The Initial Journey to Becoming a Surrogate Mother

Becoming a surrogate mother is an amazing and unforgettable journey that is a gift to yourself and to the Intended Parents. In order to erase any mystery or fear of the process, our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception, has created a timeline overview.

-The Surrogate Mother Process

– Application and Evaluation

-The Matching Process

-Psychological Screening and Evaluation

-Medical Screening

-Legal Process

-The Embryo Transfer

-Pregnancy and Delivery


The Initial Surrogate Mother Process

-Start by completing the online Information Request or call Shared Conception (713-622-1144) to schedule an initial phone consultation.

-If we both decide to proceed, we will email or mail you our application packet, which also requests 2-4 pictures of yourself, as well as inquire about your medical history, psychological history, lifestyle, and preferences related to surrogacy.

-If your application is accepted, Shared Conception will contact you to gather more information about you and your family. Upon review, you will be contacted about your potential participation in Shared Conception’s Surrogacy Program. We will then start a series of meetings via phone, Skype or in-person so we can get to know each other better.

-If all goes well, and we are mutually pleased with each other, Shared Conception will present you with our Agency agreement which spells out both parties rights and responsibilities and gives us permission to present your profile to prospective intended parents.

-Next, we will start gathering medical records from your previous pregnancies.
-If you have medical insurance, we will also ask that you send your insurance benefits information to us. We will help you review your health insurance policy to ensure, we will assist you in finding a policy. The intended parents will be responsible for the premium.

-While your insurance and medical records are being gathered, Shared Conception will simultaneously conduct a thorough criminal and residential background check.

A few notables:

-Try not to miss any of your medical appointments.

-Call us immediately when you go into labor. This will be a very special day for you and your Intended Parents!

-Each match is very different, thus we promise to consistently and clearly communicate with you throughout the entire experience.
Surrogacy is a very rewarding experience for you and your family and our staff will do everything possible to make sure you are completely satisfied with this unforgettable process!

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