The Holiday Rush

Now that Halloween is behind us and the sugar rush has dissipated, Thanksgiving is next in line. Let’s look forward to yummy comfort food and more family time. Go ahead, take an extra scoop of mashed potatoes because – you deserve it! And most importantly –indulge (not overindulge) on desserts! Pregnancy intensifies many of your senses, including taste. So, all those delectable desserts can taste like the best thing you’ve ever had. It’s a great time to use those 300 extra calories your body needs every day.

Don’t get overwhelmed this holiday season! Savor the moments and enjoy them. It’s not unusual to feel like you can’t keep up between all the riff-raff and running around. Shared Conception understands this can add pressure to an already overworked pregnant body. We have a few tricks up our sleeve to survive and enjoy this time of year.

Being cozy and comfortable is essential while pregnant, and the holidays are no exception. So, if you can’t find the perfect holiday outfit – it’s okay. Take the pressure off yourself and know that everyone will think you and your bump are adorable no matter what you wear, even in your tunic and leggings. If you would like some advice on holiday style, check out our blog on Pregnancy Holiday Attire!

Are you traveling this season? Refer to our blog about Traveling When Pregnant. Always let your doctor know about your travel plans to get the green light. And remember, refer to your contract to avoid any uncomfortable situations regarding travel when you are a surrogate. All contracts are different, and Shared Conception advises you to look at it before making travel arrangements.

Pregnancy is an emotional time. The Holidays are a joyous time of year and, after all, the season of good cheer. This holiday brings on a cloud of happiness you can revel in. If you find yourself more emotional, relax; you have a pass since you are pregnant. So turn up the Holiday music and cozy up with a book, blanket, and decaf mocha to make yourself feel better. Also, read our blog about why the holiday season rocks when you’re pregnant if you need any reminders!

Shared Conception is always here to talk to our surrogates. If you are interested in pursuing a journey and giving the gift of family, call us today!



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