The Upcoming Holidays, Intended Parents and the Surrogate

The holiday season is around the corner. We are all making those Thanksgiving plans and Christmas decorations started popping up almost immediately after the summer.
Months earlier, a couple with fertility issues, became “intended parents” as they made the decision to partner with a surrogacy agency, pinpoint the best surrogate mother and finally have the baby of their dreams. It’s a joyous and emotional time as both parties embark on the surrogacy process!
Those intended parents are now wondering how to handle the upcoming excitement of the season, anticipate the arrival of their baby while celebrating the surrogate mother without fully intruding on her own personal family celebrations.

Here are a few tips-it’s all possible!

-Communicate to the surrogate mother that you all want to share aspects of the upcoming holiday season with her and her family and mutually agree upon how it can happen.

-Send or give your surrogate a gift card to her favorite restaurant-she and her family will enjoy spending an evening there.

-Gift your surrogate family with a special Christmas tree ornament.
-Bake or present her and her family with her favorite dessert – yum!

-The husband of your surrogate may appreciate a gift card to his favorite home improvement store or an outing at the local golf course. This man is a huge part of the surrogacy process, after all!

-If applicable, arrange a kid-friendly outing for your surrogate, her husband and her kids-how fun for them!

-Share your heartfelt thoughts and wishes with your surrogate mother as you both enter the holiday season. Let her know how much her, and your baby growing inside of her, mean as Thanksgiving approaches-there is much to celebrate.

-Send the surrogate parents a bottle of their favorite wine with a fun card saying “for future purposes!”

-If it’s appropriate, attend a holiday or religious event together.
Most of all, always communicate how you all wish her and her family “all good things” as this season of joy and goodwill rounds the corner.

Here at Shared Conception, it is our sincere wish that you all experience a shared sense of happiness throughout the season. Call on us as needed!

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