The Joy of Becoming a Surrogate



It has to be one of the  longest and most winding roads to travel on when a couple or an individual decides to  have a surrogate carry their child. As long as it takes to get there, the journey has just begun when they decide. A woman who chooses to become a surrogate begins the process with a giving heart.

When an Intended Parent is matched with a surrogate, a bond forms. It’s different for everyone but the basics are the same. Yearning meets ability, where wanting and giving come together to travel the same path for as long as the journey takes.

A surrogate who is healthy, fertile and willing to carry a baby in her womb for nine months means HOPE; she is a gift unlike any other. Step by step this gift increases in value until ultimately; the greatest gift of all has been achieved: Life, a child to enhance a family.

What most people don’t realize is that women who choose to become surrogates don’t do it for the money, or the recognition. They do it for the intense satisfaction and joy.The fulfillment they  receive is from seeing the look on the faces of the new parents when they hear their baby’s first heartbeat, when they see the first ultrasound and when they finally get to meet their precious child for the first time. Those moments are priceless and being a part of those moments makes surrogate mothers shine. No monetary compensation could equal the pure joy felt when sharing something so life-changing with the intended parents.

Whether you are longing to be a parent and aching for a child or you are a woman looking for something more to give in life, ask yourself this: Are you ready to change a total stranger’s life and make a difference in the world?

This journey may have roadblocks and bumps along the way, but it is an adventure, that’s for sure and if you are the kind of person who can be selfless and can open your heart up to the possibilities, it may just be the most rewarding experience of your life. Call us at Shared Conception and get more information on becoming a surrogate. Happy Mother’s Day!

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