Traditional vs. Gestational Surrogates

When a woman begins the process of becoming a surrogate, she can easily become overwhelmed with new terms and new definitions. One of those areas that can sometimes become confusing is the type of surrogate to become. There are two main types: gestational and traditional.

At Shared Conception, we work with only gestational surrogates. What does that mean, exactly? Gestational surrogates are women who have no biological link to the babies they are carrying. The baby is a combination of the intended parents or an egg donor. The gestational surrogate has no biological connection to the baby or babies she is carrying at all.

Other agencies use traditional surrogates. Traditional surrogates are women whose own eggs are used in the pregnancy. Shared Conception does not work with traditional surrogates due to the obvious legal and emotional aspects of this complicated situation.

Are you ready to get started finding out more about becoming a gestational surrogate? Ask us!

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