What Happens if Your Surrogate is Put on Bed Rest

pregnant woman on bedrestBed rest is a common recommendation during pregnancy, especially for women experiencing complications. It involves restricting physical activity and spending a significant amount of time lying down or reclining. This is usually advised to mitigate the risks associated with certain pregnancy complications, such as preterm labor, preeclampsia, or other medical conditions.

When bed rest becomes a necessity during a surrogacy arrangement, it can add layers of complexity to an already intricate process. The surrogate’s health and the health of the unborn child are of paramount concern. Balancing bed rest requirements with the surrogacy journey poses unique challenges for all parties involved.

  1. Health and Well-being of the Surrogate

The surrogate’s well-being is the primary concern. If bed rest is advised due to a medical condition or complication, it must be followed to ensure a healthy pregnancy and successful outcome for both the surrogate and the baby. It is crucial for the intended parents and the surrogacy agency to support and prioritize the surrogate’s health and adhere to medical recommendations.

  1. Ensuring a Healthy Pregnancy

Medical professionals closely monitor the progress of the pregnancy and recommend bed rest if necessary to ensure a healthy pregnancy and reduce the risk of complications. The surrogate’s compliance with bed rest is vital to support the optimal development of the baby and a successful surrogacy experience.

  1. Emotional Support for the Surrogate

Bed rest can be emotionally challenging for the surrogate. The inability to maintain regular activities and the potential disruption to her daily life can create emotional stress and anxiety. Providing emotional support and reassurance from the intended parents and the surrogacy agency is crucial during this time.

  1. Communication and Planning

Open and honest communication between all parties involved is key to navigating the complexities of bed rest during surrogacy. Transparent discussions about medical recommendations, expectations, and plans for support during bed rest can help address concerns and foster a cooperative approach.

Ways to Help Your Surrogate

If your surrogate is put on bed rest there are a few things that will make navigating the experience a little easier for everyone involved. Work closely with the healthcare team to understand the reasons for bed rest and follow their recommendations diligently. Regular check-ups and assessments will ensure the health of the surrogate and the baby.

Intended parents should offer understanding, empathy and emotional support to the surrogate during this challenging period. Express gratitude for her dedication and commitment to the surrogacy journey. Discuss the possibility of adjusting the surrogacy timeline or making necessary accommodations to support the surrogate while still ensuring the health and safety of the pregnancy.

Finally, having a reputable surrogacy agency, such as Shared Conception, can help mediate communication, provide guidance, and offer emotional support to both the surrogate and intended parents during bed rest or any other challenges that may arise.

If you are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, or finding a surrogate mother, please contact us here at Shared Conception or you can call us at 713-622-1144.