Poll: Vast Majority of Americans Support Surrogacy

A recent YouGov poll asked U.S. citizens what they thought about surrogacy. Our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception,  was not surprised to learn that 71 percent of people polled said they approved of surrogacy. To give you a gender breakdown, women approved of the practice at a rate of 73 percent, while 69 percent of men were in favor of surrogacy.

Vocal celebrities speaking out about their surrogacy journeys as well as their infertility struggles may be contributing to the favorable public opinion.

In addition to celebs shining a positive light on surrogacy, generally Americans may feel deep empathy for individuals who cannot have biological children any other way than through surrogacy. Of those surveyed, 58 percent said having a biological child was important.

Majority support for surrogacy extended across all age ranges, political affiliations, and geographic regions. Most notably, the Midwest and the West proved to be slightly more supportive of surrogacy than other regions. Also, people between 30 and 44 years old were more likely to strongly support surrogacy than any other age range.

The Americans polled also supported compensated surrogacy–they believe a woman deserves to be paid to be a surrogate. Moreover, 57 percent of people polled approved of legislation in favor of compensated surrogacy.

Given our long history of successful surrogacy arrangements, favorable surrogacy law in most states, and the increased awareness for alternative parenting options, we were not surprised that YouGov’s poll showed most Americans approve of surrogacy.

This culture of support coupled with excellent health care continues to make the United States the best place in the world for surrogacy. Call the best place to start your surrogacy journey, Shared Conception. We are here to help!

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