is surrogacy possible with your tubes tied?

Surrogacy with a tubal ligation? 

We often get asked if it is possible to become a surrogate after having permanent birth control procedures such as tubal ligation. The short answer is yes. It is even ideal. However, some requirements must be fulfilled before you can become a surrogate after a tubal ligation.

What is tubal ligation?

Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure utilized to prevent pregnancy. It’s more commonly known as “getting your tubes tied.” The fallopian tubes are cut, tied, or blocked to permanently stop the egg from traveling from the ovaries through the fallopian tubes and blocks sperm from traveling up the fallopian tubes to the egg. Tubal ligation is a common type of permanent pregnancy prevention completed in a hospital or surgical clinic. It’s also reversible, but results from a reversal are not guaranteed and not always possible.


While this procedure prevents pregnancy, it does not prevent menstruation. However, that still means your uterus can provide a hospitable environment for an embryo, making surrogacy a possible option. How? During surrogacy, a woman is not genetically related to the child she is carrying. Since the IVF process doesn’t require her eggs, fallopian tubes are not needed to become pregnant; just a uterus.


Why is it ideal?

Think of tubal ligation as another layer of protection against pregnancy of your own as you prepare your body to carry an embryo. With tubal ligation, it is highly unlikely that you will get pregnant with your own child. You will still need to take fertility medication to prepare your body for the embryo transfer and pregnancy. Also, having had a tubal ligation means you have decided your family is complete, which will play a part in you becoming the ideal surrogacy candidate.


Call Shared Conception today!

Remember, there are other requirements you can find here to become a surrogate, including being physically and emotionally prepared for the process ahead. For more information and to see if you meet the requirements, call us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more details. Or, visit to get started on an application to become a surrogate!




New Year's Surrogacy Resolution

A New Year’s Resolution

A resolution is defined as a promise to do something special or different in the upcoming year. Well? Do something special in 2022 and help create a family with Shared Conception. Make this year different. Make a resolution to help create a family.

Becoming a surrogate will be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Talk to us! We will share the many reasons to be a surrogate. Shared Conception is one of the best surrogacy agencies in Houston and Dallas that will take you through your surrogacy journey every step of the way!

As a surrogate, you are not only giving the gift of life, but you are giving your family a financial boost as well. Our surrogates all agree that compensation is not the only reason they chose to become a surrogate, but it is a well-deserved benefit of surrogacy. Surrogacy also gives you a new outlook on life. You see the world from a different perspective with a more open mind and understanding of people from different walks of life.

A Shared Conception surrogate is an amazing woman who enjoys pregnancy and wants to do something special for a family in need. If you have had a complication-free pregnancy, but love being pregnant, surrogacy allows you to become pregnant once more time (and sometimes twice). And, with us, you automatically become a part of our surrogate family that includes other amazing women who have chosen to give the gift of life. You are never alone. Our fantastic staff and supportive community of surrogates will give you the support you need throughout your journey.

There are several requirements to become a surrogate, for more information, click here. Why not take the next step and open a dialogue with Shared Conception? Give us a call today. We want you to be informed, fulfilled, and satisfied knowing you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way.  Also, you can visit to begin an application to become a gestational surrogate and find out more information!



Merry Christmas from Shared Conception!

Merry Christmas from Shared Conception

This time of year, Shared Conception likes to reflect and take a moment to express our gratitude towards our family of staff, surrogates, and intended parents. Nothing gives us more pleasure than to see the happiness we create.


Our surrogates inspire us with their selflessness and commitment to helping families’ dreams become a reality. Being able to bless a family despite infertility, age, sexual orientation, or medical barriers is an unforgettable and empowering experience. We want all our surrogates to walk away from their journey with a deep sense of pride and satisfaction. Shared Conception is proud to guide them throughout their journey(s).


Intended parents inspire us with their strength, dedication, and perseverance to build their families despite the struggles they may have faced along the way. We applaud their positive thinking and patience throughout the journey, although we know it’s hard to contain the excitement of what is to come.


Our incredible staff has guided many of our clients (surrogates and intended parents) with care and expertise to fulfilling their dreams. Nothing gives us more joy than seeing intended parents hold a child they have longed for in their arms for the first time. This cannot be done without our caring team at Shared Conception.


“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”

–John Bunyan


You can also take this opportunity to experience the gift of life and take on this admirable position. If you are interested in becoming a surrogate and would like to learn more, or a hopeful parent interested in speaking with Shared Conception, give us a call or visit for more information. Happy Holidays!

how to be a surrogate mother

Surrogacy Process for IP’s

Shared Conception is eager to find the right surrogate for you! We look forward to going through the surrogacy process with you. It is our wish to be at your side during this unique surrogate pregnancy process and are just as excited for you to finally hold your baby in your arms!

Intended parents will efficiently navigate through the following stages.

  • Initial consultation – this one-hour consultation is to connect and answer any questions you may have about surrogacy. Many of our intended parents like to discuss timing, expenses, contracts, and other concerns involving their family. If you choose to go forward with us after the consultation, you will be asked to fill out our application form. Read more about the initial consultation process here, on our website.
  • Matching process – After the initial meeting and completed application, we begin the process of finding the ideal surrogate for you. For more information on the matching process, visit our website or click here.
  • Psychological screening and evaluation – these evaluations are vital to ensure that all parties are suitable for the surrogacy process. All evaluations are conducted by a licensed mental health professional. For more information, click here.
  • Medical screening – With the help of Shared Conception, we coordinate surrogates to participate in a medical evaluation. Each IVF center has different requirements so a Shared Conception representative coordinates with the clinic for you.
  • Legal surrogacy process – We provide a referral list of family attorneys that specialize in the surrogacy process and Reproductive Law. Contracts are required prior to beginning the embryo transfer cycle. Also, an escrow account is established at this time to cover costs for medications, co-pays, and other costs outlined in your contract.
  • Embryo transfer – The moment you have been waiting for! This is when the embryo is placed for implantation and monitored for a viable pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy – We will remain a part of your support system throughout the pregnancy (and after) and will be available to help you navigate through this wonderful time. Our goal is to have your experience be as joyful as possible.
  • Preparing for the birth – There are necessary documents that will be prepared by your attorney. Shared Conception will help verify that all the paperwork is in order for peace of mind allowing you to focus on the wonderful gift you are about to receive.
  • Birth – This is the end to the entire process and a family is created!


If you are interested in having a surrogate, let Shared Conceptions make your dreams of a family a reality. Contact us today and we will help you get one step closer to the child you have always wanted. Call us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more information. Visit for more information.

Portugal surrogacy laws in the news

Portugal in the News

Portugal has recently been in the news regarding its surrogacy laws. The Portuguese parliament has adopted a law allowing surrogacy, which received applause from The National Council for Medically Assisted Procreation.

The Portuguese law allows commercial arrangements in which a couple hires a woman to be a gestational carrier. The legislation requires the potential surrogate to be a mother already. The contract must be authorized first by the National Council for Medically Assisted Procreation, the Portuguese branch that oversees the entire process.

Portugal has undergone several modifications regarding this topic in recent years. Initially, on August 22, 2016, surrogacy became authorized and then came into force on August 1, 2017. However, the statute was taken to the Supreme Court in 2018 and was declared unconstitutional until this November (2021).

And, there is still a great deal of controversy surrounding this topic between parties. For example, only the US and Canada allow male couples to have children born through surrogacy, allowing both men to equally have parental rights and both of their names on the child’s birth certificate. These laws are why male couples interested in surrogacy must go the international route.

Surrogacy is a long process, and those who choose international surrogacy can have a more difficult time. Shared Conception has had many successful journeys with our international clients, and our expertise in the process can make a smooth, happy, and beautiful journey for everyone.

If you are interested in having a surrogate, let Shared Conceptions make your dreams of a family a reality. Give us a call today, and we will help you get one step closer to the child you have always wanted. Visit for more information.


reasons to use a surrogacy agency

5 Ways an Agency Helps Intended Parents

If you decide to use a surrogate to expand your family, you must consider whether or not you would like to work with a surrogacy agency or independently. The independent route may be slightly more cost-effective, but it also can be more stressful and uncertain. Many details are involved in a surrogacy arrangement and working with an agency such as Shared Conception can make this process less stressful and confusing.

  1. We are the experts 

Embarking on a surrogacy journey is very complicated. Like a chess game, many moving pieces need to be managed, and often at the same time. A lot of legalities, planning, and coordinating go into a journey. Shared Conception has a professional team full of experts who make dreams come true every day, allowing you to focus on enjoying the experience and preparing for your new baby.

  1. Put the pressure on us

Not everything is perfect, even a surrogacy journey, and there are a lot of bumps in the road and other scenarios that can happen. The beauty of using an agency is that we can prevent many problems from arising or take care of any problems if they do occur. We will be by your side every step of the way.

  1. Legal mumbo jumbo

Unless you have a law degree, this part will be difficult. There is a legal side to a surrogacy arrangement with contracts and documents that can be overwhelming. Shared Conception will refer you to a list of highly respected and competent lawyers you can choose to work with. Having a lawyer helps your journey stay on track, and you don’t have to worry about acquiring legal representation.

  1. We are there for you from beginning to end (and beyond)!

Managing a journey is very time-consuming on both the surrogate and intended parent sides. Our services help surrogates and intended parents come together with a lot less stress, pressure, and inconveniences an independent surrogacy can create.

  1. Monetary Benefits

There are a lot of fees and payments that go to different sources during the entire process. We use an escrow company utterly independent of our agency. Your money is deposited into an attorney-controlled interest-bearing escrow account. This way, you or your surrogate will have to worry about bills being paid on time, giving you extra peace of mind.

If you are interested in having a surrogate, let Shared Conceptions make your dreams of a family a reality. Give us a call today, and we will help you get one step closer to the child you have always wanted. Visit for more information.



intimacy when pregnant

Sex during Surrogacy

One of the questions we are asked from our potential surrogate mothers is if they can have sex while she is pregnant. The short answer is yes. But, there are a few conditions. Initially, it is not recommended to have intercourse before and after the embryo transfer. If you are a surrogate with a spouse or partner, you (the surrogate) and her partner are tested for sexually transmitted diseases. And, as long as these tests are negative, sex is allowed in monogamous relationships, married or not.

All the single ladies

Unless it is in your contract, there is no set of defined rules for having sex for our single surrogates. However, it is essential to be monogamous. Your partner should be free from infectious disease as there is a chance that an infection can be transferred to the baby through the mother.

If there are complications

If there are any complications throughout the pregnancy, your doctor may prohibit sexual intercourse for as long as the complication continues and give you the green light when it is safe for surrogate and for baby. Keep in mind, every journey is different and doctors have different views about the limits of sexual activity. So check with your doctor about this topic – and don’t be afraid to ask!

Benefits to sex

There are benefits to having sex while pregnant.

  • You burn calories. Sex is like exercise. The stronger you are, the easier labor can be.
  • Lower blood pressure. Sex can lower your blood pressure and, in turn, decrease the risk of preeclampsia.
  • Better sleep. You can improve your nights’ rest by being sexually active.

Bottom line, in most cases, after a successful IVF transfer, the surrogate can return to regular, monogamous sexual activity. These practices are standard in all surrogate cases. But always check with your doctor about the best course of action. If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a surrogate, give us a call! You can contact us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more information. Or, visit to get started on an application to become a surrogate.


Surrogate Spouse's POV

A Spouse’s POV on Surrogacy

I am a proud two-time surrogate. I have no problem telling people about it whether they agree with my decision or not, and I do not have a problem answering (sometimes invasive) questions. I take it as an opportunity to debunk myths and educate people about a topic not talked about that often.

Then there’s my husband, who’s supported my decision to become a surrogate and was supportive throughout the journey from IVF to delivery and every needle in between. But there are so many questions my husband faced while I was pregnant (with another man’s baby – and another woman’s baby) that I think are important for other men with wives and partners considering surrogacy should know. After all, it is the “other side” of surrogacy that is even less discussed.

So, I interviewed my husband with the top 5 questions he experienced when I was a surrogate:

  1. How do you get past the fact that your wife is carrying another man’s baby? When my wife explained the whole process to me, it was purely medical – and I thought it was a very selfless thing to do. She always enjoyed pregnancy, so why not do it for a family in need? Not many people asked me if my wife slept with another man – I think they would know me better than to agree to something like that! Although, I did enjoy joking around with close friends and family, saying that my wife was pregnant with another man’s baby! That was one of my favorite things to do when she was on her journey.


  1. Did your wife decide without your consent? Absolutely not! She brought it up to me over dinner one day, and I thought it was a far-fetched idea, and I didn’t even know that surrogacy was a real thing. Then she explained the process to me, told me why she wanted to do it – and through researching the topic more together, we decided it was a great thing to do.


  1. Were you worried you would grow attached to the baby? No, we already knew that we were finished having kids and were very happy with our two boys. The thought of another infant terrified me. But I was happy to have my wife be someone else’s oven for their bun. Knowing the baby was not biologically tied to either of us made it less complicated regarding emotions.


  1. Do you still find your wife attractive (aka how is your sex life)? That’s a great question. And yes! There was not one part of me that ever considered this too weird to be intimate.


  1. How was your relationship with the intended parents?  I enjoy the intended parents from each journey so much, and it is amazing what can bring two couples together. We still maintain special relationships with both of the intended parents from each journey – and they will be lifelong friendships.


Are you interested in learning more about surrogacy or have questions about talking about it with your partner? Give us a call today. We want you to be informed, fulfilled, and satisfied, knowing you can contribute to the world in a unique and precious way. Also, you can visit to find out more information!




The holiday rush and pregnancy

The Holiday Rush

Now that Halloween is behind us and the sugar rush has dissipated, Thanksgiving is next in line. Let’s look forward to yummy comfort food and more family time. Go ahead, take an extra scoop of mashed potatoes because – you deserve it! And most importantly –indulge (not overindulge) on desserts! Pregnancy intensifies many of your senses, including taste. So, all those delectable desserts can taste like the best thing you’ve ever had. It’s a great time to use those 300 extra calories your body needs every day.

Don’t get overwhelmed this holiday season! Savor the moments and enjoy them. It’s not unusual to feel like you can’t keep up between all the riff-raff and running around. Shared Conception understands this can add pressure to an already overworked pregnant body. We have a few tricks up our sleeve to survive and enjoy this time of year.

Being cozy and comfortable is essential while pregnant, and the holidays are no exception. So, if you can’t find the perfect holiday outfit – it’s okay. Take the pressure off yourself and know that everyone will think you and your bump are adorable no matter what you wear, even in your tunic and leggings. If you would like some advice on holiday style, check out our blog on Pregnancy Holiday Attire!

Are you traveling this season? Refer to our blog about Traveling When Pregnant. Always let your doctor know about your travel plans to get the green light. And remember, refer to your contract to avoid any uncomfortable situations regarding travel when you are a surrogate. All contracts are different, and Shared Conception advises you to look at it before making travel arrangements.

Pregnancy is an emotional time. The Holidays are a joyous time of year and, after all, the season of good cheer. This holiday brings on a cloud of happiness you can revel in. If you find yourself more emotional, relax; you have a pass since you are pregnant. So turn up the Holiday music and cozy up with a book, blanket, and decaf mocha to make yourself feel better. Also, read our blog about why the holiday season rocks when you’re pregnant if you need any reminders!

Shared Conception is always here to talk to our surrogates. If you are interested in pursuing a journey and giving the gift of family, call us today!



pregnancy discomforts

Dealing with body changes/pain during pregnancy

As we all know from our bio babes, pregnancy causes so many changes to the body. It can be uncomfortable at times and even downright challenging. Not to mention after giving birth! Although body changes during and after pregnancy are natural, some struggle with keeping a positive body image during and after pregnancy.


After all, taking on the task of becoming a surrogate is not an easy one. Body changes come with the territory but can still be uncomfortable. As you go through your journey, keep some of these things in mind:


Pregnancy doesn’t last forever – enjoy the moment! Even if your body is changing, as it should, focus on the good you are accomplishing, the love and nourishment the baby needs, and the love you need to stay a happy and healthy pregnant surrogate.

Express yourself – talk to your support network! Keeping your feelings and concerns to yourself will do you no good. Or, give Shared Conception a call. We are happy to help!

You are not alone.

Be active – this doesn’t mean exhausting yourself with demanding physical workouts and activity! A walk or swim can help clear your mind and make you feel good!

Treat yourself – get your hair done, nails, pedicure, massage (as long as your doctor approves). Do something for yourself! You may find that self-care can raise your confidence and improve your mood.


Post Delivery

After the baby is born, you must give your body time to adjust. It is essential to provide it with the time it needs to balance itself out. Don’t rush. Some of our surrogates have had success in pumping for their surro-babe or through donating their milk. Pumping releases oxytocin which helps the uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size. You are also more likely to lose the weight gained during pregnancy. That’s a win-win!


We all deal with different changes as all our bodies are not the same. Some women encounter stretch marks, acne, fatigue, etc. These changes can be hard to manage while pregnant and as our hormones balance – even after delivery. But always remember, the most important takeaway from this journey is to know you are delivering a miracle, and it is important to remain confident and comfortable with your body.


Why not take the next step and open a dialogue with Shared Conception? Give us a call today. We want you to be informed, fulfilled, and satisfied, knowing you contributed to the world in a unique and precious way.  Also, you can visit to begin an application to become a gestational surrogate and find out more information!