What Happens if Surrogate is Carrying Multiples

pregnant with multiples
You decided to take the path of surrogacy but find out your surrogate mother is carrying multiples. Now what happens?

Multiple pregnancies(this is when more than one embryo implants in your uterus) are not uncommon and are often associated with IVF (in vitro fertilization). In the past, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine recommended transferring more than one embryo for a higher chance of success. However, this is no longer the case. Single embryo transfers are now advised and recommended.

In the event a multiple pregnancy occurs, it’s important for the surrogate and intended parents to discuss their next steps. In some cases, it used to be recommended by the doctor to perform selective reduction. It was a difficult decision for both the surrogate and the intended parents, but in those cases, it might have been the best decision for the babies because it decreased risk and increased the chance of a successful, full-term pregnancy and delivery of a healthy baby. This was more common when it was common practice to transfer two embryos, and one or two could split, resulting in triplets or quadruplets. Also, with the current abortion laws in Texas, this is not even an option anymore.

As intended parents, if you are looking for a large family, you may view the advantages of having multiple children at once. Still, it’s important to seriously consider the risks you are asking the surrogate to take on. When a surrogate mother carries more than one child, there is a higher chance of being put on bed rest and a higher risk of complications. Often, a surrogate carrying multiples will be referred to a high-risk specialist.

Other risks a gestational carrier (surrogate) may face if carrying multiples:

  • Preterm labor and delivery
  • Cesarean section
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Placental abruption
  • Low birth weight

These are just a few of the risks. While Shared Conception has rigorous requirements for approval for women to qualify to be surrogate mothers, there is always a chance that unforeseen complications could arise, and that risk increases with instances of a multiple pregnancy.

Another aspect to consider is the increased costs that a multiples pregnancy can incur. NICU stays from a few days to several months are the norm with multiple pregnancies. This could add up quickly for the intended parents, not to mention the extremely high probability of long-term bed rest for the surrogate. During bed rest, intended parents are liable for lost wages, childcare, housekeeping, and other costs. Not only could costs be astronomical for the intended parents, but it also poses an extreme hardship on the surrogate and her family.

If you want to have twins, this is something you, as the intended parents and the surrogate, should discuss in advance and agree upon.

Surrogacy agencies in Texas play an active part in facilitating the process for surrogate women and intended parents. There are many steps involved in the surrogacy process, but Shared Conception is here to help with each step!

For any queries you may have regarding your surrogacy journey, feel free to reach out to us at www.sharedconception.com!