The Pregnancy Struggle is Real!   

Worry, anxiety, and even depression does not discriminate. Surrogacy is filled with happiness but hitting a rough patch during any pregnancy is not uncommon. Mostly because, life is life…it has its ups and downs, and it is mostly out of our control.

Calmness and a stress-free environment are essential to life at all times, especially when pregnancy, but it is not always easy. Many surrogates have turned to different homeopathic and natural methods to relieve stress and anxiety before, during and after their pregnancy journey. One popular method is meditation.

High and extended levels of stress can make you more likely to deliver at preterm or for the baby to have low birth weight. Benefits of meditation can not only prevent this from happening but promote a better night’s sleep, and we all know how important sleep is to a happy and healthy pregnancy. Pregnancy can cause insomnia and evokes a constant disruption at night because you have to use the bathroom multiple times a night. Studies have shown that meditation can improve sleep for pregnant woman.

Meditation can give you a wonderful connection to your changing body, relief from anxiety and stress, peace of mind, less tension, and a lower risk of postpartum depression. Depression affects one in five women during pregnancy with many turning to more natural methods to alleviate stress and anxiety associated with pregnancy.

Pregnancy is the ideal time to learn or restart a meditation practice because you’re effectively benefiting two people. There are many different ways to meditate, from deep breathing to focusing on an object, mantras, visualization, or chanting – find a way that works for you and thrive!

If you have a story to share about how meditation helped you in your journey, feel free to share in the comments below.

*** Please note that this is an informational article only. If you think you are suffering from depression, anxiety or any unusual feelings of unease, consult your doctor immediately.





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