Surrogacy in Texas

Looking for a surrogate or becoming a surrogate in Texas is often preferred among many intended parents. Texas has the most surrogate-friendly judicial system. Intended parents from anywhere can come to the Lone Star state to find their life-changing surrogate, as long as the surrogate resides in Texas. This state is one of the few in the US to recognize and enforce gestational agreements. Governor Rick Perry signed House Bill 729 in 2003, which authorized surrogacy agreements between a gestational mother and intended parents. This bill was part of the Texas Family Code.

The law creates a complicated process to become simplified and straightforward. For example, it unmistakably allows intended parents to become the only legal parents and for the gestational carrier (surrogate) to relinquish all rights to the child. Once the gestational surrogacy contract is approved, a judicial order requires the intended parents only listed on the child’s birth certificate post-birth.

Laws about surrogacy vary in other states.

The American Bar Association lists four categories that describe how the U.S. handles surrogacy (some states fall into more than one category):

  • Paying for surrogacy is criminalized.
  • Surrogacy agreements are unenforceable.
  • Surrogacy agreements are recognized either through legislation or case law.
  • Surrogacy is not addressed.

Intended parents do not need to be residents of Texas.

For a valid gestational agreement, one of the parties (either an intended parent or surrogate) must be a Texas state resident. that means that out-of-state and international intended parents can use Texas law for surrogacy arrangements, as long as the surrogate is a Texas resident.

There are several requirements to obtain a valid gestational agreement in Texas.

Texas requires several considerations for the married, heterosexual couple and surrogate before validating a gestational agreement. Some requirements include:

  • The intended mother cannot carry a child or would be subject to health risks if becoming pregnant.
  • The gestational agreement must be signed by all parties and submitted to the court 14 days before an embryo transfer.
  • The surrogate maintains control regarding herself and the unborn child’s health-related decisions and issues throughout pregnancy.
  • All parties enter the agreement willfully and understand what the gestational contract involves.
  • The gestational carrier has previously and successfully delivered a child and is healthy to endure another pregnancy and delivery without unreasonable physical risk to herself or the unborn child.
  • A physician has thoroughly explained all health risks pertaining to the parties involved.
  • The agreement clearly states the party that is financially responsible for all pregnancy-associated expenses and provides for the health and safety of the surrogate and unborn child.

If you are interested in becoming a surrogate with Shared Conception, your journey can begin by filling out an application request form. Visit for more information.

If you are interested in having a surrogate, let Shared Conceptions make your dreams of a family a reality. Give us a call today, and we will help you get one step closer to the child you have always wanted. Visit for more information.




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