Surrogate Mothers – Stories of Women Who Gifted Parents Through A Surrogacy Journey [ STEPHANIE ]

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Shared Conception is a full-service, custom-matching surrogacy agency that expertly and compassionately assists you through the process of surrogacy. We deftly offer personalized, efficient service that results in couples bringing their dreams of a having a family into reality.

Shiva Landry founded Shared Conception, LLC in 2011 and it is one if the most reputable and results-oriented surrogacy agencies in Houston, Texas and across the nation. No stranger to pregnancy-related difficulties, Shiva Landry has battled with her own infertility issues and so personally understands much of the related emotions. Paired with her experience in the medical field along with her extensive business experience that her Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and successful business career brings her, she and her staff knowledgeably and compassionately guide intended parents and surrogates through the process.

Shared Conception understands how overwhelming the process can be for first time surrogates. Thus, the agency’s support and experience is invaluable to the surrogates they will be supporting. Our staff is consistently available throughout the process – from the initial inquiry about the program to the time she delivers that bouncing baby.

Shiva Landry is a member of ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine) and SEEDS (Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy) and professionally adheres to all established ethics and guidelines.

With Shiva Landry’s personal desire to help build and complete families plus her business experience, Shared Conception is committed to providing our clients with exceptional and individualized personal attention, education, support and confidential third party services.

☎️ For more information on Surrogacy and how you can apply, visit our website at http://” >
and fill out the brief inquiry form.

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My name is Stephanie. I’ve completed one journey and I decided to become a surrogate after I had my daughter, my second child. I knew that the joy that my children brought to my life and I want it to be able to help someone else have that if they weren’t able to or needed a little bit of help starting a family. Surrogacy for me being single, I had a ton of support from my friends, my family and especially my church members. My friends and family were supportive of my journey. They were at, some were excited, some needed a little bit of help understanding and once they did, everyone was great and supportive.

My children, were really excited about the thought of me becoming a surrogate. I used the book, the Kangaroo Pouch to approach surrogacy with them and once we all sat down and read the book together, I explained to them that that was something that mommy wanted to do and they thought that it was a great idea.

I did a lot of research online and then I also have a coworker who is a surrogate again and she explained the process a little bit more to me. Things that you don’t find online and having the joy and the experience of talking to her, it’s sold it for me. I knew then it was something that I wanted to do. The compensation has helped my family by me being able to do things with my children that I normally would have to save up a little bit longer to do or put off for a little bit longer. We’ve been able to just be able to do things and enjoy things without, having to put them off any longer than we normally would.

I chose shared conception because I have a friend who was a surrogate with shared conception. She had nothing but wonderful things to say about shared conception. When I first spoke with Shiva, she was just amazing and took the time to answer all of my questions. I felt like out of all women that they could possibly be speaking with on a daily basis that my concerns were heard and my questions were answered and I felt completely comfortable in surrogacy. It is not your biological child. It is the biological child of the intended parents.

I have felt completely supported by shared conception. I’m so happy that I found this agency and I can’t imagine doing a journey anywhere else. My most favorite part of my journey has been delivery day. Seeing the joy on my intended parents face when they saw their child for the first time and when I saw my intended mother holding her child and do skin to skin with this baby that she’s so longed for and I’ve been wanting and praying for all this time is it has to be my most favorite moment. If someone is interested in learning more about surrogacy at definitely suggest contacting Shared Conception. Asking them questions, no matter what the question is. Ask.

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