You have done a ton of research and thought to yourself, “Hey, I could do this.” This is a big decision, and it will affect your family. It is essential and critical to be supported throughout your entire surrogacy. Your family should be on-board with surrogacy as much as you are. Become educated on the subject. When surrogacy is presented, no matter to whom, this subject always raises a multitude of questions.
Your partner will be majorly affected in the process from beginning to end. A partner/husband/significant other will be involved and will have to participate whether it is being interviewed/interviewing the attended parents, being medically and psychologically evaluated, helping you with your medications, attending appointments or even putting up with your pregnancy woes.
Don’t forget about your children! Regardless of their age, they will have questions and may want to be part of your journey – so let them! Make this an opportunity to show them how wonderful surrogacy is and what an amazing thing Mom can do (with their help) for another family! Constantly remind them of their help and aide in the process. Make this a family bonding experience!
It is important to talk to each family member individually and learn how they feel. We cannot stress enough how vital support is for those around you. You want a wonderful journey – without any unwanted stress. At Shared Conception, we can help answer any questions involving speaking with your family members. Shared Conception will always support you!