We Will Survive The Post-Holiday Blues!

You’ve waited all year for those moments. And now that the gifts have been unwrapped, the relatives have left and the tree has been taken down , the time has come to pack up the holiday mementos and move on.
Whether it’s caused by feelings of guilt from overindulgence, unmet expectations, or a return to loneliness, depression after the holidays is a common condition. So common, in fact, that there is even a name for it – the “post-holiday blues.”
As surrogate mothers or Intended Parents, symptoms of depression can include mild unhappiness to more troublesome symptoms such as insomnia, irritability, inability to eat or overeating, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, and anxiety. These symptoms are common when you are a surrogate mother and pregnant or when you are an Intended Parent and riddled with anxiety AND anticipation. It’s a lot to deal with and your surrogacy agency will be right beside you throughout the pregnancy and delivery.

Here’s how to survive the blues and get back on track for 2014.

1)Expect some letdown. One day you are laughing with friends, eating your mom’s famous cheesecake, and snuggling in front of the fireplace; the next day you are back to work. It’s normal to feel a little bummed that the holidays are over, but you don’t have to let those feelings consume you. That’s why you need to…

2)Make plans. As a surrogate mother, pamper yourself at home or at a spa. As an Intended Parent, book a mid-winter adult weekend getaway while you can! Give yourself something to look forward to so that you feel better about leaving the holidays behind.

3)Make healthy choices. Even if you feel like you are just going through the motions, make a conscious effort to eat well and get a little exercise during this period. It will do your body and your mind a world of good and keep you from spiraling downward.

4)Go public. After all of the socializing of the holidays, it’s common to want to hideout when you feel the holiday blues approaching. But staying connected with family and friends will help you move on from the holidays and once again enjoy your day-to-day life.
The post-holiday blues are temporary and fleeting. Your surrogacy agency is always happy to refer you to a licensed professional as needed.

 Keep on moving forward as we enjoy January and get ready to launch into the new year!

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