Teamwork Makes the Surrogacy Dream Work

A successful surrogacy is a team effort. It means the cooperation of surrogates, egg donors, intended parents, doctors, nurses, social workers, attorneys, and coordinators. Focusing on openness, honesty, and communication can help make a good journey great.

But we don’t often recognize the role of support people in ensuring everything goes smoothly. Spouses, partners, family members, and friends who stand beside surrogates are an important part of the team. So what makes an exceptional support person?

Awareness about surrogacy. Great surrogate candidates have spent considerable time researching the process of surrogacy. And a great support person has an understanding of what the process means as well.

Open conversations. On a related note, support people need to be communicating with the surrogates about what surrogacy will look like for their family.

Desire to participate. When both a surrogate and her husband, partner, or spouse click with intended parents, a vibrant relationship can grow. “We’re not just matching surrogates. Really, we’re matching families.” Support people often travel with surrogates to medical appointments and transfers.

Willingness to help out. Support people can help with the emotional journey of surrogacy, but also with childcare and helping around the house.

Our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception,  thanks all of our stellar support people for their help in making surrogacy work. Call on us and let us be a part of your surrogacy support network as well.

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