tips for healthy pregnancy

Tips on How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy as a Surrogate

tips for healthy pregnancySurrogacy offers a wonderful opportunity for individuals to assist a couple in starting their family while also earning additional income for purposes such as paying off student loans, initiating a retirement fund, or securing the down payment for a first home. Typically, women interested in becoming surrogates are in their 20s, 30s, and early 40s and provide a crucial service for couples facing challenges in conceiving naturally.

Maintaining optimal health throughout the entire pregnancy is essential to ensure a successful outcome and deliver a healthy baby for the intended parents. Here are some recommended guidelines:

  • Take prescribed prenatal vitamins and medications: Your doctor may advise taking prenatal vitamins and other medications before and during the surrogacy pregnancy.
  • Regular communication with intended parents: Sharing your pregnancy progress with the intended parents is encouraged. Arranging regular visits, dinner dates, and other meetings can strengthen the connection if feasible.
  • Modify household chores: Avoid heavy lifting, using step stools, climbing ladders, and exposure to chemical-based cleaning products or changing litter boxes. Seek assistance from friends or family if needed.
  • Wear comfortable clothing and shoes: Adapt to your changing body by investing in comfortable attire and footwear as your baby bump grows.
  • Monitor weight gain: Your doctor will guide you on appropriate weight gain. Regular monitoring between visits ensures a healthy pregnancy trajectory.
  • Continue exercising: Maintain your regular exercise routine with adjustments for pregnancy, exploring safe options to stay active.

Avoid the following:

  • Skipping meals: Consume the right amount of food each day, with regular meals and snacks to support a healthy pregnancy.
  • Alcohol consumption: Refrain from drinking alcohol, as it can harm the fetus and lead to birth defects.
  • Smoking, tobacco, or vaping: Eliminate these habits, as they can impact birth weights and contribute to potential defects in the baby.
  • Taking medications or vitamins without doctor approval: Obtain approval from your doctor before using prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, or vitamin supplements.

By adhering to these guidelines and attending regular doctor visits, you increase the likelihood of delivering a healthy baby for the intended parents. For more information on surrogacy or becoming a surrogate, give Shared Conception a call today!


Uncomfortable Questions that Intended Parents Need to Discuss with Their Surrogate

uncomfortable questionsMeeting a potential surrogate feels akin to the most awkward first date imaginable. You find yourself face-to-face with a woman you barely know, and the majority of your conversation revolves around the prospect of creating a baby together. It’s a rather swift progression, and amidst the million things you want to know, diving into a checklist of explicit questions about personal habits or medical history seems counterproductive. Such an approach could easily lead to the surrogate rebuffing your advances and slapping an instant “No Vacancy” sign on her womb.

It’s crucial to remember that this encounter is not a job interview; the surrogate has the right to reject you as well. Treating her as an employee or laborer is not advisable; she’s making a generous, inconvenient, and somewhat risky decision for a virtual stranger. Red flags, if any, will surface during medical and psychological exams, and a professional third party will communicate them to you.

When meeting a potential surrogate, try to empathize with her situation. She has decided to embark on a journey that involves immense deliberation, soul searching, and an act of generosity towards a stranger. She may be nervous but also somewhat thrilled about the prospect.

Instead of delving into intrusive questions, focus on removing the mystery from your relationship and getting to know each other. While it’s not a typical first date, you must assess compatibility on weighty matters. If working with an agency like Shared Conception, some topics will be covered, but otherwise, consider the following questions in increasing order of sensitivity:

  1. What motivated you to become a surrogate?
  2. What were your previous pregnancies like?
  3. How do your friends and family feel about your decision?
  4. Are you comfortable with our presence at doctor’s appointments and the delivery room?
  5. What level of communication would you prefer after the birth?
  6. What concerns do you have about us or this process?
  7. Why would you choose us?

These questions, once discussed and agreed upon, pave the way for more casual conversations about personal preferences, sense of humor, and other trivial matters. Show some curiosity and empathy by asking her to describe exactly what she’d be going through for your benefit. This is also a great way to show you appreciate the sacrifice she’ll be making on your behalf.

If you are interested in learning more about surrogacy options or are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please contact us at 713-622-1144, and we will be here to help you with any questions.

intended parents

Learn More About Being an Intended Parent and Using a Surrogate

intended parentsOur commitment to you is that we facilitate the initial step toward realizing your dream of starting a family. When prospective parents embark on the surrogacy journey, it begins with a conversation. Shared Conception warmly welcomes all individuals eager to discuss this delicate matter.

As a comprehensive surrogacy agency, Shared Conception provides unparalleled support to intended parents at every significant juncture of their journey. Recognizing the challenges you’ve faced before considering surrogacy, we are dedicated to ensuring that you have a smooth path forward.

We pledge to identify the ideal surrogate for you. Our thorough matching process facilitates an extraordinary journey with a compatible surrogate while guiding you toward a nurturing parent-surrogate relationship.

Establishing and nurturing a strong bond with your surrogate is crucial. Ongoing and open communication during the pregnancy is imperative for joint decision-making that impacts both her well-being and your baby’s future. Fostering an open dialogue ensures your surrogate feels respected, engaged, and embraced, acknowledging the selfless act of kindness many surrogates undertake.

Maintaining a positive relationship may lead to further journeys, such as a sibling journey or assisting another family. A close connection with your surrogate enhances your involvement in the pregnancy, allowing you to feel connected to the journey and your impending parenthood.

Building a relationship takes time. Invest effort in understanding your surrogate utilizing the information Shared Conception provides, and don’t hesitate to express any concerns. Starting a conversation with vulnerability, such as admitting nervousness, is entirely acceptable.

Every surrogacy journey is unique, and there’s no prescribed method for initiating a dialogue with your surrogate. Our overarching goal is to ensure you cherish the journey and ultimately receive the most precious gift of all. If you are interested in learning more about surrogacy options, please contact Shared Conception at 713-622-1144, and we will be here to help you with any questions.

Reasons to become a surrogate mother

Top 9 Reasons to Become a Surrogate Mother

Reasons to become a surrogate motherThe motivations behind a woman’s decision to become a surrogate are diverse. If you’re contemplating this selfless journey, it’s likely that you’ve already compiled a list of reasons. Nevertheless, here are nine additional benefits to consider:

  1. Granting Life: Surrogates are presented with the opportunity to bestow a unique gift. Intended parents turn to surrogacy seeking assistance in conceiving a child, and you become the pivotal figure facilitating the formation of their family. Your selfless act can transform an only child into a big sister or brother, and the sense of accomplishment becomes a unique benefit.
  2. Financial Incentive: Yes, there is financial compensation involved. While most surrogates emphasize that financial gain isn’t the sole motivation, it’s a noteworthy benefit. Many use the compensation for significant purposes such as a home down payment, a new car, education expenses, or debt settlement. Some leverage the funds to start a business or even opt to stay at home with their own children.
  3. Reexperiencing Pregnancy: Surrogates often express their love for being pregnant. If you enjoyed uncomplicated pregnancies but feel your own family is complete, becoming a surrogate allows you the gratifying experience of pregnancy once more.
  4. Role Model Status: Choosing surrogacy sets you apart as a standout figure, not only within your household but also in your community. Earning the respect of your own children and peers is a significant benefit.
  5. Sense of Generosity: Children in surrogacy families may develop a sense of generosity and a willingness to help others. Witnessing their parent’s altruistic act can inspire them to be compassionate individuals.
  6. Global Perspective: Embracing surrogacy broadens your perspective, both personally and socially. Taking this journey offers the benefit of understanding all walks of life, fostering both humility and empowerment.
  7. Boost in Self-Confidence: On delivery day, amidst the challenges and fatigue, something extraordinary occurs. You give birth to a child unrelated to you, creating a family and influencing the world. This moment elevates your self-confidence to unprecedented heights, providing a sense of pride that can only be truly understood through experience.
  8. A Unique Family Bond: Many intended parents seek an emotional connection with their surrogates, leading to enduring bonds for many of our surrogates. Think of it as an extended family that you have the privilege to choose
  9. Community Involvement: Choosing to be a Shared Conception surrogate provides a VIP pass to join a community of like-minded women. As a family-oriented and community-minded surrogacy agency, Shared Conception looks forward to welcoming you into this supportive network.

Regardless of the reasons prompting your consideration of surrogacy, recognize that you are already an extraordinary woman. If you are interested in becoming a surrogate, Shared Conception looks forward to hearing from you in this new year! Please contact us at 713-622-1144, and we will be here to help you with any questions.


new year's resolutions for surrogates

New Year’s Resolutions for Surrogates

new year's resolutions for surrogates


Keeping New Year’s resolutions can be challenging, but leveraging your pregnancy as a powerful motivator can make a significant difference in self-care. Our surrogates at Shared Conception share popular resolutions that align with a healthy and positive pregnancy journey.

  1. Eat Well: A balanced diet is crucial for the baby’s growth and provides essential nutrition for a joyful and healthier pregnancy. Amidst the tempting holiday treats, incorporating a daily dose of fruits and vegetables helps keep unhealthy snacks to a minimum.
  2. Stay Active: Integrating even a small amount of exercise into your daily routine benefits both you and the baby. Simple actions like parking farther from the mall entrance or opting for stairs instead of escalators contribute to a more comfortable journey. One of our previous blogs discusses exercises you can safely do while pregnant.
  3. Remain Positive: Pregnancy can be stressful, but maintaining a positive outlook is linked to better, healthier pregnancies. Activities such as yoga or meditation, tailored for pregnancy, can help foster a sunny disposition. We wrote a blog earlier this year that includes 10 tips for managing stress as a surrogate.
  4. Rest: Embrace the notion that as a pregnant individual, you deserve extra care. Take advantage of your situation by indulging in moments of rest, naps, and relaxation. Recognize that your body is working around the clock and requires more rest than usual.
  5. Believe in Yourself: Recognize the incredible feat you are accomplishing. While pregnancy may not always be easy, you have the strength to navigate it successfully. During challenging times, reach out to your Shared Conception coordinator or connect with fellow surrogates through our private Facebook page for valuable support and understanding.

We hope these insights contribute to a more fulfilling surrogacy experience for both you and the intended parents. If you’re considering becoming a surrogate, feel free to reach out to us for a pressure-free, informative chat. Happy New Year!

cbd oil during pregnancy

Can I Use CBD Oil During My Pregnancy?

cbd oil during pregnancy

CBD oil is gaining popularity for addressing various issues, including pain relief, nausea suppression, anxiety management, and promoting restful sleep. It’s natural for pregnant individuals to contemplate using it to alleviate pregnancy-related side effects. However, the safety of CBD oil during pregnancy is questionable.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is present in marijuana and hemp plants. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), it doesn’t produce the intoxicating “high” associated with recreational marijuana. CBD oil, resembling an actual oil, is extracted and refined using ethanol. It comes in various forms such as pills, gels, gummies, vape oils, creams, and oral tinctures.

Effects of CBD Use During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

There is a lack of comprehensive research on the impact of CBD on the developing fetus, pregnant individuals, or breastfeeding infants. The FDA is actively collecting and studying data on potential harmful effects during these stages. Although conclusive evidence is lacking, the FDA expresses significant concern based on existing knowledge.

High doses of CBD in pregnant test animals have demonstrated issues with the reproductive system of developing male fetuses. The FDA anticipates some CBD transfer to infants through breast milk. Additionally, there’s a potential for CBD products to be contaminated with substances, including THC, posing risks to the fetus or breastfed baby. Reports of CBD containing contaminants such as pesticides, heavy metals, bacteria, and fungus are also under investigation.

Known Risks of CBD

CBD carries known risks for the general population, including liver toxicity, extreme sleepiness, and adverse interactions with other drugs. The FDA is examining CBD use in various contexts, including lifelong exposure to CBD-containing products such as food, cosmetics, or supplements, as well as potential effects from their combined use.

Legal Status of CBD Oil

While the government approves CBD derived from hemp, state laws vary, and some are diverging from federal regulations. It’s crucial to be aware of your state’s specific laws. The FDA has only approved one CBD product, a prescription drug for treating rare, severe seizure disorders in children, and the benefits of CBD for other purposes remain unclear.

FDA Recommendations

The FDA strongly advises against using CBD during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to insufficient research on its safety in these populations. The official stance on the FDA’s website is a clear warning: “FDA strongly advises against the use of cannabidiol (CBD), tetrahydrocannabionol (THC), and marijuana in any form during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.” Pregnant and breastfeeding individuals are urged not to jeopardize their well-being or that of their infants by using cannabis products.

Always consult with your doctor or other health care professional if you have any questions or concerns about certain products during your pregnancy.

pregnancy massage

Benefits of a Prenatal Massage

prenatal massage

For centuries, therapeutic massage has been a go-to practice to enhance well-being, alleviate stress, and alleviate muscle tension. In this blog, we wanted to discuss the benefits of prenatal massages.

Prenatal massage therapy serves as a crucial support during pregnancy. One technique is the Swedish Massage. Swedish Massage focuses on easing muscle tension, enhancing lymphatic and blood circulation, and addressing common discomforts associated with hormonal changes affecting the skeletal and circulatory systems.

It’s important to differentiate between therapeutic prenatal massage and perineal massage, the latter aimed at reducing the risk of episiotomy or trauma during childbirth by manually stretching tissues around the birth canal.

Studies conducted in the last decade reveal significant alterations in relaxation and stress-related hormone levels when massage therapy becomes part of women’s prenatal care. This, in turn, regulates mood and improves cardiovascular health, with a notable reduction in stress hormones and an increase in mood-enhancing dopamine and serotonin.

The positive impact extends to childbirth, with fewer complications reported, including a decrease in instances of low birth weight. Incorporating therapeutic massage into regular prenatal care appears to offer tangible benefits for both maternal and newborn health.

Main Benefits:

  1. Reduction of Swelling: Massage stimulates soft tissues, reducing fluid accumulation in swollen joints caused by increased pressure and reduced circulation during pregnancy.
  2. Improvement of Nerve Pain: Sciatic nerve pain, common in late pregnancy, finds relief through massage, addressing inflammation and tension in surrounding muscles.

Prenatal massage reduces back and joint pain, improves circulation, alleviates muscle tension and headaches, reduces stress, enhances oxygenation of soft tissues and muscles, and improves sleep.

Discussing your massage with a certified prenatal massage therapist is crucial for informed decision-making. Making sure your massage therapist is certified ensures proper training and knowledge.

Certain conditions, such as high-risk pregnancy, pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia, or a recent birth, warrant consultation with a healthcare provider before seeking prenatal massage.

While prenatal massage is generally safe throughout the entire pregnancy, some doctors may advise against it during the first trimester due to the increased risk of miscarriage. Always consult with your obstetrician before getting a prenatal massage or if you have any questions or concerns about other spa treatments.

Interested in Surrogacy or Becoming a Surrogate?

Surrogacy journeys foster a special bond unlike any that you will ever have. If you any questions or are interested in surrogacy or becoming a surrogate, give Shared Conception a call today.

Pregnant at Christmas

5 Tips for Surrogates During the Holiday Party Season

Pregnant at ChristmasAs Christmas and New Year’s Eve draw near, invitations to various parties from friends, family, and work are likely pouring in. For surrogate mothers carrying a baby for enthusiastic Intended Parents, navigating the holiday season can be a bit challenging. Here are a few ways to still enjoy the festivities while keeping you and the baby healthy.

Opt for Mocktails

Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself. While your beverage choices might be more restricted, there are plenty of delightful and non-alcoholic mocktails that serve as excellent alternatives. Try options like non-alcoholic ciders, a refreshing cranberry spritzer, or virgin versions of your favorite drinks.

Maintain a Balanced Diet

Holiday buffets can be tempting, but striving for balance is essential. While enjoying savory treats, incorporate healthy options into your plate. Politely decline food offers if necessary; you’re not obligated to accept seconds just because they’re offered.

Avoid Skipping Meals

While balanced eating is crucial, it’s equally important not to skip any meals. The baby requires regular feedings throughout the day and night.

Prioritize Adequate Rest

Don’t overexert yourself. Although it might be tempting to say yes to every holiday event, allowing your body sufficient time to rest is crucial. Most doctors recommend that pregnant women aim for 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. Insufficient rest can pose various health risks, including an elevated risk of miscarriage.

Embrace the Festivities

Remember, you’re offering the most extraordinary gift to the Intended Parents. Once the baby is delivered, you’ll have the opportunity to raise a toast with genuine champagne. For now, revel in the holiday festivities like a pregnant rock star and enjoy the unique journey of being a surrogate.

Interested in Surrogacy?

If you are interested in learning more about surrogacy options or are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please contact us at 713-622-1144, and we will be here to help you with any questions.


surrogate gift giving

What to Give Your Surrogate for Christmas

surrogate gift givingIntended parents frequently ask about gifts for their surrogates. While gifts are neither obligatory nor anticipated, many IPs wish to show their gratitude with small tokens of appreciation throughout the surrogacy journey, especially at Christmas time.

When Shared Conception pairs a surrogate with prospective parents, we provide the surrogate’s ‘favorites’ list. This document serves as a tool to familiarize you with your surrogate, aiding in the thoughtful selection of gifts.

Here are some gift ideas for your surrogate:

  1. Prenatal massages are a great way to manage the aches and pains of pregnancy.
  2. A pregnancy survival box (this can include things like lotions, comfy slippers, a warm blanket, candles, etc.)
  3. A meal prep or delivery gift card make a great gift. Hello Fresh, DoorDash, UberEats are all examples of meal options. Taking this responsibility off of your surrogate can be a huge help. If your surrogate isn’t on bed rest, you can always send a gift card to her favorite restaurant so she can take her family out for the night.
  4. Hand-made gifts come in so many different varieties and are so meaningful and personalized.

If your surrogate has her own children, consider getting them something small as well. This is a great way to help her children feel involved and appreciated as well. Gifts aren’t the point of the holiday season, so don’t worry too much about it. Many times, the best gift you can give is to just spend some time with your surrogate and catch up with her on how she is feeling.

Interested in Surrogacy or Becoming a Surrogate?

Surrogacy journeys foster a special bond unlike any that you will ever have. If you any questions or are interested in surrogacy or becoming a surrogate, give Shared Conception a call today.

Tips for Communicating with Your Surrogate

Tips for Communicating with Your Surrogate

As first-time intended parents just starting your surrogacy journey, you may be curious about the best ways to foster communication between you and your surrogate. There are many forms of communication that you can choose from. It’s essential to have an open discussion with your surrogate to discuss items such as the preferred type of communication, the frequency of communication, and any other matters related to keeping one another informed.

Specify Your Desired Level of Communication

Prior to selecting a surrogate, it’s essential to determine how frequently you wish to communicate with them. This information will be communicated to the surrogate so they can agree or set their own boundaries. Some individuals may only seek communication around the time of appointments, though they will still receive updates from their caseworkers. Hearing information directly from the surrogate can provide a sense of reassurance for them.

On the other hand, some people desire more regular updates directly from the surrogate. The amount of communication ultimately depends on the comfort levels and preferences of everyone involved.

Maintain a Positive Communication Approach

Consider the tone and manner of communication during your conversations. Strive to keep your exchanges positive and constructive. Avoid engaging in angry or sad conversations, especially when dealing with sensitive issues – let the agency and caseworkers handle more intense discussions. While it’s crucial to share necessary information, particularly from the agency, try to convey it in a manner that encourages a positive and supportive environment.

Be Clear and Concise in Your Communication

During this challenging period, clarity is of utmost importance in your communications. It might be beneficial to outline a list of topics you wish to cover before composing an email or engaging in a phone conversation. This approach can help streamline discussions, minimizing the need for multiple calls.

Be Mindful of the Surrogate’s personal Responsibilities

Surrogates have their own spouses, children, work, family obligations, etc., so be respectful of their time and give them grace if you don’t hear back from a call, email, or text right away. Just know that you and the baby are always on their mind and important to them.

If you are interested in surrogacy or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Shared Conception. You can visit our website at or call us at 713-622-1144.