Part 1.
Since we are a surrogacy agency and all of our surrogate moms are gestational carriers, we thought it would be good to discuss each trimester in more detail in a 3 part blog series. If you are considering surrogacy and are curious about what happens after that positive pregnancy test – here it is.
The Pressure
If an IVF transfer fails, surrogates tend to feel that they failed the intended parents. It’s a very emotional period for all. Many times, the intended parents are concerned about their surrogate’s emotions and the surrogate is concerned about the intended parents. It’s a lot of pressure for both parties! It is not uncommon for the first or second embryo transfer to fail – patience is a virtue in these emotionally challenging processes but all of this can pay off.
The Test
A pregnancy test is conducted through a blood test. This blood test measures the hormone hCG, the pregnancy hormone. It is not recommended to take an at home pregnancy test after your IVF treatment, so try your best to resist. Some of the medications taken before the IVF and during the first trimester of pregnancy contain hCG and can create false positives and false negatives.
Continued Medications
Unfortunately, you must continue those progesterone shots throughout the majority of the first trimester. By this time, you are used to that little pinch – how long you continue the progesterone is dependent on your situation and will be instructed by your doctor.
Your hormone levels are continuously checked until you graduate from the clinic and start going to your OBGYN doctor. These blood tests ensure a healthy pregnancy, monitor estrogen and progesterone levels, and can help discover any signs of concern in the first trimester.
Transferring to your OB
Unless there are risks or complications between 10 and 12 weeks, a surrogate is usually released to her OBGYN that cares for her throughout delivery.
Other than the additional medications and close monitoring, an IVF pregnancy is very similar to any other pregnancy. It can come with morning sickness, fatigue and all the other wonderful symptoms of pregnancy. Many surrogates choose to embark on this life-changing journey because they just love to be pregnant.
Stay tuned for our next blog in this 3-part series, which will be about Surrogacy in the Second Trimester.
Help create a family with Shared Conception. Interested in surrogacy of have any questions? Call us today! You can also visit us online at