated by award-winning Canadian artist Fiona Smyth, What Makes a Baby is fun to look at and useful to read.


#3 And Tango Makes Three

This book is a great option for surrogates with intended parents who are gay.

This tale, based on a true story about a charming penguin family living in New York City’s Central Park Zoo, will capture the hearts of penguin lovers everywhere. Roy and Silo, two male penguins, are “a little bit different.” They cuddle and share a nest like the other penguin couples, and when all the others start hatching eggs, they want to be parents too.

Determined and hopeful, they bring an egg-shaped rock back to their nest and proceed to start caring for it. They have little luck, until a watchful zookeeper decides they deserve a chance at having their own family and gives them an egg in need of nurturing. The dedicated and enthusiastic fathers do a great job of hatching their funny and adorable daughter, and the three can still be seen at the zoo today. Done in soft watercolors, the illustrations set the tone for this uplifting story, and readers will find it hard to resist the penguins’ comical expressions. The well-designed pages perfectly marry words and pictures, allowing readers to savor each illustration. An author’s note provides more information about Roy, Silo, Tango, and other chinstrap penguins. This joyful story about the meaning of family, is a must for any library.


#4 The Very Kind Koala: A Surrogacy Story for Children

 The Very Kind Koala is an adorable picture book for children as young as three, and introduces surrogacy with a story of a koala bear and her husband who need the help of a very kind koala to carry their baby in her pouch.

Shared Conception will advise you on any aspect of your surrogacy journey. We are ready to receive your call!

Resources: www.Amazon.com

why a previous pregnancy to become a surrogate

Surrogacy as a Single Mom

Another frequently asked question we often discuss with potential surrogates is: “Can I become a surrogate if I am a single mom?” The answer is a big “YES!” Some of our best surrogates are strong and empowered single mothers. Single moms also have the desire to help others create a family.


If you are looking into surrogacy and are an independent woman that has a longing to give back with this amazing gift, you can become a surrogate. As with married women who become surrogates, there are slightly different requirements to become a gestational carrier as a single woman.


A single surrogate attends both screening and match meetings by herself. Shared Conception contacts your self-appointed primary support person to ensure that you, as a potential surrogate, are provided with the support needed throughout the journey.


We do not expect you to put your life on hold going through the matching process and throughout the pregnancy. While you may be single initially, or throughout stages of pregnancy, dating is allowed during the course of your journey. We even have had a couple situations where a single surrogate has met their husbands during their journey. If you decide to date, we stress that you should be upfront and honest with your significant other. Make sure that you are clear about your circumstances in your developing relationships.


In our experience, when you are matched and begin your journey as a single surrogate, there is no clause about dating in your surrogacy contract. There are no set of rules for dating but, it is highly recommended not to have sex with any partner that has not been tested for STD’s. Contracting an STD when carrying can impose serious legal risks for the surrogate along with health risks for the baby.


Shared Conception is happy to talk with you about any new relationships and ways to discuss your situation.


Many of our single surrogates tell us that, in certain ways, going through a journey is freeing and empowering. If you are a single woman considering surrogacy, we understand that you may have plenty of questions. Shared Conception can help you navigate this important decision and help answer any additional questions you may have. Call us today.