egg retrievals

Egg Retrievals

Starting the surrogacy process is an exciting time. But a lot of preparation goes into the process. Most importantly an embryo has to be created for transfer. Many of our intended parents already have embryos ready for a surrogate, but some do not. In this case, egg retrieval is a major part of the process and the intended mother has to be prepared.

Before beginning the process of egg retrieval several screenings are required. These include:

  • Ovarian reserve testing (blood tests to determine the quantity and quality of your eggs and how your ovaries will respond to fertility medication)
  • Mock embryo transfer (determines the depth of your uterine cavity and the technique that is needed to most likely result in a successful embryo transfer)
  • Infectious disease screening (HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C).

The intended mother undergoes a process very similar to in-vitro fertilization. The egg-retrieval process takes approximately 4 to 6 weeks to complete and includes: 2-to-4 weeks of self-administered hormone injections and birth control pills to temporarily turn off natural hormones and 10-to-14 days of hormone injections to stimulate the ovaries and ripen multiple eggs.

Once the eggs have matured, a needle under ultrasound guidance removes them while the intended mother is under sedation. After retrieval, the eggs are fertilized and transferred to the surrogate. Sometimes the embryos are frozen until the intended mother has found a surrogate and is ready to attempt pregnancy.

Afterwards, a series of medications are prescribed, which may include an antibiotic to prevent infection, a steroid to reduce any inflammation in the reproductive organs, and hormonal supplements to provide extra support to the endometrial lining. It is important to take these medications exactly as prescribed. Also, refraining from sexual intercourse for a period of time, avoiding submerging yourself in water (bubble baths), and using a pad instead of tampons are advised.

Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support you throughout the pregnancy. Interested in surrogacy? Give us a call today! We would love to hear from you!



Home Pregnancy Test after IVF?

Home Pregnancy Test after IVF

After the IVF process comes the 2-week wait. This is when the embryo will hopefully implant and begin to grow, while you nurture and care for it. After this wait, you take your first clinical blood test to confirm pregnancy. This may feel like the longest 2 weeks of your life. It doesn’t help that in many cases, you are required to be on bed rest for three days following the procedure. It can be maddening and you may be tempted to take a home pregnancy test on your own. Before you do this, please consider the intended parents. Some intended parents prefer that the surrogate not take a home pregnancy test so they can get the results with the blood test.

However, for those who do take a home pregnancy test before their first blood test, here is the scoop.

Home pregnancy tests measure the presence of a pregnancy hormone that is produced by the placenta in your urine, called hCG or human chorionic gonadotropin. Although the tests may be able to detect the hormone in your urine and give you a positive result, most tests aren’t sensitive enough to guarantee you accurate results.

The following tests are the best on the market according to the New York Times:

First Response Early Result – Most sensitive, easy to read

The First Response Early Result manual test is the most sensitive over-the-counter pregnancy test you can buy. It gives accurate results as or more quickly than most of the tests we considered and is just as easy to read as a digital test.

Clearblue Rapid Detection – Nice design, less sensitive

This test has a nice, usable design, with a big sponge tip, but it’s harder to hold and less sensitive than the First Response manual test.

ClinicalGuard HCG Pregnancy Test Strips – A cheap supplemental test

Cheap and simple, you can blow through a ton of these strip tests without spending much. But they don’t have the lab-verified accuracy of more expensive tests.

 Some surrogates start testing as early as five days post transfer but beware that the line may not show up that early or it may be extremely faint!

Whether you decide to wait for the blood test or try one of these home pregnancy tests, we’re keeping our fingers crossed for you and hoping for a safe, happy and successful surrogacy journey! Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give us a call today or visit and let’s talk!



positive body changes while pregnant

Positive Body Changes in Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings forth many changes. To your life, your body, your mood, etc. In this article we would like to focus on the positive aspects of change that occur while pregnant. Even as a surrogate, besides helping to create a family, pregnancy brings many other positive changes. Several of those changes are great benefits to your body. The following are some of the top benefits that you may not know.

  • Decreased Menstrual Cramps:Your menstrual cycle should resume after childbirth. And, some women find that they have fewer cramps or their menstrual pain ceases altogether. This pain reduction is a well-known phenomenon, but there is no certainty as to why it occurs. One theory is that childbirth eliminates some of the prostaglandin receptor sites in the uterus. Prostaglandins; hormones that direct the uterus to contract during labor, also play a role in monthly menstrual pain. Fewer pain-receptor sites equal fewer cramps.
  • Lower cancer risk:Pregnancy may be an effective protector against breast and ovarian cancers. The more pregnancies you go through, the greater the effect. In addition, some research has found that breastfeeding (or pumping if you’re a surrogate) for more than three months can also lower your risk of certain cancers.
  • Heightened Senses:Pregnancy seems to enhance your sense of taste and smell. Unfortunately, there are those smells that create nausea in early pregnancy but can also make foods especially tasty and delicious later on. This is credited to higher levels of estrogen.
  • Healthy lifestyle:Pregnancy causes many women to create various kinds of positive health changes and to drop bad habits. These new healthy habits institute a healthier lifestyle that we can hopefully carry out even after birth.
  • Confidence Boost:Did you know that labor and delivery are compared to a marathon? There is a huge sense of accomplishment while pregnant and especially after giving birth. Carrying a child is the ultimate do-it-yourself project that is sure to make any woman proud; not to mention the joy of knowing that as a surrogate, you helped complete a family!

In addition to your own happiness and sense of accomplishment, you are helping create a family, which many others cannot do. You are selfless, special, empowered and you’re giving an incredible gift to a family in need.

Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support you throughout the pregnancy. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you!



Surviving Bed Rest

Bedrest? Try this!

For the couple of days after the embryo transfer, or even possibly during a surrogate’s journey,  the doctor may order bed rest. This may sound like a mini vacation to some, or a prison sentence to others. But, believe it or not, time spent in bed can actually be very productive. Here are some ideas to help you relax, be productive or curb any kind of boredom.

  1. Hop on that computer! There is so much you can do from a laptop; from improving your typing skills to free tutorials for Photoshop, there is an array of programs that you can use to boost your value. You could always put together that photobook from the thousands of photos you have stored on the cloud. Even blogging and journaling about your surrogacy journey is an excellent option to let those creative juices flow!
  2. Study a new language. While in bed, you have the opportunity to listen to do an online foreign language learning program; such as the free program; Duolingo. You can even read some books about the language you’re learning. It would be fun to practice by speaking to the baby!
  3. Learn a craft.You may have always wanted to learn how to knit and now you have your chance! There are all sorts of project kits that are available including knitting, sewing, making your own jewelry, painting, card making, calligraphy, and even scrap booking. You could even make something for the baby! Make sure to use a serving tray or lap desk as a work surface. That way you aren’t digging around for kit parts that get lost in the bed. And purchase in advance so you are prepared and occupied for your mini vacation
  4. Take an online class.If you’re aware you are going to be on bed rest for several months, you can take a regular length online class. If you are going to be on bed rest for 3-to-6 weeks, you can take accelerated classes that are shorter and more intense. Check online for free courses or your local community college that will offer low-cost ones.
  5. Read a book.This is a great way to entertain yourself and pass the time. Most of us have not touched an actual book in quite a while. We are busy and have little time to ourselves these days. This is the perfect time to take advantage and read.

These are just a few things you could do while resting and passing the time as a surrogate on bed rest. Take this time to enjoy yourself and your time!

Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give us a call today or visit and let’s talk!

how to be a surrogate mother

Become a Surrogate!

A lot of us are lucky enough to be able to think, discuss and waiver on having another little one added to our family. These days are chaotic, unpredictable and ever-changing. We can feel overwhelmed at times and the thought of another baby is bittersweet. Yet, there are many couples that cannot even think about having a baby, and simply because they can’t. We are not all blessed with fertility.

Infertility is on the rise. It’s more common than most people think. Today, about 1 in 6 couples wishing to conceive and sadly experience infertility. This then, leads many to the long road of fertility treatments. The use of assisted reproductive techniques is also increasing due to a greater need. Unfortunately, these treatments don’t work for everybody. And, more times than not, a woman does not get answers as to why she cannot conceive. This does not leave out the increasing numbers of male infertility issues either. There are so many people struggling to achieve a family – and that’s where we come in.

“We” are Shared Conception. A highly-rated surrogacy agency looking for strong, courageous and just plain wonderful women looking to help create a family. It takes a special woman to become a surrogate mother. Now, there are the physical, medical and emotional requirements. But, it requires someone with a big heart. Surrogate mothers are selfless, loving and overall amazing! They help others in times of need, love being pregnant and want to share one of the most precious moments of people’s lives.

Shared Conception works hard to simplify the surrogate process for all of our potential surrogates, from start to finish (and even after). We will walk you through what may seem like a complicated process and are with you every step of the way! If you are interested in making someone’s dreams come true, contact Shared Conception today! Or, visit our website and fill out a contact form and see if you prequalify. Visit for more information.

Pregnant Woman Feeling Sick

Morning Sickness

For those who have struggled with morning sickness, there is a list of approved products that are safe for you and the baby. Although it’s a short list, and even shorter for the first trimester, there are some home remedies that may work even better. We all have those remedies passed down from our moms, grandmas and great-grandmas and what all of your friends suggest. However, before venturing into the world of homeopathic remedies, always check with your doctor and refer to your surrogate contract before taking anything herbal or over-the-counter. It’s better to double check with the pros and be safe than sorry. You never know what recent discoveries have been made about the safety of home remedies. And remember, there is never such a thing as too many, or too stupid of a question when it comes to your health. This is especially true when it comes to prenatal care.

And be careful of that stuffy nose you’ve got. It may not even be a cold in the first place.

A lot of woman are congested during their pregnancy; it’s a common condition called Rhinitis of Pregnancy and it has nothing to do with allergies or a viral infection. It has to do with high amounts of estrogen and blood in your body causing swelling in the mucus membranes and blood vessels in your nose. This leads to congestion, runny nose, sneezing and mild headaches. Unfortunately, your risk of sinus infections also increase when you are pregnant, so if you feel pressure, pain, have a cough, fever, swelling or any other symptoms, contact your provider for help.

Another culprit…

Feeling those pesky allergies that you had before the pregnancy? They run amuck once you get pregnant and can increase in potency. There are a few medications a doctor can prescribe for you that are safe to take, but it may be best to just try to stay away from the source for a while, considering that you can get pregnancy rhinitis in addition to those lovely allergies!

So what do you do?

You can try to avoid anything that may be an irritant. Do your workout indoors on days when the air quality is poor. Stay away from smokers, paint and chemical fumes (which you should be doing anyways) and get your partner to dust and clean any mold and/or pet dander from inside your home. As mentioned before, there are so many different methods and home remedies out there. These are just a few.

Interested in learning how to be a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an info request form! We would love to hear from you!




Giving the baby to intended parents

Giving Baby to Intended Parents

Is It Hard to Give Up the Baby?

As a two-time surrogate, this has always been the first question asked after anyone finds out that I have been a gestational carrier. The short answer is “no.” I became a surrogate to help fulfill someone else’s dream of having a family. I was performing a service that the intended parent could not. It was my job to care for, nurture and help grow their precious cargo that I carried for 39 weeks. After all, I had my own children to come home to and care for.

And to be honest, my favorite part of the surrogacy journey was seeing the doctor hand the baby to the intended parents. In both cases, it took years for these parents to have their baby put into their arms. I was elated to have been a part in the creation of their family; which I still am a part of today.

Being a surrogate is not for everyone and not just anyone can do it. On top of being medically evaluated, my husband and I went through a psychological evaluation to ensure that we were both mentally prepared for the journey. Some people I have talked to, cannot even imagine doing anything like it. I only wish they could have walked a mile in my shoes. I found support and a common bond, through Shared Conception, with many strong, beautiful and empowering women like myself. All of us have loved being a surrogate and giving the gift of life to a family.

I always loved being pregnant. I knew this was something I could do. I loved my first surrogacy journey so much, that I did it again! I thoroughly enjoyed making someone’s dream, a reality. If you are interested in becoming a surrogate, I highly recommend Shared Conception. Their experience and expertise in the process made me feel completely supported and is the reason I chose to do another journey.

Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give them a call today or visit! Even if you have questions, ask for a quick, no pressure consultation by phone.

– Written by Courtney; a Shared Conception surrogate

Nesting During Pregnancy 722x406

Nesting as a Surrogate

Nesting is natural. Animals even do it. This ritual is ingrained in us! Nesting is when a pregnant woman prepares for her soon to arrive bundle of joy! However, you are most likely to reach for that feather duster rather than real feathers! As a surrogate, the big difference is that you are not preparing for an arrival, but rather a joyous departure. But the instinct is still there, and many of our surrogates have used it to their advantage. Nesting usually occurs in the middle to end of the third trimester and sometimes earlier. This instinct is just as powerful in humans as it is in animals.

This is a great time to clean out that pantry, reorganize your kitchen and finish some of those DIY projects you started. Stay productive and safe. Some activities that are satisfying and safe are: sweeping out the garage, finding matches for all those missing socks, or organizing your drawers and closets. Your partner may think you are insane, but just tell them to “go with it.” It is nice to get that burst of energy that you may have been longing for, and your family will benefit from it. Who doesn’t need some organization in their life?

Of course, every surrogate has a different journey and everyone’s body is different. There is nothing wrong, if the nesting urge doesn’t occur. Shared Conception encourages all surrogates to enjoy these moments as they all form the unique experience of helping create another family.

Shared Conception pledges to wholeheartedly support you throughout the pregnancy. Interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today or visit to fill out an application request form! We would love to hear from you!



Reasons To Actually Love Your Summer Pregnancy 1280x960

Pregnant? Beat the heat this summer!

Believe it or not, there are some advantages to being pregnant in the summer. You don’t have to worry about squeezing your swollen feet into shoes when you have the option to wear sandals, and those stylish flowy dresses are very comfortable and chic.

But, with temperatures in Texas already climbing and becoming more muggy, it can get unbearable. Summer can also pose some of its own risks to those that are pregnant. Overheating is very common and scary.

Here are some ways to remain cool and comfy this summer:

  1. Drink water. You need an extra 2-4 glasses of water a day when you are carrying. Stay hydrated. Carry a water bottle with you everywhere you go. The sudden urge of thirst can sneak up on you at any time. Make it tasty by adding a slice of lemon, cucumber or lime for a hint of flavor.
  2. Seek shade. Over exposure to the sun, puts you at risk even more while pregnant. Not only can it cause you to overheat, but if your skin is prone to melasma (dark patches that appear on your skin) the shade can help prevent it.
  3. Changes in body temperature can be risky. It’s hot outside and cool inside. Your body is in overdrive when it has to continually adjust to temperature. If you find yourself outside for long periods of time, wear light, breathable clothing, a wide-brimmed hat and have your water handy.
  4. Putting your feet up is part of your job! When it is hot, our feet, ankles and legs swell up faster. Even if you are working, put a stool underneath your desk for an invisible relief!
  5. Take a cool shower. This will not only cool down your body but help minimize swelling. This will also help you relax before bed. And remember, there is no limit to cool showers! Some of our Shared Conception surrogates have told us that they take multiple showers a day!

Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Give us a call today or visit and let’s talk!





Surplus Embryos

When dealing with infertility, there are so many crucial decisions that have to be made. It is truly exhausting. Many parents who have struggled with infertility, find themselves with a surplus of embryos and struggle with the decision of what do with them.

When parents are going through fertility treatments, they usually want as many embryos as possible, in case it takes more than one try to get pregnant. It’s common to need to do more than one transfer; even to a surrogate.  Also, the parents might want extra embryos for a future sibling. So, what happens when their family is complete and they find themselves with a surplus of embryos?

This topic has become controversial and has even made headlines. We all remember the famous, or infamous California mom who implanted all eight of her embryos and delivered all eight babies because she couldn’t fathom disposing or donating any of her embryos. But not everyone is up to that challenge. So, what are the options?

Parents have the option of keeping the embryos in storage, disposing of them, donating to research or donating to an infertile couple. The latest research shows that many couples don’t know what to do and continue to pay storage fees year after year. Most parents feel a sense of responsibility for their embryos. They still count them as their children – their offspring; so donating them to research seems cold to them. Furthermore, donating to research can pose a problem due to current federal legislation.

Letting another infertile couple adopt their embryos would be a very sweet and unselfish act if the parents can live with the knowledge that their biological children are out there in the world somewhere.

In the meantime, storage facilities continue to host hundreds of thousands of embryos until parents make those difficult decisions.

There is no easy answer to this question and parents will have to come to their own conclusion.

Are you and your partner storing embryos and unable to carry on your own? Surrogacy is a great option. We can match you with the perfect candidate and will be with you throughout this incredible journey. If you are interested in locating a surrogate visit and contact us! We would love to hear from you.