What your health history means to your surrogacy application

When applying to become a surrogate, you will quickly learn that there is a long list of requirements that you must meet to embark on a journey. It involves many things; your finances, age, family support, and health history. Not only do you need to be in good, overall health, but some conditions can affect your ability to safely carry a child for another family. On the other hand, there could be issues you may have, that would not disqualify you from your dream of becoming a surrogate.

These requirements are put into place and reviewed by our team and medical professionals for your protection and the protection of the unborn child.


This disorder affects the tissue that lines the inside wall of your uterus. It can affect fertility. This diagnosis can range from moderate to severe. The severity of this condition can affect your ability to carry via in-vitro fertilization. Talk to us at Shared Conception and consult your doctor before deciding whether this could affect a surrogacy journey.


This does not automatically disqualify you either, but if there is an occurrence or outbreak around delivery time, a C-section may be necessary.


This condition will not disqualify you from surrogacy, but your pap does need to be normal before you can be a surrogate.


Having a miscarriage in your health history doesn’t necessarily disqualify you from being a surrogate. It depends on many factors including how many you had, the reason, and when they happened. Please be upfront and share your medical history when speaking with Shared Conception regarding this and any other medical condition.

Postpartum Depression

Although we tend to focus on physical health, mental health is very important as well. If you have been successfully treated for depression, you can still be considered. This will be discussed with you in greater detail during the interview process and again during the psychological screening.


This is a serious condition and can prevent you from pursuing gestational surrogacy. You run the risk of miscarriage and other life-threatening complications. Although, mild preeclampsia will not necessarily impede a journey.

Sickle Cell

This disease can increase the risk of miscarriage, preterm labor, and low birth weight. In this case, it is considered unsafe for a woman with this disease to become a surrogate.

Tubal Ligation

Many women choose to have their “tubes tied” after they are finished creating their families. This only prevents you from ovulating and is not connected with an ability to carry for another, so you can still be a surrogate.


There are no specific weight requirements but your BMI (body mass index) should be equal to or lower than 32. Some clinics require lower BMIs and some are fine with a little higher.

Shared Conception does not wish to put anyone at risk to become a surrogate. That is why we have these requirements. And remember, the requirements differ depending on the IVF clinic. If you have a question about your health history, let us know. Your journey can begin by filling out an application request form. Visit www.deliveradream.com for more information. Or, call us at either our Houston 713-622-1144 or Dallas 214-390-4024 office for more information.

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